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<h1 class="notoc">Dialog Requirements<br>
for Voice Markup Languages</h1>

<h3 class="notoc">W3C Working Draft <i>23 December 1999</i></h3>

<dt>This version:</dt>

<dd><a href= 

<dt>Latest version:</dt>

<dd><a href=

<dt>Previous version:</dt>

<dd><a href= 


<dd>Scott McGlashan</dd>

<p class="copyright"><a href= 
Copyright</a> &#169; 1999 <a href="http://www.w3.org/">
W3C</a><sup>&#174;</sup> (<a href=
"http://www.lcs.mit.edu/">MIT</a>, <a href=
"http://www.inria.fr/">INRIA</a>, <a href=
"http://www.keio.ac.jp/">Keio</a>), All Rights Reserved. <abbr
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<h2 class="notoc">Abstract</h2>

<p>The W3C Voice Browser working group aims to develop
specifications to enable access to the Web using spoken
interaction. This document is part of a set of requirements
studies for voice browsers, and provides details of the
requirements for marking up spoken dialogs.</p>

<h2>Status of this document</h2>

<p>This document describes the requirements for marking up dialogs
for spoken interaction, as a precursor to starting work on
specifications. Related requirement drafts are linked from the <a
href="/TR/1999/WD-voice-intro-19991223">introduction</a>. The
requirements are being released as working drafts but are not
intended to become proposed recommendations.</p>

<p>This specification is a Working Draft of the Voice Browser working
group for review by W3C members and other interested parties. This is
the first public version of this document. It is a draft document and
may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
time. It is inappropriate to use W3C Working Drafts as reference
material or to cite them as other than "work in progress".</p>

<p>Publication as a Working Draft does not imply endorsement by
the W3C membership, nor of members of the Voice Browser working
groups. This is still a draft document and may be updated,
replaced or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is
inappropriate to cite W3C Working Drafts as other than "work in

<p>This document has been produced as part of the <a href= 
"http://www.w3.org/Voice/">W3C Voice Browser Activity</a>,
following the procedures set out for the <a href= 
"http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Process/">W3C Process</a>. The
authors of this document are members of the <a href= 
"http://www.w3.org/Voice/Group">Voice Browser Working Group</a>.
This document is for public review. Comments should be sent to
the public mailing list &lt;<a href=
"mailto:www-voice@w3.org">www-voice@w3.org</a>&gt; (<a href= 
"http://www.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-voice/">archive</a>) by
14th January 2000.</p>

<p>A list of current W3C Recommendations and other technical
documents can be found at <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR">

<h2> 0. Introduction</h2>

<p>The main goal of this subgroup is to established a prioritized
list of requirements for spoken dialog interaction which any
proposed markup language (or extension thereof) should

<p>The process will consist of the following steps:</p>

<li>Collect requirements on spoken dialog.</li>

<li>Prioritize these requirements.</li>

<li>Distribute requirements to, and take feedback from, relevant
groups working on specific markup languages supporting speech

<li>Propose further work on how the spoken dialogs can be
integrated and synchronized with other input/output media to
provide co-ordinated multi-modal interaction.</li>

<h3> 0.1 Scope</h3>

<p>The core activity focuses on defining three types of
requirements on the voice markup language: modality, functional,
and format. Modality requirements concern the types of modalities
(media in combination with an input/output mechanism) supported
by the markup language for user input and system output.
Functional requirements concern the behaviour (or operational
semantics) which results from interpreting a voice markup
language. Format requirements constrain the format (or syntax) of
the voice markup language itself.</p>

<p> The environment and capabilities of the voice browser
interpreting the markup language will affect these requirements.
There may be differences in the modality and functional
requirements for desktop versus telephony-based environments (and
in the latter case, between fixed, mobile and internet telephony
environments). The capability of the voice browser device will
also have an important impact on requirements; for example,
telephones without graphical displays versus those with graphical
displays. Requirements affected by the environment or
capabilities of the voice browser device will be explicitly
marked as such.</p>

<p>The Subgroup will not directly address how these requirements
are implemented in specific SGML or XML languages. It is agnostic
between the (X)HTML approach (where, for example, <a href= 
Computing</a>, <a href="http://www.pipebeach.com">PipeBeach</a>,
<a href="http://www.prodworks.com">Productivity Works</a>, and <a
href="http://www.speechtml.com/">Vocalis</a> interpret HTML as
voice markup) and XML languages specifically designed for spoken
dialog (<a href="http://www.voxml.com/voxml.html">VoxML</a>, <a
href="http://www.alphaWorks.ibm.com/tech">SpeechML</a>, <a href= 
"http://www.w3.org/Voice/TalkML/">TalkML</a>, <a href= 
"http://www.vxml.org">VoiceXML</a>, etc). However, for
illustrative purposes, examples and explanations of requirements
may be given in specific markup languages.</p>

