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      <h1>Security Activity Statement</h1>
      <p class="firstelement">The work in the W3C Security Activity
        comprises two Working Groups and one Interest Group: the <a href="../2008/xmlsec/">XML
          Security Working
          Group</a> focuses on maintaining and revising the XML Security
        Specifications. The <a href="">Web
          Application Security Working Group</a> has the mission to
        develop security and policy mechanisms to improve the security
        of Web Applications, and enable secure cross-site
        communication. The Web Security Interest Group serves as a
        forum for discussion about improving standards and
        implementations to advance the security of the Web.<br />
        <br />
      <p>The XML Security Working Group started up in summer 2008, and
        has decided to publish an interim
        set of 1.1 specifications as it works towards producing a more
        radical change to XML Signature. The
        <a href="../TR/xmldsig-core1/">XML Signature 1.1</a> and <a href="../TR/xmlenc-core1/">XML
          1.1</a> specifications clarify and enhance the previous
        specifications without
        introducing breaking changes, although they do introduce new
        algorithms. These specifications are
        at Candidate Recommendation stage, and are currently the subject
        of discussion in a <a href="/2011/02/xmlsec-pag-charter.html">Patent
          Advisory Group.</a></p>
      <p>The Web Application Security Working Group and the Web Security
        Interest Group were launched in early September 2011.</p>
      <h2>Highlights Since the Previous Advisory Committee Meeting</h2>
      <p>The following deliverables of the XML Security Working Group
        are in Candidate Recommendation:</p>
        <li><a href="">XML
            Signature v1.1</a></li>
        <li><a href="">XML
            Encryption v1.1</a></li>
        <li><a href="">XML
            Signature Properties</a></li>
        <li><a href="">XML
            Security Generic Hybrid Ciphers</a></li>
      <p>The <a href="">XML Security
          PAG</a> is <a href="">chartered</a>
        to study issues and propose
        solutions related to <a href="">XML
          Encryption 1.1</a> and <a href="">XML
          Signature 1.1</a>.</p>
      <p>The Advisory Committee reviewed a proposal to launch a Web
        Application Security Working Group and a Web Security Interest
        Group. Both proposals were approved by the Director in early
        September 2011.<br />
      <h2>Upcoming Activity Highlights</h2>
      <p>The <a href="">Web
          Security Working Group</a> will have its face-to-face kick-off
        meeting at the upcoming TPAC.</p>
      <h2>Summary of Activity Structure</h2>
<!--THIS TABLE GENERATED From Member/Mail-->
      <table summary="table of links to groups, Chairs, Team Contacts and charters for the Security Activity Activity"
            <th scope="col">Group</th>
            <th scope="col">Chair</th>
            <th scope="col">Team Contact</th>
            <th scope="col">Charter</th>
            <th scope="row"><a href="">XML
                Security Working Group</a><span class="partlink"><br />
                (<a href=""
                  title="Participants in the XML Security Working Group [Member-only link]">participants</a>)</span></th>
            <td>Frederick Hirsch</td>
            <td>Thomas Roessler</td>
            <td><a href="">Chartered</a>
              until 30 June 2012</td>
            <th scope="row"><a href="">Web
                Application Security Working Group</a><span class="partlink"><br />
                (<a href=""
                  title="Participants in the Web Application Security Working Group [Member-only link]">participants</a>)</span></th>
            <td>Brad Hill, Eric K. Rescorla</td>
            <td>Thomas Roessler</td>
            <td><a href="">Chartered</a>
              until 31 March 2013</td>
            <th scope="row"><a href="">Web
                Security Interest Group</a></th>
            <td>Adam Barth</td>
            <td>Thomas Roessler</td>
            <td><a href="">Chartered</a>
              until 31 March 2013</td>
      <hr />
      <p id="about-ac-mtg"><!--This paragraph will be updated automatically-->
        This Activity Statement was prepared for <a href="">TPAC
          2011</a> per <a href="/Consortium/Process/activities#Activities">section
          5</a> of the <a href="/Consortium/Process/">W3C Process
          Document</a>. <a href="/2005/04/activity/processActivityStatements.xsl">Generated</a>
        from <a href="">group
          data</a>. </p>
      <address> <a href="">Thomas Roessler</a>,
        Security Activity Lead </address>
      <p id="Footer"><a rel="Copyright" href="/Consortium/Legal/ipr-notice#Copyright">Copyright</a>
        © 2011 <a href="/"><abbr title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr></a><sup>®</sup>
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        <a href=""><acronym title="European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics">ERCIM</acronym></a>,
        <a href="">Keio</a>), All Rights Reserved.
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