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  <title>SWBPD Multimedia Annotation Task Force Description</title>

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    <p style="text-align:center">Nearby: 
      <a href="">SWBPD Home</a>,
      <a href="">mail archive</a>,
      <a href="">Multimedia Semantics XG</a>
	     <a href="">Vocabularies</a>,
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<h1>SWBPD MM Task Force Description</h1>

<h2>Multimedia Annotation on the Semantic Web (MM)</h2>

  <li><strong>Closed</strong>: task force has been closed with the end of 
  <a href="">Semantic Web Best Practices and Deployment Working Group</a>.<br/>
  The unfinished work has been taken over by the 
  <a href="">Multimedia Semantics Incubator Group</a></li>

  <li><a href="">Giorgos Stamou, NTUA</a></li>
  <li><a href="">Jacco van Ossenbruggen, CWI</a></li>
  <li><a href="">Jeff Z. Pan</a>, UAB</li>

  <li>Rapha&euml;l Troncy, CWI</li>
  <li>Vassilis Tzouvaras, IVML</li>
  <li>Nikolaos Simou, IVML</li>
  <li>Christian Halaschek-Wiener, UMD</li>
  <li><em>Jane Hunter, DSTC - invited expert</em></li>
  <li><em>John Smith, IBM - to be confirmed</em></li>
  <li>Jeremy Carroll, HP</li>


<h3>Working Drafts</h3>
	Public version: <a href="">Image Annotation on the Semantic Web</a>
	(see also the <a href="">latest version</a>).	

    <h3>Editor's Drafts</h3>
      <li><a href="image_annotation.html">Image annotation on the Semantic Web</a>.
     	This draft has been taken over by the <a href="">MMSEM XG</a>,
     	see the <a href="">published version</a>.</li>
      <li><a href="interop.html">Semantic Web Image Annotation Interoperability</a>.
      This draft has been taken over by the <a href="">MMSEM XG</a>,
      see the document <a href="">
      Multimedia Annotation Interoperability Framework</a>.</li>

      <li><a href="MMXG-proposal.html">Draft Proposal</a> for a <a href="">W3C Incubator Group</a> on Multimedia Semantics</li>

  <li>Investigate potential approaches for image annotation strategies that
    combine and/or integrate the SemWeb languages approach (RDF, OWL, SPARQL,
    Rule Languages, &#x2026;) with the DDL/XMLSchema-based approach of
    MPEG-7, Dublin Core etc in an interoperable way.</li>
  <li>Develop best practice guidelines for image annotators that want to
    export their annotations on the Semantic Web and/or import SemWeb data
    into their image annotation tools.</li>
  <li>Collect currently used vocabularies for multimedia annotations (like
    Dublin Core, VRA, &#x2026;)</li>
  <li>Provide use cases with examples of multimedia annotations using the
    above vocabularies</li>
  <li>Investigate existing tools and other formats (ID3, EXIF, XMP, etc)</li>
  <li>Align with other Task Forces of the BPWG and W3C activities (Voice
    browser activities, synchronised multimedia etc)</li>
  <li>Provide readily applicable mapping tools (using XSLT, SPARQL,
    transformation rules, mappings etc)</li>

  <li>Compare issues discussed and approaches suggested in literature,
    including those in the bibliography. Collect existing approaches for
    MPEG-7 (and other multimedia standards) and Semantic Web
  <li>Investigate current and upcoming European projects (aceMedia, Muscle,
    K-Space, &#x2026;), US and Australian projects, ontology libraries, demos
    etc, for vocabularies of multimedia annotations, use cases, existing
    tools etc.</li>
  <li>Define the appropriate use cases, including (but not limited to) the
    areas of e-culture, medicine, personal and professional audiovisual
    archiving and management.</li>
  <li>Using the above framework and focusing on the interoperability issues,
    try to define best practices and guidelines for multimedia annotators
    exporting their result in the SW.</li>
  <li>Using the above guidelines, try to develop transformation tools from
    multimedia annotations to SemWeb languages.</li>

  <li>In scope: make the SemWeb, ISO and other multimedia technologies
  <li>Out of scope: development of new standards.</li>

    <p id="deliverable">
      Review instruction:
	  <a href="image_annotation.html">Image annotation on the Semantic Web</a>.  

	  This is the main document that provides use cases and
	  general discussion about Semantic Web vocabularies and
	  tools.  This should become a stable document suitable to be
	  published as a public Working Draft.  
	  Related to the main document are two Working Group pages,
	  <a href="">vocabularies</a> and
	  <a href="">tools and ressources</a>,
	  that are intended as evolving documents that will be
	  regulary updated to catch up with new developments. CWI is
	  willing to commit resources to make sure these documents
	  will be maintained for the next 4 years.
      <li><a href="interop.html">Semantic Web Image Annotation Interoperability</a>.
	Feasibility report on the interoperability between SW and
	image annotation standards (including patent and copyright
	issues) and best practices for SW interoperable image
	annotations including possible mapping tools.  (Not ready for
	review yet).

  <li>Professionals (museums, libraries, audiovisual archives, media
    production and broadcast industry, image and video banks) and
    non-professional (end-users) multimedia annotators.</li>
  <li>Institutions and organizations with research and standardization
    activities in the area of multimedia.</li>

  <li>Other TFs: The approaches/guidelines of this TF need to be aligned with
    the WordNet, Applications and Demos TFs.</li>
  <li>Other W3C groups: activities on accessibility, voice browser
    activities, synchronised multimedia group.</li>


<p>If the charter of the SWBPD WG is renewed through into 2006, then the TF
hopes to continue with an updated description that mainly extends the above
work into video formats.</p>


<p>Stamou, G., and S. Kollias eds, &#x201c;Multimedia Content and the
Semantic Web: Methods, Standards and Tools&#x201d;, John Wiley &amp; Sons
Ltd, 2005.</p>

<p>Jane Hunter,"<a
Multimedia to the Semantic Web --- Building an MPEG-7 Ontology</a>". In:
International Semantic Web Working Symposium (SWWS) Stanford University,
California, USA July 30 - August 1, 2001. </p>

<p>Raphael Troncy, "<a
Structure and Semantics into Audio-visual Documents</a>". In: The Semantic
Web - ISWC 2003 Sanibel Island, Florida, USA pp. 566 - 581 Springer-Verlag
Heidelberg, October 20-23, 2003.</p>

<p>Jacco van Ossenbruggen, Frank Nack, and Lynda Hardman, "That Obscure
Object of Desire: Multimedia Metadata on the Web (Part I)", In: IEEE
Multimedia 11(4), pp. 38-48 October -- December 2004</p>

<p>Frank Nack, Jacco van Ossenbruggen, and Lynda Hardman, "That Obscure
Object of Desire: Multimedia Metadata on the Web (Part II)", In: IEEE
Multimedia 12(1), pp. 54-63 January -- March 2005</p>
<hr />

<p>Created 2005-09-12 from <a
of Giorgos Stamou of 2005-07-27<br />
Last updated $Date: 2007/08/14 14:07:59 $ by $Author: rtroncy $</p>