<p>This Subgroup does not arbitrate on the extent to which
dialogs have graphical web browsers as their reference model:
i.e. the 'dialog' could be provided by any standard spoken dialog
system, or a (voice) browser with spoken dialog capabilities.
However, in both cases the voice markup needs to support
meta-commands (see Section 2.6).</p>

<p>Finally, features like call processing and billing are not
regarded as dialog requirements but as application design issues.
While they may have an impact on dialog requirements, they are
not part of the dialog markup or behaviour itself.</p>

<h3> 0.2 Interaction with Other Groups</h3>

<p>The activities of the Dialog Requirements Subgroup will be
coordinated with the activities of the Grammar Representation
Subgroup, the Synthesis Markup Subgroup, the Natural Language
Subgroup, the Multimodal Interaction Subgroup and the Reusable
Dialog Components Subgroup.</p>

<h3> 0.3 Terminology</h3>

<p>Although defining a dialog is highly problematic, some basic
definition must be provided to establish a common basis of
understanding and avoid confusion. The following terminology is
based upon an event-driven model of dialog interaction.<br>

<table border="1" cellpadding="6" width="85%" summary="first 
column gives term, second gives description">
<th>Voice Markup Language</th>
<td>a language in which voice dialog behaviour is specified. The
language may include reference to style and scripting elements
which can also determine dialog behaviour.</td>

<th>Voice Browser</th>
<td>a software device which interprets a voice markup language
and generates a dialog with voice output and/or input, and
possibly other modalities.</td>

<td>a model of interactive behaviour underlying the
interpretation of the markup language. The model consists of
states, variables, events, event handlers, inputs and

<td>the basic interactional unit defined in the markup language;
for example, an &lt; input &gt; element in HTML. A state can
specify variables, event handlers, outputs and inputs. A state
may describe output content to be presented to the user, input
which the user can enter, event handlers describing, for example,
which variables to bind and which state to transition to when an
event occur.</td>

<td>generated when a state is executed by the voice browser; for
example, when outputs or inputs in a state are rendered or
interpreted. Events are typed and may include information; for
example, an input event generated when an utterance is recognized
may include the string recognized, an interpretation, confidence
score, and so on.</td>

<th>Event Handlers</th>
<td>are specified in the voice markup language and describe how
events generated by the voice browser are to be handled.
Interpretation of events may bind variables, or map the current
state into another state (possibly itself).</td>

<td>content specified in an element of the markup language for
presentation to the user. The content is rendered by the voice
browser; for example, audio files or text rendered by a TTS.
Output can also contain parameters for the output device; for
example, volume of audio file playback, language for TTS, etc.
Events are generated when, for example, the audio file has been

<td>content (and its interpretation) specified in an element of
the markup language which can be given as input by a user; for
example, a grammar for DTMF and speech input. Events are
generated by the voice browser when, for example, the user has
spoken an utterance and variables may be bound to information
contained in the event. Input can also specify parameters for the
input device; for example, timeout parameters, etc.</td>

<p>The dialog requirements for the voice markup language are
annotated with the following priorities. If a feature is deferred
from the initial specification to a future release, consideration
may be given to leaving open a path for future incorporation of
the feature.<br>

<table border="1" cellpadding="6" width="85%" summary="first 
column gives priority name, second its description">
<th>must have</th>
<td>The first official specification must define the

<th>should have</th>
<td>The first official specification should define the feature if
feasible but may defer it until a future release.</td>

<th>nice to have</th>
<td>The first official specification may define the feature if
time permits, however, its priority is low.</td>

<th>future revision</th>
<td>It is not intended that the first official specification
include the feature.</td>

<h2> 1. Modality Requirements</h2>

<p>These requirements will be co-ordinated with the Multimodal
Interaction Subgroup.</p>

<h3> 1.1 Audio Modality Input and Output (must have)</h3>

<p>The markup language can specify which spoken user input is
interpreted by the voice browser, as well as the content rendered
as spoken output by the voice browser.</p>

<h3> 1.2 Sequential multi-modal Input (must have)</h3>

<p> The markup language specifies that user input from multiple
modalities is to be interpreted by the voice browser. There is no
requirement that the input modalities are simultaneously active.
For example, a voice browser interpreting the markup language in
a telephony environment could accept DTMF input in one dialog
state, and spoken input in another.</p>

