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    <p><a href="../"><img border="0" alt="W3C"
    src="../Icons/WWW/w3c_home" /></a> <a href="./">XML</a></p>

    <h1>Development History</h1>

    <p>Historical events in and around the W3C XML Activity include

        Jan 2001:IETF Proposed Standard: <a
        href="ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc3023.txt">XML Media

        mailing list</a></p>

      <li><a id="rec-xslt-1999-11" name="rec-xslt-1999-11">Nov
      '99</a> : <a href="../TR/xslt"><cite>XSL Transformations
      (XSLT) Version 1.0</cite></a>, <a
      href="../TR/xpath"><cite>XML Path Language (XPath) Version
      1.0</cite></a><br />
       press release: <a href="../1999/11/xslt-xpath-pr">W3C Issues
      XSLT XPath Recommendations</a></li>

      <li><a id="rec9906xstylink" name="rec9906xstylink">Jun
      '99</a> : W3C Recommendation: <a
      href="../TR/xml-stylesheet"><cite>Associating stylesheets
      with XML documents</cite></a><br />
       (<a href="../1999/06/XMLStyle-PressRelease">press

      <li>Jan '99: W3C Recommendation: <cite><a id="z9901names"
      href="../TR/1999/REC-xml-names-19990114/">Namespaces in
      XML</a></cite><br />
       (<a href="../Press/1999/XML-Namespaces-REC">press
      release</a>, <a
      href="../Press/Articles.html#Jan99">coverage</a>) (also:
      articles by WG members <a href="#9902clark-ns">Clark</a>, <a
      href="#990119bray-ns">Bray</a> and one by <a

      <li><a id="z9802xml10" name="z9802xml10">Feb 1998</a> : W3C
      Recommendation: <cite><a
      href="/TR/2000/REC-xml-20001006">Extensible Markup Language
      (XML) 1.0</a></cite> (2nd edition 6 October 2000)<br />
       (<a href="../Press/1998/XML10-REC">press release</a>)<br />
       <a href="9712-reports.html">decision record</a>, <a
      <a href="xml-V10-2e-errata">errata</a></li>

    <p>... and conferences, workshops:</p>

      <dt><strong>May 2000</strong>: <a
      href="http://www.www9.org">WWW9</a>: Amsterdam</dt>

          XML Protocols Shakedown panel notes</a> May 21 2000 by
          Dan Connolly in the <a

      <dt><strong>March 2000</strong> <a
      href="http://www.ietf.org/">IETF</a> 47: Adelaide, Australia,

          B2BXML BOF</a> Michael Condry (Thu, Mar 02 2000)</li>

      <dt><strong>Feb/Mar 2000</strong>: <a
      XTech 2000</a> in San Jose, California</dt>

          <li>@@presentations by <a href="../People/">W3C Team</a>
          members Eric Prud'hommeaux, Michael Sperberg-McQueen,
          Henry Thompson and Daniel Veillard.</li>

          schema and query town hall meetings</a></li>

          <li>pre-conference chat: <a
          XHTML - a bridge to the Web of the future</a><br />
           <a href="http://www.w3.org/2000/02/25-xhtml-irc">log</a>
          log of xml/protocols break-out</a></li>

      <dt><strong><a id="z9912xml-gca" name="z9912xml-gca">Dec
      '99</a></strong>: <a
      href="http://www.gca.org/conf/xml99/xm99ndex.htm">XML 99</a>
      in Philadelphia (a <a

          <li>XML Schema tutorials materials: <a
          slides</a>, <a
          additional materials</a><br />
           by Henry Thompson</li>

          : discussion of XML in distributed applications:
          transaction protocols, XML RPC (e.g. <a
          href="http://www.develop.com/soap/">SOAP</a>), etc.</li>

          href="http://www.w3.org/1999/12/w3c-irc2409">W3C XML
          Activity chat</a></strong><br />
           <a href="news:38457E5B.D018C9EA@w3.org">CFP</a> ( <a
          via http</a>)</li>

          <li>(@@<a href="../Talks/">presentation materials</a>?
          Judy Brewer, Bert Bos, Dan Connolly, Dave Raggett, Joseph
          Reagle, Chris Lilley, Michael Sperberg-McQueen from the
          <a href="../People/">W3C Team</a>)</li>

