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<h1 class="title">Guidelines - Cultural Heritage</h1>
<p>SWAD-Europe guidelines provide pointers into the parts of the
SWAD-Europe project that we feel are particularly relevant to the
concerns of particular industry segments or application area. They
are not intended to be definitive guides to the wider semantic web
resources relevant to the area.</p>
<h2>Semantic web and cultural heritage</h2>
<p>There is great interest and activity in making information on
cultural heritage collections as widely accessible as possible, in
particular making use of the web to provide wide public access.</p>
<p>Collection items are not isolated things but are related in rich
ways to each other and the environmental, cultural and historical
settings in which they are placed. The semantic web offers open
standards for encoding such semantically rich and complex
descriptions and interrelationships. For a single institution this
could help them provide a rich experience for on-line users by
enabling them to browse along the relationships between items and
to see items fully contextualized. More significantly, by
publishing such rich descriptions using shared vocabularies it
permits institutions to share their data so that users (whether
specialists or members of the public) can gain a wider view of a
given topic yet trace the collections and information back to the
institution that curates them.</p>
<p>For example, the <a href=
"http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/group/seco/museums/">Museum of
Finland</a> has successfully use semantic web technologies to
integrate data from several regional museums to create a single
portal which supports a rich faceted browsing interface.</p>
<p>Within the SWAD-Europe project the <a href=
"sem-portal.html">Semantic Portals demonstrator</a> provides
similar integration and browsing functionality and indeed the
National History Museum, inspired by the SWED project, are
exploring opportunities to exploit the semantic web technology for
collection level description. The semantic web approach seems to
offer several interesting benefits. Firstly, by facilitating
integration of distributed data sources rather than purely focusing
an a centralized solution it makes it possible for local groups and
institutions to continue to host and curate their information while
gaining the benefit of integrated access - a more sustainable
approach than setting up a central organization to host and manage
all the data. Secondly, the open world assumptions behind the
semantic web means that the data is very easily extensible so that
as new relationships, new ways of viewing the collections or new
sources arise the data models can be extended to accommodate
<h3>Relevant SWAD-Europe resources</h3>
<p>The key SWAD-Europe themes relevant here are:</p>
<li>The <a href="sem-portal.html">Semantic Portal demonstrator</a>
offers an example of a portal onto a distributed set of rich item
descriptions and the software produced may be useful for pilot
explorations in the heritage area.</li>
<li><a href=
Digital Library theme</a>, in particular the <a href=
"http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/Europe/reports/thes/">SKOS thesaurus
format</a>, provides technology for encoding relevant thesauri to
facilitate their use within semantic web-based applications.</li>
<li>The <a href=
"http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/Europe/reports/tools/">tools pages</a>
will be useful for any developer exploring issues such as storage
and query of RDF data in this domain.</li>