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    <div id="Contents">
      <h1>Semantic Web Activity Statement</h1>
      <p>The goal of the Semantic Web initiative is as broad as that of
        the Web: to create a universal medium for the exchange of data.
        It is envisaged to smoothly interconnect personal information
        management, enterprise application integration, and the global
        sharing of commercial, scientific and cultural data. Facilities
        to put machine-understandable data on the Web are quickly
        becoming a high priority for many organizations, individuals and
      <p>The Web can reach its full potential only if it becomes a place
        where data can be shared and processed by automated tools as
        well as by people. For the Web to scale, tomorrow's programs
        must be able to share and process data even when these programs
        have been designed totally independently. The Semantic Web
        Activity is an initiative of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
        designed to provide a leadership role in defining this Web. The
        Activity develops open specifications for those technologies
        that are ready for large scale deployment, and identifies,
        through open source advanced development, the infrastructure
        components that will be necessary to scale in the Web in the
      <p>The principal technologies of the Semantic Web fit into a set
        of layered specifications. The current components are the
        Resource Description Framework (RDF) Core Model, the RDF Schema
        language, the Web Ontology language (OWL), and the Simple
        Knowledge Organization System (SKOS). Building on these core
        components is a standardized query language, SPARQL (pronounced
        "sparkle"), enabling querying decentralized collections of RDF
        data. The POWDER recommendations provide technologies to find
        resource descriptions for specific resources on the Web;
        descriptions which can be ‘joined’ to other RDF data. The GRDDL
        and RDFa Recommendations aim at creating bridges between the RDF
        model and various XML formats, like XHTML. RDFa also plays an
        important role as a format to add Structured Data to HTML, i.e.,
        as a means to help using Linked Data in Web Applications.
        Finally, the goal of the R2RML language (under development) is
        to provide standard language to map relational data and
        relational database schemas to RDF and OWL. </p>
      <h2>Highlights Since the Previous Advisory Committee Meeting</h2>
      <p>As a result of a successful <a href="">Activity

          Renewal request</a> the new <a href="">RDF

          Working Group</a> has begun its work in February 2011. The The
        mission of the group is to update the 2004 version of the <a href="">Resource

          Description Framework (RDF) Recommendation</a>. The group held
        its first F2F meeting in April 2011, in Amsterdam, the
        Netherlands, and has published two First Public Working Drafts:
        <a href="">“Turtle
          Terse RDF Triple Language”</a> and <a href="">“RDF

          1.1 Concepts and Abstract Syntax”</a>.</p>
      <p>The RDF Working Group was also chartered to consider a JSON
        based serialization of RDF, as a means to bring these two
        communities further. After internal discussions it was decided
        that the RDF Working Group may not have the right expertise (due
        to the fact that it does not have Javascript and JSON developers
        in its midst); the JSON related work has now been spun off into
        a separate <a href="">“JSON
          for Linking Data” Community Group</a>, whose work is based on
        the upcoming <a href="">JSON-LD</a>
        specification.<br />
      <p>Although the plan for the SPARQL Working Group was to issue a
        Last Call Working Draft in December 2010, the technical issues
        arising did not make this possible. It was also important to
        settle some outstanding coordination issue with the RDF Working
        Group, which also added to the delays. There was also a request
        from the community to add the JSON return format to the list of
        Recommendations the group plans to produce; this lead to a
        necessary rechartering of the Group. This chartering process <a href="">started

          in June</a>,  and the new charter was <a href="">approved

          in July</a>.   The plan is to issue a Last Call Working Draft
        in September. <br />
      <p>The <a href="">RDB2RDF
          Working Group</a> has publishes a Last Call Working Draft for
        its two main documents, i.e., the <a href="" checked="true">R2RML Language</a> and the <a href="" checked="true">Direct Mapping to RDF</a> on the 20th of
        September, 2011. </p>
      <p>The <a href="">RDFWA Working
          Group</a> (formerly known as RDFa Working Group) is operating
        under a <a href="">new

          charter</a> to also develop an RDF API Recommendation. The
        group published a new version of the <a href="">RDFa

          API document</a> in April, and a First Public Working Draft
        for the <a href="">RDF

          Interfaces</a> in May. On the RDFa side, the group published a
        2nd Last Call for <a href="">RDFa

          1.1 Core</a> in March. Although no major comments came back
        from the community on that document, the subsequent
        announcement, in June, of the <a href=""></a>
        organization and the related discussions on the usage of RDFa
        and/or microdata and the mutual relationships of the two
        documents created a new situation. A number of issues came up
        that were raised by a more general demand of a better
        relationships between these two formats, and which may lead to
        technical adjustment in RDFa 1.1. </p>
      <p>Related to the discussions, the <a href="">Semantic

          Web Interest Group</a> has started two task forces:  the <a href="">Web

          Schemas Task Force</a>, that looks at the vocabulary
        evolution, and the <a href="">HTML

          Data Task Force</a>, whose goal is to provide a technical
        analysis on the relationship of microdata, microformats, and
        RDFa, with possible change proposals on the W3C specifications.
      <p>As a result of a successful <a href="">Activity

