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  <h1>- DRAFT -</h1>

  <h1>Social Web Incubator Group Teleconference</h1>

  <h2>24 Feb 2010</h2>

  <p>See also: <a href="http://www.w3.org/2010/02/24-swxg-irc">IRC

  <h2><a name="attendees" id="attendees">Attendees</a></h2>

  <div class="intro">

      <dd>DKA, AnitaD, melvster, yoshiaki, MacTed, hhalpin, Carine,
      bblfish, FabGandon, rreck</dd>







      <a href="#agenda">Topics</a>

        <li><a href="#item01">Convene SWXG WG meeting of

        <li><a href="#item02">Action Reminders</a></li>

        <li><a href="#item03">Final Report of possibility charter

        <li><a href="#item04">interim report</a></li>

    <li><a href="#ActionSummary">Summary of Action Items</a></li>
  <hr />

  <div class="meeting">
    <p class='phone'></p>

    <p class='phone'></p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>trackbot</cite>&gt; Date: 24 February

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; DKA?</p>

    <h3 id="item01">Convene SWXG WG meeting of

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; scribe: DKA</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; PROPOSED: to
    approve SWXG WG Weekly -- 17 February 2010 as a true record</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; ack, let's hold
    that off - there was a RRSAgent error</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; PROPOSED: to meet
    again Wed. 3rd: TimBL on Clould and Social Computing</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; RESOLVED: to meet
    again Wed. 3rd: TimBL on Clould and Social Computing</p>

    <p class='phone'>Great!</p>

    <h3 id="item02">Action Reminders</h3>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; DKA? Thoughts about
    co-ordination?</p><a name="action01" id="action01"></a>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt;
    <strong>ACTION:</strong> <strong>[CONTINUES]</strong> (4 weeks)
    danbri and DKA to blog or wikize something on co-ordination in
    the social web [recorded in <a href=

    <h3 id="item03">Final Report of possibility charter

    <p class='phone'><cite>Harry:</cite> Want to spend most of this
    meeting talking about the final report.</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>DKA:</cite> No I don't have an update

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; At the end of next
    month, March 31st.</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Harry:</cite> We expire at the end of
    next month - the charter.</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; "interim" final

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; in March.</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Harry:</cite> do we want to ask for an
    extension? We need to come to consensus on charter extension.
    We will need to produce an interim final report in march.</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; AC Meeting in
    Cambridge March 22-24th</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Harry:</cite> it would be good to have
    something drafted by the A.C. meeting.</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; June or Sept (3 or

    <p class='phone'><cite>Harry:</cite> should we get formal
    consensus on a charter extension? then decide what we want to
    put in the final report. Then, what do we need to do and how
    long an extension do we want to apply for? Expiring June or

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; Any opinions on
    this one?</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; DKA: don't want to
    see group go into "zombie" mode</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; ... but think an
    extension is warranted</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; ... would like to
    see it still living</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; ... we should have
    a plan to draw our work to close</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; ... am happy to
    support 3 month extension</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>melvster</cite>&gt; +1</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; ... would still
    want to end work in 3 months if we go for 6 months</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>melvster</cite>&gt; <a href=

    <p class='phone'><cite>Harry:</cite> looking over at things we
    have on our list of to-dos:</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; We haven't heard
    from the other side of the OAuth/WRAP controversy</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; Ben Laurie (Google)
    and Eran (Yahoo) said to present the other side.</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; We haven't had a
    suitable review of OpenSocial</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; WebApps WG is in
    process of rechartering</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; So they feel there
    needs to be some co-ordination between them, Contact API, W3C
    Widgets, and OpenSocial</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; and there's still
    an open idea of doing an internationalization/accessibility
    review of OpenSocial</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; no problems with
    the Apache Foundations' OpenSocial (Shindig) implementation</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; Google Wave</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; ok?</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>melvster</cite>&gt; yes :)</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; major thing</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; DKA: What do we do
    with OAuth/WRAP controversy?</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Harry:</cite> Back to OpenSocial

