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<TITLE>Seven Examples of UPP over PEP</TITLE>
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<H3 align=right><A HREF="http://www.w3.org/"><IMG
align=left alt="W3C"

<H1>Selecting Payment Mechanisms Over HTTP</h1>
<H4>Or, Seven Examples of UPP Over PEP (as used in JEPI)</H4>

<H3 align=center>W3C Working Draft 6-JAN-97</H3>

<DT>This version:
<DD><A HREF="http://www.w3.org/pub/WWW/TR/WD-jepi-uppflow-970106.html">http://www.w3.org/pub/WWW/TR/WD-jepi-uppflow-970106.html</A>

<DT>Previous versions:
<DD><A HREF="http://www.w3.org/pub/WWW/TR/draft-ietf-jepi-uppflow-00.html">http://www.w3.org/pub/WWW/TR/draft-ietf-jepi-uppflow-00.html</A> (Internet Draft)

<DT>Latest version:
<DD><A HREF="http://www.w3.org/pub/WWW/TR/WD-jepi-uppflow.html">http://www.w3.org/pub/WWW/TR/WD-jepi-uppflow.html</A>

<DD>Don Eastlake <a href="mailto:dee@cybercash.com">&lt;dee@cybercash.com&gt;</a><br>
Rohit Khare <a href="mailto:khare@w3.org">&lt;khare@w3.org&gt;</a><br>
Jim Miller <a href="mailto:jmiller@w3.org">&lt;jmiller@w3.org&gt;</a><br>

<H2>Status of this memo</H2>
This is a W3C Working Draft for review by W3C members and other
interested parties. It is a draft document and may be updated,
replaced or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is
to use W3C Working Drafts as reference material or to cite them
as other than &quot;work in progress&quot;. A list of current
W3C working drafts can be found at: <A

<B>Note:</B> since working drafts are subject to frequent change,
you are advised to reference the above URL, rather than the URLs
for working drafts themselves. 
<H2>1. Abstract</h2>
The Joint Electronics Payment Initiative aims to bring key industry players together to assure that multiple payment protocols can operate effectively in Web applications. The concrete goal is automatable payment selection over HTTP.<P>
The first step towards this was Don Eastlake's development of the Universal Payment Preamble, which is also available as an internet-draft (draft-eastlake-universal-payment). The second is the development of an HTTP Extension Protocol to embed UPP in HTTP. The latter proposal is part of the chartered activities of the IETF HTTP WG (draft-ietf-http-pep-03).
This document describes how to use UPP over PEP to support payment selection between clients and merchants. It explains basic operations: requesting available payment choices, presenting multiple choices, demanding a selection, making a selection, and accepting and rejecting choices.

<h2>2. Introduction</h2>
The JEPI project is using PEP as a vehicle for negotiating over
payment mechanism between a Web client and server. In order to
accomplish this, JEPI has adopted the Universal Payment Preamble
(UPP) proposed by Donald Eastlake as a particular protocol to
be used over PEP. This document describes a set of seven
fundamental operations that support payment mechanism negotiation,
and shows how to use PEP and UPP to accomplish each. In addition,
it contains comments intended for the implementation team for
JEPI indicating the subset which are actually needed for the JEPI
<H3>2.1 The Seven Fundamental Operations of Payment Mechanism Negotiation

<LI><B>Request payment choices.</B> Either end (client or server)
should be able to ask the other what forms of payment it supports.
<I>JEPI implementors:</I> In the demo, only the server will generate
these requests.
<LI><B>Present payment choices that it supports</B>. Either end
should be able to list the forms of payment it supports. Notice
that this may not be a complete list, but rather a list of options
that it &quot;prefers&quot; at the current moment. This list may
be presented in response to a request (<B>operation 1</B>) or
spontaneously. The latter behavior is analogous to the use of
&quot;logo stickers&quot; on a store window or cash register.
<I>JEPI implementors: </I>the demo will only require this operation
in response to a specific request.
<LI><B>Demand payment choice.</B> The merchant (server) may demand
that the client choose a specific form of payment to be used to
pay for items. <I>JEPI implementors: </I>In the demo, this happens
when the &quot;invoice page&quot; is sent from the server to the
client; the demand indicates what components of the page will
require a response with payment choice (<B>operation 4</B>).
<LI><B>Make a payment choice.</B> The customer (client) can indicate
the payment method to be used to make a payment. This normally
indicates to the server that payment should actually begin, and
the response will either be to accept (<B>operation 5</B>) or
reject (<B>operation 6</B>) the chosen mechanism.
<LI><B>Accept a payment choice. </B>The server, in response to
a payment choice (<B>operation 4</B>), may accept the choice and
initiate an actual payment operation. The payment operation itself
is not part of the JEPI project and may or may not use PEP to
handle the payment.
<LI><B>Reject a payment choice. </B>The server, in response to
a payment choice (<B>operation 4</B>), may reject the choice and
request that another choice be made. UPP specifies that a rejection
can occur either because the user canceled the transaction prior
to completion or because the transaction failed for other (payment-system
specific) reasons. They are distinguished and can result in different
client actions.
<LI><B>Do you accept payment by X</B>? Either side can ask the
other if it supports payment by a particular payment mechanism.
<I>JEPI implementors:</I> This is not currently required for the
demonstration, but it might be a useful addition for the client
to ask the server this question prior to counter-offering with
a payment mechanism not mentioned by the server in its list of
supported mechanisms (<B>operation 2</B>). 