<h3> 1.3 Unco-ordinated, Simultaneous, Multi-modal Input (should

<p> The markup language specifies that user input from different
modalities is to be interpreted at the same time. There is no
requirement that interpretation of the input modalities are
co-ordinated. For example, a voice browser in a desktop
environment could accept keyboard input or spoken input in same
dialog state.</p>

<h3> 1.4 Co-ordinated, Simultaneous Multi-modal Input (nice to

<p> The markup language specifies that user input from multiple
modalities is interpreted at the same time and that
interpretation of the inputs are co-ordinated by the voice
browser. For example, in a telephony environment, the user can
type<em>200</em> on the keypad and say <em>transfer to checking
account</em> and the interpretations are co-ordinated so that
they are understood as <em> transfer 200 to checking

<h3> 1.5 Sequential multi-modal Output (must have)</h3>

<p> The markup language specifies that content is rendered in
multiple modalities by the voice browser. There is no requirement
the output modalities are rendered simultaneously. For example, a
voice browser could output speech in one dialog state, and
graphics in another.</p>

<h3> 1.6 Unco-ordinated, Simultaneous, Multi-modal Output (nice
to have)</h3>

<p> The markup language specifies that content is rendered in
multiple modalities at the same time. There is no requirement the
rendering of output modalities are co-ordinated. For example, a
voice browser in a desktop environment could display graphics and
provide audio output at the same time.</p>

<h3> 1.7 Co-ordinated, Simultaneous Multi-modal Output (nice to

<p> The markup language specifies that content is to be
simultaneously rendered in multiple modalities and that output
rendering is co-ordinated. For example, graphical output on a
cellular telephone display is co-ordinated with spoken

<h2> 2. Functional Requirements</h2>

<p> These requirements are intended to ensure that the markup
language is capable of specifying co-operative dialog behaviour
characteristic of state-of-the-art spoken dialog systems. In
general, the voice browser should compensate for its own
limitations in knowledge and performance compared with equivalent
human agents; for example, compensate for limitations in speech
recognition capability by confirming spoken user input when

<h3> 2.1 Mixed Initiative: Form Level (must have)</h3>

<p>Mixed initiative refers to dialog where one participant take
the initiative by, for example, asking a question and expects the
other participant to respond to this initiative by, for example,
answering the question. The other participant, however, responds
instead with an initiative by asking another question. Typically,
the first participant then reponds to this initiative, before the
second participant responds to the original initiative. This
behaviour is illustrated below:<br>
<em>S-A1: When do you want to fly to Paris?<br>
U-B1: What did you say?<br>
S-B2: I said when do you want to fly to Paris?<br>
U-A2: Tuesday.</em></p>

<p> where A1 is responded to in A2 after a nested interaction, or
sub-dialog in B1 and B2. Note that the B2 response itself could
have been another initiative leading to futher nesting of the

<p> The form-level mixed initiative requirement is that the
markup language can specify to the voice browser that it can take
the initiative when user expects a response, and also allow the
user to take the initiative when it expects a response where the
content of these initiatives is relevant to the task at hand,
contains navigation instructions or concerns general
meta-communication issues. This mixed initiative requirement is
particularly important when processing form input (hence the
name) and is further elaborated in requirements 2.1.1, 2.1.2,
2.1.3 and 2.1.4 below.</p>

<h4> 2.1.1 Clarification Subdialog (must have)</h4>

<p> The markup language can specify that a clarification
sub-dialog should be performed when the user provides incomplete,
form-related information. For example, in a flight enquiry
service, the departure city and date may be required but the user
does not always provide all the information at once:<br>
<em>S1: How can I help you?<br>
U1: I want to fly to Paris.<br>
S2: When?<br>
U1: Monday</em></p>

<p> U1 is incomplete (or 'underinformative') with respect to the
service (or form) and the system then initiates a sub-dialog in
S2 to collect the required information. If additional parameters
are required, further sub-dialogs may be initiated.</p>

<h4> 2.1.2 Confirmation Subdialog (must have)</h4>

<p> The markup language can specify that a confirmation
sub-dialog is to be performed when the confidence associated with
the interpretation of the user input is too low.<br>
<em>U1: I want to fly to Paris.<br>
S1: Did you say 'I want a fly to Paris'?<br>
U2: Yes.<br>
S2: When?<br>
U3: ...</em></p>

