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  <h1>W3C SW Coordination Group Telco</h1>

  <h2>07 Apr 2010</h2>

  <p>See also: <a href="http://www.w3.org/2010/04/07-swcg-irc">IRC

  <h2><a name="attendees" id="attendees">Attendees</a></h2>

  <div class="intro">
      <dd>Tom, Michael, Sandro, Chris, Manu, Scott, Ivan, Raphaël, Joakim</dd>







      <a href="#agenda">Topics</a>

        <li><a href="#item01">Admin</a></li>

        <li><a href="#item02">Media Annotation WG update</a></li>

        <li><a href="#item03">Media Fragments WG Update</a></li>

    <li><a href="#ActionSummary">Summary of Action Items</a></li>
  <hr />

  <div class="meeting">

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>manu-work</cite>&gt; <a href=

    <p class='phone'><cite>Introductions:</cite> MichaelH, ManuS,
    Raphael, Tom, Scott, ChrisW, Joakim...</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Joakim:</cite> senior associate at
    Ericsson, Sweden, works with multimedia indexing - co-chair
    media annotation WG<br />
    ...Introductions: Sandro (and of course Ivan)</p>

    <h3 id="item01">Admin</h3>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>ivan</cite>&gt; <a href=
    "http://www.w3.org/2010/03/10-swcg-minutes.html">minutes of
    last meeting</a></p>

    <p class='phone'>Resolved: minutes from 2010-03-10

    <p class='phone'>Next meeting: 2010-04-21</p>

    <h3 id="item02">Media Annotation WG update</h3>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Joakim:</cite> Have been working for 1.5
    years, now close to Last Call for our ontology and API
    spec.<br />
    ... More or less successfully managed to map 20 formats and
    core set of ?20 attributes<br />
    ... Want to make sure we have not missed any. Want to specify
    "exact", "close", "related".<br />
    ... We also consider datatypes. Not trivial.</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>manu-work</cite>&gt; URL to latest
    editors draft?</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Joakim:</cite> We have mapping table.
    Recently query from BBC re: RDF implementation of
    ontology.<br />
    ... Many are keen on SW technologies, so Task Group in group to
    pursue this as parallel activity - not in charter.</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>raphael</cite>&gt; Ontology for Media
    Resources 1.0: <a href=

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>raphael</cite>&gt; API for Media
    Resources 1.0: <a href=

    <p class='phone'><cite>Joakim:</cite> Working on API defined
    with Web ADL</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>raphael</cite>&gt; Use Cases and
    Requirements document: <a href=

    <p class='phone'><cite>Joakim:</cite> put out current specs -
    have review from Opera and others.<br />
    ... would like to have review process finished in order to hold
    Last Call in April or May</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>Zakim</cite>&gt; manu-work, you wanted
    to ask about Connected Media Experience.</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Manu:</cite> Does the MA prefix in
    section 4.1.2. map to a known URL, described by RDF document -
    do we expect people would be able to use this ontology

    <p class='phone'><cite>Ivan:</cite> Use ma:creator or

    <p class='phone'><cite>Joakim:</cite> Spec currently in prose,
    so no RDF implementation or defining a namespace. Currently not
    on the agenda. Will not be part of the recommendation.</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Ivan:</cite> Doesn't tell me how to add
    metadata in RDF.</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Tom:</cite> Jisc undertook a vocabulary
    mappiung framework, how does it relate?<br />
    ... i am unusure about what mapping initiatives try to
    achieve<br />
    ... do you know about that?</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>joakim:</cite> I did not know about that
    initiative<br />
    ... reference?</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>mscottm</cite>&gt; <a href=

    <p class='phone'><cite>TomB:</cite> my general question is:
    from a sw point of view we have a landscape of vocabularies,
    and now we have these mapping initiatives<br />
    ... and the question is what the function of those mappings is
    supposed to be</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>manu-work</cite>&gt; Vocabulary mixing
    is also going to become very prevalent when RDFa 1.1 hits the
    web next year.</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>TomB:</cite> is it something that
    augments the use of distributed vocabularies, or does it
    replace them?</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>joakim:</cite> we did discuss that<br />
    ... some members would like to see a specification with
    rdf<br />
    ... it is still not excluded</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>TomB</cite>&gt; Joakim: Some members
    want to see RDF implementation but still not excluded - would
    be like a slice</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Joakim:</cite> Another common
    question: how does it relate to DC? At time DC was developed -
    there is no semantics of relationships to other
    attributes.<br />
    ... Our attributes could be viewed as a vocabulary. We have
    attributes that are terms. Very easy to make ontology - the
    long-term purpose.<br />
    ... We have semantic relationships in place. But group did not
    want to demand a technology in the implementation - would make
    it less useful.</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>manu-work</cite>&gt; <a href=

    <p class='phone'><cite>Manu:</cite> New standard being worked
    on that has strong overlap with Media Fragments - express
    music, television, movies, on Web in standard way - using RDF
    as base mechanism</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Raphael:</cite> So this is basically a
    mapping and the working group is asking how to represent and
    whether it should be implemented somehow. Explicit RDF, SKOS,

