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<h1>Semantic Web Best Practices and Deployment Working Group</h1>

<p><b>This page:</b> <a href="#Current">Current Events</a> |
<a href="#Tasks">Task Forces</a> |
<a href="#FreqLinks1">drafts/specs</a> |
<a href="#L151">Schedule/Milestones</a> |
<a href="#Membership">Membership</a> |
<a href="#L109">Charter/History</a> |
<a href="#Background">References</a></p>

<p><b>Nearby:</b> <a
archive</a> | Issues List | <a href="../CG/">SemWeb CG</a> | <a
href="../DataAccess/">RDF Data Access WG</a> | <a
href="">www-rdf-logic</a> |
<a href="../../../RDF/">RDF</a> | <a href="../../../XML/">XML</a> | <a

<p>The aim of this Semantic Web Best Practices and Deployment (SWBPD) Working
Group is to provide hands-on support for developers of Semantic Web
applications. With the publication of the revised RDF and the new OWL
specification we expect a large number of new application developers. Some
evidence of this could be seen at the last International Semantic Web
Conference in Florida, which featured a wide range of applications, including
10 submissions to the <a href="">Semantic
Web Challenge</a>. This working group will help application
developers by providing them with "best practices" in various forms, ranging
from engineering guidelines, ontology / vocabulary repositories to
educational material and demo applications.</p>

The group maintains a <a href="">list</a> of Semantic Web applications and demos for
promoting the Semantic Web and for use by developers. More information 
about the rules for inclusion and how to get your application in the 
list is <a href="">available</a>.

<h2><a name="Current" id="Current">Current Events/Documents</a></h2>
<ul class="news">
  <li>The Working Group has completed its primary deliverables and
   is closed effective 29 September 2006; see
   <a href="">thank you message on behalf of the W3C Director</a>.
   The <a href=""
      >Semantic Web Deployment Working Group</a>,
   <a href=""
      >Semantic Web Education and Outreach Interest Group</a>,
   and <a href=""
      >Multimedia Semantics Incubator Group</a> have charters
   to take further steps in some of the areas undertaken by the
   SWBPD Working Group.

<h3><a name="FreqLinks1" id="FreqLinks1">Best Practice and Deployment

<p>When a document is published, it will contain information on where
feedback should be sent.  Public comments on the work of this Working
Group may be sent to the WG mailing list, Please
start the subject line of such a message with the string "comment:".</p>

<p>This area to grow as the Working Group produces documents.</p>

<h4>Working Group Notes</h4>

 <li><a href="">
   Defining N-ary Relations on the Semantic Web: Use With Individuals</a><br />
   W3C Working Group Note 12 April 2006, Noy and Rector (eds.)</li>

 <li><a href="">
   Representing Classes As Property Values on the Semantic Web</a><br />
   W3C Working Group Note 5 April 2005, Noy (ed.)</li>

 <li><a href="">
   Representing Specified Values in OWL: 
   "value partitions" and "value sets"</a><br />
   W3C Working Group Note 17 May 2005, Rector (ed.)</li>

 <li><a href="">
   A Semantic Web Primer for Object-Oriented Software Developers</a><br />
   W3C Working Group Note 9 March 2006, Knublauch, Oberle, Tetlow, Wallace (eds.)</li>

 <li><a href="">
   A Survey of RDF/Topic Maps Interoperability Proposals</a><br />
   W3C Working Group Note 10 February 2006, Pepper, Vitali, Garshol, Gessa, Presutti (eds.)</li>

 <li><a href="">
   XML Schema Datatypes in RDF and OWL</a><br />
   W3C Working Group Note 14 March 2006, Carroll, Pan (eds.)</li>


<h4>Working Drafts</h4>

 <li><a href="">
   Best Practice Recipes for Publishing RDF Vocabularies</a><br />
   W3C Working Draft 14 March 2006, Miles, Baker, Swick (eds.)<br />
   [<a href="VM/http-examples/2006-01-18/">editors' draft</a>]</li>

 <li><a href="">
   Image Annotation on the Semantic Web</a><br />
   W3C Working Draft 22 March 2006, van Ossenbruggen, Troncy, Stamou, Pan (eds.)<br />
   [<a href=""
     >editors' draft</a>]</li>

 <li><a href="">
   RDF/A Primer 1.0; Embedding RDF in XHTML</a><br />
   W3C Working Draft 10 March 2006, Adida, Birbeck (eds.)<br />
   [<a href="HTML/2006-01-24-rdfa-primer">editors' draft</a>]</li>