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; Social API WG spun

    <p class='phone'><cite>Harry:</cite> Doug Scheppers thought
    maybe we could get a social API working group spun off.</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; and it would have
    as a complement (orthogonal but compatible) a Social Formats WG
    (to handle XML/RDF/JSON) formatting issues</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>melvster</cite>&gt; yes</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>melvster</cite>&gt; one sec</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; that melvsters URI
    for comparing PortableContacts with FOAF</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Harry:</cite> Main issue with the social
    formats working group on our end - melvster has put together a
    google doc for comparing portable contacts with FOAF.<br />
    ... other options from XFN, OpenSocial, etc...<br />
    ... could be useful to sort out how we sort out all these.</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>melvster</cite>&gt; <a href=

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; SIOC and the
    presence ontologyu</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Harry:</cite> 2nd issue we're facing is
    to do with the social APIs - we could make a social formats
    working group that models all the social aspects in RDF but we
    don't really know if we're going to make a move on this.<br />
    ... I think all this indicates the need for a 6-month

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>melvster</cite>&gt; +1 for 6 month
    extension, aim to finish working version of final report in 3

    <p class='phone'><cite>Harry:</cite> Opinion from google folks
    - they haven't been sold on the value of going to a standards
    org for their work. Don't think we can finish the work but we
    could ask these folks if they want a working group
    chartered.<br />
    ... another option - twitter, microblogging and semantic

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>melvster</cite>&gt; AlexPassant wrote
    semantic open micro blogging too ... <a href=

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; Milan's presence
    ontology would be useful</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Harry:</cite> Evan might have been
    interested to write an XG proposal for open microblogging.</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; one result if we
    decide not liason structure and maybe Identity Commons and
    OpenWeb Foundation.</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Harry:</cite> we need to have one result
    of this even if we don't want to charter a working group. We
    could get a liaison structure going on with Identity Commons
    and Open Web Foundation.</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>melvster</cite>&gt; 2 more:
    Information Cards, Google Social Graph API/Buzz etc.</p>

    <p class='phone'>+1 on putting those liaisons in place.</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>melvster</cite>&gt; Brad

    <p class='phone'><cite>DKA:</cite> I would also like to further
    explore how XMPP and the work we introduced around OneSocialWeb
    could play a role int he architecture of the social web.</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>melvster</cite>&gt; sure!</p><a name=
    "action02" id="action02"></a>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt;
    <strong>ACTION:</strong> danbri to inquire about
    BradFitzpatrick and Social Graph API [recorded in <a href=

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>trackbot</cite>&gt; Created ACTION-125
    - Inquire about BradFitzpatrick and Social Graph API [on Dan
    Brickley - due 2010-03-03].</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; strong opinions re
    what precisely?</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>bblfish</cite>&gt; yes, that would be
    interesting to look at XMPP in web architectural terms, and how
    one could use rdf in XMPP</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; REST-ful API on top
    of OneSocialWeb</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; that would fit in
    within WebApps Social API WG idea</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; and Social Formats
    WG idea</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>melvster</cite>&gt; would be

    <p class='phone'><cite>Harry:</cite> we could do a real working
    group on this - there's a tangly mess between XMPP APIs,
    formats, etc... We need some charter-worthy bullet points for a
    wg charter on this.</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; OneSocialWeb stuff
    kinda is in between XMPP Foundation and W3C</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; OpenSocial stuff is
    between OpenSocial Foundation</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; Google Wave is in
    Google's hand</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>bblfish</cite>&gt; no, not me</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; RDF and XMPP?</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Harry:</cite> could bring in
    OneSocialWeb, Buzz, Wave, maybe Peter St. André...</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>bblfish</cite>&gt; I think danbri has
    done some work</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Harry:</cite> for a future call.</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>caribou</cite>&gt; can this be
    summarized and presented in a WBS survey?</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Harry:</cite> also a story around RDF
    and HTTP.</p>

