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    Semantic Web Coordination Group, 6 February 2009

<div class="slide cover">
  <div class="header">
    <h1>W3C Media Fragments Working Group</h1>
    <p><a href=""><font color="#FFFFFF">Rapha&euml;l Troncy</font></a> (CWI)
    &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;,<br /> 
       <font color="#FFFFFF">Erik Mannens</font> (IBBT MediaLab, University of Ghent)
    &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;
  <img src="" alt="Media Fragment group photo, Cannes (FR)"/>

<div class="slide">
  <h1>Media Fragments WG Pointers</h1>
    Duration: September 2008 - January 2010
    This slide: <a href=""></a>
    Home: <a href=""></a>
    Wiki: <a href=""></a>
    Archive: <a href=""></a>
    Part of: <a href="">Video in the Web Activity</a> / 
    <a href="">Hypertext Coordination Group</a> /
    <a href="">Interaction Domain</a>

<div class="slide">
  <h1>Media Fragment History</h1>
   <div style='margin: 1em;'>
    <img src='' alt='Cinematographie'
         style='float: right; padding-top: 5px;padding-right: 5px;border:none'/>
    <h3 style='padding-top: 1em;'>W3C Video on the Web Workshop</h3>
    <p>12-13 December 2007, San Jose, California and Brussels, Belgium</p>
    <p style='margin-bottom: .5ex;padding-bottom:1em'>Hosted by Cisco Systems</p>
   <div class='image' style='float: right'>
    <p class='img' style='width: 500px'><img src=''
       alt='W3C Video Workshop Telepresence' title='W3C Video Workshop Telepresence'/><br />
     <span class='source'>Photo credit: <a href="">Chris Lilley</a></span></p>
   <p style='padding-top: 3em;'><b>Motto:</b> Make video a first-class object on the Web</p>

<div class="slide">
  <h1>W3C Workshop Participants</h1>
  <p style='font-weight: bold; font-size: 75%'>Accenture, Adobe Systems, Annodex
Association, Apple, CBS Interactive, CableLabs, Canon, Capgemini, CWI,
Cisco Systems, Dailymotion, Hitachi, Hot Potato, IBBT, IJS, MTV
Networks, Meraka Institute, Motorola, Move Networks, Mozilla
Foundation, Nemours Foundation, Nokia Corporation, RealNetworks,
Samsung Electronics, Sony, Sun Microsystems, Thomson, Turner
Broadcasting System, University Of California at Santa Cruz,
University of Wollongong, VRT medialab, Via Licensing, Walt Disney
Internet Group, Web3D Consortium, Wright State University, YouTube,
  <div class='image'>
   <p class='img' style='width: 500px'><img src='' width='500'
      title='Steve Bratt makes a point in Black and White' alt='Steve Bratt makes a point in Black and White'/><br />
    <span class='source'>Photo credit: <a href="">Robert Freund</a></span></p>

<div class="slide">
  <h1>Workshop Laundry list</h1>
  <ul style='font-family: Handscript SF, serif'>
    <li><code>&lt;video></code> <span style='font-family: sans-serif'>HTML</span> 5.0</li>
    <li>Codecs and formats</li>
    <li><strong>Metadata &#8658; <a href="">Media Annotations WG</a></strong></li>
    <li>Content protection</li>
    <li><strong>Fragment &#8658; <a href="">Media Fragments WG</a></strong></li>
    <li>Accessibility <em>(still an issue)</em></li>
    <li>Synchronization, Temporal properties for styling</li>
    <li>Distribution: cost, QoS, tracking, mobile, etc.</li>
    <li>Playlist files</li>

<div class="slide">
 <h1>Media Fragments WG Goal</h1>
 <p style='float: right; width: 40%;'>
Provide <strong>URI-based mechanisms</strong> for uniquely identifying <strong>fragments</strong> for <strong>media</strong> objects on the Web, such as video, audio, and images.
 <div class='image' style='clear: left;' >
  <p class='img' style='width: 500px; margin: 1%; clear:left;'><img src=''
     title='Beth, the audience, Belgium, her pitch, and herself' alt='Beth, the audience, Belgium, her pitch, and herself'/><br />
   <span class='source'>Photo credit: <a href="">Robert Freund</a></span></p>
 <p style='margin: 1em auto; text-align: center'><img src='' alt='Temporal addressing' title='Temporal addressing'/></p>

<div class="slide">
 <h1>Media Fragments WG Activities</h1>
   <li>Chairs: Erik Mannens (IBBT), Rapha&#235;l Troncy (CWI)</li>
   <li>Team contact: Yves Lafon, (<em>alternate Thierry Michel</em>)</li>
   <li>13 <a href="">Participants</a>:
     <li>from 8 organizations: Apple Inc., DERI Galway, CWI, IBBT, Meraka Institute, Samsung, K-Space, W3C/ERCIM</li>
     <li>+1 Invited Expert: <a href="">Silvia Pfeiffer</a></li>
  <li>14 teleconferences so far (weekly frequency)</li>
  <li>3 Face to Face meetings:
	<li>20-21/10/2008 (@TPAC, Cannes, FR):
<a href="">agenda</a>,
minutes <a href="">Monday</a>,
<a href="">Tuesday</a> and
<a href="">slides &amp; resources</a></li>
	<li>09-10/12/2008 (IBBT, Ghent, BE), 
<a href="">agenda</a>,
minutes <a href="">Tuesday</a>,
<a href="">Wednesday</a> and
<a href="">slides &amp; resources</a></li>
    <li>16-17/04/2009 (@WWW, Barcelona, ES)</li>

