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  <title>W3C - Workshop on Digital Rights Management</title>
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<p><a href="../12/drm-ws/Overview.html">Back to the Workshop-Homepage</a></p>

<h1 align="center"><a href="/"><img border="0"
alt="W3C logotype, link to home page" align="middle" width="72" height="48"
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<h2 align="center">Call For Participation:</h2>

<h1 align="center">Workshop on Digital Rights Management</h1>

<h3 align="center">22-23 January 2001, INRIA, Sophia Antipolis, France</h3>
  <li><a href="#Back">Background</a></li>
  <li><a href="#Goal">Workshop Goal</a></li>
  <li><a href="#Scope">Workshop Scope</a></li>
  <li><a href="#Related">Related Technologies</a></li>
  <li><a href="#Criteria">Criteria for success</a></li>
  <li><a href="#Deliverables">Deliverables</a></li>
  <li><a href="#Expected">Expected Audience</a></li>
  <li><a href="#Registration">Registration and rules for
  <li><a href="#Position">Position Papers</a></li>
  <li><a href="#Workshop">Workshop Organization</a></li>
  <li><a href="#Venue">Venue</a></li>
  <li><a href="#Dates">Important Dates</a></li>
  <li><a href="#Resource">Resource Statement</a></li>
<hr />

<h2><a name="Back" id="Back">Background</a></h2>

<p>This Workshop will explore existing technologies and new approaches for
Digital Rights Management on the Web. Digital Rights Management (DRM) refers
to techniques for describing and perhaps enforcing copyrights associated with
Web resources. Multiple initiatives on national and international levels focus
on protection of online content, yet trade, management, tracking and
evolvability of such content have not been addressed in a comprehensive, open
standards environment. Recent experiences with copyright of Web-based content
show tension in both business models (Napster, MP3) and today's technology
approaches (SDMI). New product categories such as eBooks also demonstrate the
need for an approach to DRM that accommodates the diverse needs of content
providers, distributors, artists, and users. Widely deployed Digital Rights
Management standards on the Web might provide an opportunity to go one step
further on the way to an Information Society by enabling the emergence of a
variety of new business and social models for the dissemination and marketing
of information products. This Workshop will explore the needs of these various
communities, technologies that might address those needs, and ways in which
the unique aspects of Web architecture determine what solutions may be
appropriate and successful.</p>

<p>Various rights management approaches will have differential impact on
individual components in the value chain, from users to content providers to
distributors. At the Workshop we will explore the challenge of implementing
DRM functionality that does not inappropriately restricting fair use and fair
dealing rights protected in national and international copyright laws.</p>

<p>A key impact of DRM will be the substantial increase in re-use of Web
content. Increasingly pervasive access to Web is changing the nature of
distribution of digital media from a passive one-way flow (from publisher to
the consumer) to a much more interactive cycle where creations are re-used,
combined and extended in ever-expanding cycles. At all stages, the rights need
to be managed and honored.</p>

<h2><a name="Goal1" id="Goal">Workshop Goal</a></h2>

<p>The goal of this workshop is to discuss and address DRM issues across
multiple sectors and communities to enable the Web to deliver trusted rights
management services. The intent is to find and highlight expressions,
processes and methods for DRM applications that could be subject of a W3C
Activity Proposal.</p>

<p>The organization of this workshop is handled under <a
href="/Consortium/Process/Process-19991111/events.html#EventsW">the W3C

<h2><a name="Scope" id="Scope">Scope of the Workshop</a></h2>

<p>The Workshop will address the management of any rights on intangible goods,
that can be delivered, shipped or otherwise transported over digital networks,
such as electronic books and images. The Workshop will not address rights on
tangible goods, real estate, etc., or goods that can not be transported over

<p>The participants will discuss and debate the merits of a W3C Activity to
investigate and propose DRM specifications to add value and services to the
Web community in an open and extensible manner. Likely participants would be
drawn from the following communities: publishers, creators/authors,
content/data service providers, online trading services, trusted third
parties, stakeholders from the library-, and other user communities.</p>

<p>DRM raises a mixture of technical, social, business and legal issues. The
Workshop will concentrate on addressing the technical issues with DRM, though
we will also seek background on legal and social considerations that effect
the technical requirements of DRM for the Web. The technical issues
  <li>DRM architectures</li>
  <li>Trading protocols</li>
  <li>Protection and security mechanisms</li>
  <li>DRM languages (semantics and encoding)</li>