<H2>3. Notation </H2>

<P> Amongst other things, UPP provides a uniform vocabulary for naming
options common to many payment systems, and a uniform syntax for each
such option. It is not clear at the current time what mechanism should
be used to allow independent payment system designers to name options
so that they will not collide with the UPP namespace of shared
options. We will use sub-bags to separate the name spaces.  That is,
we will assume that a bag of the form <b>{upp
{</b><i>upp-parameter-name upp-parameter-value</i><b>} ... }</b> will
be used to hold these parameters.  A complete list of these common
parameters and their syntax is available in the UPP specification.

<P>In a complete implementation of UPP using PEP, it would be possible
to specify these common parameters in the PEP-specified header fields
<B>Protocol:</B>, <B>Protocol-Request:</B>, <B>Protocol-Query:</B>,
and <B>Protocol-Info:</B> as well as in any payment-system specific
headers. In the JEPI demonstration, however, we will not be using
these parameters for the generic UPP protocol (they may be used in
payment-specific protocols). In this document we will indicate where
they are syntactically permitted by using the notation
&quot;<I>upp-params</I>.&quot; For the demonstration, these will
always be omitted in the examples shown here.

<P>For clarity, we omit all of the HTTP headers and message body with
the exception of those parts directly related to the operation being
demonstrated.  The protocol-name URLs shown here are purely for
example, and will be determined by the participants at a later
date. The URLs for the various for lists will be determined by each
merchant application. Because we do not expect proxy servers to
participate in the payment negotiation shown during the JEPI demo, the
scope parameters of all PEP headers have been omitted: they are
defined to default to <b>{scope origin}</b> as required for the
demonstration. Similarly, the strength of PEP directives defaults to
optional (<B>{str opt}</B>), so it is only shown otherwise.

<H2>4. Operation 1: Requesting Preferred Payment Choices </H2>

Either end (client or server) should be able to ask the other
what forms of payment it supports. 

<H3>Client asks Server </H3>

In order for the client to ask the server what payment choices
are available, the <B>Protocol-Query: </B>header is added to an
HTTP request from the client to the server. <I>JEPI implementors:</I>
In the demo, only the server will generate these requests.

GET <i>URL</i>
Protocol-Query: {http://www.w3.org/UPP <I>upp-params</I>}</B></PRE>

<P>This means &quot;do you have UPP available at the URL specified in
the HTTP request that contains this header.&quot; If any of the
<I>upp-params</I> are specified then they further restrict the meaning
of the query (i.e. if a <B>{upp {amount {frf}}}</B> were specified,
the query would mean &quot;do you have UPP available, for amounts
denominated in French francs, at the URL specified in the HTTP request
that contains this header&quot;).

In order to ask a more general question (such as &quot;what payment
choices are available for all URLs at your site&quot;) the <B>for</B>
option must be used:

GET <i>URL</i>
Protocol-Query: {http://www.w3.org/UPP {for /*} <I>upp-params</I>}</B></PRE>

<P>Notice that in a <B>for</B>, the &quot;URLs&quot; ending in * are actually
prefix strings. So the &quot;/*&quot; here means &quot;any URL at your
server that starts with '/',&quot; which in turn means all URLs at
your server.