<p> Note confirmation sub-dialogs take precedence over
clarification sub-dialogs.</p>

<h4> 2.1.3 Over-informative Input: corrective (must have)</h4>

<p> The markup language can specify that unsolicited user input
in a sub-dialog which corrects earlier input is to be interpreted
appropriately. For example, in a confirmation sub-dialog users
may provide corrective information relevant to the form:<br>
<em>S1: Did you say you wanted to travel from Paris?<br>
U1: No, from Perros.</em> (modification) <em><br>
U1': Yes, from Paris</em> (repetition)</p>

<h4> 2.1.4 Over-informative Input: additional (nice to have)</h4>

<p> The markup language can specify that unsolicited user input
in a sub-dialog which is not corrective but additional, relevant
information for the current form is to be interpreted
appropriately. For example, in a confirmation sub-dialog users
may provide additional information relevant to the form:<br>
<em>S1: Did you say you wanted to travel from Paris?<br>
U1: Yes, I want to fly to Paris on Monday around 11.30</em></p>

<h3> 2.2 Mixed Initiative: Task Level (must have)</h3>

<p>The markup language needs to address mixed initiative in
dialogs which involve more than one task (or topic). For example,
a portal service may allow the user to interact with a number of
specific services such as car hire, hotel reservation, flight
enquiries, etc, which may be located on the different web sites
or servers. This requirement is further elaborated in
requirements 2.2.1, 2.2.2, 2.2.3, 2.2.4 and 2.2.5 below.</p>

<h4> 2.2.1 Explicit Task Switching (must have)</h4>

<p>The markup language can specify how users can explicitly
switch from one task to another. For example, by means of a set
of global commands which are active in all tasks and which take
the user to a specific task; e.g. <em>Take me to car hire</em>,
<em>Go to hotel reservations</em>.</p>

<h4> 2.2.2 Implicit Task Switching (should have)</h4>

<p>The markup language can specify how users can implicitly
switch from one task to another. For example, by means of simply
uttering a phrases relevant to another task; <em>I want to
reserve a McLaren F1 in Monaco next wednesday</em>.</p>

<h4> 2.2.3 Manual Return from Task Switch (must have)</h4>

<p>The markup language can specify how users can explicitly
return to a previous task at any time. For example, by means of
global task navigation commands such as <em>previous

<h4> 2.2.4 Automatic Return from Task Switch (should have)</h4>

<p>The markup language can specify that users can automatically
return to the previous task upon completion or explicit
cancellation of the current task.</p>

<h4> 2.2.5 Suspended Tasks (should have)</h4>

<p>The markup langauge can specify that when task switching
occurs the previous task is suspended rather than cancelled. Thus
when the user returns to the previous task, the interaction is
resumed at the point it was suspended.</p>

<h3> 2.3 Help Behaviour (should have)</h3>

<p>The markup language can specify help information when
requested by the user. Help information should be available in
all dialog states.<br>
<em>S1: How can I help you?<br>
U1: What can you do?<br>
S2: I can give you flight information about flights between major
cities world-wide just like a travel agent. How can I help
U1: I want a flight to Paris ...</em><br>

<p> Help information can be tapered so that it can be elaborated
upon on subsequent user requests.</p>

<h3> 2.4 Error Correction Behaviour (must have)</h3>

<p> The markup language can specify how error events generated by
the voice browser are to be handled. For example, by initiating a
sub-dialog to describe and correct the error:<br>
<em>S1: How can I help you?<br>
U1: &lt;audio but no interpretation&gt;<br>
S2: Sorry, I didn't understand that. Where do you want to travel
U2: Paris</em></p>

<p> The markup language can specify how specific types of errors
encountered in spoken dialog, e.g. no audio, too loud/soft, no
interpretation, no audio, internal error, etc, are to be handled
as well as providing a general 'catch all' method.</p>

<h3> 2.5 Timeout Behaviour (must have)</h3>

<p> The markup language can specify what to do when the voice
browser times out waiting for input; for example, a timeout event
can be handled by repeating the current dialog state:<br>
<em>S1: Did you say monday?<br>
U1: &lt;timeout&gt;<br>
S2: Did you say Monday?</em><br>

<p> Note that the strategy may be dependent upon the environment;
in a desktop evironment, repetition for example may be

<h3> 2.6 Meta-Commands (should have)</h3>

<p> The markup language specifies a set of meta-command functions
which are available in all dialog states; for example, repeat,
cancel, quit, operator, etc.</p>

<p> The precise set of meta-commands will be co-ordinated with
the Telephony Speech Standards Committee.</p>

