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<h1>Professional Home Page for <em>Daniel Dardailler</em> °</h1>

<p style="float:right"><img
alt="Color Photo of DanielD's head and shoulder, wearing a shirt"

<p>I am <strong>Associate Chair</strong> of the <a
href="http://www.w3.org/">World Wide Web Consortium</a> (W3C), the
international "standardization" body for the Web (HTML, XML, WAI, CSS, etc).

<p>I work <a
Sophia Antipolis, Europe headquarters, south-east of France, from home in
Grasse, or from the <a href="visited.html">road</a>. </p>

<p>As <strong>W3C Director of International Relations</strong>, I coordinate
(and I manage directly some) W3C official <a
href="http://www.w3.org/2001/11/StdLiaison">liaisons</a> (e.g. with IGF, ISO,
EC, Offices, etc).</p>

<p>If you want to speak to me on the phone, please send me an <a
href="mailto:&quot;Daniel Dardailler &lt;danield@w3.org&gt;&quot;">email</a>
first (I have a strong spamfilter, so always put my firstname lastname in the
To field, as indicated in the given mailto URL).</p>

<p>A short <a href="bio.html">Bio</a> is available. Here's my <a
href="http://fr.linkedin.com/in/danieldardailler">LinkedIn</a> profile.</p>

<p>° <small>I don't think there is anyone else on earth with this
firstname/lastname, so you found me.</small></p>