The response to this HTTP message will fall into one of two categories:
<LI>No <B>Protocol-Info: {http://www.w3.org/UPP</B> <B>&#133;}</B>
header line. This indicates that the server does not support all
of PEP. [It is also possible for a server to support PEP, but not UPP, in
which case it would send <TT>Protocol-Info: {http://www.w3.org/UPP {str ref}}</TT>]
<LI>A header line of the form <B>Protocol-Info: {http://www.w3.org/UPP
&#133;}</B> is included in the headers. This indicates that the
server supports PEP, and the response is in the form described
below under <B>Operation 2</B>. The header can also use a <TT>for</TT> list
to hint where on the server payments will be discussed.

A proper implementation of PEP requires that the protocol module
associated with the specified protocol will be invoked when a
<TT>Protocol-Query:</TT> line is encountered specifying that protocol. A
proper implementation of the UPP protocol module will supply one
of the responses indicated under <B>Operation 2</B> (Present Payment
Choices), indicating the payment options that the server wishes
to advertise.
<H3>Server asks Client </H3>

In order for the server to ask the client what payment choices
are available, a similar mechanism is used. In this case, however,
the server should use the <B>{for }</B> to indicate the
parts of its URL space where payment might be discussed:

200 OK
Protocol-Query: {http://www.w3.org/UPP {for /PaymentPages/*}

<P>Technically, this is a way for the server to ask the client to reveal 
payments choices a user will consider for URLs that begin with <B>/PaymentPages/</B>.
The client will reply (at least) whether the protocol can be used for the resource
of the response, and (optionally) whether it might be used elsewhere (the range the
server specified, anywhere on that server, etc). 

A proper implementation of PEP requires that the protocol module
associated with the specified protocol will be invoked when a
<B>Protocol-Query</B> line is encountered specifying that protocol.
A proper implementation of the UPP protocol module will supply
one of the responses indicated under <B>Operation 2</B> (Present
Payment Choices), indicating the payment options that the client
wishes to advertise.
Then, the next time the client accesses any resource in the <B>for</B> list from the
query, it will include its answer(s) to the query.

<H2>5. Operation 2: Present Payment Choices </H2>

Either end should be able to list the forms of payment it supports.
Notice that this may not be a complete list, but rather a list
of options that it &quot;prefers&quot; at the current moment.
This list may be presented in response to a request (<B>operation
1</B>) or spontaneously. The latter behavior is analogous to the
use of &quot;logo stickers&quot; on a store window or cash register.


<I>JEPI implementors: </I>the demo will only require this operation
in response to a specific request. 

This operation is performed by adding one or more <B>Protocol-Info:</B>
headers to the HTTP packet. If the list is being presented in
response to a request (<B>operation 1</B>), PEP requires that
it include a header in the following form:

200 OK <i>-or-</i> GET <i>...</i>
Protocol-Info: {http://www.w3.org/UPP </B>[<I>for</I>] [<B>{str </B><I>strength</I><B>}</B>]

<P>where the <I>for</I> should be the same as the <B>for</B> clause in
the request (or omitted if it wasn't in the request); and the
<I>strength</I> (if present) must be <B>ref</B>, <B>req</B>, or
<B>opt</B>. The strength can be <B>opt</B> (or omitted) in any case;
it may be <B>ref</B> only if payment won't be permitted at any of the
URLs specified by the <I>for</I> clause; it may be <B>req</B> only if
payment is required at all of the URLs specified by the <I>for</I>

In addition, there should be <B>Protocol-Info:</B> headers for
each of the payment systems that are to be presented to the other
end. These will have the form:

200 OK <i>-or-</i> GET <i>...</i>
Protocol-Info: {</B><I>http://...payment-system... </I>[<I>for</I>] [<B>{str </B><I>strength</I><B>}</B>]

<P>where <I>payment-protocol</I> is the URL for the specific payment
protocol, the <I>for</I> and <I>strength</I> are as discussed above,
and the <I>payment-params</I> are additional parameters (including the
UPP parameters) that are specific to the payment system.

For example, if a client receives the request:

200 OK
Protocol-Query: {http://www.w3.org/UPP {for /PaymentPages/*}

<P>and wishes to indicate that it can pay using VISA over SET and via
CyberCash coins it might reply as follows (details of the
payment-specific lines are not finalized yet):

HEAD </b><i>...</i><B>
Protocol-Info: {http://www.w3.org/UPP {for /PaymentPages/*}}
      {params {upp {instrument-brand VISA}}}
      {for /PaymentPages/*}}
      {params {upp {instrument-type ECASH}}}
      {for /PaymentPages/*}}</B></PRE>

<H2>6. Operation 3: Demand Payment Choice </H2>

The merchant (server) may demand that the client choose a specific
form of payment to be used to pay for items. 