<p>The discussion of DRM languages will include consideration of candidates
for standard vocabularies for the expression of terms and conditions over
digital assets. In DRM languages, authors, distributors and other
intermediaries may express permissible usages for various digital asset
manifestations, payment terms, tracking and security. We expect to discuss how
DRM languages might reuse existing W3C standards (RDF, XML Signature,
Micropayments, P3P).</p>

<h2 id="Related">Background Material from W3C</h2>

<p>Participants in this workshop should be familiar with the following W3C
  <li><a href="/XML/#news">XML</a> and <a href="/XML/Schema#Tools">XML
  <li><a href="/RDF/">RDF</a> and <a
  <li><a href="/Signature/">XML Signature</a></li>
  <li><a href="/P3P/#what">P3P</a></li>
  <li><a href="/Mobile/CCPP/">CC/PP</a></li>
  <li><a href="/ECommerce/Micropayments/">Micropayments</a></li>

<p>More background material is expected to be posted on a workshop Web site
shortly at:</p>


<h2><a name="Criteria" id="Criteria">Criteria for success</a></h2>

<p>The workshop will be considered successful if:</p>
  <li>It has a broad spectrum of participants from industry, research, user,
    and academia</li>
  <li>The workshop deliverables are produced successfully</li>

<p>Future work in this area will depend on whether this workshop identifies
areas in which W3C can make a unique contribution, whether through standards
development and/or liaison with other organizations.</p>
<hr />

<h2><a name="Deliverables1" id="Deliverables">Deliverables</a></h2>

<p>As an accompanying measure for preparing discussions at the workshop, we
invite discussions on the <a href="mailto:www-drm@w3.org">public mailing
list</a>. To <b>subscribe</b>, send mail to <a
href="mailto:www-drm-request@w3.org">www-drm-request@w3.org</a> and put the
word "subscribe" in the subject line. A public archive of this list is
available at <a

<p>The workshop is expected to result in the following deliverables:</p>
  <li>Workshop position papers</li>
  <li>Workshop presentations</li>
  <li>Workshop minutes</li>

<p>These will be published on the workshop Web site.</p>
<hr />

<h2><a name="Expected" id="Expected">Expected audience</a></h2>

<p>We expect several communities to contribute to the workshop:</p>
  <li>Organizations who develop software that provides DRM services.</li>
  <li>Organizations providing content services that involve the management of
    intellectual property rights.</li>
  <li>Organizations that manage the rights of other content providers.</li>
  <li>Organizations that develop standards for content and require DRM
  <li>Organizations working in the field of intellectual property rights
  <li>Representation from various media communities (such as ebooks, video and
  <li>Organizations or representatives from the library, user, and other
    cultural communities</li>

<hr />

<h2><a name="Registration" id="Registration">Registration and rules for
  <li>There will be a limit of 100 participants. Any employee of a W3C Member
    organization may participate. However, to ensure maximum diversity among
    participants, the number of participants per organization is initially
    limited to one.</li>
  <li>In addition to W3C Members, there will be a number of invited experts.
    Formal invitation will be made by the workshop chairs. Suggestions for
    invitations must be presented to the chairs no later than 20 December
  <li>There will be no participation fee.</li>
  <li><b>Position papers are required</b> to participate at this workshop.
    Each organization wishing to participate must submit a position paper
    explaining their interest in the workshop no later 22 December 2000. See
    <a href="#Position">the Position Papers section of this document</a>.</li>
  <li>To attend the workshop, you must register by filling out the <strong><a
    form</a></strong> no later than 12 January 2001. <b>Registration is
    required, even for invited speakers, experts and W3C staff!</b></li>

<p>To facilitate workshop planning, anyone interested in participating should
send a statement of interest to <a
href="mailto:www-drm@w3.org">www-drm@w3.org</a> stating:</p>
  <li>that somebody from your organization will attend the workshop</li>
  <li>who will attend</li>
  <li>when your position paper will be ready (preferrably with an
  <li>any experts that you think could be invited</li>

registration, please use the <strong><a

<hr />

<h2><a name="Position" id="Position">Position Papers</a></h2>

<p>Position papers are the basis for the discussion at the workshop. A
position paper is usually short, around 1 to 5 pages (there is a maximum of
five pages) and summarizes:</p>
  <li>What are the needs of your company/organization in the field of DRM that
    you would like to have addressed in the workshop?</li>
  <li>What are your general expectations on the final outputs of the
  <li>What are your potential contributions to the discussion, related ideas,
    and suggested solutions? A well-defined technical contribution may
    accompany the position paper as an appendix.</li>

