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<h1>W3C "Mobile Web Initiative" Workshop</h1>

<div id="sponsorbox">

<div id="goldbox">
<p class="sponsortitle">Gold Sponsors</p>
<a href=""><img class="gold" src="/2004/11/HP-2.png"
alt="HP" /></a> <a href=""><img class="gold"
src="/2004/11/orange-logo.png" alt="Orange" /></a> <a
href=""><img class="gold"
src="/2004/11/vf_logo_100x60.png" alt="Vodafone" /></a></div>

<div id="silverbox">
<p class="sponsortitle">Silver Sponsor</p>
<ul id="Silver">
  <li><a href="">Volantis</a></li>

<h3>18/19 November, 2004<br />
Barcelona, Spain<br />
(colocated with OMA meeting)</h3>

<p><strong>W3C would like to thank our sponsors for their generous support of
the W3C "Mobile Web Initiative" Workshop.</strong></p>

<p>With financial support from the <a
href="">European Commission's IST Programme</a>
under the <a href="">MWeb

<p>We would like to thank the <a
Foundation</a> for organizing this event.</p>

<h2><a name="Contents" id="Contents">Contents</a></h2>
  <li><a href="#Why">Introduction</a></li>
  <li><a href="">Workshop
  <li><a href="">List of accepted
    position papers</a></li>
  <li><a href="#Scope">Scope of the Workshop</a></li>
  <li><a href="#Expected">How to Participate</a></li>
  <li><a href="#Position">Important Dates</a></li>
  <li><a href="#Venue">Program Committee</a></li>
  <li><a href="#Venue1">Workshop Details</a></li>
  <li><a href="">List of
  <li><a href="">Minutes</a></li>

<h2><a name="Why" id="Why">Introduction</a></h2>


<p>Even though many of today's mobile phones include Web browsers, accessing
the Web from a mobile device has not become as popular as expected. Users
often find that their favorite Web sites are not accessible or not as easy to
use on their mobile phone as on their desktop device. Content providers
sometimes are not able to build Web sites that work well on all types and
configurations of mobile phones offering Web access.</p>

<p>To address these and related issues, W3C is considering to start a "Mobile
Web Initiative". The goal of this initiative would be to make Web access from
a mobile device as simple, easy and convenient as Web access from a desktop
device. Initial ideas for achieving this goal include developing "best
practices" documents, providing support infrastructures for mobile
developers, organizing training programs for Web content providers and
creating validation and conformance testing services for Web-access from
mobile devices. These activities would complement <a
href="">current W3C efforts</a> in
developing Web standards that support the expanding Web, including mobile
devices (e.g. multimodal interaction, mobile profiles, device

<p>The goal of this Workshop is to get community input and feedback on the
"Mobile Web Initiative". Specifically, the workshop will look at the current
issues with mobile Web access, and how they should be addressed.</p>

<h2><a name="Scope" id="Scope">Scope of the Workshop</a></h2>

<p>Topics considered in scope for this workshop include, but are not limited

  <li>Experiences from content and service organizations</li>
  <li>Uses cases for the mobile Web</li>
  <li>How is the mobile user experience different from the fixed user

<p><em>Strategic Issues</em></p>
  <li>How can we enable the Web to be made as seamless, uncomplicated and
    reliable an experience on mobile devices as it is on desktop devices?</li>
  <li>How can we make more users "light up" the mobile devices they already
    have to access the Web?</li>
  <li>Is it possible to accomodate the need for a different user experience
    on mobile platforms while avoiding Web fragmentation?</li>
  <li>How can we enable a higher level of compliance and conformance of
    mobile Web content?</li>
  <li>How can we ease the burden of browser and handset configuration
  <li>How can users discover web sites that work well on mobile devices? Do
    we need a new "virtual library" for the mobile Web?</li>
  <li>How can we make mobile Web content easier for content and service

