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      HyperText Design Issues: Versioning
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    <a href="OldDocs.html"><img src=
    "../Icons/WWW/arch1990" /></a>TimBL
    <hr />
    </h1>Definition: The storage and management of previous copies
    of a piece of information, for security, diagnostics, and
      Do you want version control?
      Can you reference a version only?
      If you refer to a particular place in a node, how does one
      follow it in a new version, if that place ceases to exist?
      (&#170;Peter Aiken is the expert in this area&#186; - Tim
      Oren, Apple)
      Yes, at CERN we will want versioning. Very often one wants to
      correct a news item, even one of limited life, without
      reissuing it. This is a problem with VAX/NOTES for example. I
      would suggest that the text for the current version is
      stored, and separately those modifications necessary to
      backtrack to previous versions. I would expect previous
      versions to be regenerated only on the fly, as needed.
      (Apparaently SCCS stores the original file and the
      differences. This system does allow you to ditsribute the
      differences when updating copies.)
      If full differences (deltas) are kept, the first version is
      just the first delta from a null document. The latest version
      is not available without regenerating it from all the deltas.
      For speed, it is obviously useful to <a name="3">keep a
      copy</a> of the latest version (see <a name="2" href=
      "Caching.html">caching</a> ).
      Versioning is necessary for accountability (--David Durand, If an author is to be accountable for
      information published, it should be possible to demonstrate
      later what he wrote, even if he has later changed it.
      A WWW server may provide versioning, by allowing links
      between a document version and its previou and succesive
      versions. This would be a good use of <a name="1" href=
      "LinkTypes.html#1">link typing</a> .
      Keeping track of versions allows one solution to the <a name=
      "4" href="Annotation.html">annotation problem</a>.