<p> The markup language should specify how the scope of
meta-commands like 'cancel' is resolved.</p>

<h3> 2.7 Barge-in Behaviour (should have)</h3>

<p> The markup language specifies when the user is able to
bargein on the system output, and when it is not allowed.</p>

<p> Note: The output device may generate timestamped events when
barge-in occurs (see 3.9).</p>

<h3> 2.8 Call Transfer (should have)</h3>

<p> The markup language specifies a mechanism to allow transfer
of the caller to another line in a telephony environment. For
example, in cases of dialog breakdown, the user can be
transferred to an operator (cf. 'callto' in HTML). The markup
language also provides a mechanism to deal with transfer failures
such as when the called line is busy or engaged.</p>

<h3> 2.9 Quit Behaviour (must have)</h3>

<p> The markup language provides a mechanism to terminate the
session (cf. user-terminated sessions via a 'quit' meta-command
in 2.6).</p>

<h3> 2.10 Interaction with External Components (must have)</h3>

<p> The markup language must support a generic component
interface to allow for the use of external components on the
client and/or server side. The interface provides a mechanism for
transferring data between the markup language's variables and the
component. Examples of such data are: configuration parameters
(such as timeouts), and events for data input and error codes.
Except for event handling, a call to an external component does
not directly change the dialog state, i.e. the dialog continues
in the state from which the external component was called.</p>

<p> Examples of external components are pre-built dialog
components and server scripts. Pre-built dialogs are further
described in Section 3.3. Server scripts can be used to interact
with remote services, devices or databases.</p>

<h2> 3. Format Requirements</h2>

<h3> 3.1 Ease of Use (must have)</h3>

<p>The markup language should be easy for designers to understand
and author without special tools or knowledge of vendor
technology or protocols (dialog design knowledge is still

<h3> 3.2 Simplicity and Power (must have)</h3>

<p>The markup language allows designers to rapidly develop simple
dialogs without the need to worry about interactional details but
also allow designers to take more control over interaction to
develop complex dialogs.</p>

<h3> 3.3 Support for Modularity and Re-use (should have)</h3>

<p> The markup language complies with the requirements of the
Reusable Dialog Components Subgroup.</p>

<p> The markup language can specify a number of pre-built dialog
components. This enables one to build a library of reusable
'dialogs'. This is useful for handling both application specific
input types, such as telephone numbers, credit card number, etc
as well as those that are more generic, such as times, dates,
numbers, etc.</p>

<h3> 3.4 Naming (must have)</h3>

<p> Dialogs, states, inputs and outputs can be referenced by a
URI in the markup language.</p>

<h3> 3.5 Variables (must have)</h3>

<p> Variables can be defined and assigned values.</p>

<p> Variables can be scoped within namespaces: for example,
state-level, dialog-level, document-level, application-level or
session-level. The markup language defines the precise scope of
all variables.</p>

<p> The markup language must specify if variables are atomic or

<p> Variables can be assigned default values. Assignment may be
optional; for example, in a flight reservation form, a 'special
meal' variable need not be assigned a value by the user.</p>

<p> Variables may be referred to in the output content of the
markup language.</p>

<p> The precise requirements on variables may be affected by W3C
work on modularity and XML schema datatypes.</p>

<h3> 3.6 Variable Binding (must have)</h3>

<p> User input can bind one or more state variables. A single
input may bind a single variable or it may bind multiple
variables in any order; for example, the following utterances
result in the same variable bindings<br>

<li>Transfer $200 from savings to checking</li>

<li>Transfer $200 to checking from savings</li>

<li>Transfer from savings $200 to checking</li>

<h3> 3.7 Event Handler (must have)</h3>

<p> The markup language provides an explicit event handling
mechanism for specifying actions to be carried out when events
are generated in a dialog state.</p>

<p> Event handlers can be ordered so that if multiple event
handlers match the current event, only the handler with the
highest ranking is executed. By default, event handler ranking is
based on proximity and specificity: i.e. the handler closest in
the event hierarchy with the most specific matching

<p> Actions can be conditional upon variable assignments, as well
as the type and content of events (e.g. input events specifying
media, content, confidence, and so on).</p>

<p> Actions include: the binding of variables with information,
for example, information contained in events; transition to
another dialog state (including the current state).</p>

<h3> 3.8 Builtin Event Handlers (should have)</h3>

<p> The markup language can provide implicit event handlers which
provide default handling of, for example, timeout and error
events as well as handlers for situations, such as confirmation
and clarification, where there is a transition to a implicit
dialog state. For example, there can be a default handler for
user input events such that if the recognition confidence score
is below a given threshold, then the input is confirmed in a

