swa2.n3 1.72 KB
@prefix u: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>.
 u:comment "This is the state of the W3C Semantic Web Activity
		and its surroundings as of Feb 2001.";
 u:comment "$Id: swa2.n3,v 1.1 2001/02/22 06:17:55 connolly Exp $";

@prefix : <http://www.w3.org/2001/02pd/swa2#>.
@prefix d: <http://www.w3.org/2001/02pd/swa2#>. #@@ belongs elsewhere

<> d:obsoletes <swa.dot>.

:W3C :director :timbl.
:W3C u:label "World Wide Web Consortium".
:timbl u:label "Tim Berners-Lee". #@@ p3p:fullName?

:W3C :hasDomain :TnS.
:TnS u:label "Technology and Society". #@@ groupname?
:TnS :lead :djw.
:djw u:label "Daniel J. Weitzner".

:TnS :hasActivity :SWA.
:SWA u:label "Semantic Web". #@@ Semantic Web Activity? W3C Semantic ...?

:SWA :hasGroup :RDFIG, :RDFCoreWG, :SWAD, :SWCG, :tbdWG;
  :lead :em.

:em u:label "Eric Miller".

  u:label "RDF Interest Group".
:RDFCoreWG a :WG;
  u:label "RDF Core Working Group".
:SWCG a :CG;
  u:label "Semantic Web Coordination Group";
  :chair :em.
:tbdWG a :WGplanned;
  u:label "... WG".

# Schema-ish bits...

:director u:label "director";
  u:range :Person. #@@make connection to membership contract?

:lead u:label "lead";
  u:range :Person.

:chair u:label "chair";
  u:range :Person.

#@@this bit should probably go in another file...
@prefix g: <http://www.w3.org/2001/02pd/gv#>.
@prefix o: <http://www.w3.org/2001/02pd/orgDiagram#>.

<> g:digraph
 [ g:label """a view of the world centered on the W3C Semantic Web Activity as of Feb 2001""";
	g:id "SWA";
	g:hasNode :W3C

:cTnS is o:cluster of :TnS;
 g:id "clusterTnS". #@@hmm... handle :id in rdf2dot.xsl?

:cSWA is o:cluster of :SWA;
 g:id "clusterSWA".