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      <h1 class="title">
	Jigsaw - W3C's Server

    <div class="left">
      <p class="link"><span class="linktitle">Home page</span><br>
	<a class="local" href="#www-jigsaw">Mailing List</a><br>
	<a class="local" href="#Getting">Download Jigsaw</a><br>
      <p class="link"><span class="linktitle">Documentation</span><br>
	<a class="local" href="Doc/">Documentation</a><br>
	<a class="local" href="Doc/FAQ.html">F.A.Q</a><br>
	<a class="local" href="Doc/Programmer/design.html">Jigsaw
	<a class="local"
	<a class="local" href="User/Overview.html">Jigsaw 1.0</a><br>
      <p class="link"><span class="linktitle">Jigsaw Team</span><br>
	<a class="local" href="Team.html">The Team</a><br>
	<a class="local" href="Team.html#help">How to contribute</a><br>
	<a class="local" href="">Code updates</a><br>

      <p class="link"><span class="linktitle">Related Links</span> <br>
	<a class="local" href="Activity.html">Activity Statement</a><br>
	<a class="local"
	  href="References.html">Press articles</a><br> 

      <p class="link"><span class="linktitle">External Links</span> <br>
	<a class="local"
	<a class="local" href="">Demo Site</a><br>
	<a class="local"
	<a class="local"
	  href="">Jigsaw&nbsp;presentation</a><br><span class="local">by </span><a  class="local" href="">DIaLOGIKa</a><br></p>

    <div class="body">
      <h2>W3C's Java Server</h2>
      <p class="pintro"><span class="jigsaw">Jigsaw</span> is W3C's
	leading-edge Web server platform, providing a sample HTTP 1.1
	implementation and a variety of other features on top of an
	advanced architecture implemented in Java. The <a
	  href="Activity.html">W3C Jigsaw Activity statement</a>
	explains the motivation and future plans in more detail. Jigsaw
	is an <a href="../Status.html">W3C Open Source Project</a>,
	started May 1996. See the <a
	for details.</p> 
      <h2>News and Highlights:</h2>
	<!-- news section-->
      <!-- Jigsaw release -->
        <li><b>Released April 10th, 2007: Jigsaw 2.2.6</b> · <a
	    Contains stability fixes as well as a few new functionnalities
	    in the HTTP client stack.
	  <p>... more details in the <a href="RelNotes.html#2.2.6">Release
      <!-- Jigsaw release -->
        <li><b>Released June 8th, 2005: Jigsaw 2.2.5</b> · <a
	  It also contains a reworked HTTP client stack and SSL code
	  updates, an improved Digest Authentication implementation, and WebDAV
	  interoperability improvements. Along with some stability fixes for servers
	  with a long uptime and huge traffic.
	  <p>... more details in the <a href="RelNotes.html#2.2.5">Release
           <p>UPDATE July 4th 2005: to Jigsaw 2.2.5a to fix a configuration 
	    file error</p>
      <!-- current release -->
      <!-- Jigsaw release -->
<!--     <ul>
        <li><b>Released January 8th, 2003: Jigsaw 2.2.2</b> · <a
          <p>This new release fixes several bugs, and add performance
	    optimizations. It also provides HTTP compliance fixes.
	    The only new feature is SSL support, contributed by Thomas Kopp
	    <li>SSL Support for HTTP and WebDAV (<a href="">raw doc</a>).
	    <li>HTTP/1.1 compliance
	    <li>WebDAV support
	    <li>Many bug fixes
            <li>... more details in the <a href="RelNotes.html#2.2.2">Release
      <!-- winie release -->
        <li><b>Released November 10th, 2001: Winie 1.0.9a</b> · <a
          <p>Winie is a network utility to put files on the web using
            HTTP/1.1. The main feature of Winie is to solve the <a
              href="">"lost update
              problem"</a> by storing ETags. Winie use the client side
            api of Jigsaw.</p>
	    <li>Content-Language support</li>
            <li>Bugs fixed</li>
          <p>Features are:</p>
            <li>PUT, GET and DELETE files on the web</li>
            <li>Version conflict detection, see <a
                href="">"The lost update
            <li>Retries when connection closed (like wget does)</li>
            <li>Upload all files located in a directory (recursively
              or not)</li>
            <li>Support for proxies</li>
            <li>Support for metadata configuration (language, charset)</li>
      <!-- webdav release -->
	<li><b>Released November 24th 2000: Jigsaw WebDAV Package</b> · <a
	    "WebDAV stands for "Web-based Distributed Authoring and
	    Versioning". It is a set of extensions to the HTTP protocol
	    which allows users to collaboratively edit and manage files
	    on remote web servers." (<a
	  <p>This is a WebDAV implementation based on Jigsaw 2.1.2, it 
	    has been tested with cadaver, DAVExplorer and
	    WebFolders. Go to <a
	    for a more complete list of DAV client. This package is
	    preconfigured as a WebDAV server.
      <!-- older 2.0 release -->
	<li><b>Released June 5th 2000: Jigsaw 2.0.5</b> · <a 
	    <li><a href="Doc/User/servlets.html">Servlet API Support</a>
	      JSDK/2.2 support</li>
	    <li>JSP Support</li>
	    <li><a href="">Image metadata</a>
	    <li>Many bug fixes.</li>
	    <li>... more details in the <a href="RelNotes.html#2.0.5">Release
<!-- older news -->