 <li><a href="">
   RDF/OWL Representation of WordNet</a><br />
   W3C Working Draft 19 June 2006, van Assem, Gangemi, Schreiber (eds.)<br />
   [<a href="WNET/wn-conversion.html">editors' draft</a>]</li>

 <li><a href="">
   SKOS Core Vocabulary Specification</a><br />
   W3C Working Draft 2 November 2005, Miles, Brickley (eds.)<br />
   [<a href="">editors' draft</a>]</li>

 <li><a href="">
   SKOS Core Guide</a><br />
   W3C Working Draft 2 November 2005, Miles, Brickley (eds.)<br />
   [<a href="">editors' draft</a>]</li>

 <li><a href="">
   Quick Guide to Publishing a Thesaurus on the Semantic Web</a><br />
   W3C Working Draft 17 May 2005, Miles (ed.)<br />
   [<a href="">editor's draft</a>]</li>

 <li><a href="">
   Time Ontology in OWL</a><br />
   W3C Working Draft 27 September 2006, Hobbs, Pan (eds.)<br />
   [<a href="">editors' draft</a>]</li>


<h4>Indexes and Collections</h4>

   >Applications and Demos Weblog</a></dt>
     <dd>A weblog for the SWAD-Europe project, tracking work in progress
	and events and items of interest, including a list of applications
	and demos.</dd>

 <dt><a href=""
   >DOAP (Description of a Project) Bulletin Board</a></dt>
     <dd>A place to link DOAP Descriptions for applications and demos
      that themselves concern the Semantic Web.</dd>

 <dt><a href="Tutorials">Semantic Web Tutorials</a></dt>
     <dd>A collection of Semantic Web tutorial resources.</dd>

<h4>Other Editor's Drafts</h4>

<h5>Ontology Engineering Patterns</h5>
 <li><a href="OEP/SimplePartWhole/index.html">Simple part-whole relations in OWL Ontologies</a>, Rector, Welty (eds.)</li>

<h5>Porting Thesauri</h5>

 <li><a href="">SKOS Core Proposals List</a></li>

<h5>RDF in XHTML</h5>
 <li><a href=""
    >RDF/A Syntax; A collection of attributes for layering RDF on XML 
     languages</a>, Birbeck, Pemberton, Adida (eds.)</li>
 <li><a href=""
    >CURIE Syntax 1.0; A compact syntax for expressing URIs</a>,
     Birbeck (ed.)</li>
 <li><a href="">Gleaning Resource Descriptions from Dialects of Languages (GRDDL)</a>, Haza&#235;l-Massieux, Connolly (eds.)</li>

<h5>RDF/Topic Maps Interoperability</h5>
 <li><a href="">Test Cases for RDF/TM Interoperability</a></li>

<h5>Software Engineering</h5>
 <li><a href=""
>Ontology Driven Architectures and Potential Uses of the Semantic Web in Software Engineering</a>, Tetlow, Pan, Oberle, Wallace, Uschold, Kendall (eds.)</li>

<h5>Vocabulary Management</h5>
 <li><a href=""
   >Managing a Vocabulary for the Semantic Web</a>, Baker (ed.) 
   [work suspended]</li>

 <li><a href="">OntoWordNet; an OWL ontology</a>, Gangemi</li>
 <li><a href="">WordNet datamodel</a>, Gangemi</li>
 <li><a href="">MILE schema for lexical entries</a>, Gangemi</li>
 <li><a href="WNET/Porting">Porting Wordnets to the Semantic Web</a>, Gangemi (ed.)</li>
 <li><a href="WNET/wordnet-sw-20040713.html">Wordnet in RDFS and OWL</a>, Carroll, Pan (eds.)</li>

<a href="discl"> patent disclosures</a>, 
<a href="../../06/manual/">W3C manual of style</a>,
<a href=""
 >Style for Group-internal Drafts</a>,
<a href="../../07/pubrules-form">pubrules checker</a>,
<a href="">spec-prod</a>

<h3><a name="Tasks" id="Tasks">Task Forces</a></h3>

<p>The following task forces are in progress:</p>


  <dt>ADTF - Applications and Demos</dt>
    <dd><a href="">description</a> |
       <a href=";hdr-1-query=[ADTF]&amp;index-grp=Public__FULL&amp;index-type=t&amp;type-index=public-swbp-wg">search archive</a><br />
       Coordinators: Libby Miller, Brian McBride<br />
       Nearby: <a href="">SWAD-Europe Applications and Demos Weblog</a></dd>