<I>JEPI implementors: </I>In the demo, this happens when the &quot;invoice
page&quot; is sent from the server to the client; the demand indicates
what components of the page will require a response with payment
choice (<B>operation 4</B>).  In the demonstration, this same
invoice page will carry both the <B>operation 2</B> and <B>operation
3</B> headers together: the server will announce some of its payment
options at the time it issues the invoice and requires that payment
be accompanied by a particular payment choice.

<P> As part of a standard server (successful) reply, it may deliver a
page that includes references that will require payment (i.e.  a
&quot;Pay Button&quot; or &quot;Pay URL&quot;).  These should be
identified in the header of the response packet by asking the client
to respond by initiating a UPP payment protocol sequence:

200 OK
Protocol-request: {http://www.w3.org/UPP {str req} {for /PayButton}}</B></PRE>

Technically, this means that the server asks the client to use
the UPP protocol (<B>operation 4) </B>whenever it asks for retrieval
of the exact URL <B>/PayButton</B> from this same
server.  The <B>{str req}</B> is a hint to the client that if
it doesn't use the protocol, the request for that URL will be
refused.  Thus, the client is not absolutely required to remember
that it should use UPP with the specified URL - but a network
roundtrip will be avoided if it does so.
<H2>7. Operation 4: Make a Payment Choice </H2>

The customer (client) can indicate the payment method to be used
to make a payment. This normally indicates to the server that
payment should actually begin, and the response will either be
to accept (<B>operation 5</B>) or reject (<B>operation 6</B>)
the chosen mechanism. 

In practice, this will only happen when a client replies to an
<B>operation 3</B> request for payment method.  It must then respond
with two headers: one indicating that it is responding to a request
to use the UPP protocol by choosing a compatible payment protocol,
and the compatible protocol header itself.  For example, if the
payment choice is to use VISA over SET, then we might expect a
response as follows:

GET </b><i>...</i><b>
Protocol: {http://www.w3.org/UPP {via http://www.SET.org/PEPSpec}}
     {str req}
     {params {upp {instrument-type CREDIT} {instrument-brand VISA}}

<P>The expected response is either an <B>operation 5</B> (server
accepts the choice of SET and VISA) or <B>operation 6</B> (server
refuses the choice).

It is expected that somewhere between receiving the <B>operation
3</B> and issuing the <B>operation 4</B> the client application
will have to decide on the payment mechanism.  Neither PEP nor
UPP specifies how this happens.  For the JEPI demonstration, it
is assumed that the browser will intercept the request
to access any specified payment URLs (from the <TT>for</TT> list of the
required challenge) and will engage in a dialog
with the user if necessary to produce the desired choice. This implies that what 
merchants might typically describe as the "Pay" button becomes the "Choose a Payment Mechanism and Pay" button.

<H2>8. Operation 5: Accept a Payment Choice </H2>

The server, in response to a payment choice (<B>operation 4</B>),
may accept the choice and initiate an actual payment operation.
The payment operation itself is not part of the JEPI project and
may or may not use PEP to handle the payment.

At this point, <B>operation 4</B> has provided enough information
to the server that it is willing to kick off the actual payment
system.  JEPI, PEP, and UPP provide no information on precisely
how to do this, but there is one additional PEP/UPP header which
can be optionally sent back to the client.  If a normal MIME-based
helper application is available to do the payment on the client
side, then there is no need for the following header.  On the
other hand, a better user interface can often be produced if a
helper application can be run while the client (browser) waits
for the application to complete.  To support this, UPP adds one
final message from the server to the client.  It provides the
URLs that should be shown in each of three cases:
<LI>the payment is successfully completed
<LI>the payment is canceled because of user intervention
<LI>the payment is unable to complete because the computers are
unable to finish the transaction (network outage, over credit
limit, etc.)

The header is as follows:

200 OK
Protocol: {http://www.w3.org/UPP 
   {params {upp {abort </B><I>abort-URL</I><B>}
                {cancel </B><I>cancel-URL</I><B>}
                {success </B><I>success-URL</I><B>}}}</B></PRE>

<H2>9. Operation 6: Reject a Payment Choice </H2>

The server, in response to a payment choice (<B>operation 4</B>),
may reject the choice and request that another choice be made.
UPP specifies that a rejection can occur either because the user
canceled the transaction prior to completion or because the transaction
failed for other (payment-system specific) reasons. They are distinguished
and can result in different client actions.

