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<title>HTML Working Group Roadmap</title>
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<h1><a name="notoc" id="notoc"><acronym
title="HyperText Markup Language">HTML</acronym> Working Group Roadmap</a></h1>

<h2><a name="doc" id="doc"><acronym
title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</acronym> Note 8 November 2000</a></h2>

<dt>This version:</dt>


<dt><strong>This document has been moved to:</strong></dt>

<dd><a href=""

<dt>Former latest version:</dt>

<dd><a href=""

<dt>Previous version:</dt>



<dd><a href="">Steven Pemberton</a>,
<acronym title="Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica" lang="nl"

<dd><a href="">Dave Raggett</a>, <acronym
title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</acronym>/</dd>

<dd><a href="">Masayasu Ishikawa</a>, <acronym
title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</acronym></dd>

<p class="copyright"><a
>Copyright</a> &#169; 2000 <a href=""><abbr
title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr></a><sup>&#174;</sup>
(<a href=""><abbr
title="Massachusetts Institute of Technology">MIT</abbr></a>, <a
href=""><abbr lang="fr" xml:lang="fr"
title="Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique">
INRIA</abbr></a>, <a href="">Keio</a>), All Rights
Reserved. <acronym title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</acronym> <a
<a href=""
<a href=""
>document use</a> and <a
licensing</a> rules apply.</p>

<hr />

<h2 class="notoc"><a id="abstract" name="abstract">Abstract</a></h2>

<p>The <acronym title="HyperText Markup Language">HTML</acronym>
Working Group is chartered with the development of an
extensible, sub-settable version of HTML that is compatible with
<abbr title="Extensible Markup Language">XML</abbr>. It is also
chartered with the development of some extensions to <acronym
title="HyperText Markup Languge">HTML</acronym> - notably in
the area of forms. This group's current activities commenced in
August 1998, and the group was rechartered in June 2000.
The purpose of this document is to describe the activities of
the <acronym title="HyperText Markup Languge">HTML</acronym>
Working Group, define general milestones for each sub-project,
and outline the inter-dependencies among the various deliverables.</p>

<h2><a name="status" id="status">Status of this document</a><span
title="pseudo anchors to preserve anchors of previous version"><a
name="contents" id="contents">&#160;</a><a
name="intro" id="intro">&#160;</a><a
name="goals" id="goals">&#160;</a><a
name="bugs" id="bugs">&#160;</a><a
name="xml" id="xml">&#160;</a><a
name="modules" id="modules">&#160;</a><a
name="dom2" id="dom2">&#160;</a><a
name="docprof" id="docprof">&#160;</a><a
name="xforms" id="xforms">&#160;</a><a
name="schedule" id="schedule">&#160;</a><a
name="deliverables" id="deliverables">&#160;</a><a
name="xhtml" id="xhtml">&#160;</a><a
name="html401" id="html401">&#160;</a><a
name="mods" id="mods">&#160;</a><a
name="xhtml11" id="xhtml11">&#160;</a><a
name="xhtmlbasic" id="xhtmlbasic">&#160;</a><a
name="prof_reqs" id="prof_reqs">&#160;</a><a
name="prof" id="prof">&#160;</a><a
name="events" id="events">&#160;</a><a
name="schemas" id="schemas">&#160;</a><a
name="xhtml20" id="xhtml20">&#160;</a></span></h2>

<p><strong>This document has been moved.</strong></p>

<p><a href="">The latest
version of this document</a> is now maintained as part of the
<a href="">W3C HTML Activity</a> pages,
at: .</p>

<p>The <a href=""><acronym
title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</acronym> <acronym
title="HyperText Markup Language">HTML</acronym> Working
Group</a> <em>(<a href="">members
only</a>)</em> will update the roadmap from time to time.
The goals of the <acronym title="HyperText Markup Language">HTML</acronym>
Working Group are discussed in the
<a href="">HTML Working Group

<p>A list of current <acronym title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</acronym>
Recommendations and other technical documents can be found at
<a href=""></a>.</p>