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               <h1 class="title">W3C Invited Expert and Collaborators Agreement</h1>
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                        <p class="tPadding">This document sets forth terms which must be agreed to for participation
in the activities of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) as an invited expert
or collaborator (hereafter participant). This document details the
obligations and rights of the W3C host institutions (MIT, ERCIM or KEIO) and
Participants. It is based on the <a href="">Process</a> document, <a href="">Participant
Agreement</a>, the Participant <a href="">Guide</a>&#xA0;and <a href="">Intellectual
Property</a> policies of the W3C.</p>

                     <h2>1. Invited Experts and Collaborators at the Consortium.</h2>

                     <p>The Consortium benefits from the participation of external participants in
Consortium activities. Such participants are invited, at the discretion of
the Director, because of demonstrated expertise with a topic&#xA0;or external
community relevant to a W3C activity.&#xA0; </p>

                     <h2>2. Participation as an Invited Expert or Collaborator.</h2>

                     <p>The Participant hereby agrees to participate in the relevant coordination
group, interest group, or working group. Participants receive access to
Member only areas of the W3C site specific to the activity for which they
were invited. Invited Experts have read access to the internal documentation,
drafts, and notes of the working group. A Collaborator receives, in addition,
edit access to specific areas necessary for fulfilling the duties of his or
her position in the group.</p>

                     <h2>3. Term of Participation.</h2>

                     <p>The period of the Participant's participation in the Consortium shall last
the duration of the activity as defined by the charter or W3C activity lead.
Any party may end the relationship at their discretion. The relationship of
the parties under this Agreement shall be that of a voluntary association.
The Consortium is not a separate legal entity, and this Agreement does not
create a partnership or joint venture. Neither MIT, nor ERCIM, nor KEIO nor
the Participant can bind the other or create any relationship of principal or

                     <h2>4. Confidentiality</h2>

                     <p>The proceedings of Member activities are W3C confidential. Capabilities
are granted to individual Participants, not the organization with which they
may be affiliated. Participants should limit communications relevant to the
proceeding of Member activities to others bound by the member or participant
agreements unless a part of their role is sharing selected information with
the public or external communities.</p>

                     <h2>5. Use of Names.</h2>

                     <p>The Participant will not use the name of W3C, MIT, ERCIM or KEIO and W3C,
MIT, ERCIM or KEIO will not use the name of the Participant in any form of
publicity without prior permission. This is often determined by the policy of
the Working Group with respect to contributions to a deliverable or press
release attribution.</p>

                     <h2>6. Intellectual Property Rights.</h2>

                     <h3>a. Rights of Publication.</h3>

                     <p>MIT, ERCIM and KEIO and the Participant shall be free to use and publish
any research results, ideas, algorithms, techniques and other information
developed under the auspices of the Consortium during the term of this
Agreement except that intellectual property described in (b) and (c) below
shall be subject to the licenses specified therein.</p>

                     <h3>b. Ownership of Copyrights and Patents.</h3>

                     <p>The Participant agrees that all right, title and interest in and to any
and all software and documentation created or developed, and in and to all
patentable inventions conceived or first reduced to practice, by the
Director, MIT staff or industrially-employed visitors when working at MIT for
the Consortium shall vest in MIT. To the extent necessary, Participant agrees
to execute such assignment documents as may be required to vest title in MIT,
at no expense to the Participant.</p>

                     <p>The Participant agrees that all right, title and interest in and to any
and all software and documentation created or developed, and in and to all
patentable inventions conceived or first reduced to practice, by the Deputy
Director, ERCIM staff or industrially-employed visitors when working at ERCIM
for the Consortium shall vest in ERCIM. To the extent necessary, Participant
agrees to execute such assignment documents as may be required to vest title
in ERCIM, at no expense to the Participant.</p>

                     <p>The Participant agrees that all right, title and interest in and to any
and all software and documentation created or developed, and in and to all
patentable inventions conceived or first reduced to practice, by the Deputy
Director, KEIO staff or industrially-employed visitors when working at KEIO
for the Consortium shall vest in KEIO. To the extent necessary, Participant
agrees to execute such assignment documents as may be required to vest title
in KEIO, at no expense to the Participant.</p>

                     <p>Except as provided above, patentable inventions and copyrighted materials
developed jointly by MIT, ERCIM and KEIO and the Participant pursuing
Consortium activities, shall be jointly owned. Each joint owner shall be
entitled to exercise all rights of ownership as provided by law without,
however, an obligation of accounting from one to the other. Participant
understands that MIT, ERCIM and KEIO will make all such jointly owned
inventions and copyrights available to the general public for unrestricted

                     <h3>c. Licenses.</h3>

                     <p>MIT, ERCIM and KEIO agree to grant and hereby grant to Participant a
non-exclusive royalty-free, irrevocable, right and license to use, reproduce,
modify, translate, distribute, publicly display and publicly perform all
computer software and documentation described in Section 6(b) throughout the
world, subject to the notices with respect to copyright, trademarks, and
disclaimer of liability which shall appear on all copies of the software and
documentation provided to the Participant by MIT, ERCIM or KEIO and which
must be reproduced on each copy reproduced or distributed by the

                     <p>It is the intention of MIT, ERCIM and KEIO to grant to Participants of the
general public as well as to Participant license rights as described above,
including rights to use MIT, ERCIM and KEIO trademarks, if any, relating to
W3 products and services provided they conform to W3 specifications
established by MIT, ERCIM and KEIO.</p>

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