If a client proposes a payment system that is not acceptable to
the server, the server responds with a 400- or 500-class PEP error message.
 The body of the message should explain what went wrong as well as
possible, including any explanation that the requested payment system
may be able to supply.  It should probably include a button to go back
to the invoice page, if possible, but the browser's BACK button will
work, too.  The server should include one additional header on this
message to reduce the chance that the same payment system will be
tried a second time:

420 Client PEP Error <I>-or-</I> 520 Server PEP Error
Protocol-Info: {</b><i>http://...payment-system...</I>
                  <B>{str ref} </B><I>payment-params</I><b>}</b>
<i>Followed by an <b>operation 3</b> header</i></PRE>

where <I>payment-system</I> is the payment protocol that is being
rejected, <I>payment-params</I> are the parameters of the payment
system which caused the problem, and <I>pay-URL</I> is the URL
of the item just requested (i.e. the one that initiates the payment
protocol on the server side).<P>

The error code is distinguished mainly by whether the server has the
protocol and doesn't accept it and the client should know better (422
Protocol Extension Refused) or if the server does not have it (521
Protocol Extension Not Implemented) or cannot get it to work (520
Protocol Extension Error or 522 Protocol Extension Parameters Not
Acceptable). Other PEP error codes may be more specifically applicable
for particular payment systems.

<H2>10. Operation 7: Do you accept payment by X? </H2>

Either side can ask the other if it supports payment by a particular
payment mechanism. 

<I>JEPI implementors:</I> This is not currently required for the
demonstration, but it might be a useful addition for the client
to ask the server this question prior to counter-offering with
a payment mechanism not mentioned by the server in its list of
supported mechanisms (<B>operation 2</B>). 

The PEP header <B>Protocol-Query</B> can be used by either party
at any time to ask this question.  As with <B>operation 1</B>,
there is a technical meaning for the query that requires the other
end to respond with a <B>Protocol-Info</B> response that is specific
to the particular URL being queried, and the <B>{for &#133;}</B>
construct can be used to generalize the query.
Also as with <B>operation 1</B> and <B>2</B>, a proper implementation
of a payment system module for use with UPP should provide additional
information about where and with which parameters the payment
system will operate when it is possible to do so.  That is, a
request for &quot;do you support SET for VISA at URL /MerchantHomePage&quot;
<I>must</I> be answered &quot;no&quot; (unless payment happens
on the home page), but a more thorough response will volunteer the information
that such a payment <I>is</I> permitted elsewhere at the site.

200 OK <i>-or-</i> GET <i>...</i>
Protocol-Query: {<I>payment-system </I>[<I>payment-system-params</I>]}</B></PRE>

where <I>payment-system</I> is the URL of the payment system protocol,
and <I>payment-system-params</I> are parameters specific to that
protocol (including common UPP parameters).<BR>

<h2>11. Security Considerations</h2>
None of these message headers have security protection. They should be trusted only if received through a trusted medium (private channel, etc). In addition, UPP makes no security claims about the contents of the headers; ALL payment-related data should be recapitulated within the particular (presumably cryptographically secure) payment protocol.<P>
In short, this protocol only addresses payment selection in the clear. Security of the overall payments process lies in other components.

<h2>12. Authors' Addresses</h2>
Donald E. Eastlake 3rd
CyberCash, Inc.
318 Acton Street
Carlisle, MA 01741 USA
Tel: +1 (508) 287 4877 (+1 703 620 4200 main office, Reston, Virginia, USA)
Fax: +1 (508) 371 7148
Email: dee@cybercash.com 

Rohit Khare
Technical Staff, W3 Consortium
MIT Laboratory for Computer Science
545 Technology Square
Cambridge, MA 02139, U.S.A.
Tel: +1 (617) 253 5884
Fax: +1 (617) 258 5999
Email: khare@w3.org 

Jim Miller
Technology & Society Area Leader, W3 Consortium
MIT Laboratory for Computer Science
545 Technology Square
Cambridge, MA 02139, U.S.A.
Tel: +1 (617) 253 3194
Fax: +1 (617) 258 5999
Email: jmiller@w3.org 

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