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  <title>W3C XSLT Servlet</title>
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<h1>W3C XSLT Service</h1>

<p>See also: <a href="/2005/08/online_xslt/">Saxon based xslt 2.0

<p>For now it is very rudimentary in its capabilities and likely to change
without notice. It is a simple wrapper (<a
around James Clark's <a href="http://www.jclark.com/xml/xt.html">XT</a> and
currently using his <a href="http://www.jclark.com/xml/xp/index.html">XP
parser</a> although there have been times where different engines and parsers
were used when the underlying servlet was replaced with another. There are
plans for a more capable online realtime XSLT service, when these plans gel
they will be linked to from here.</p>

<p>In addition to realtime transformations, there will be work in the nearer
term on a event and caching driven XSLT service drawing on <a
href="http://www.w3.org/W3C-LA/Mirroring">W3C's Evolving Mirroring
System</a>, CSV hooks and knowledge of W3C's publishing practices.  What some
people would call a content management system.</p>
W3C maintains this for their own use, it is available for public use (see
conditions) but without warranty.  <br>
This service is provided for interactive use by individuals only.  <br>
You are welcome to install the application locally and run this as part of a
service you provide.<br>
Try it out:

<form method="get" action="/2000/06/webdata/xslt">
  <label>URI for xsl resource <input type="text" size="50" name="xslfile"
  <label>URI for xml resource <input type="text" size="60" name="xmlfile"
  <label><input type="checkbox" name="auth" value="proxy">Proxy basic authentication
  for one or both of these resources</label><br>
  (NOTE - only the topmost files whose uris you provide, not those refered by
  the xsl file for instance, can have their authentications proxied at this
  point - in other words no recursion at present.  This calls a separate
  program - <a
  *it can take other parameters, perhaps do so in a query string like this <a
  RSS</a> or custom HTML form<br>

  <input type="submit" value="Submit" name="transform"></form>

<p>The default values in the form point to the XML source of the second
edition of the XML 1.0 Recommendation, as well as the stylesheet used to
format the W3C recommendations to HTML. Running the transformation will
display the HTML version of the spec, similar to <a
href="/TR/REC-xml.html">the one in the Technical Reports section.</a></p>

<p>Another way to do XSLT is to use a browser that can perform
transformations. Then, if you load an XML file that points to an XSLT
stylesheet (<a
here</a>) the browser will do the transformation and display the result HTML.
To this date, two browsers support: XSLT 1.0:</p>
  <li>Internet Explorer 5, with the MSXML3 add-on (see Microsoft's <a
    for more information). IE6 will have native XSLT support (a <a
    preview </a>is already available)</li>
  <li>Mozilla (partial support): version 0.9.1, released May 28 2001,
    includes <a href="http://www.mozilla.org/projects/xslt/">TransforMiiX
    </a>(Mozilla's XSLT engine). </li>
feedback: <a
Max and Site Comments</a>(<a
$Id: xslt.html,v 1.19 2006/01/18 21:41:51 ted Exp $
  <a href="http://www.w3.org/People/all#ted">Ted Guild</a>