          Renewal request</a> the new <a href="">Provenance

          Working Group</a> has begun its work in April 2011. The
        mission of the Provenance Working Group is to support the
        widespread publication and use of provenance information of Web
        documents, data, and resources. </p>
      <p>The <a href="">Semantic Web
          Health Care and Life Sciences Interest Group (HCLSIG)</a> has
        had a charter renewal, <a href="">started

          in August 2011</a>, which ended successfully in <a href="">September

          2011</a>. Since early September the group operates under its <a href="">new charter</a>.
        <br />
      <p>Both the <a href="">OWL Working
          Group</a> and the <a href="">Rule
          Interchange Format (RIF)</a> is kept in a “dormant” state. The
        reason is that both the OWL2 and the RIF Recommendation will
        have to be re-issued when the XSD 1.1 document becomes a
        standard; the documents can then normatively refer to the XSD
        1.1 datatypes (which is not the case today). No substantial
        change on OWL2 and RIF are planned, though.</p>
      <h2>Upcoming Activity Highlights</h2>
      <p class="classname">The Activity has to actively participate in
        the discussions surrounding the announcement of, the
        further evolution of that vocabulary, its relationships to other
        vocabularies, etc. The issue of the exact syntax used for
        Structured Data on the Web (microformats, microdata, or RDFa)
        has also gained lots of attentions since the last AC meeting,
        involving various communities, the W3C TAG, and the Activity has
        to continue playing an active role in this area.<br />
      <p class="classname">The Activity plans a Workshop on “<a href="">Linked

          Data Patterns for Implementation Applications on the World
          Wide Web</a>”, in December 2011, hosted by IBM. The goal of
        the Workshop is to understand what requirements and challenges
        Linked Data technologies have when using them in an enterprise
        environment, what are the areas that might require W3C’s
        attention for future work in that area.<br />
      Summary of Activity Structure
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          (<a title="Participants in the OWL Working Group [Member-only link]" href="">participants</a>)</span></th><td>Ian Horrocks, Alan Ruttenberg</td><td>Sandro Hawke, Ivan Herman</td><td><a href="">Chartered</a> until 31 December 2012</td></tr><tr><th scope="row"><a href="">SPARQL Working Group</a><span class="partlink"><br />
          (<a title="Participants in the SPARQL Working Group [Member-only link]" href="">participants</a>)</span></th><td>Lee Feigenbaum, Axel Polleres</td><td>Sandro Hawke</td><td><a href="">Chartered</a> until 30 June 2012</td></tr><tr><th scope="row"><a href="">Rule Interchange Format Working Group</a><span class="partlink"><br />
          (<a title="Participants in the Rule Interchange Format Working Group [Member-only link]" href="">participants</a>)</span></th><td>Christian de Sainte Marie, Christopher Welty</td><td>Sandro Hawke</td><td><a href="">Chartered</a> until 31 December 2012</td></tr><tr><th scope="row"><a href="">RDF Web Applications Working Group</a><span class="partlink"><br />
          (<a title="Participants in the RDF Web Applications Working Group [Member-only link]" href="">participants</a>)</span></th><td>Ben Adida, Manu Sporny</td><td>Ivan Herman</td><td><a href="">Chartered</a> until 1 October 2012</td></tr><tr><th scope="row"><a href="">Semantic Web Coordination Group</a><span class="partlink"><br />
          (<a title="Participants in the Semantic Web Coordination Group [Member-only link]" href="">participants</a>)</span></th><td>Ivan Herman</td><td>Ivan Herman</td><td><a href="">Chartered</a> until 28 February 2013</td></tr><tr><th scope="row"><a href="">Semantic Web Health Care and Life Sciences Interest Group</a></th><td>Michel Dumontier, Charles Mead, Vijay Bulusu</td><td>Eric Prud'hommeaux</td><td><a href="">Chartered</a> until 31 August 2014</td></tr><tr><th scope="row"><a href="">Semantic Web Interest Group</a></th><td>Dan Brickley</td><td>Ivan Herman</td><td><a href="">Chartered</a> until 28 February 2013</td></tr><tr><th scope="row"><a href="">RDB2RDF Working Group</a><span class="partlink"><br />
          (<a title="Participants in the RDB2RDF Working Group [Member-only link]" href="">participants</a>)</span></th><td>Ashok Malhotra, Michael Hausenblas</td><td>Ivan Herman, Eric Prud'hommeaux</td><td><a href="">Chartered</a> until 30 September 2012</td></tr><tr><th scope="row"><a href="">RDF Working Group</a><span class="partlink"><br />
          (<a title="Participants in the RDF Working Group [Member-only link]" href="">participants</a>)</span></th><td>David Wood, Guus Schreiber</td><td>Sandro Hawke, Ivan Herman</td><td><a href="">Chartered</a> until 31 January 2013</td></tr><tr><th scope="row"><a href="">Provenance Working Group</a><span class="partlink"><br />
          (<a title="Participants in the Provenance Working Group [Member-only link]" href="">participants</a>)</span></th><td>Luc Moreau, Paul Groth</td><td>Sandro Hawke</td><td><a href="">Chartered</a> until 1 October 2012</td></tr></tbody></table>
      <hr />
      <p id="about-ac-mtg"><!--This paragraph will be updated automatically-->
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  <a href="/2005/04/activity/processActivityStatements.xsl">Generated</a>
  from <a href="">group data</a>.
      <address> <a href="">Ivan Herman</a>,
        Semantic Web Activity Lead </address>
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