    <p class='phone'><cite>Joakim:</cite> Good summary.</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>manu-work</cite>&gt; Joakim, Raphael:
    my e-mail: msporny@digitalbazaar.com - follow up with me after
    the telecon.</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Scott:</cite> In meantime, re:
    participating in W3C, in Health Care - seen other groups being
    created. Question: Specific apps that will help improve uptake
    of your work? Barriers to uptake?</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Joakim:</cite> Two scenarios: one
    implemented in browser, another as Web service (if you are a
    metadata aggregator)</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Scott:</cite> Do you see need for provenance for

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>manu-work</cite>&gt; Provenance
    shouldn't be their problem, right?</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>manu-work</cite>&gt; it's in a
    different layer?</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Joakim:</cite> not mentioned in spec,
    but should be covered by different layer.</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>manu-work</cite>&gt; yes, that's right

    <h3 id="item03">Media Fragments WG Update</h3>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>raphael</cite>&gt; My Slides: <a href=

    <p class='phone'><cite>Raphael:</cite> Spoke to CG one year
    ago. 15 active participants.<br />
    ... Goal: URI-based mechanism for identifying media fragments
    on Web.<br />
    ... We spent several months on use cases.<br />
    ... Slides 4 and 5 are user stories.<br />
    ... People who want to share delimited sequences of videos and
    get URI to share via microblogging<br />
    ... Lena wants to browse audio tracks of videos - not send all
    tracks over wire, but select tracks for display<br />
    ... refer by name to particular chapters ...<br />
    ... Slide 7: Media Fragment URI Syn tax for Time, Space, Track,
    and Name<br />
    ... API in Javascript - browser can find out what tracks are
    available<br />
    ... Track and Name are trickier, especially Int'ln
    problems<br />
    ... Slide 8: Normally, hash is stripped out before sending to
    sever.<br />
    ... will slightly change...<br />
    ... we foresee smart agents that do not throw out hash, but
    encode into HTTP headers<br />
    ... in order to serve fragments requested<br />
    ... current browsers will just ignore - not break.<br />
    ... Slide 9: http request, smart user agent can make
    mapping<br />
    ... can expose response<br />
    ... Slide 10: what is sent back is just the bytes corresponding
    to the sequence<br />
    ... with HTML5 browser<br />
    ... Slide 11: user needs server help. Custom units can be used
    in range requests.<br />
    ... will extract bytes and send back with 206 partial
    content<br />
    ... mapping between time and bytes, packages sent back to
    users.<br />
    ... Slide 13: Optimization of Recipe 2. Question in seconds,
    answer in bytes.<br />
    ... win cachability with this recipe<br />
    ... Slide 15: optimization, different - request expressed in
    seconds, but serves multi-part response - not just bytes
    corresponding to sequence, but playable response</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>ivan</cite>&gt; worked for me,
    highlighting raphael:-)</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Raphael:</cite> Slide 16: Demo. Click on
    Media Fragments player. Click on GO. Can just play sequence
    that is highlighted.<br />
    ... click on Silvia's experiment with HTML5 and Javascript.</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>ivan</cite>&gt; that one does not work
    in safari:-(</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Raphael:</cite> implementations in
    pipeline for HTML5<br />
    ... normally should work with Safari, Opera, Chrome,

    <p class='phone'><cite>Manu:</cite> Is this something we are
    expecting Apache and IIS teams to pick up and implement, or
    expecting modules that Apache uses? How do we expect this to be
    used in field?</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Raphael:</cite> Currently talking with
    Squid (proxies) - hope to have Apache modules. Would be
    codec-dependent.<br />
    ... would aim at good coverage of major formats.</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>manu-work</cite>&gt; This would be
    very useful for &lt;video&gt; and &lt;audio&gt; tags in

    <p class='phone'><cite>Ivan:</cite> On client side, talking
    with browser vendors? Opera in WG, impelementing. Longer-term,
    will be native. Mozilla patch. Apple is in WG.<br />
    ... Imagine it will be supported.</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Raphael:</cite> We are in close touch with
    HTML5 working group.</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Raphael:</cite> "Yes, will work with

    <p class='phone'><cite>Manu:</cite> Video and audio tags is
    primary element targeted?</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Raphael:</cite> Targeting both, but any
    URI you put in browser bar. Flash clients that can also handle.
    Not just HTML5. But HTML5 really pushing.<br />
    ... HTML5 covering understanding hash fragments.</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Scott:</cite> QuickTime versus
    Flash? Do you see a problem?</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Raphael:</cite> not really. Main problem
    with both: plug-in within browser. So if looking in browser
    environment, need communication with plug-in - security
    issues.<br />
    ... Native audio and video HTML browsers handier to

    <p class='phone'><cite>Ivan:</cite> URI structure will give
    additional structure for talking about fragments of media.</p>

    <p class='phone'>Meeting adjourned - thank you Raphael and


  <h2><a name="ActionSummary" id="ActionSummary">Summary of Action
  Items</a></h2><!-- Action Items -->
  [End of minutes]<br />
  <hr />

    Minutes formatted by David Booth's <a href=
    scribe.perl</a> version 1.135 (<a href=
    "http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2002/scribe/">CVS log</a>)<br />
    $Date: 2010/04/07 14:18:35 $