  <li><b>August 17th 1999: ServerWatch's Review of Jigsaw</b> · <a
    href="References.html#sw">Jigsaw References Page</a>
    <p class="press-citation"><span style="text-indent: 20pt; margin-right:   
     10pt;        margin-top: 10pt">« Jigsaw 2.0, as developed by the World
    Wide Web Consortium (W3C), is designed to be a technology demonstration
    rather than a full-fledged release. It's purposely intended as a project
    to showcase new technologies, but in the case of Jigsaw 2.0, this Web
    server also ends up being more robust than the average Web server. Most
    importantly, though, Jigsaw serves as a useful blueprint to the future of
    the HTTP protocol and object-oriented Web servers. »</span></p>
<!-- end of news -->
<!-- <div style="margin: 20pt"> -->

<h2><a name="www-jigsaw"></a>Mailing list</h2>

<div class="indent">
The <b></b> is a public mailing list for open discussions on
Jigsaw. For more information on W3C mailing lists, check out the <a
href="../Mail">Mail Information</a> page. Check out the <a
href="Doc/FAQ.html">FAQ</a> and <a
href="">archive</a> before
posting. Bug reports, questions on the current design, etc. should be directed
to <a href=""></a>. To subscribe to
<b></b>, send a mail to <b></b> with
"subscribe" in the subject.</div>
<!-- indent -->

<h2><a name="Getting"></a>Download and Installation</h2>

<div class="indent">
The Jigsaw distribution contains the Java source code, the documentation and
the pre-compiled classes. After you download the distribution, see the <a
href="Doc/User/installation.html">Installation</a> section of the <a
href="Doc/#User_Documentation">User Documentation</a>.

<p>There is also an experimental <b>printable documentation</b>, available in
<a href="">pdf</a> or <a
href="">postscript</a>. The Jigsaw
distribution is available in two formats both through the FTP and HTTP
protocols (you may want to check the <a href="mirror.html">Jigsaw mirror
sites</a> for public versions only): <!-- stable version 2.0.5-->

<!-- release 2.2.2 -->
<p></p><a name="Getting-2-2"></a>
<a name="Getting-2-2-6"></a><h4>Jigsaw 2.2.6</h4>
    <dd>The <a href="">zip 
      file</a> is suitable for Windows [9132 Ko].</dd> 
    <dd>The <a 
      href="">tar, gziped 
      file</a> is suitable for UNIXes [6212 Ko].</dd> 
    <dd>The <a 
      bziped file</a> is suitable for UNIXes [4580 Ko].</dd> 
<h5 id="chekcums">Cheksums</h5>
  <dd><a href="">Content-Md5</a>: fBhlh9ttr14YAqe45Yi+xg==</dd>
  <dd>md5sum: 7c186587db6daf5e1802a7b8e588bec6</dd>
  <dd><a href="">Content-Md5</a>Content-Md5: yEjgbXhRyg0kP9i970x3ZQ==</dd>
  <dd>md5sum: c848e06d7851ca0d243fd8bdef4c7765</dd>
  <dd><a href="">Content-Md5</a>: H+sD6KJaaLiZQOE3+829OQ==</dd>
  <dd>md5sum: 1feb03e8a25a68b89940e137fbcdbd39</dd>