  <dt>HTML - Embedding RDF in HTML</dt>
    <dd><a href="HTML/">description</a> | <a href="">archives</a><br />
       Coordinator: Ben Adida</dd>

 <dt>MM - Multimedia Annotation</dt>
   <dd><a href="MM/">description</a> |
     <a href=";hdr-1-query=[MM]&amp;index-grp=Public__FULL&amp;index-type=t&amp;type-index=public-swbp-wg">search archive</a><br />
    Coordinators: Giorgos Stamou, Jacco van Ossenbruggen, Jeff Z. Pan</dd>

 <dt>OEP - Ontology Engineering and Patterns</dt>
   <dd><a href="OEP/">description</a> |
     <a href=";hdr-1-query=[OEP]&amp;index-grp=Public__FULL&amp;index-type=t&amp;type-index=public-swbp-wg">search archive</a><br />
    Coordinators: Chris Welty and Deb McGuinness</dd>

 <dt>PORT - Porting Thesaurii to RDF and OWL</dt>
       >description</a> |
     <a href="">TF archive</a> |
     <a href=";hdr-1-query=[PORT]&amp;index-grp=Public__FULL&amp;index-type=t&amp;type-index=public-swbp-wg">search WG archive</a><br />
       Coordinator: Alistair Miles</dd>

  <dt>RDFTM - RDF/Topic Maps Interoperability</dt>
    <dd><a href=""
       >description</a> |
       <a href=";hdr-1-query=[RDFTM]&amp;index-grp=Public__FULL&amp;index-type=t&amp;type-index=public-swbp-wg">search archive</a><br />
       Coordinator: Steve Pepper</dd>

  <dt>SE - Software Engineering</dt>
    <dd><a href=""
	>description</a> |
       <a href=";hdr-1-query=[SE]&amp;index-grp=Public__FULL&amp;index-type=t&amp;type-index=public-swbp-wg">search archive</a><br />
       Coordinator: Phil Tetlow &amp; Jeff Z. Pan</dd>

 <dt>VM - Vocabulary Management</dt>
   <dd><a href="VM/">description</a> |
       <a href=";hdr-1-query=[VM]&amp;index-grp=Public__FULL&amp;index-type=t&amp;type-index=public-swbp-wg">search archive</a><br />
       Coordinator: Tom Baker</dd>

        href="WNET/tf">description</a> |
       <a href=";hdr-1-query=[WNET]&amp;index-grp=Public__FULL&amp;index-type=t&amp;type-index=public-swbp-wg">search archive</a><br />
       Coordinator: Aldo Gangemi</dd>


<p>The following task forces have completed their deliverable(s) and are no longer convening:</p>


 <dt>XSCH - XML Schema Datatypes</dt>
       >description</a> |
       <a href=";hdr-1-query=[XSCH]&amp;index-grp=Public__FULL&amp;index-type=t&amp;type-index=public-swbp-wg">search archive</a><br />
       Coordinator: Jeremey Carroll &amp; (open - XML Schema WG)</dd>


<p>The following task forces are on hold:</p>

 <dt>WRLD - World View</dt>
       >description</a> |
       <a href=";hdr-1-query=[WRLD]&amp;index-grp=Public__FULL&amp;index-type=t&amp;type-index=public-swbp-wg">search archive</a><br />
       Coordinator: Jim Hendler</dd>

<p>Other task forces that have expressions of interest from WG members include:</p>

  <li>Links to MPEG</li>
  <li>Style conventions (naming, namespaces, uri, rdf:label usage)</li>
  <li>Tools index</li>
  <li>Ontology Design Issues</li>
  <li>Units and measures</li>

<h2><a name="L151" id="L151">Schedule/Milestones</a></h2>

<p><em>initially from the <a href="/2003/12/swa/swbpd-charter">charter</a>;
changes to be negotiated with the relevant parties via the <a
href="../CG/">SemWeb CG</a>:</em></p>

<p>This Working Group is chartered for a duration of 20 months, through 31
January 2006. The kick-off meeting was held on March 4-5 2004 at
the W3C Tech Plenary in Cannes.</p>

