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<h1>Two months on the QA mailing lists<br />
October and November 2004</h1>

<h2 id="About">About the "weekinqa" QA Mailing-lists monthly summary</h2>

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Jump to: <a href="http://www.w3.org/QA/2004/06/MonthinQA">Previous version
(July and August 2004)</a> | <a href="http://www.w3.org/QA/monthinqa">Latest
version</a> | <a href="http://www.w3.org/QA/Agenda#calendar">QA

<p>"Month in QA" is a monthly summary of the main topics discussed on <a
href="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-qa/">www-qa@w3.org</a>, the
public mailing-list of W3C <a href="/QA/IG"><acronym
title="Quality Assurance">QA</acronym> Interest Group</a> and <a
the public mailing-list of W3C's <a href="/QA/WG"><acronym
title="Quality Assurance">QA</acronym> Working Group</a>.</p>

<p>The regular editor for "Month in QA" is Lynne Rosenthal, NIST, co-chair of
the QA Interest Group.</p>

<p>See also the <a href="http://www.w3.org/QA/2002/05/weekinqa-cal">initial
calendar</a> and <a href="http://www.w3.org/QA/2002/02/aweekinqa">initial
requirements</a> for this resource.</p>

<h2 id="Topics">Topics for this period</h2>

<h3 id="sub2-1">At last - Last Call Working Draft of Specification

<p>Wanted: your review and comments. This <a
href="http://www.w3.org/TR/qaframe-spec/">QA Framework: Specification
Guidelines</a> is a guide for writing better specification and includes a <a
to make sure you haven't forgotten anything. Its easy to read, with lots of
examples. We invite you to use the Specification Guidelines' <a
to see how well your specification does against the 9 requirements - let us
know how you did. Send comments regarding the technical value of the
document, what's missing, and its usability to <a

<h3 id="sub2-2">Implementation strategy for Specification Guidelines</h3>

<p>In an effort to find where the principles and good practices of the
Specification Guidelines are already implemented, the QA WG will review a few
select Recommendations and complete the Implementation Conformance Statement
(i.e., checklist). The findings will be shared with the appropriate Working
Groups. Additionally, QA team members (Karl, Dom, and Olivier) are working
with several Working Groups in a proactive way - as these WGs develop their
specifications, the QA team will point out where Specification Guidelies can
help to resolve an issue.</p>

<h3 id="sub2-3">Does W3C Document License prohibits profiles?</h3>

<p>Is it legal for a group to create a profile of a Recommendation which
contains the Document License? The License states, "No right to create
modifications or derivations of W3C documents is granted...". Profiles are
derivatives of the base standard. The belief is that copyright in this
instance would protect the text of the specification document and not apply
to the derived profile. Given the current enviornment and concern about IPR,
a timely clarification on this issue would be welcome. Perhaps the License
FAQ could be updated with a clarification. See <a
<h3 id="sub2-4">Successful October Face to Face Meeting held</h3>

<p>The QA Interest Group and Working Group meet in Reading England, October
27-29, hosted by the Open Group. The meeting resolved open issues on the
Specfication Guidelines and QA Handbook. Future activities of the Working
Group were discussed, including publication of its documents, advocating QA
within W3C, and recruiting new members. <a

<h3 id="sub2-41">Bits and pieces</h3>
  <li>Welcome new QA WG members: Richard Kennedy from Boeing and Tim Boland
    from NIST.</li>
  <li>For possible inclusion in a <a
    CUAP</a> - a 'save as' feature. </li>
    for information</a> about what it takes to start, organize, and develop
    tests - what types of skills, tasks, and structure are needed?</li>
  <li>New releases of the <a
    href="http://validator.w3.org/docs/checklink.html">Link Checker</a>
    (version 4.1).</li>
  <li>Release <a
    href="http://www.w3.org/QA/Tools/LogValidator/">LogValidator</a> v0.5
    quality-focused log analysis and batch validation tool. Looking for
    feature wishlist and stories.</li>

<h3 id="sub2-6">Meeting minutes</h3>

<p>All meeting minutes are available at: <a
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<p class="author">Created Date: 2004-12-01 by <a
href="mailto:lynne.rosenthal@nist.gov">Lynne Rosenthal</a><br />
Last modified Date: 2004/12/01 by Lynne Rosenthal</p>

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