<p>Position papers will be published on the public Web pages of the workshop,
so position papers and slides of presentations must be available for public
dissemination. Submitting a position paper comprises a default recognition of
these terms for publication. Allowed formats are HTML/XHTML or ASCII. Papers
in any other formats will be returned, with a request for correct formatting.
Good examples of position papers can be seen in the <a
href="/TandS/QL/QL98/pp.html">QL'98 workshop</a>.</p>

<p>The Program Committee may ask the authors of particularly salient position
papers to explicitly present their position at the workshop to foster
discussion. Presenters will also make the slides of the presentation available
on the workshop Web site.</p>

<p>Position papers must be submitted via email to the <a
Chairs</a>(&lt;rigo@w3.org&gt; and &lt;renato@iprsystems.com&gt;) no later
than 22 December 2000.</p>


<h2><a name="Workshop" id="Workshop">Workshop organization</a></h2>

<h3><a name="Program" id="Program">Chairs</a></h3>
  <li>Rigo Wenning,<a href="mailto:rigo@w3.org">rigo@w3.org</a>, W3C</li>
  <li>Renato Iannella, <a
    href="mailto:renato@iprsystems.com">renato@iprsystems.com</a>, IPR

<h3><a name="Prog_chair" id="Prog_chair">Program Committee</a></h3>

<p>The Workshop Agenda will be developed by a Program Committee. The Committee
will include Rigo Wenning (W3C), Renato Iannella (IPR Systems), Daniel
Weitzner (W3C), and Norman Paskin (DOI Foundation), John Erickson
(Hewlett-Packard), Chuck Myers (Adobe), Maximilian Herberger (University of

<h3><a name="Organizing" id="Organizing">Organizing committee</a></h3>

<p>Chair: <strong>Rigo Wenning</strong>, W3C, <a
href="mailto:rigo@w3.org">rigo@w3.org</a>. For meeting specifics, contact
<strong>Coralie Mercier</strong>, W3C/INRIA, <a
href="mailto:coralie@w3.org">coralie@w3.org</a>,  telephone and fax numbers
(Tel: +33-4-92-38-75-90 Fax: +1-33-4-92-38-78-22)</p>

<h3><a name="Preliminary" id="Preliminary">Preliminary program</a></h3>

<p>Each paper session will include discussion on the topics presented.</p>

<h4>Day 1: 22 January 2001</h4>

<p>08.30 - 09.00 Registration</p>

<p>09.00 - 10.00 Introductory remarks</p>

<p>10.00 - 12.00 Presentations of invited papers</p>

<p>12.00 - 13.00 Lunch</p>

<p>13.00 - 16.00 Presentation of accepted position papers</p>

<p>16.00 - 17.00 Q &amp; A</p>

<p>19.00 - 22.00 Social event</p>


<h4>Day 2: 23 January 2001</h4>

<p>09.00 - 10.00 Presentations of invited papers</p>

<p>10.00 - 12.00 Presentation of accepted position papers</p>

<p>12.00 - 13.00 Lunch</p>

<p>13.00 - 16.00 Presentation of accepted position papers</p>

<p>16.00 - 17.00 Q &amp; A</p>

<hr />

<h2><a name="Venue" id="Venue">Venue</a></h2>

<p>INRIA (Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en

<p>2004, route des Lucioles, BP 93<br />
06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex<br />

<p>Telephone: +33 (0)4 92 38 75 90<br />
Fax: +33 (0)4 92 38 78 22</p>

<p>Administration: <a href="mailto:coralie@w3.org">Coralie Mercier</a></p>

<p><b>Getting There</b></p>

<p>Sophia Antipolis is situated outside Antibes, France. Nearest big airport
is Nice, France.</p>

<p>Getting there by car : When you go from Nice or Marseille-Aix on highway
A8, take the exit Antibes and follow the signs towards Sophia Antipolis.</p>

<p>Getting there by public transport: From the SNCF railway station in
Antibes, take the bus towards Valbonne-Sophia Antipolis. Check the time tables
for the bus company, <a href="http://www.stga-transport.fr/">STGA</a>:</p>

