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<h1>W3C Process Document</h1>
<h2>4 <a name="dissemination" id="dissemination">Dissemination
<div class="toc">
<ul class="toc">
<li class="tocline3"><a href="#confidentiality-levels" class="tocxref">4.1
Confidentiality Levels</a>
<ul class="toc">
<li class="tocline4"><a href="#confidentiality-change" class="tocxref">4.1.1
Changing Confidentiality Level</a></li>
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<p>The Team is responsible for managing communication within W3C and with the
general public (e.g., news services, press releases, managing the Web site and
access privileges, and managing calendars). Members <span class=
"rfc2119">SHOULD</span> solicit review by the Team prior to issuing press
releases about their work within W3C.</p>
<p>The Team makes every effort to ensure the persistence and availability of
the following public information:</p>
<li><a href="tr.html#Reports">W3C technical reports</a> whose publication has
been approved by the Director. Per the Membership Agreement, W3C technical
reports (and software) are available free of charge to the general public;
(refer to the <a href=
"">W3C Document
License</a> [<a href="refs.html#ref-doc-license">PUB18</a>]).</li>
<li>A <a href="">mission statement</a>
[<a href="refs.html#ref-mission">PUB15</a>] that explains the purpose and
mission of W3C, the key benefits for Members, and the organizational structure
of W3C.</li>
<li>Legal documents, including the <a href=
Agreement</a> [<a href="refs.html#ref-member-agreement">PUB6</a>]) and
documentation of any legal commitments W3C has with other entities.</li>
<li>The Process Document.</li>
<li>Public results of W3C Activities and <a href=
<p>To keep the Members abreast of W3C meetings, Workshops, and review
deadlines, the Team provides them with a regular (e.g., weekly) news service
and maintains a <a href="">calendar</a>
[<a href="refs.html#ref-calendar">MEM3</a>] of official W3C events. Members are
encouraged to send schedule and event information to the Team for inclusion on
this calendar.</p>
<h3>4.1 <a name="confidentiality-levels" id=
"confidentiality-levels">Confidentiality Levels</a></h3>
<p>There are three principal levels of access to W3C information (on the W3C
Web site, in W3C meetings, etc.): public, Member-only, and Team-only.</p>
<p>While much information made available by W3C is public, <a name=
"Member-only" id="Member-only">"Member-only" information</a> is available to
authorized parties only, including representatives of Member organizations,
<a href="groups.html#invited-expert-wg">Invited Experts</a>, the Advisory
Board, the TAG, and the Team. For example, the <a href=
"groups.html#WGCharter">charter</a> of some Working Groups may specify a
Member-only confidentiality level for group proceedings.</p>
<p><a name="Team-only" id="Team-only">"Team-only" information</a> is available
to the Team and other authorized parties.</p>
<p>Those authorized to access Member-only and Team-only information:</p>
<li><span class="rfc2119">MUST</span> treat the information as confidential
within W3C,</li>
<li><span class="rfc2119">MUST</span> use reasonable efforts to maintain the
proper level confidentiality, and</li>
<li><span class="rfc2119">MUST NOT</span> release this information to the
general public or press.</li>
<p>The Team <span class="rfc2119">MUST</span> provide mechanisms to protect the
confidentiality of Member-only information and ensure that authorized parties
have proper access to this information. Documents <span class=
"rfc2119">SHOULD</span> clearly indicate whether they require Member-only
confidentiality. Individuals uncertain of the confidentiality level of a piece
of information <span class="rfc2119">SHOULD</span> contact the Team.</p>
<p>Advisory Committee representatives <span class="rfc2119">MAY</span>
authorize Member-only access to <a href="policies.html#member-rep">Member
representatives</a> and other individuals employed by the Member who are
considered appropriate recipients. For instance, it is the responsibility of
the Advisory Committee representative and other employees and official
representatives of the organization to ensure that Member-only news
announcements are distributed for internal use only within their organization.
Information about Member mailing lists is available in the <a href=
"">New Member Orientation</a>.</p>
<h4>4.1.1 <a name="confidentiality-change" id="confidentiality-change">Changing
Confidentiality Level</a></h4>
<p>As a benefit of membership, W3C provides some Team-only and Member-only
channels for certain types of communication. For example, Advisory Committee
representatives can send <a href="acreview.html#ACReview">reviews</a> to a
Team-only channel. However, for W3C processes with a significant public
component, such as the technical report development process, it is also
important for information that affects decision-making to be publicly
available. The Team <span class="rfc2119">MAY</span> need to communicate
Team-only information to a Working Group or the public. Similarly, a Working
Group whose proceedings are Member-only <span class="rfc2119">MUST</span> make
public information pertinent to the technical report development process.</p>
<p>This document clearly indicates which information <span class=
"rfc2119">MUST</span> be available to Members or the public, even though that
information was initially communicated on Team-only or Member-only channels.
Only the Team and parties authorized by the Team change the level of
confidentiality of this information. When doing so:</p>
<li>The Team <span class="rfc2119">MUST</span> use a version of the information
that was expressly provided by the author for the new confidentiality level. In
Calls for Review and other similar messages, the Team <span class=
"rfc2119">SHOULD</span> remind recipients to provide such alternatives.</li>
<li>The Team <span class="rfc2119">MUST NOT</span> attribute the version for
the new confidentiality level to the author without the author's consent.</li>
<li>If the author has not conveyed to the Team a version that is suitable for
another confidentiality level, the Team <span class="rfc2119">MAY</span> make
available a version that reasonably communicates what is required, while
respecting the original level of confidentiality, and without attribution to
the original author.</li>
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