    <p class='phone'>+1 to a survey</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; so proposals for
    future topics within XG that *might* be continued afterwards,
    right caribou?</p><a name="action03" id="action03"></a>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt;
    <strong>ACTION:</strong> hhalpin to make WBS survey on ranking
    future topics to be continued afterwards [recorded in <a href=

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>trackbot</cite>&gt; Created ACTION-126
    - Make WBS survey on ranking future topics to be continued
    afterwards [on Harry Halpin - due 2010-03-03].</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; Oslo alliance has
    gone off rader</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; from a use-case
    perspective - policy languages and provenance</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>caribou</cite>&gt; there's an XG on
    Provenance already</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>rreck</cite>&gt; battery died</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; np rreck</p>

    <h3 id="item04">interim report</h3>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; tagging videos and
    tagging images and tagging user profile</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; "resource" webarch
    in the use-case document</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; their terminology
    along with the principles of Anita</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>melvster</cite>&gt; never done
    anything like it before, but id be happy to help/review</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>bblfish</cite>&gt; could help with the
    use cases...</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; open-social and the
    W3C DAP Contact API</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>bblfish</cite>&gt; (which I was meant
    to be working on anyway)</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; into that google

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; Melvin?</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>melvster</cite>&gt; yes</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>melvster</cite>&gt; will look at DAP,
    PoCo includes OpenSocial</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; kevin marks has a
    copy of that in Google Docs</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>melvster</cite>&gt; sure</p><a name=
    "action04" id="action04"></a>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt;
    <strong>ACTION:</strong> melvster to look at Contact API and
    put those in Google Doc [recorded in <a href=

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>trackbot</cite>&gt; Sorry, couldn't
    find user - melvster</p><a name="action05" id="action05"></a>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt;
    <strong>ACTION:</strong> mcarvalho to look at Contact API and
    put those in Google Doc [recorded in <a href=

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>trackbot</cite>&gt; Sorry, couldn't
    find user - mcarvalho</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>melvster</cite>&gt; one sec</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>melvster</cite>&gt; maybe mcarvalh

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>melvster</cite>&gt; ill find
    it</p><a name="action06" id="action06"></a>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt;
    <strong>ACTION:</strong> mcarvalh to look at Contact API and
    put those in Google Doc [recorded in <a href=

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>trackbot</cite>&gt; Created ACTION-127
    - Look at Contact API and put those in Google Doc [on Melvin
    Carvalho - due 2010-03-03].</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>AnitaD</cite>&gt; I can support with
    the landscape overview too</p><a name="action07" id=

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt;
    <strong>ACTION:</strong> hhalpin to get you data on OpenSocial
    from Kevin Marks, DAP Contact API work from Thomas Roessler
    [recorded in <a href=

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>trackbot</cite>&gt; Created ACTION-128
    - Get you data on OpenSocial from Kevin Marks, DAP Contact API
    work from Thomas Roessler [on Harry Halpin - due

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>AnitaD</cite>&gt; yes, I can do that
    and involve our experts :)</p><a name="action08" id=

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt;
    <strong>ACTION:</strong> Anita to draft XMPP and mobile notes
    and put them on wiki [recorded in <a href=

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>trackbot</cite>&gt; Created ACTION-129
    - Draft XMPP and mobile notes and put them on wiki [on Anita
    Döhler - due 2010-03-03].</p>

    <p class='phone'>[discussion on liaisons with other
    organizations...]</p><a name="action09" id="action09"></a>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt;
    <strong>ACTION:</strong> DKA to discuss liasoning after AC
    meeting [recorded in <a href=

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>trackbot</cite>&gt; Created ACTION-130
    - Discuss liasoning after AC meeting [on Daniel Appelquist -
    due 2010-03-03].</p>