<p> Properties of implicit event handlers (thresholds, counters,
locale, etc) can be explicitly customized in the markup

<p> Implicit event handlers are always overridden by explicit

<h3> 3.9 Output Content and Events (must have)</h3>

<p> The markup language complies with the requirements developed
by the Speech Synthesis Markup Subgroup for output text content
and parameter settings for the output device. Requirements on
multimodal output will be co-ordinated by the Multimodal
Interaction Subgroup (cf. Section 1).</p>

<p> In addition, the markup supports the following output
features (if not already defined in the Synthesis Markup):</p>

<li>Pre-recorded audio file output</li>

<li>Streamed audio</li>

<li>Playing/synthesizing sounds such as tones and beeps</li>

<li>variable level of detail control over structured text</li>

<p> The output device generates timestamped events including
error events and progress events (output started/stopped, current

<h3> 3.10 Richer Output (nice to have)</h3>

<p>The markup language allows for richer output than variable
substitution in the output content. For example, natural language
generation of output content.</p>

<h3> 3.11 Input Content and Events (must have)</h3>

<p> The markup language complies with the requirements developed
by the Grammar Representation Subgroup for the representation of
speech grammar content. Requirements on multimodal input will be
co-ordinated by the Multimodal Interaction Subgroup (cf. Section

<p> The markup language can specify the activation and
deactivation of multiple speech grammars. These can be
user-defined, or builtin grammars (digits, date, time, money,

<p> The markup language can specify parameters for speech grammar
content including timeout parameters --- maximum initial silence,
maximum utterance duration, maximum within-utterance pause ---
energy thresholds necessary for bargein, etc.</p>

<p> The input device generates timestamped events including input
timeout and error events, progress events (utterance started,
interference, etc), and recognition result events (including
content, interpretation/variable bindings, confidence).</p>

<p> In addition to speech grammars, the markup language allows
input content and events to be specified for DTMF and keyboard

<h2> 4. Other Requirements</h2>

<h3> 4.1 Event Handling (must have)</h3>

<p> One key difference between contemporary event models (e.g.
DOM Level 2, 'try-catch' in object-oriented programming) is
whether the same event can be handled by more than one event
handler within the hierarchy. The markup language must motivate
whether it supports this feature or not.</p>

<h3> 4.2 Logging (nice to have)</h3>

<p> For development and testing it is important that data and
events are to be logged by the voice browser. At the most
detailed level, this will include logging of input and output
audio data. A mechanism which allows logged data to be retrieved
from a voice browser, preferably via standard internet protocol
(http, ftp, etc), is also required.</p>

<p> One approach is to require that the markup language can
control logging via, for example, an optional meta tag. Another
approach is for logging to be controlled by means other than the
markup language, such as via proprietary meta tags.</p>

<h3> 4.3 Speaker Verification (should have)</h3>

<p>The markup language could provide the ability to verify a
speaker's identity through a dialog containing both acoustic
verification and knowledge verification. The acoustic
verification may compare speech samples to an existing model
(kept in some, possibly external, repository) of that speaker's
voice. A verification result returns a value indicating whether
the acoustic and knowledge tests were accepted or rejected.
Results for verification and results for recognition may be
returned simultaneously.</p>

<h2>5. Acknowledgments</h2>

<h3>Subgroup Members</h3>

<blockquote>Laurence Ferrieux (France Telecom)<br>
Linda Dorrian (Productivity Works)<br>
Andreas Kellner (Philips)<br>
Kenneth Rehor (Bell Labs)<br>
David Attwater (BT)<br>
Danniel Burnett (Nuance)<br>
Deborah Dahl (Unisys)<br>
Andrew Hunt (Sun Labs)<br>
Robert Keiller (Canon)<br>
James Larson (Intel)<br>
William Ledingham (SpeechWorks)<br>
Bruce Lucas (IBM)<br>
Jen Marschner (Philips)<br>
Scott McGlashan (PipeBeach)<br>
Michael Phillips (SpeechWorks)<br>
Stephen Potter (Entropic)<br>
David Raggett (W3C/HP)<br>
Volker Steinbiss (Philips)<br>
Ramesh Sarukkai (L & H)<br>
Dwight Smith (Motorola)<br>
Michael Brown (Bell Labs)<br>
Marianne Hickey (HP)<br>
George White (General Magic)</blockquote>
