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<div id="Contents">
<h1>Privacy Activity Statement</h1>

<p>Privacy remains one of the main activities of the Consortium in the area of
social responsibility. Privacy has many different aspects in W3C:</p>
  <li>It is a horizontal area as most of W3C's technologies also deal with
    personal data and thus need to take Privacy into account</li>
  <li>It is a technology area by itself. The <a href="">Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P)</a>
    was a foundational step and remains relevant as a basis for many of the
    current cutting edge privacy enhancing technologies. Currently, the
    Tracking Protection Working Group is <a href="" title="Tracking Protection Working Group    Charter">chartered</a> to
    improve user privacy and user control by defining mechanisms for expressing
    user preferences around Web tracking and for blocking or allowing Web
    tracking elements. The group seeks to standardize the technology and
    meaning of Do Not Track, and of Tracking Selection Lists.</li>
  <li>Privacy is an area of intense research: For the past 7 years, W3C has
    participated in EU FP7 research on Privacy. The last project, PrimeLife,
    had a budget of €11Mio. In this project, the W3C Team tried to advance in
    the area of policy languages and social networking. W3C Team continues to
    be an actor in the area of privacy research, actively looking for further
    research funding opportunities.</li>
  <li>Out of the combination of standardization and research, W3C has developed
    a profile for technology transfer. Members actively engage with privacy
    advocates and researchers in the <a href="">public-privacy</a>
    mailing-list that will soon be steered by a Privacy Interest Group. </li>

<p>At least since Alan Westin wrote his famous books <q>Privacy and Freedom
(1967)</q> and <q>Databanks in a Free Society (1972)</q>, Privacy has been a
sustained challenge for computer science. Computing provides powerful tools
that can be used for the good and for the bad of humankind. W3C has started
work on Privacy with <a href="">P3P</a> and has continued
to explore the Privacy challenges since then. There is no obvious end to the
Privacy challenge on the Web. Nearly 10 Years after the completion of the work
on P3P, much of the research in the area of privacy, accountability and data
handling is still heavily influenced by the <a href="">P3P 1.0 Recommendation</a> and the <a href="">P3P 1.1 Working Group Note</a>. </p>

<p>Thevery successful <a href="">PrimeLife project</a>
allowed to explore new technologies like anonymous credentials, new policy
languages and how to integrate the value of privacy into Specifications. With
the Project's support, we were able to organize many interesting workshops:</p>
  <li><a href="">W3C Workshop on Access
    Control Application Scenarios</a></li>
  <li><a href="">W3C Workshop on Privacy
    for Advanced Web APIs</a></li>
  <li><a href="">W3C Workshop on Privacy and
    data usage control</a></li>
  <li><a href="">Internet Privacy
    Workshop How can Technology help to improve Privacy on the
  <li><a href="">Workshop on Web Tracking
    and User Privacy</a></li>

<p>It can be concluded that people need a venue for general privacy discussions
related to the Web. All attempts to limit the discussion to a specific policy
language or a very narrowly focused interest were rather detrimental to the
overall quality of discussion and the success of the venue. This will be
addressed in the near future by a Privacy Interest Group and is supported by
the <a href="">public-privacy</a>

<h2>Highlights Since the Previous Advisory Committee Meeting</h2>

<p>Political movements in the United States towards greater attention for
privacy have resulted in significant public discussion of Web tracking
techniques and possible countermeasures. Fortunately and as a result of its
strategic planning exercise for 2011, W3C had already decided to strengthen its
focus on privacy. Feedback was given to inquiries of the US government. High
attention was given to the <q>Do Not Track</q> header initially promoted by CDT
and implemented for the first time by Mozilla. Meanwhile, Microsoft made a <a href="">Web
Tracking Protection Member Submission</a>. W3C Staff prepared a <a href="">Workshop on Web Tracking and User
Privacy at Princeton University on 28-29 April 2011</a> to assess the degree of
support for W3C to take up Recommendation-track work in this area. W3C Team
also participated in events in Brussels discussing <q>Do Not Track</q> to
strive for a global solution. All this resulted in the <a href="">chartering</a>
of the <a href="">Tracking
Protection Working Group</a>. The chartering of an additional Privacy Interest
Group is iminent.</p>

