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<h1>Themes: Image Description</h1>
<p>Image annotation is a very interesting Semantic Web topic,
because it suggests a way in which Semantic Web-based searching
could be much more effective than text. There are many different
ways in which images can be described - from geographical location
to colour to the people depicted to a story told by the image. RDF
offers the possibility of describing images in some or all of these
dimensions and then enabling searching of image collections by
these different facets and others.</p>
<p>Work within SWAD-Europe on image description has had several
strands. Two developer workshops have been held on aspects of image
description. The first focussed on surveying and demonstrating
tools. The second was mostly about the vocabularies used and the
some of issues with combining them together.</p>
<h4>W3Photo project</h4>
<p>Also as part of the dissemination strand of the project,
SWAD-Europe has participated in community efforts to create
vocabularies for image description. The first was W3Photo, a
project to annotate photos from the WWW series of conferences. Also
involved were Greg Elin, the Mindswap group from Maryland, the IAM
group from Southampton, and others including Jim Ley, Morten
Frederiksen, Masahide Kanzaki and Benjamin Nowack.</p>
<p>From the point of view of the SWAD-Europe project, our interests
<li>to discuss and improve vocabularies for annotating parts of an
<li>to experiment with using several different vocabularies
together, for example an image vocabulary with a geographical one,
a vocabulary describing people, another describing events.</li>
<p>Information about the meetings held is on the ESW wiki <a href=
"">WWW2004</a>; the specification is
at <a href="">W3PhotoSpec</a>,
the vocabularies used are documented at: <a href=
including the vocabulary for describing parts of images, which is
hosted at <a href=
Nowack's site</a>.</p>
<h5>Annotating parts of an image</h5>
<p>There are several tools available for annotating parts of an
image, for example <a href=
"">Jim Ley's SVG
tool</a> and <a href="">RDFPic</a> as
demonstrated at the <a href=
image annotation workshop</a>; also Greg Elin's <a href=
"">fotonotes</a>, Masahide Kanzaki's
<a href=
image annotator</a>, and a java tool called <a href=
"">Photostuff</a> from
the Mindswap group.</p>
<p>Discussions in W3Photo centred around the requirements for a
vocabulary for describing parts of images, which would include</p>
<li>simple mapping to SVG and image maps;</li>
<li>extensibility to other forms of media later;</li>
<li>consistent with being able to describe what a region depicts
(compared to what an entire image depicts);</li>
<li>ability to assign uris to parts of an image;</li>
<li>taking into account vocabularies such as <a href=
"">Jim Ley's vocab</a>,
<a href="">Mindswap
<h5>Mixing vocabularies for image annotation</h5>
<p>Discussions about mixing vocabularies for image annotation have
sometimes occured on the <a href=
"">FOAF mailing list</a> as
part of the <a href=
"">codepiction</a> project and
similar efforts by independent programmers. They have often centred
around adding geographical information to photos, but also mixing
in event information and Dublin Core data, as well as the core
'depicts/depiction' information about who or what is depicted in
the photo, using FOAF and Wordnet classes and properties. The
w3photo project is also concerned with rights and licensing of the
metadata and images for use as sample data for different
<h4>Vocabularies and tools for basic photo annotation</h4>
<p>Further discussions were held at the <a href=
"">Foaf Galway
SWAD-Europe final workshop</a> about a basic set of properties and
classes specifically for photo annotation. This time we steered
clear of the complexities of describing parts of images and focused
just on some very basic useful properties: date, place, event,
depiction. Notes from the discussions are available on the ESW
wiki. The requirements in this case were that</p>
<li>the vocabulary should reuse terms wherever possible and
<li>the vocabalary should enable the types of description that we
found useful fropm our previous experience, notably: depiction of
specific people and types of thing (e.g. other nouns); the
distinction between the place where a photo was taken and the place
it depicted; enable searching for photos of a particular event such
as a conference or birthday party</li>
<li>be easy to search using RDF query languages</li>
<li>be appealing to developers</li>
<p>Work continues in this area with discussion on the <a href=
<p>As part of SWAD-Europe, a simple tool for photo annotation was
created which enabled this sort of simple photo annotation of
online photos. It uses existing online RDF data sources so that the
annotator can search for people, locations and events and reuse
information where available.</p>
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