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      Archival status
    <a href="../"><img alt="W3C" src=
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      Archive document status
    </h1>Documents bearing the icon
      <img src="../Icons/WWW/arch1990" />
      are useful but dated documents with no guarantee that they
      are up to date.
      They are kept because the rate of explosion of Web technology
      has meant that many newcomers are unaware of some of the
      original design rationale, and so important design criterai
      are in danger of being designed out by those who take for
      granted or overlook the requirements.
      So some of this stuff is just as valid now as was then, and
      some of it for example has a slant from the original need to
      sell the idea of Global Hypertext, the World Wide Web, to the
      high enrgy physics (HEP) community which originally funded
      At that time I didn't realize the importance of dating and
      signing and web documents, but as I wrote most of them, other
      contributions were normally signed.
      The documents have a horizontal rule at the top after which
      the original document follows.
      Tim Berners-Lee, 1996
    <hr />
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    "../Icons/WWW/w3c_48x48" /></a>
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