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<h1>Charter of the XML Coordination Group</h1>
<h3>[June 2004]</h3>

<p style="font-size: small; font-style: italic">
C. M. Sperberg-McQueen, W3C, chair<br /><a
href="http://www.w3.org/People/Quin/">Liam Quin</a>, Team contact,
for Tim Berners-Lee, Director<br/>
$Revision: 1.22 $ of $Date: 2004/06/16 18:55:58 $ by $Author: plehegar $

The XML Coordination Group provides a forum for coordination between the
Working Groups of the XML Activity, and between the XML Activity and other
parts of W3C, and between the XML Activity and other organizations.
The XML Coordination Group is a Coordination Group of the W3C and
follows the Coordination Group process described in the <a
href="/Consortium/Process/">W3C Process Document</a>. Except as outlined
elsewhere in this charter and when applicable, the XML Coordination
Group follows the common procedures outlined in <a
href="xml-common-proc.html">Common Procedures for XML Working Groups</a>
(substituting "Coordination Group" for "Working Group" as needed).</p>
<hr />
<li><a href="#Scope">Scope and Functions</a></li>
<li><a href="#deliverables">Deliverables</a></li>
<li><a href="#Duration">Duration</a></li>
<li><a href="#Membership">Coordination Group participation</a></li>
<li><a href="#Meetings">Meeting Schedule and Record</a></li>
<li><a href="#communication">Communications</a></li>
<li><a href="#Confidentiality">Confidentiality</a></li>
<li><a href="#pp">Patent Disclosures</a></li>
<hr />

<h2>1. <a name="Scope">Scope and Functions</a></h2>
<p>The XML Coordination Group is responsible for:</p>
<li>coordinating workflow between XML Activity working groups</li>
<li>watching out for dependencies between WGs</li>
<li>recommending the creation and dissolution of WGs 
within its chartered scope 
(rare but essential)</li>
<li>setting the master WG/IG/CG meeting schedule</li>
<li>maintaining the public roadmap
(<a href="http://www.w3.org/XML/">http://www.w3.org/XML/</a>)</li>
<li>notifying the XML Plenary IG of changes they should be aware of</li>
<li>maintaining liaison inside and outside the W3C &mdash;
in particular, gathering and forwarding requests for additional requirements
to the appropriate WG(s)</li>
<li>forwarding requests for process changes 
originating in the IG upward into the
larger W3C</li>
<li>suggesting/proposing items relating to policy and architecture 
to the XML Plenary IG for
its consideration</li>
<li>suggesting/proposing items relating to architecture 
to the TAG for
its consideration</li>
<li>discussing technical questions as needed 
<!--* and seeking consensus
on the overall direction for XML-related work in W3C</del><ins> 
in order to discharge its other responsibilities</ins> *--></li>
<li>managing crises
<li>turning hard policy/architecture questions over to the IG</li>
<li>liaising with W3C management when necessary</li>
<li>dealing with aggrieved Member organizations when necessary</li>
<li>coordination of press and media relations and speaking appearances
for the Working Groups in the Activity</li>

<h2>2. <a name="deliverables">Deliverables</a></h2>

The XML Coordination Group itself has no required deliverables;
those are produced by Working Groups. But the Coordination Group does maintain overviews
and otherwise communicate the results of the Working Groups, and in
conjunction with the XML Plenary Interest Group it has responsibility
for providing overall technical guidance for the development of XML and
related specifications.

<h2>3. <a name="Duration">Duration</a></h2>
<p>The expiration date of this charter is 30 June 2006.</p>

<h2>4. <a name="Membership">Coordination Group participation</a></h2>
<p>The XML Coordination Group membership consists of</p>
<li>the Coordination Group chair and W3C Team contacts</li>
<li>the Chairs of the XML Activity Working Groups (or their
delegates, if the Chair is not available); at the time of
writing, these were:<ul>
<li>XML Binary Characterization Working Group</li>
<li>XML Core Working Group</li>
<li>XSL Working Group</li>
<li>XML Schema Working Group</li>
<li>XML Query Working Group</li>
<li>liaisons, as decided by the Coordination Group; at the time of writing, these
<li>SVG Working Group (via Hypertext Coordination Group)</li>
<li>CSS Working Group, for coordination with XSL</li>
<!--* <li>XForms WG</li> *-->
<li>Web Services Coordination Group</li>
<li>Semantic Web Coordination Group</li>
<li>Hypertext Coordination Group</li>

<p>Other participants may be added, as decided by the Coordination Group and the
prospective participant, based on the need for close liaison with other
Working Groups in the XML Coordination Group.</p>

<p>The participants involvement required by this Group include
weekly teleconfences, mailing list and occasional face-to-face


<p>The initial chair of the XML Coordination Group is
C. M. Sperberg-McQueen, W3C.</p>
<!--* <p>The term <i>chair</i> in this document refers to either
co-chair.</p> *-->

<a name="W3CResources">W3C Team resources</a>

<p>The initial Team contact for the XML Coordination Group is Liam
Quin. Approximately 0.2 FTE are currently allocated to this


<h2>5. <a name="Meetings">Meeting Schedule and Record</a></h2>
The XML Coordination Group meets by phone every week, and occasionally meets
face-to-face when opportunity arises; recently, the Coordination Group has met
face to face in conjunction with W3C technical plenary meetings
or with co-located meetings of the XSL, XML Schema, and XML Query
Working Groups (expected frequency:
at most twice a year).</p>
Meeting records include participants present, the results of group decisions,
and significant action items.</p>

<h2>6. <a name="communication">Communications</a></h2>

<p>XML Coordination Group participants communicate via an <a
mailing list, <a
href="mailto:w3c-xml-cg&#64;w3.org">w3c-xml-cg</a>. This list is
The <a href="/XML/Group/">home page</a> of the Coordination Group, maintained by the chair and
Team contact, provides convenient access to</p>
<li>membership of the Coordination Group</li>
schedule of future events on behalf of the member Working Groups:
deliverables, face-to-face meetings, and other related events</li>
<li>history of the Coordination Group and the XML Activity: creation, meeting records, etc.</li>

<h2>7. <a name="Confidentiality">Confidentiality</a></h2>
<!--* <p>The proceedings of the XML Coordination Group are made
publicly available, subject to exceptions made by the chair.</p> *-->
The proceedings of this Coordination Group are Member-confidential,
subject to exceptions made by the Chair with the Coordination Group's
In support of public accountability, on the occasions (expected
to be rare) that this group finds itself responsible for making
decisions with an impact on the technical content of W3C
specifications, it will make public a summary of the question,
the decision made, and the rationale for the decision.

 <h2>8. <a name="pp">Patent Disclosures</a></h2>

	The XML Coordination Group provides an opportunity to share
	perspectives on XML in general. W3C reminds Coordination Group
	participants of their obligation to comply with patent
	disclosure obligations as set out in <a
	href="/Consortium/Patent-Policy/#sec-Disclosure">Section 6</a>
	of the W3C Patent Policy. While the Coordination Group does not
	produce Recommendation-track documents, when Coordination Group
	participants review Recommendation-track specifications from
	Working Groups, the patent disclosure obligations do apply.
<hr />
C. M. Sperberg-McQueen, Liam Quin
<p style="font-size: small">[$Id: xml-cg-charter.html,v 1.22 2004/06/16 18:55:58 plehegar Exp $]</p>