REC-DOM-Level-1-19981001 8.3 KB
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  <title>Document Object Model (DOM) Level 1 Specification</title>
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<h1 align='center'>Document Object Model (DOM) Level 1 Specification</h1>

<h3 align=center>Version 

<!--h3 align=center>REC-DOM-Level-1-19981001</h3-->
<h3 align=center>W3C Recommendation <i>1 October, 1998</i></h3>
<dl><dt><b>This version</b></dt>
<dd><a href=''></a></dd>
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<dt><b>Latest version</b></dt>
<dd><a href=''></a></dd>
<dt><b>Previous versions</b></dt>
<dd><a href=''></a></dd>
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<dl><dt><b>WG Chair</b></dt>
<dd>Lauren Wood, 
<i>SoftQuad, Inc.</i></dd>
<dd>Vidur Apparao, 
<dd>Steve Byrne, 
<dd>Mike Champion, 
<dd>Scott Isaacs, 
<dd>Ian Jacobs, 
<dd>Arnaud Le Hors, 
<dd>Gavin Nicol, 
<i>Inso EPS</i></dd>
<dd>Jonathan Robie, 
<i>Texcel Research</i></dd>
<dd>Robert Sutor, 
<dd>Chris Wilson, 
<dd>Lauren Wood, 
<i>SoftQuad, Inc.</i></dd>
<dt><b>Principal Contributors</b></dt>
<dd>Vidur Apparao, 
<dd>Steve Byrne, 
<i>Sun (until November 1997)</i></dd>
<dd>Mike Champion, 
<i>ArborText, Inc.</i></dd>
<dd>Scott Isaacs, 
<i>Microsoft (until January, 1998)</i></dd>
<dd>Arnaud Le Hors, 
<dd>Gavin Nicol, 
<i>Inso EPS</i></dd>
<dd>Jonathan Robie, 
<i>Texcel Research</i></dd>
<dd>Peter Sharpe, 
<i>SoftQuad, Inc.</i></dd>
<dd>Bill Smith, 
<i>Sun (after November 1997)</i></dd>
<dd>Jared Sorensen, 
<dd>Robert Sutor, 
<dd>Ray Whitmer, 
<dd>Chris Wilson, 
<i>Microsoft (after January, 1998)</i></dd>
</dl><a name='id-230738542'></a>
<h2>Status of this document</h2>
<div class='status'>
<p>This document has been reviewed by W3C Members and other interested
      parties and has been endorsed by the Director as a W3C Recommendation. It
      is a stable document and may be used as reference material or cited as a
      normative reference from another document.  W3C's role in making the
      Recommendation is to draw attention to the specification and to promote
      its widespread deployment. This enhances the functionality and
      interoperability of the Web.<p>The authors of this document are the DOM Working Group members,
      different chapters may have different editors.<p>Comments on this document should be sent to the public mailing list
      <a href=''></a>.<p>A list of current W3C Recommendations and other technical documents
      can be found at <a href=''></a>.<h3>Errata</h3>
<p> The list of known errors in this document is found at
      <a href=''></a>.<h3>Available Languages</h3>
<p>The English version of this specification is the only normative
      version. However, for translations in other languages see <a href=''></a>.</p></div>
<a name='id-622015212'></a>
<div class='abstract'>
<p>This specification defines the Document Object Model Level 1, a
	platform- and language-neutral interface that allows
	programs and scripts to dynamically access and update the
	content, structure and style of documents. The Document Object
	Model provides a standard set of objects for representing HTML
	and XML documents, a standard model of how these objects can
	be combined, and a standard interface for accessing and
	manipulating them. Vendors can support the DOM as an interface
	to their proprietary data structures and APIs, and content
	authors can write to the standard DOM interfaces rather than
	product-specific APIs, thus increasing interoperability on the
	Web.<p>The goal of the DOM specification is to define a programmatic
	interface for XML and HTML. The DOM Level 1 specification is separated
	into two parts: Core and HTML. The Core DOM Level 1 
	section provides a low-level set of fundamental interfaces that can
	represent any  structured document, as well as defining extended interfaces 
	for representing an XML document. These extended XML interfaces need not be
	implemented by a DOM implementation that only provides access to
	HTML documents; all of the fundamental interfaces in the Core 
        section must
	be implemented. A compliant DOM implementation that implements the 
        extended XML 
	interfaces is required to also implement the fundamental Core
	interfaces, but not the HTML interfaces.
	The HTML Level 1 section provides additional, higher-level 
	interfaces that are used with the fundamental interfaces defined in
        the Core Level 1 section to provide a more convenient 
        view of an HTML document. 
	A compliant implementation of the HTML DOM implements all 
	of the fundamental Core interfaces as well as the
	HTML interfaces.
<p><h2>Table of contents</h2>
<ul class='toc'>
<li class='tocline2'><a class='tocxref' href='expanded-toc.html'>Expanded Table of Contents</a></li>
<li class='tocline2'><a class='tocxref' href='copyright-notice.html'>Copyright Notice</a></li>
<li class='tocline2'><a class='tocxref' href='introduction.html'>What is the Document Object Model?</a></li>
<ul class='toc'>
<li class='tocline2'><a class='tocxref' href='level-one-core.html'>Chapter 1: Document Object Model (Core) Level 1</a></li>
<li class='tocline2'><a class='tocxref' href='level-one-html.html'>Chapter 2: Document Object Model (HTML) Level 1</a></li>
<ul class='toc'>
<li class='tocline2'><a class='tocxref' href='contributors.html'>Appendix A: Contributors</a></li>
<li class='tocline2'><a class='tocxref' href='glossary.html'>Appendix B: Glossary</a></li>
<li class='tocline2'><a class='tocxref' href='idl-definitions.html'>Appendix C: IDL Definitions</a></li>
<li class='tocline2'><a class='tocxref' href='java-language-binding.html'>Appendix D: Java Language Binding</a></li>
<li class='tocline2'><a class='tocxref' href='ecma-script-language-binding.html'>Appendix E: ECMA Script Language Binding</a></li>
<li class='tocline2'><a class='tocxref' href='references.html'>References</a></li>
<li class='tocline2'><a class='tocxref' href='def-index.html'>Index</a></li>
<li class='tocline2'><a class='tocxref' href='production-notes.html'>Production Notes (Non-Normative)</a></li>