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  <title>XML spec dependencies</title>
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<h1>XML specification dependencies</h1>

href="">dot service seems to be down 3 Aug 2000<!--img
ismap="ismap"--> </a></p>
<p>local copy of diagram, manually synchronized: <br />
<img src="xmldep.gif" />
<p><em><a href="">diagram source</a>

rendered by <a
href="">Graphviz</a> from
<a href="">AT&amp;T research</a></em></p>

  <li>harvest this data using XPath to scrape the /TR/ page and the specs</li>
  <li>express it in RDF, layer RDFviz@@ on top RDFviz ideas: use label
    properties and such to get rid of URLs-in-your-face</li>

<p>See also</p>
  <li><a href="">last call issue process
    diagram</a>, some related, earlier work.</li>
  Dan Connolly, Mar 2000<br>
  <small>$Revision of $Date: 2000/08/04 02:54:53 $ by $Author: connolly $</small>