<p><em>Technology Issues</em></p>
  <li>How can we make better use of existing technologies and specifications?
    Are there gaps? Is there a need for new technologies?</li>
  <li>What technologies are needed to enable uniquely mobile capabilities
    that go beyond browsing?</li>
  <li>How can device and context adaptation be made easier? What alternative
    approaches exist (Device profiles (CC/PP, UAProf, ...), Repositories
    (WURFL, ...))?</li>
  <li>What is the conceptual architecture for the mobile Web?</li>


<h2><a name="Expected" id="Expected">How to Participate</a></h2>

<p>To ensure productive discussions, the workshop is limited to 80 attendees.
Participation is open to non-W3C members. Each organization can provide at
most two attendees.</p>

<p><strong><a name="Position1" id="Position1">Position papers are
required</a></strong> in order to participate in this workshop (except for
W3C team members). Each organization or individual wishing to participate
must submit a position paper explaining their interest in the workshop no
later than Oct 15. The intent is to make sure that participants have an
active interest in the area, and that the workshop will benefit from their

<p>Send papers (in valid XHTML/HTML (please use the <a
href="">W3C validator</a>) or PDF - 1 to 5 pages) to
the archived mailing list: <a

<p>All position papers will be available from the workshop Web site. The
workshop Web site will be public, so position papers and slides must be
suitable for public dissemination. Speaker slides will also be available at
the Web site after the workshop. There will not be printed proceedings.</p>

<p>To attend, you must register by filling out the registration form. The URI
for the registration form will be sent to you after your position paper is

<p>There will be no participation fee.</p>

<p>To enable wide input from the mobile community, the workshop will be
colocated with a meeting of the "Open Mobile Alliance".</p>

<p><strong><a name="Note" id="Note">Note:</a></strong> To help the organizers
plan the workshop: If you wish to participate, please send email <strong>as
soon as possible</strong> to <a
  <li>that somebody from your organization plans to submit a position
  <li>whether you want to send one or two participants;</li>
  <li>whether or not you wish to make a presentation;</li>

<p>Note that this expression of interest does not mean that you registered
for the workshop. It is still necessary to send a position paper, which has
to be accepted by the Program Committee.</p>


<h2><a name="Position" id="Position">Important Dates</a></h2>
  <li><b>As soon as possible:</b> <a href="#Note">Expression of
  <li><b>Oct 15</b>: Deadline for <a href="#Position1">position
  <li><b>Nov 2</b>: Workshop program available, Notification of acceptance of
    position papers</li>
  <li><b></b><b>Nov 8</b>: Registration deadline</li>
  <li><b>18-19 November</b>: W3C "Mobile Web Initiative" Workshop</li>
<!--* todo link to patent policy *-->

<h2><a name="Venue" id="Venue">Program Committee</a></h2>
  <dt>Program Chairs</dt>
    <dd>Daniel Appelquist (Vodafone), Philipp Hoschka (W3C), Evan Smouse (HP)
      - <a href=""></a></dd>
  <dt>Program Committee Members</dt>
        <li>Etienne Annic, Orange</li>
        <li>Daniel Appelquist, Vodafone</li>
        <li>Tim Berners-Lee, W3C</li>
        <li>Timo Bruns, Opera</li>
        <li>Jon Ferraiolo, Adobe</li>
        <li>Jyri Hagman, Nokia</li>
        <li>Aron Holzman, Microsoft</li>
        <li>Philipp Hoschka, W3C</li>
        <li>Tomihisa Kamada, ACCESS</li>
        <li>Rhys Lewis, Volantis</li>
        <li>Philippe Lucas, Orange</li>
        <li>James Pearce, Argogroup</li>
        <li>Vincent Quint, INRIA</li>
        <li>Evan Smouse, HP</li>
        <li>Petri Vuorimaa, Helsinki University of Technology</li>
        <li>Stuart Williams, HP</li>
        <li>Chris Yanda, BBC</li>