<!-- experimental 2.1.2 version and stable 2.2.0 
<a name="Getting-2-1"></a><h4>Jigsaw 2.2.0</h4>
    <dd>The <a href="">zip 
      file</a> is suitable for Windows [7839 Ko].</dd> 
    <dd>The <a 
      href="">tar, gziped 
      file</a> is suitable for UNIXes [5400 Ko].</dd> 
    <dd>The <a 
      bziped file</a> is suitable for UNIXes [4013 Ko].</dd> 
</dl> -->
<!-- no mirror yet, wait for tomorrow formirroring to kick in
  <dt>HTTP Mirror</dt>
    <dd>The <a href="">zip file</a> is suitable for Windows 
      [6992 Ko].</dd> 
    <dd>The <a href="jigsaw_2.1.2.tar.gz">tar, gziped file</a> is suitable for 
      UNIXes [4656 Ko].</dd> 
    <dd>The <a href="jigsaw_2.1.2.tar.bz2">tar, bziped file</a> is suitable 
      for UNIXes [3384 Ko].</dd> 
<!-- stable version -->
<a name="Getting-2-0"></a><h4>Jigsaw 2.0.5</h4>
    <dd>The <a href="">zip
      file</a> is suitable for Windows [6584 Ko].</dd>
    <dd>The <a
      href="">tar, gziped
      file</a> is suitable for UNIXes [4440 Ko].</dd>
    <dd>The <a
      bziped file</a> is suitable for UNIXes [3216 Ko].</dd>

  <dt>HTTP Mirror</dt>
    <dd>The <a href="">zip file</a> is suitable for Windows
      [6584 Ko].</dd>
    <dd>The <a href="jigsaw_2.0.5.tar.gz">tar, gziped file</a> is suitable for
      UNIXes [4440 Ko].</dd>
    <dd>The <a href="jigsaw_2.0.5.tar.bz2">tar, bziped file</a> is suitable
      for UNIXes [3216 Ko].</dd>

<!-- webdav package -->
<a name="get-webdav"></a>
<h4>Jigsaw WebDAV Package (based on 2.1.2)</h4>
    <dd>The <a href="">zip file</a> is suitable for
      Windows [7903 Ko].</dd>
    <dd>The <a href="">tar, gziped file</a> is
      suitable for UNIXes [5633 Ko].</dd>
    <dd>The <a href="">tar, bziped file</a> is
      suitable for UNIXes [3967 Ko].</dd>

<!-- proxy package -->
<a name="get-proxy"></a>

<h4>Jigsaw Proxy Package (based on 2.0.2 - 5th May 1999 devel release)</h4>
  <!--  <DT>
  The <A HREF="">zip file</A> is
  suitable for Windows. <BR>
  The <A HREF="">tar, gziped
  file</A> is suitable for UNIXes. <BR>
  The <A HREF="jigsaw_proxy_2.0beta3.tar.bz2">tar, bziped file</A> is suitable
  for UNIXes.
    <dd>The <a href="">zip file</a> is suitable for
      Windows [1072 Ko].</dd>
    <dd>The <a href="jigsaw_proxy_2.0.2.tar.gz">tar, gziped file</a> is
      suitable for UNIXes [1022 Ko].</dd>
    <dd>The <a href="jigsaw_proxy_2.0.2.tar.bz2">tar, bziped file</a> is
      suitable for UNIXes [833 Ko].</dd>

<h4>Jigsaw 1.0beta2</h4>
    <dd>The <a href="">zip file</a> is
      suitable for Windows.</dd>
    <dd>The <a href="">tar, gziped
      file</a> is suitable for UNIXes.</dd>
    <dd>The <a href="">zip file</a> is suitable for Windows.</dd>
    <dd>The <a href="jigsaw.tar.gz">tar, gziped file</a> is suitable for

The server will run on any platform supporting Java. At this time, it has been
tested on Win95, WinNT and Solaris 2.x. Other people have reported successful
use of Jigsaw on OS/2, MacOS, BeOS, Linux, AS-400 and AIX. <br>
Recommended JDK version: 1.2 and up (it runs also with jdk1.1.6 and up).

<p>Some details on platform specific environments that run Jigsaw:</p>
  <li>OS/2: Warp4, java 1.1.6 IBM build o116-19980605 (thanks to <a
    href="">Tom Wheeler</a>)</li>

<h3>Known Bugs</h3>
The current list of <a href="Bugs.html">known bugs</a>, along with their

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<a href="">Jigsaw Team</a> <br>
<span class="mini">$Id: Overview.html,v 1.206 2009/01/08 15:45:31 ylafon Exp $

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title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</acronym></a><sup>&#xae;</sup> (<a
title="Massachusetts Institute of Technology">MIT</acronym></a>, <a
title="European Research Consortium for Informatics and 
Mathematics">ERCIM</acronym></a>, <a
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