      <dt><strong><a id="z9910xml-one" name="z9910xml-one">Oct
      '99</a></strong>: <a
      One Europe</a>, in London</dt>

      <dt><strong><a id="z9909xml-world" name="z9909xml-world">Sep
      '99</a></strong>: <a
      World</a>, in Chateau Laurier</dt>

          <li>Sep '99: <a href="Activity.html">XML Activity</a>
          enters Phase III: <a href="Activity.html#query-wg">XML
          Query Working Group</a> begins</li>

          <li>@@Chris's presentation?</li>

      <dt><a id="z9908meta" name="z9908meta">Aug '99</a>: <a
      href="http://www.gca.org/conf/meta99/">XML Developers'
      Conference</a>, in Montreal (a <a

      <dt><a id="z9905www8" name="z9905www8">May '99</a>: The
      Eighth International World Wide Web Conference (<a
      href="http://www8.org/">WWW8</a>), in Toronto</dt>

          <li><a href="../Talks/#e1999-05-www8">materials from W3C

          XML and the Second-Generation Web</a></cite><br />
           by Jon Bosak and Tim Bray, May '99 in <a
          href="http://www.sciam.com">Scientific American</a></li>

      <dt><a id="z9904xml-eu" name="z9904xml-eu">Apr '99</a>: <a
      href="http://www.gca.org/conf/euro99/index.htm">XML Europe
      '99</a>, Granada, Spain, by <a

        some presentation materials: 

          <li><a href="../Talks/9904xml-eu/all.htm"><cite>XML in
          Context: W3C</cite></a> by Dan Connolly</li>

          from the W3C in 1999</cite></a> by Tim Bray (<a
          href="1999/9904xml-eu-bray/laundry.ppt">original ppt</a>

      <dt><a id="z9904xml-dsig" name="z9904xml-dsig">Apr '99</a>:
      <a href="../DSig/signed-XML99/">XML-DSig '99: The W3C Signed
      XML Workshop</a></dt>

      <dt><a id="z9903xtech" name="z9903xtech">Mar '99</a>: <a
      '99</a>, San Jose, California</dt>

      <dt>Dec '98: W3C Workshop: <a href="../TandS/QL/QL98/">Query

      <dt><a id="z9811chicago" name="z9811chicago">Nov '98</a>: <a
      '98</a>, <a
      Technologies '98</a> conferences hosted by <a
      href="http://www.gca.org/">GCA</a> in Chicago</dt>

        program includes a <cite>W3C Standards Update</cite> plus
        sessions on <a href="#css">CSS2</a>, <a
        href="#DOM">DOM</a>, <a href="#xlink">XLink</a>, <a
        href="#dcd">DCD</a>, <a href="#RDF">RDF</a>, <a
        href="#Namespaces">Namespaces</a>, <a
        href="#WIDL">WIDL</a>, <a href="#PGML">PGML</a>. <a
        href="#VML">VML</a>, <a href="#SVG">Web Graphics</a>,
        Querying XML, <a href="#XFDL">XFDL</a> 

          <li>Oct 98: <a
          XML Revolution</cite></a> by Dan Connolly<br />
           in Nature's <a

          <li>Sep '98: <cite><a id="XFDL" name="XFDL"
          href="../TR/NOTE-XFDL">Extensible Forms Description
          Language (XFDL)<br />
           4.0</a></cite> submitted to W3C</li>

      <dt><a id="z9808xml-montreal" name="z9808xml-montreal">Aug
      '98</a>: <a
      1998 &amp; XML Developers' Conference</a> hosted by the <a

          <li>Aug '98: <cite><a id="dcd" href="../TR/NOTE-dcd"
          name="dcd">Document Content Description for XML
          (DCD)</a></cite> submitted to W3C</li>

          <li>Aug '98: <cite><a id="XML-QL"
          name="XML-QL">XML-QL: A Query Language for XML</a></cite>
          submitted to W3C</li>

          <li>July '98: <a href="http://www.ietf.org/">IETF</a>
          Informational RFC: <a
          Media Types</cite></a></li>

      <dt>May '98: W3C Workshop: <a
      href="../MarkUp/future/"><cite>Shaping the Future of