<h3>Past Achievements of the Activity</h3>

<p>The P3P Specification Working Group delivered multiple important milestones
for the Web. The most important documents are listed here:</p>
  <li><a href="">The Platform for
    Privacy Preferences 1.1 (P3P1.1) Specification</a> (2006)</li>
  <li><a href="">The Platform for
    Privacy Preferences 1.0 (P3P1.0) Recommendation</a> (2002)</li>
  <li><a href="">A P3P Preference Exchange
    Language 1.0 (APPEL1.0)</a> (2002)</li>
  <li><a href="">P3P
    Guiding Principles</a> (1998)</li>
  <li>P3P using Semantic Web (<a href="">unofficial
    2004-version</a>) (<a href="">2002-version</a>)</li>

<h2>Upcoming Activity Highlights</h2>

<p>Work on <q>Do Not Track</q> has already started with a very ambitious and
aggressive schedule. The Privacy Activity has also a horizontal dimension that
will be taken up by an Interest Group to be created the next reporting period.

<h2>Summary of Activity Structure</h2>
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<!--THIS TABLE GENERATED From Member/Mail--><!--THIS TABLE GENERATED From Member/Mail--><!--THIS TABLE GENERATED From Member/Mail--><!--THIS TABLE GENERATED From Member/Mail--><!--THIS TABLE GENERATED From Member/Mail--><!--THIS TABLE GENERATED From Member/Mail--><!--THIS TABLE GENERATED From Member/Mail--><!--THIS TABLE GENERATED From Member/Mail--><!--THIS TABLE GENERATED From Member/Mail--><!--THIS TABLE GENERATED From Member/Mail--><!--THIS TABLE GENERATED From Member/Mail--><!--THIS TABLE GENERATED From Member/Mail--><!--THIS TABLE GENERATED From Member/Mail--><!--THIS TABLE GENERATED From Member/Mail--><!--THIS TABLE GENERATED From Member/Mail--><!--THIS TABLE GENERATED From Member/Mail--><!--THIS TABLE GENERATED From Member/Mail--><!--THIS TABLE GENERATED From Member/Mail--><!--THIS TABLE GENERATED From Member/Mail--><!--THIS TABLE GENERATED From Member/Mail--><!--THIS TABLE GENERATED From Member/Mail--><!--THIS TABLE GENERATED From Member/Mail--><!--THIS TABLE GENERATED From Member/Mail--><table id="Structure" summary="table of links to groups, Chairs, Team Contacts and charters for the Privacy Activity Activity"><thead><tr><th scope="col">Group</th><th scope="col">Chair</th><th scope="col">Team Contact</th><th scope="col">Charter</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><th scope="row"><a href="">Policy Languages Interest Group</a></th><td>Marco Cassasa-Mont, Renato Iannella</td><td>Thomas Roessler, Rigo Wenning</td><td><a href="">Chartered</a> until 28 February 2011</td></tr><tr><th scope="row"><a href="">Tracking Protection Working Group</a><span class="partlink"><br />
          (<a title="Participants in the Tracking Protection Working Group [Member-only link]" href="">participants</a>)</span></th><td>Aleecia M. McDonald, Matthias Schunter</td><td>Nick Doty</td><td><a href="">Chartered</a> until 31 July 2012</td></tr></tbody></table>
<hr />

<p id="about-ac-mtg"><!--This paragraph will be updated automatically-->
    This Activity Statement was prepared for 
    <a href="">TPAC 2011</a> per <a href="/Consortium/Process/activities#Activities">section 5</a>
  of the <a href="/Consortium/Process/">W3C Process Document</a>.
  <a href="/2005/04/activity/processActivityStatements.xsl">Generated</a>
  from <a href="">group data</a>.
  <a href="">Rigo Wenning</a>, Privacy Activity Lead 

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