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<title>Web Architecture</title>
<h1>Web Architecture</h1>
<p><em>Addressing and Data Formats</em>
<p>Dan Connolly<br>
<a href="">W3C</a>
<p>WAPForum Meeting<br>
February 1998<br>
Fort Worth, TX

<li>Addressing: URIs
<li>Data Formats: XML

<h1>Web Architecture</h1>
<li>Addressing: URIs
<li>Protocols: HTTP, ...
<li>Data Formats: HTML, XML, ...
<p><a href="">notes from '91</a>

<h1>Addressing: URIs</h1>
<li>Jun '94: URI spec Informational <br>(RFC 1630)
<li>Dec '94: URL Proposed Standard <br>(RFC 1738, 1808)
<li>Aug '98: Common Syntax to Draft Standard <br>(RFC 2396)

<h1>Addressing: Issues</h1>
<li>Parsing, extensibility bugs
<li>Maintenance of the list of URI schemes
<li>Persistence (URNs, DOIs, rights management)
<li>Integrating TV, telephone

<h1>Addressing: Opportunities</h1>
<p>1st class objects vs.
<li>overuse of POST
<li>MIME x-types
<li>mailto: misnomer
<p>"value of the network varies with the square of the number of resources"

<h1>Data Formats</h1>
<li>HTML, plain text
<li>GIF, JPEG, ...
<li>Style Sheets: CSS, XSL

<h1>Format Negotiation</h1>
<li>In Theory: Client advertises capabilities
<br>Server optimizes response
<li>In Practice: Client advertises product codes
<br>Server kludges around bugs

<h1>Format Negotiation</h1>
<li>Lesson: evolution of capability list

<h1>W3C Data Format Architecture: XML</h1>
<li>Self-evident, self-similar structure
<br><em>no tag inference</em>
<li>Make HTML components usable by reference

<h1>XML: past, present, future</h1>
<li>Fall 1996: 1st Draft at SGML Conference
<li>Nov  1997: Proposed Recommendation
<li>Feb  1998: Recommendation
<li>June 1998: Continuing Work on XML
<li>Jan  1999: Namespaces Recommendation

<h1>XML Applications</h1>
<li>HTML Math (MathML)
<li>Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL)
<li>Resource Description Framework (RDF)
<li>Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)

<h1>XML Namespaces</h1>
<li>Address tag name collisions, ambiguity
<li>Namespaces are 1st class (addressable) resources

<p>metadata infrastructure for...
<li>Automated contract exchange
<li>Web structure analysis
<li>Bibliographic records (Dublin Core)
<li>Persistence (availability guarantees, rights management)

<h1>XML Activity</h1>
<li>XML Schema WG
<li>XML Linking WG
<li>XML Fragments WG
<li>XML Syntax WG
<li>XML Infoset WG

<h1>XML Schemas</h1>
<li>Provide DTD facilities in self-similar syntax
<li>Provide 1st-class module facility
<li>Integrate with modern data stores?
<li>Integrate with modern software development?

<h1>XML Linking</h1>
<li>modularize HTML linking
<li>link services, annotations, ...
<li>bring the web into the '70s

<h1>XML Fragments</h1>
<li>deal with fragments out of context

<h1>XML Syntax</h1>

<h1>XML Infoset</h1>
<li>make the implicit data model explicit

@@XML linking and WML
@@XML profile, voyager profile