<h2><a name="Venue1" id="Venue1">Workshop details</a></h2>



<p>Vèrtex Building<br />
Eusebi Güell 6 Square<br />
Campus Nord Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya<br />
08034 Barcelona, Spain</p>

<p><em>November 18th</em>: Sala d’Actes (08:00 / 15:00) Auditori (15:00 /

<p><em>November 19th</em>: Sala d’Actes (08:00 / end of the meeting)</p>

<h3>HOW TO GET THERE?</h3>

<p>The Campus Nord of the University is located on one of the best areas of
the city, surrounded by gardens and right next to the city's financial
centre, with all the best shops at hand. There are excellent bus and metro
connections to the historic city centre.</p>

<p>To arrive there, you can use several public transports, detailed below.
For more information about Barcelona’s public transportation, you can visit
the <a href="">Transports Metropolitans de
Barcelona</a> website. You may also visit the <a
href="">Barcelona City Council</a>


<p>&gt;22 &gt;33 &gt;54 &gt;60 &gt;63 &gt;75 &gt;78 &gt;113</p>


<p>Underground Line 3 (Green line) , Palau Reial stop, Avinguda Diagonal


<p>Línies T1 T2 T3, parada Palau Reial.</p>


<p>Ronda de Dalt, exit 10 (Pedralbes - UPC)<br />
Av. Diagonal (Campus Nord)</p>

<h4>If you arrive by plane (Barcelona El Prat airport):</h4>

Españoles y Navegaciòn Aèrea</a> website</p>

<p>- TAXI would cost between 15 and 20 €<br />
- TRAIN – Single ticket: 1.20€ / 10-ride ticket: 6 €. Take the Train
"Cercanias" at the airport, in the direction Barcelona. Get off at Sants
Estació, the main Train Station Barcelona-Sants. Take the Metro L3, Green
Line, until Palau Reial.<br />
- AEROBUS - Single Ticket: 3.30 € / Return ticket: 5.65 € Every 12
minutes. Time taken: 20 min. Take the Aerobus at the airport, direction
Barcelona. Get off at Sants Estació. Take the Metro L3, Green Line, until
Palau Reial. You will exit at Av.Diagonal</p>



<p>Capitán Arenas, 20<br />
08034 Barcelona<br />

<p><a href=""></a><br />
Phone: +34 93 280 03 03<br />
Price: Around 89 €</p>
<hr />

<h4><a href="">Hotel Silken St.

<p>Sant Gervasi de Cassoles, 26 <br />
08022 Barcelona</p>

<p><a name="stgervasi." id="stgervasi."
</a>Phone: +34 932 531 740</p>
<hr />


<p>Plaza Pío XII, 4<br />
08028 – Barcelona</p>

<p><a href=""></a><br
Phone: +34 93 508 10 00<br />
Price: Around 90 €</p>
<hr />

<h4><a href="">Sansi Pedralbes</a>****</h4>

<p>Av. Pearson 1-3 · Pedralbes <br />
08034 Barcelona</p>

href=""></a><br />
Phone: + 34 93 206 38 80<br />
Price: Around 136 €</p>
<hr />

<h4><a href="">Victoria Suites Hotel</a>****</h4>

<p>Avda. Pedralbes, 16<br />
08034 BARCELONA</p>

Phone: +34 93 206 99 00<br />
Price: Around 78€</p>
<hr />

Sarrià Hotel</a>****</h4>

<p>Los Vergos 20<br />
08017 Barcelona</p>

<p><a href=""><br />
</a>Phone: +34 93 204 55 51<br />
Price: Around 70 €</p>
<hr />

Husa Pedralbes</a>***</h4>

<p>Fontcuberta, 4<br />
08034 Barcelona</p>

<p><a href=""></a> <br />
Phone: +34 93 203 71 12<br />
Price: Around 85 €</p>
<hr />

<hr />

<p>Daniel Appelquist, <a href="">Philipp Hoschka</a></p>

<p>$Date: 2004/12/08 21:05:35 $ by $Author hoschka $</p>