<p>The Working Group will initiate task forces for producing Working Group
notes. These task forces will typically operate in the following way:</p>
  <li>The time frame of a task force is short-term, e.g. 4 (2-6) months</li>
  <li>The editors/coordinators of a task force are selected from the Working
    Group participants.</li>
  <li>A task force may recommend non-Member individuals with relevant skills
    to participate in the task force as invited experts. The normal <a
    expert</a> process will be followed. Final decision on any task force
    issue rests with the whole Working Group.</li>
  <li>The task force size should be 4-8 people</li>
  <li>Task forces use the regular Working Group communication channels.</li>
  <li>The result of this work is proposed to the full Working Group for
    consideration and discussion on next steps.</li>

<div class="membership">
<h2><a name="Membership" id="Membership">Membership</a></h2>

<p>To join this working group, review the <a href="#L109">charter etc.</a>
and have your <a href="/Member/ACList.html">Advisory Committee
representative</a> nominate you using the form from the <a
(member-confidential). <em>If you are not affiliated with a W3C member
organization but you feel you have expertise not currently represented in the
group that you would like to contribute, contact the <a

<p>Then, if you like, <a name="introduce" id="introduce">introduce
yourself</a> to the group with a short bio and and what you have to
contribute, as well as what you hope to get from the group.</p>

<p>As of 2006-07-11T13:14:41Z
the following participation appointments have
been received from the respective Advisory Committee representatives:</p>

<table class='results' border='1'><thead>
<th scope='col'>Responder</th><th scope='col'>Selected representative</th></tr></thead>
<tr><th scope='row'>Mondeca</th>
<td>Bernard Vatant</td>
<tr><th scope='row'>Hewlett Packard Company</th>
<td>Brian McBride, Jeremy Carroll, David Booth</td>
<tr><th scope='row'>Agfa-Gevaert N. V.</th>
<td>Jos De Roo</td>
<tr><th scope='row'>Center for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI)</th>
<td>Jacco van Ossenbruggen, Raphael Troncy</td>
<tr><th scope='row'>CNR--Instituto Elaborazione dell&#039;Informazione</th>
<td>Aldo Gangemi, Nicola Guarino</td>
<tr><th scope='row'>Maryland Information and Network Dynamics Lab at the University of Maryland</th>
<td>Christian Halaschek-Wiener, David Wood</td>
<tr><th scope='row'>Stanford University</th>
<td>Deborah McGuinness, Natasha Noy</td>
<tr><th scope='row'>Bristol, University of</th>
<tr><th scope='row'>Asemantics S.R.L.</th>
<td>Libby Miller</td>
<tr><th scope='row'>International Webmasters Association / HTML Writers Guild (IWA-HWG)</th>
<td>Pasquale Popolizio</td>
<tr><th scope='row'>Vodafone Group Services Limited</th>
<tr><th scope='row'>Athena Information Technology (AIT)</th>
<td>Thanassis Tiropanis</td>
<tr><th scope='row'>Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique</th>
<td>Fabien Gandon, Benjamin Nguyen</td>
<tr><th scope='row'>Ibrow</th>
  <td>Guus Schreiber (co-Chair)</td>
<tr><th scope='row'>Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils (CCL)</th>
  <td>Alistair Miles</td>
<tr><th scope='row'>Fraunhofer Gesellschaft</th>
<tr><th scope='row'>America Online (AOL)</th>
<tr><th scope='row'>National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)</th>
  <td>Evan Wallace</td>
<tr><th scope='row'>Southampton, University of</th>
  <td>Nicholas Gibbins</td>
<tr><th scope='row'>Boeing Company</th>
  <td>Michael Uschold</td>
<tr><th scope='row'>W3C Team</th>
  <td>Ralph Swick (Team contact)</td>
<tr><th scope='row'>Network Inference</th>
  <td>Gary Ng, Jeff Pollock</td>
<tr><th scope='row'>Free University of Bozen-Bolzano</th>
  <td>Enrico Franconi, Sergio Tessaris</td>
<tr><th scope='row'>Creative Commons</th>
  <td>Ben Adida</td>
<tr><th scope='row'>(invited expert)</th>
  <td>Patrick Hayes</td></tr>
<tr><th scope='row'>Digital Enterprise Research Institute</th>
  <td>Andreas Harth</td>
<tr><th scope='row'>Ontopia SA</th>
  <td>Steve Pepper, Lars Marius Garshol</td>
<tr><th scope='row'>T-Online</th>
<tr><th scope='row'>McDonald Bradley</th>
  <td>Darren Govoni</td>
<tr><th scope='row'>IBM</th>
  <td>Grady Booch, Philip Tetlow, Elias Torres, Chris Welty</td>
<tr><th scope='row'>University of Manchester</th>
  <td>Alan Rector, Holger Knublauch</td>
<tr><th scope='row'>University of Bologna</th>
  <td>Nicola Gessa, Marco Pirruccio, Valentina Presutti, Fabio Vitali</td>
<tr><th scope='row'>Internet Association Japan</th>
  <td>Noboru Shimizu</td>
<tr><th scope='row'>Adobe Systems</th>
<tr><th scope='row'>FZI</th>
  <td>Daniel Oberle</td>
<tr><th scope='row'>Sandpiper Software, Inc.</th>
  <td>Elisa Kendall</td>
<tr><th scope='row'>France Telecom</th>
  <td>Alain Leger, Marco Nanni</td>
<tr><th scope='row'>USC/ISI</th>
  <td>Jerry Hobbs, Feng Pan</td>
<tr><th scope='row'>IVML, National Technical University of Athens</th>
  <td>Nikolaos Simou, Giorgos Stamou, Giorgos Stoilos, Vassilis Tzouvaras</td>
<tr><th scope='row'>Institut fuer wissenschaftliche Information</th>
  <td>Thomas Baker</td>
<tr><th scope='row'>FSTC</th>
  <td>Rachel Yager</td>
<tr><th scope='row'>CDAC</th>
  <td>v n shukla</td>
<tr><th scope='row'>Vrije Universiteit</th>
  <td>Mark van Assem</td>
<tr><th scope='row'>Language and Computing, nv</th>
  <td>Christoffel Dhaen</td>
<tr><th scope='row'>University of Aberdeen, Computing Science</th>
  <td>Jeff Pan</td>
<tr><th scope='row'>(invited expert)</th>
  <td>Chris Menzel</td>
<tr><th scope='row'>IIT, NCSR</th>
  <td>Vangelis Karkaletsis, Pantelis Nasikas, Konstantinos Stamatakis</td>
<tr><th scope='row'>Chinese Academy of Sciences</th>
<tr><th scope='row'>Society for Technocal Communication</th>
  <td>Alan Gaynor</td>
<tr><th scope='row'>TopQuadrant</th>