<div class="slide">
 <h1><a href="">Use Cases &amp; Requirements</a></h1>
<a href=""></a>
     <li>Link to, Display, Bookmark, Annotate, Search, etc. media fragments</li>
   <li>Type of fragments: <a href="">four dimensions considered</a>
     <li><b>time</b> ([point?] interval), <b>space</b> ([point?] rectangle), <b>track</b> and <b>id</b> (named fragment)</li>
     <li>Restrict to what the container format (encapsulating the compressed media content) can express (and expose), thus no transcoding</li>
   <li>Protocols covered: HTTP(S), RTSP
    <ul><li>... what about <a href="">mms</a>, 
     <a href="">rtmp</a>, p2p protocols, etc. ? They are often proprietary (see also
     <a href="">usage statistics</a>)</li></ul>

<div class="slide">
 <h1><a href="">Technological Survey</a></h1>
  <li>Media Fragments URI already present on the web ... but with very different syntax and behavior
    <li>Google Video: (<b>#50m16s</b>)<br/>
<a href=";ei=MCH-SNfJD5HS2gKirMD2Dg&amp;q=%22that%27s+a+tremendous+gift%22#50m16s">;ei=MCH-SNfJD5HS2gKirMD2Dg&amp;q=%22that%27s+a+tremendous+gift%22#50m16s</a></li>
    <li>YouTube: (<b>#t=1m45s</b>)<br/>
<a href=""></a></li>
    <li> powered by <a href="">TemporalURI</a>: (<b>?t=74.5 </b>)<br/>
<a href=""></a></li>
    <li>Videosurf: (<b>?t=140&amp;e=184</b>)<br/>
<a href=";e=184">;e=184</a></li>
    <li>Microsoft IIS 7.0:<br/>
<a href=""></a></li>
    <li>Metacafe, Dailymotion, etc. ?</li>
  <li>Other time-clipping and spatial clipping methods:
    <li>MPEG-21: time, space, track, id (<a href=",%270%27,%2760%27))">,%270%27,%2760%27))</a>)</li>
    <li>SVG: space (<a href=",15.73,146.98,147.48)">,15.73,146.98,147.48)</a>)</li>
    <li>SMIL: time (<code>clipBegin</code>, <code>clipEnd</code>), space (<code>panZoom</code>, <code>area</code>), media markers</li>
    <li>MPEG-7: time, space, modality</li>

<div class="slide">
 <h1>Media Fragments 1.0</h1>
  <li><a href="">Syntax</a>:
  <li>Communication between the User Agent and the Server:<br />
  General principle is that <em>smart</em> UA will strip out the fragment definition and encode it into custom http headers ...
    <li>2 way-handshakes: use custom HTTP range units, defined along the different axis suitable to describe media fragments</li>
    <li>4 way-handshakes: custom resources that will direct the client on how and where to get all the data needed to construct a fragment</li>
  <li>(Media) Servers will handle the request, <em>slice</em> the media content and serve just the fragment<br /> 
  ... while old ones will serve the whole resource</li>
  <li><a href="">Server, caches and proxies:</a> use byte/time ranges to cache (merge) fragments</li>

<div class="slide">
 <h1>Issues (non exhaustive list)</h1>
  <li>Addressing <em>vs</em> Retrieving a media fragment?
    <li>FRBR (manifestation <em>vs</em> item): the fragment could be specified on an abstraction of a particular encoding format</li>
    <li>Content Negotiation could be used to serve an RDF description of a media fragment, the media fragment encoded in mp3, in wav, etc.</li>
@prefix event: <>.
@prefix ps: <>.
@prefix rdfs: <>.
:chorus1 a ps:Chorus;
    rdfs:label "First chorus";
    event:time [
       url ",20";
  <li>Media Fragments <a href="">semantics</a>?
    <li><a href="">RFC3986</a>: semantics of URI fragment depends on the media type<br />
    ... by default, the semantics is considered unknown</li>
    <li>TBL <a href="">suggests</a> to register video/*, audio/*, image/*<br/>
    ... but some of them have already been registered (e.g. <a href="">MPEG-21 Part 17</a></li>
    <!-- image/svg+xml -->

<div class="slide">
 <h1>Thank you</h1>
 <img src='' alt='Cinematographie'
      style='float: right; margin: 3em; -moz-border-radius: 2px;'/>
 <h2 style='color: rgb(0, 90, 156); font-weight: bold;padding-top: 1em;'>Video on the Web is not just what you see</h2>
 <h3 style='color: rgb(0, 90, 156); padding: 1em; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic'>&mdash; it's what you can search, discover, create, distribute and manage.</h3>