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<h1>P3P Validator</h1>

<h2>Integrated Validation</h2>

<form method="get" action="">
  URI: <input type="text" name="uri" size="50" maxlength="300"> 
  <input type="submit" value="check">

  <p style="color: #606060; font-size: 9pt">*Put the URI of a WWW page that
  you want to check (e.g. <tt></tt>).<br>
  *Please do not type the URI of P3P policy file.</p>

<h2>Policy File Validation</h2>

<form method="get" action="">
  URI: <input type="text" name="uri" size="50" maxlength="300"> 
  <input type="submit" value="check"><br>

<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"
  File: <input type="file" name="file" size="39" maxlength="300"> 
  <input type="submit" value="check"><br>

  <p style="color: #606060; font-size: 9pt">*Put URI or file name of P3P
  policy (e.g. <tt></tt>)</p>

<h3 style="color: #606060; font-size: 14pt">Changes and known bugs:</h3>
<ul style="color: #606060; font-size: 11pt">
  <li><b>2002/12/01 [Bug &amp; Fix 20]</b> 
In the "Vocabulary check" step, even when there are errors, the validator 
says "no error". 
  <li><b>2002/11/04 [Bug &amp; Fix 19]</b> 
The validator does not check the expiration date of the P3P policy. Now it is fixed.
  <li><b style="color: red">2002/08/27 [Bug 18]</b> 
When the policy file is on the SSL site, the validator thinks the policy file 
does not exist. Now it is fixed.
  <li><b>2002/08/27 [Bug &amp; Fix 17]</b> 
The parameter of the <tt></tt> is not correctly escaped. Now it is fixed.
  <li><b style="color: red">2002/06/18 [Bug 16]</b> 
If the policy reference file contains non-XML code, the validator 
fails to parse the PRF, and stops without any error messages.
  <li><b>2002/06/03 [Bug &amp; Fix 15]</b> 
In the HTTP response header, the policy ref directive (= <tt>policyref="/w3c/pref.xml"</tt>) and the compact policy (= <tt>CP="NOI IND .."</tt>) must be seperated with a comma 
character. The validator does not report an error, when a comma is missing. Now it is fixed .
  <li><b>2002/05/16 [Bug &amp; Fix 14]</b> When a compact policy includes <tt>NID</tt> element, 
the compact policy does not have to include compact-purpose / compact-retention / 
compact-recipient / compact-category tokens. However, the validator requires them.
Now it is fixed.
  <li><b>2002/04/09 [Bug&amp;Fix 13]</b> Validator did not recognize the compact 
  policy <tt>LOC</tt> category. Now, it is fixed.
  <li><b>2002/03/26 [Bug&amp;Fix 12]</b> When the target URI includes some special 
  characters, the validator failed. Now it is fixed.
  <li><b>2002/03/22 [Bug&amp;Fix 11]</b> URI patterns of the <tt>INCLUDE</tt> and 
  <tt>EXCLUDE</tt> elements in the PRF were relative to the PRF URI. 
  Now, they are relative to the target URI (See <a target="newwin" 
  href="">section</a> of the spec
  for the details ).
  <li><b>2002/03/20 [Bug&amp;Fix 10]</b> HTTPS related bug. When PRF is https and 
  the policy is http, the validator misunderstands that they are on the 
  different web sites. Now it is fixed.</li>
  <li><b>2002/03/20 [Bug&amp;Fix 09]</b> Link check sequence does not work correctly, 
  when the user uploads the P3P policy file. Now it is fixed.</li>
  <li><b style="color: red">2002/03/20 [Bug 08]</b> If user defined <tt>DATASCHEMA</tt> uses 
  <tt>DATA-STRUCT</tt> element in the base data schema file, the validator 
  does not correctly recognize it. </li>
  <li><b>2002/03/20 [Bug&amp;Fix 07]</b> The validator did not recognize 
  <tt>DATASCHEMA</tt> embedded in the policy file, when the user upload the 
  policy file. Now, fixed.  </li>
  <li><b>2002/03/14 [Fix 06]</b> Now, the validator supports <tt>https</tt>.</li>
  <li><b>2002/02/21 [Limitation 06]</b> The validator does not support <tt>https</tt> 
  protocol at this point. It will be supported soon.</li>
  <li><b>2002/02/21 [Bug&amp;Fix 05]</b> "<tt>&lt;link&gt;</tt> element multiple line" 
  bug fixed. </li>
  <li><b>2002/02/20 [Bug&amp;Fix 04]</b> "dot dot slash" bug fixed.
  Now, the validator recognizes that [<tt></tt>] is 
  equivalent to [<tt></tt>].
  <li><b>2002/02/19 [Bug&amp;Fix 03]</b> "<tt>&lt;POLICY&gt;</tt> element" bug fixed. 
  Now, the validator does not allows policy files starting with 
  <tt>&lt;POLICY&gt;</tt> element.   </li>
  <li><b>2002/02/19 [Fix 01]</b> <tt>"http-equiv header"</tt> bug fixed.  </li>
  <li><b>2002/02/18 [Bug&amp;Fix 02]</b> "Single quote bug" fixed. The values of <tt>policyref</tt> and 
  <tt>CP</tt> in the P3P: http header must be quoted with double quotation marks 
  (<tt>"</tt>). The validator allowed single quotation marks illegally. </li>
  <li><b>2002/02/14 [Bug 01]</b> The validator recognizes http-equiv headers in HTML documents. 
  This is not a bug. However, almost all HTML user agents do not recognize http-equiv 
  headers. Therefore, I will make the validator not to recognize them. 
  Details about this issue is <a 
  <li><b>2002/01/28 [Info]</b> The validator is compatible with 
  the P3P PR (proposed recommendation) spec.</li>


<h3 style="color: #606060; font-size: 14pt">Notice:</h3>
<ul style="color: #606060; font-size: 11pt">
  <li>The <a href="validator/20020128/document">detailed document</a> about this validator is
  <li>If you have a site you would like added to the <a
    href="">P3P compliant sites list</a>,
    please first check your website using the P3P validator, and send e-mail
    to <a href="[P3P] Add site to list">Yuichi Koike</a>. Please make sure that the e-mail includes your site's URL and your site's name.</li>
  <li>This validator is compatible with P3P spec from Sep 15, 2000 to Jan 29, 2002.
    Older version of P3P validator is available <a
  <li>Policy files will be checked against <a
    href=""><b>P3P XML schema</b></a> and
    <a href=""><b>Base data
  <li>Source code of this validator is available at <a
  <li>This is alpha version, and may have bugs and errors. Please report
    errors and bugs to <a
    href="[P3P] validator bug"></a>.</li>

Version 0.95, Created by: <a href="">Yuichi</a>
<a href="">
Koike</a> and Shojima Taiki, Jan 29 2002 <!-- $Id: validator.html,v 1.51 2006/06/15 15:25:17 rigo Exp $-->