<p>see also: <a href="">DBWG
details</a> for this group (Member-only).</p>

<h2><a name="L109" id="L109">Charter/History</a></h2>

<p>The <a href="/2003/12/swa/swbpd-charter" rel="charter">Best Practices and
Deployment WG charter</a> delegates a portion of work from the W3C Membership
as a whole to this group. The events below lead up to the creation of this
group, and chart our progress:</p>


  <li>29 Sep 2006: <a href="">WG closed</a></li>
  <li>4-5 Nov 2005: Face-To-Face in Galway [<a href="">minutes</a>]</li>
  <li>3-4 March 2005: Face-To-Face at the
	<a href=""
	  >Technical Plenary and WG Meeting Week</a>, Boston.
	<a href="">agenda</a>,
	[<a href="">minutes</a>]

  <li><a href="">SemWeb Best Practices and Deployment F2F
1-2 Nov 2004</a>, Bristol UK [<a href="">minutes</a>]

  <li><a href="">Semantic-Web Best Practices and Deployment (SWBPD) Working Group
Kick-off meeting Tech Plenary Cannes, 4-5 March 2004</a>
      [<a href="">minutes</a>]
  <li>2004-02-25: W3C Announces the Launch of Phase Two of the Semantic Web
Activity, and the creation of the Best Practices and Deployment Working

<h3><a name="Background" id="Background">Background References</a></h3>
  <li><a href="/Consortium/Process-20010719/">W3C Process</a> of 19 July
    2001, supplementary <a href="/Guide/">Art of Consensus</a> Guide</li>

  <li><a href="">Tips for scribes</a></li>

  <li><a href="">W3C Editor's home page</a></li>

  <li><a href="">Task Force description template</a></li>
<hr />
<p><a href=",validate">check this page for markup validity</a></p>
<address id="chair">
  <a href="">Ralph Swick</a>, WG Team Contact<br />
  <a href="">Guus
  Schreiber</a>, co-Chair<br />
  David Wood, co-Chair<br />
  <!-- keep -->
  <small>$Revision: 1.280 $ of $Date: 2006/10/04 14:53:56 $ by
  $Author: swick $</small>
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