<p>Line 1vb : Antibes - Valbonne - Grasse<br />
Line 2vb : Valbonne - Antibes (Les Arrêts)<br />
Line 3vb : Valbonne - Cannes<br />
Line 4b : Gare SNCF Biot - Place Bermond (Sophia)<br />
Line 5vb : Sophia - Cannes</p>

<p>From Nice: Take the <a
Express</a>: Nice-Aéroport-Sophia Antipolis, Rapides Côte d'Azur : Nice-Cannes
and Cannes-Nice</p>

<p><a href="http://www-sop.inria.fr/sadm/INFO/PlanSophia.gif">Map of the



<p>Here are some suggested hotels for your stay during the workshop. You are
responsible for your own hotel bookings. INRIA have an agreement with the
following hotels, which will give a discount:</p>


<p><strong>Hotel Josse ***</strong></p>

<p>8, bd James Wyllie<br />
06600 Antibes-Juan les Pins</p>

<p>Tel : +33 (0)4 92 93 38 38<br />
Fax : +33 (0)4 92 93 38 39</p>

<p>This Hotel located on the seashore, in a residential district facing salis
beach, opposite of the old quarter of Antibes, is at walking distance from the
heart of town.</p>

<p>400 FF the single room and 495 the double (breakfast included)</p>

<p>This hotel is quite a distance from INRIA, so you will have to take a taxi
or have a rental car..</p>


<p><strong>Hotel Mediathel ***</strong></p>

<p>Route des Crètes<br />
06560 Valbonne</p>

<p>Tel.<br />

<p>Located in the heart of a pine forest, the hotel is within 20 minutes of
Nice International Airport and is easily accessible by car. All bedrooms are
air-conditioned, have PC connection points, direct dial, automatic wake-up
call and minibar.</p>

<p>Single room at 374 FF including breakfast and tax.</p>


<p>Other hotels are:</p>

<p><strong>Hotel Royal ***</strong></p>

<p>Bd Marechal Leclerc<br />
06600 Antibes</p>

<p>Tel. +<br />
Fax. +</p>

<p>Hotel Royal seemed to please some participants to former meetings. The
hotel is semi-pension (i.e. <span style="color: red">one of the meals must be
taken at the hotel</span>.) Facing the sea, the hotel is located within
walking distance of the heart of Antibes. It is very near the beautiful Cap
d'Antibes, and directly on the beach.</p>

<p>Telephone, air conditioning, television.</p>

<p>Fares for 2001:</p>

<p>Double room with shower and sea view : 540 FRF per night<br />
Double room with bath tub and a sea view : 670 FRF oer night<br />
Breakfast (continental) : 65 FRF per person<br />
Local tax : 5 FRF per person/per day</p>

<p>This hotel is quite a distance from INRIA, so you will have to take a taxi
or have a rental car.</p>

<p><strong>More information at:</strong></p>


<p><a href="http://www.provenceweb.fr/e/alpmarit/antibes/hotels.htm">Provence

<p><a href="http://www.french-riviera.fr/hotels/A/AntibesHI.html">The French
Riviera Web</a></p>

<hr />

<h2><a name="Dates" id="Dates">Important dates</a></h2>


<table border="1" cellpadding="2">
      <td>28 November 2000</td>
      <td>Call for Participation release</td>
      <td>20 December 2000</td>
      <td>Invited experts nominations</td>
      <td>22 December 2000</td>
      <td>Deadline for position papers (1 to 5 pages in HTML format - send to
        <a href="mailto:rigo@w3.org,renato@iprsystems.com">workshop
      <td>5 January 2001</td>
      <td>Preliminary program released</td>
      <td>12 January 2001</td>
      <td>Deadline for registration (use <a
      <td>22-23 January 2001</td>
      <td>DRM Workshop</td>


<hr />

<h2><a name="Resource" id="Resource">W3C Resource Statement</a></h2>

<p>Over the period of ten weeks, this work will consume 30% of the time of one
W3C Team member for committee work, 20% of the time of one W3C Team member to
handle local organization, and 10% of the time of one W3C Team member for
managing the workshop Web site. This effort is part of the <a
href="/TandS/">W3C Technology and Society Domain</a>.</p>

<hr />

<p>Last updated: $Date: 2001/01/03 18:27:23 $ by : <a