    <p class='phone'>action-130?</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>trackbot</cite>&gt; ACTION-130 --
    Daniel Appelquist to discuss liasoning after AC meeting -- due
    2010-03-03 -- OPEN</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>trackbot</cite>&gt; <a href=

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>melvster</cite>&gt; for the interim
    report -- do we also want to include a summary of timbl's
    recommendations (next week) / F2F notes?</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>melvster</cite>&gt; sure</p><a name=
    "action10" id="action10"></a>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt;
    <strong>ACTION:</strong> melvster to write up F2F notes plus
    whatever face-to-face stuff TimBl might say [recorded in
    <a href=

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>trackbot</cite>&gt; Sorry, couldn't
    find user - melvster</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>bblfish</cite>&gt; oops cut
    off</p><a name="action11" id="action11"></a>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt;
    <strong>ACTION:</strong> mcarvalh to write up F2F notes plus
    whatever face-to-face stuff TimBl might say [recorded in
    <a href=

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>trackbot</cite>&gt; Created ACTION-131
    - Write up F2F notes plus whatever face-to-face stuff TimBl
    might say [on Melvin Carvalho - due 2010-03-03].</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>melvster</cite>&gt; +1</p>

    <p class='phone'>+1 to 6 month extension.</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; PROPOSAL: to ask
    for 6 months extension, but aim for having final report done in
    3 months</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Harry:</cite> can we get conesnsus on
    6-month extensiton?</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>melvster</cite>&gt; +1</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>AnitaD</cite>&gt; +1</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>MacTed</cite>&gt; +1</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>FabGandon</cite>&gt; +1</p>

    <p class='phone'>+1</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; yoshi?</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; Carine?</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hajons</cite>&gt; +1</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; yeah we can put it
    on the web-form</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>caribou</cite>&gt; 0</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>yoshiaki</cite>&gt; +1</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>rreck</cite>&gt; +1</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; 0 = abstrain,
    correct carine?</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; robin berjon he
    couldn't make 4 PM.</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Harry:</cite> next week - because of
    webapps conflicts, they suggested that our discussion could
    bleed over past 17:00.</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; the other go for 3

    <p class='phone'><cite>Harry:</cite> other option is we go for

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; DKA? 3 or 5

    <p class='phone'>All UK times.</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; March 10th</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>DKA:</cite> I am happy to start at 3 if

    <p class='phone'><cite>Harry:</cite> that won't start until
    March 10th.</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>melvster</cite>&gt; thanks!</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; ACCEPTED: Consensus
    on 6-month extension for XG charter, with WBS sent out

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>hhalpin</cite>&gt; trackbot, end

  <h2><a name="ActionSummary" id="ActionSummary">Summary of Action
  Items</a></h2><!-- Action Items -->
  <strong>[NEW]</strong> <strong>ACTION:</strong> Anita to draft
  XMPP and mobile notes and put them on wiki [recorded in <a href=
  "http://www.w3.org/2010/02/24-swxg-minutes.html#action08">http://www.w3.org/2010/02/24-swxg-minutes.html#action08</a>]<br />

  <strong>[NEW]</strong> <strong>ACTION:</strong> danbri to inquire
  about BradFitzpatrick and Social Graph API [recorded in <a href=
  "http://www.w3.org/2010/02/24-swxg-minutes.html#action02">http://www.w3.org/2010/02/24-swxg-minutes.html#action02</a>]<br />

  <strong>[NEW]</strong> <strong>ACTION:</strong> DKA to discuss
  liasoning after AC meeting [recorded in <a href=
  "http://www.w3.org/2010/02/24-swxg-minutes.html#action09">http://www.w3.org/2010/02/24-swxg-minutes.html#action09</a>]<br />

  <strong>[NEW]</strong> <strong>ACTION:</strong> hhalpin to get
  you data on OpenSocial from Kevin Marks, DAP Contact API work
  from Thomas Roessler [recorded in <a href=
  "http://www.w3.org/2010/02/24-swxg-minutes.html#action07">http://www.w3.org/2010/02/24-swxg-minutes.html#action07</a>]<br />

