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  <TITLE>Smart XML for the Semantic Web</TITLE>
  Seeds of the Semantic Web
<A HREF="../../../People/Connolly/">Dan Connolly</A>,
<A HREF="../../../">W3C</A>
<A HREF="">ALA Midwinter Meeting
January 2000, San Antonio, TX
    Where we are: on the verge of another revolution
    Where we came from: history and motivation
    Where we're going: opportunities and challenges
  The Revolutions
    The HTML Revolution: shared information space
    The XML Revolution: culture of open exchange
    The RDF Revolution: rise of the Semantic Web
  The HTML Revolution: Hypertext Goes Global
    1945: Bush imagines the ultimate research tool
    1970s: NLS, KMS, ... amazing research prototypes failed to 'cross the chasm'
    of deployment
    1990: TimBL develops a minimal hypertext system for the Internet
	Web explodes out of a critical mass of content, connectivity
	No more need to "imagine a world of connected information..."
  The XML Revolution: Plans
Shared costs:
    Development, Debugging
	no "bit tweezers"; helps the "desperate perl hacker"
	Structured Text: the critical features of SGML at a fraction of the cost
	Internationalized text
    Education, Training
    Basis for higher-level agreements
  The XML Revolution: Plans (cont.)
  XML is the ASCII of the future.
    --Tim Bray<BR>
    <A href="">XML Files,
    Oct 1998</A>
XML is a simple data format that balances the needs of people to read/write
data with needs of machine to read/write data.
  The XML Revolution: Hopes
  I want my data back.
    --Jon Bosak
    Self describing: DTDs, Schemas, Namespaces
    Decentralize from HTML to community markup
    Culture of Open Exchange
  Stepping Back...
  Origin and Goals of the Web
    Human communication thru shared knowledge<BR>
    Working together: Social efficiency, understanding and scaling
    Exploitation of computing power in real life
  Why W3C?
Leading the Web to its Full Potential
    Foster Evolution
    Preserve Interoperability
  About W3C
    Founded Fall '94
    350+ Members
    Director, staff
    One International Consortium, 3 Hosts:
	MIT in Cambridge, MA
	INRIA in Sophia-Antipolis, France
	Keio in Tokyo, Japan
  W3C Activities: What We Do
    User Interface Domain<BR>
    HTML, Stylesheets, Internationalization, ...
    Technology and Society<BR>
    PICS, Metadata, Security, E-Commerce, ...
    Web Accessability Initiative (WAI) Guidelines, Outreach, Technical review,
  W3C Process: How We Work
    Advisory Committee
    Working Groups
    Specification Development:<BR>
    Note, Working Draft, Proposed Recommendation, Recommendation
    Workshops, Symposia
See also: <A href="">W3C Process</A>
  Looking Ahead...
  XML in a Nutshell
XML balances the needs of people to read/write data with needs of machine
to read/write data.
<PRE>&lt;elementName attributeName="value"&gt;<BR> &lt;empty /&gt;
  Stupid Data
 &lt;description&gt;Blue Widget&lt;/description&gt;
What's wrong with this picture?
  Why Stupid Data Hurts
    Price: 1.25 what? Dollars? Pesos?<BR>
    similarly for size
    Unclear relation to commerce, contracts and law:
	obligation to honor that price? for how long?
	liability for accuracy of description?
  Grounding Terms in the Web
   xmlns=""&gt; &lt;!--*--&gt;
 &lt;description&gt;Blue Widget&lt;/description&gt;
 &lt;price currency="USD"&gt;1.25&lt;/price&gt;
* The American Law Institute hasn't published the Uniform Commercial Code
on the web, but the
<A HREF="">Cornell Legal Information
Institute</A> published a
<A HREF="">hypertext version</A>.
  Stupid Database Exchange: Travel
    Airline sends me email from their database
    I copy/paste each of the data into my PDA
What's wrong with this picture?
  Really Smart Data: RDF

you know what that means... sort of.
  RDF: Knowledge Primitives
<PRE>&lt;substance&gt;<BR>  &lt;atomic-number&gt;54&lt;/atomic-number&gt;<BR>  &lt;specific-gravity&gt;4.5&lt;/specific-gravity&gt;<BR>&lt;/substance&gt;
    Some resource is of type substance.
    That resource has atomic-number 54.
    That resource has specific gravity 4.5.
    A substance has atomic number 54, and has specific gravity 4.5.
  RDF: Graph Merging
<PRE>&lt;PDA:event&gt;<BR>  &lt;dc:coverage&gt;2000-01-15&lt;/dc:coverage&gt;<BR>  &lt;pda:import href=""/&gt;

&lt;movie about=""&gt;
 &lt;dc:title&gt;Life is Beautiful&lt;/dc:title&gt;<BR> &lt;ucc:price currency="USD"&gt;7.50&lt;/ucc:price&gt;
  Knowledge of Communities Large and Small
I want my machine to understand about...
    Internet Standards
    International trade agreements
    Credit Card agreements
    Local cinema schedules
    Little league schedules
    my plans for the day
<A HREF="notes.html">notes</A>