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<title>Update: W3C XML ActivityL</title>
<h1>XML in Context: W3C</h1>
<p>Dan Connolly<br>
<a href="">W3C</a>
<p>XML Europe '99<br>
April 1999<br>
Granada, Spain

<li>About W3C
<li>How We Work
<li>What We Do
<li>Where XML Fits

    <h1>About W3C</h1>
      <li>Founded Fall '94
      <li>300+ Members
      <li>Director, staff
      <li>One International Consortium, 3 Hosts:
	    <li>MIT in USA
	    <li>INRIA in France
	    <li>Keio in Japan
    <h1>W3C Process: How We Work</h1>
      <li>Advisory Committee: 1 rep. per Member
      <li>Notes, Software<br>
from Members: Submissions
      <li>Workshops, Symposia
      <li>Activity Proposal
      <li>Working Groups and Specification Development:<br>
	Working Draft, Proposed Recommendation, Recommendation<br>

    <p>See also: <a href="">W3C Process</a>

    <h1>W3C Results in Review</h1>
<li>HTML 3.2, HTML 4.0
<li>XML 1.0, Namespaces
<li>CSS1, CSS2

    <h1>W3C Results in Review</h1>
<li>Portable Network Graphics (PNG)
<li>Platform for Internet Content Selection (PICS)
<li>Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL)
<li>contributed to IETF specs: HTTP 1.1, URIs

    <h1>W3C Open Source Software</h1>
<li>libwww - C implmentation in continuous development since 1994
<li>Amaya - browser/editor with stylesheets
<li>Jigsaw - Java HTTP server collaborative authoring support

    <h1>A Perspective on W3C</h1>
<li>Rough Consensus and Running Code
<li>Evolution by downhill steps<br>
change must be locally <em>and</em> globally cost-effective
<li>Decentralization: designing ourselves out of business
<li>Challenge: getting the brightest developers to participate

    <h1>W3C Activities: What We Do</h1>
      <li>User Interface Domain<br>
	HTML, Stylesheets, SMIL, Internationalization, ...
      <li>Technology and Society<br>
	Metadata for Security, E-Commerce, ...
	HTTP, XML, Web Characterization, ...
      <li>Web Accessability Initiative (WAI)
	Guidelines, Outreach, Technical review, ...

<h1>XML Activity in Review</h1>
<li>Fall 1996: 1st Draft at SGML '96 in Boston
<li>Nov  1997: Proposed Recommendation at SGML '97 in Washington D.C.
<li>Feb  1998: XML 1.0 Recommendation
<li>Mar  1998: revised XLink working drafts
<li>June 1998: XML Activity Rechartered
<li>Jan  1999: Namespaces Recommendation

<h1>XML Applications</h1>
<li>HTML Math (MathML)
<li>Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL)
<li>Resource Description Framework (RDF)
<li>Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P)
<li>Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)

<h1>XML Exploration</h1>
<li>Dec '98: W3C Query Language Workshop
<li>Apr '99: W3C Signed XML Workshop
