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  <TITLE>PyPsion: Psion data handling in Python</TITLE>
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  PyPsion: Psion data handling in Python
  <A href="">Dan Connolly</A><BR>
  $Id: README.html,v 1.4 1996/09/30 15:32:10 connolly Exp $
Part of the reason that I bought a <A href="#psion">psion</A> was that I
saw lots of hacker activity on usenet, so I was confident that I could get
my data out of the dang thing and into something else (like emacs) if I wanted
to -- and not just the vendor-supported options.
There are quite a few utilities to run on the psion, but I'm surprised at
the lack of perl/python/tcl/scheme code to run on the host computer to do
stuff with psion files, like convert them to HTML or email or something useful.
Today, I just <EM>had</EM> to get the data out of my spreadsheet file: I
had a backup of the file on my unix box, but no serial cable. So converting
it to text on the psion wouldn't help. So I grabbed the (excellent!)
<A href="#psionics">psionics files</A> and started hacking. A couple hours
later, I had spr2qif done.
Share and Enjoy! <A href="pypsion-960922.tar.gz">source distribution</A>
(need to add wrd2html to this distribution)
    <A href="">psionData</A>
    psionData.T is the base class. psionData.DBF handles generic database files.
    A few utilities for reading/writing structured data.
    <A href="">psionSpr</A>
    psionSpr.Sheet is a subclass of psionData.T that handles spreadsheet data.
    Lots of missing pieces (esp formulas) but can usefully extract data
    <A href="">psionAgenda</A>
    beginning of code to read agenda files. Reads day, to-do entries, but doesn't
    do anything useful with them.
    <A HREF="">wrd2html</A>
    beginning of code to convert .wrd files to HTML. Pretty much limited to H1,
    H2, P, and UL/LI.L. Not in the distribution yet.
  Converting Word file to HTML
<PRE>% python &lt;slides.wrd &gt;All.html
  Converting Spreadsheet to Quicken QIF format
% python <sheet.spr >sheet.qif
  Exercizing the test harnesses
% python </psion/m/dat/data.dbf % python < /psion/m/spr/sheet.spr % python < /psion/m/agn/agenda.spr </pre>


<DT><A name="python" href="">Python</A>
<DD>a nifty object oriented scripting language by Guido VanRossum
<DT><A name="psionics" href="">The Psionics Files</A>
<DD>The crucial documentation that made this possible
<DT><A href="">PSION</A>
<DD>makers if the nifty Psion 3a gizmo