      <dt>Apr '98: <cite><a
      href="http://www7.conf.au/home.html">Seventh International
      World Wide Web Conference</a></cite></dt>

      <dt>Mar 1998: <a
      href="http://www.gca.org/conf/xmlcon98/">XML'98: The

          <li><a href="../Talks/9803xml-seattle/"><cite>Evolution
          of Web Data Formats</cite></a>, by Dan Connolly</li>

          <li><a href="http://www.mozilla.org/rdf/doc/xml.html">XML
          in Mozilla</a> demonstrated at Dev Day</li>

      <dt>Dec '97: <a

          <li><a href="../Press/XML-PR"><em>W3C Issues XML1.0 as a
          Proposed Recommendation</em></a></li>

          <li><a id="WG-decisions" href="9712-reports.html"
          name="WG-decisions">Reports From the W3C SGML ERB to the
          SGML WG And from the W3C XML ERB to the XML SIG</a></li>

          <li>Oct 97: <cite><a href="http://www.w3j.com/xml/">XML
          Principles, Tools and Techniques</a></cite>, Fall '97
          issue of <a href="http://www.w3j.com/">W3J</a></li>

          <li>Oct 97: W3C Note: <a
          href="../TR/NOTE-rdfarch"><cite>W3C Data
          Formats</cite></a> on XML, SGML, HTML, and RDF</li>

      <dt>Sep '97: <a
      Asia Pacific '97</a> conference hosted by the <a
      href="http://www.gca.org/">GCA</a> in Sydney, Australia</dt>

          <li>Sep 97: <a id="WIDL" href="../TR/NOTE-widl-970922"
          name="WIDL"><cite>Web Interface Definition Language
          (WIDL)</cite></a> submitted to W3C</li>

      <dt>Aug '97: <a
      Developers Day,</a> Montreal, Canada, August 21, 1997</dt>

      <dt>Mar 97: First <a href="http://www.gca.org/conf/xml/">XML
      Conference</a> in San Diego, by the <a

          <li>Mar 97:&#160;<cite><a id="z9703bosak"
           name="z9703bosak">XML, Java, and the Future of the
          Web</a></cite> by Jon Bosak</li>

      <dt>SGML 96 Conference in Boston</dt>

          <li>Nov 96: <a href="../TR/WD-xml-961114.html">initial
          XML draft</a></li>

    <h3><img src="../Icons/Fuzzy/r-pencil" alt=""
    class="illustration" /> <a id="notebook"
    name="notebook">Research Notebook</a></h3>

      <li><a id="zlkwejr" name="zlkwejr"
      href="2000/04schema-hacking/">XML Schema hacking</a></li>

      <li><a href="9711theory/">Formal treatment of XML etc. using

      <li><a href="9710rdf-dtd/index.html">Valid RDF: Using
      Namespaces with DTDs</a> (Feb '99)</li>

      <li><a href="9705/hacking.html">XML Hacking</a> by Dan
      Connolly (May '97)</li>

      <li><a href="notes.html">Notes on XML</a> software by Bert
      Bos (Apr '97)</li>

        <a href="../MarkUp/SGML/spec-mgmt.html">Document Management
        for Web Specs</a> 

          <li><a id="xmlspec" href="1998/06/xmlspec-report"
          name="xmlspec">W3C XML Specification DTD

          <li>discussed on <a id="spec-prod"
          name="spec-prod">spec-prod@w3.org</a> (<a
          a forum for discussion of <a
          href="../MarkUp/SGML/spec-mgmt">management and production
          of Web specifications</a>, especially the <a
          href="#xmlspec">XML spec DTD</a>.</li>

        <a href="../MarkUp/SGML/">SGML</a> background on SGML,
        initially for readers of the <a
        href="../MarkUp/html-spec/">HTML 2.0 specification</a> (Nov
        '95)<br />

          <li><a href="../MarkUp/SGML#sgml-lex">sgml-lex: A Lexical
          Analyzer for HTML and Basic SGML</a></li>

      <a href="../People/Connolly/">Dan Connolly</a>, Jan
      2003;<br />
       <small>$Revision: 1.1 $ of $Date: 2003/01/06 21:58:21 $</small>