  <strong>[NEW]</strong> <strong>ACTION:</strong> hhalpin to make
  WBS survey on ranking future topics to be continued afterwards
  [recorded in <a href=
  "http://www.w3.org/2010/02/24-swxg-minutes.html#action03">http://www.w3.org/2010/02/24-swxg-minutes.html#action03</a>]<br />

  <strong>[NEW]</strong> <strong>ACTION:</strong> mcarvalh to look
  at Contact API and put those in Google Doc [recorded in <a href=
  "http://www.w3.org/2010/02/24-swxg-minutes.html#action06">http://www.w3.org/2010/02/24-swxg-minutes.html#action06</a>]<br />

  <strong>[NEW]</strong> <strong>ACTION:</strong> mcarvalh to write
  up F2F notes plus whatever face-to-face stuff TimBl might say
  [recorded in <a href=
  "http://www.w3.org/2010/02/24-swxg-minutes.html#action11">http://www.w3.org/2010/02/24-swxg-minutes.html#action11</a>]<br />

  <strong>[NEW]</strong> <strong>ACTION:</strong> mcarvalho to look
  at Contact API and put those in Google Doc [recorded in <a href=
  "http://www.w3.org/2010/02/24-swxg-minutes.html#action05">http://www.w3.org/2010/02/24-swxg-minutes.html#action05</a>]<br />

  <strong>[NEW]</strong> <strong>ACTION:</strong> melvster to look
  at Contact API and put those in Google Doc [recorded in <a href=
  "http://www.w3.org/2010/02/24-swxg-minutes.html#action04">http://www.w3.org/2010/02/24-swxg-minutes.html#action04</a>]<br />

  <strong>[NEW]</strong> <strong>ACTION:</strong> melvster to write
  up F2F notes plus whatever face-to-face stuff TimBl might say
  [recorded in <a href=
  "http://www.w3.org/2010/02/24-swxg-minutes.html#action10">http://www.w3.org/2010/02/24-swxg-minutes.html#action10</a>]<br />

  &nbsp;<br />
  <strong>[PENDING]</strong> <strong>ACTION:</strong> (4 weeks)
  danbri and DKA to blog or wikize something on co-ordination in
  the social web [recorded in <a href=
  "http://www.w3.org/2010/02/24-swxg-minutes.html#action01">http://www.w3.org/2010/02/24-swxg-minutes.html#action01</a>]<br />

  &nbsp;<br />
  [End of minutes]<br />
  <hr />

    Minutes formatted by David Booth's <a href=
    scribe.perl</a> version 1.135 (<a href=
    "http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2002/scribe/">CVS log</a>)<br />
    $Date: 2010/02/24 16:51:24 $

  <div class="diagnostics">
    <hr />

    <h2>Scribe.perl diagnostic output</h2>[Delete this section
    before finalizing the minutes.]<br />
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.135  of Date: 2009/03/02 03:52:20  
Check for newer version at <a href=

Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/Apace/Apache/
Found Scribe: DKA
Inferring ScribeNick: DKA
Default Present: DKA, AnitaD, melvster, yoshiaki, MacTed, hhalpin, Carine, bblfish, FabGandon, rreck
Present: DKA AnitaD melvster yoshiaki MacTed hhalpin Carine bblfish FabGandon rreck
Found Date: 24 Feb 2010
Guessing minutes URL: <a href=

WARNING: No person found for ACTION item: (4 weeks) danbri and dka to blog or wikize something on co-ordination in the social web [recorded in <a href="http://www.w3.org/2010/02/24-swxg-minutes.html#action01">http://www.w3.org/2010/02/24-swxg-minutes.html#action01</a>]

People with action items: anita danbri dka hhalpin mcarvalh mcarvalho melvster

</pre>[End of <a href=
    scribe.perl</a> diagnostic output]