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    <title>Liam Quin</title>
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    <h1><a name="bio">Liam Quin</a></h1>
      <p>I am the W3C XML Activity Lead.  I am also Staff Contact
      for the <a href="/XML/Query/">XML Query</a> Working Group, and
      staff contact for the
      <a href="/Style/XSL">XSL-FO</a> subgroup of the XSL Working Group.</p>

      <p>I've been working with SGML and SGML tools since 1987, and
      with XML since its inception.</p>
      <p>I was on the editorial board of the (now defunct) peer-reviewed journal
      <i>Markup Languages:  Theory &amp; Practice</i>,
      journal devoted to the design and use of markup languages and
      published by MIT Press.</p>
      <p>I have written three books on XML (two of
      them with other co-authors).</p>
      <p>You can read more 
      about me at <a href="http://www.holoweb.net/~liam">Liam's Home Page</a>
      or visit my project scanning
      <a href="http://www.fromoldbooks.org/">pictures from old books</a>, and
      most day you can find me as Ankh on the
      <a href="http://www.sorcery.net/">SorceryNet</a> Internet Relay Chat
      <p>We use Internet Relay Chat (IRC) at W3C for distributed meetings,
      and to help with telephone calls;
      I keep a <a href="http://www.ircreviews.org/">list of IRC clients</a>.</p>

      <p>You can email me as <a href="mailto:liam&#64;w3.org">liam&#64;w3.org</a></p>

      <p>I get sent a lot of unsolicited mail.  From time to time
      I put <a href="recentmail.html">email addresses</a> of people
      who sent me such annoying messages up on the web here so that
      the crawlers find them, and they can get spam too.</p>

    <p><small>$Id: Overview.html,v 1.10 2010/10/13 18:41:20 liam Exp $</small></p>