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      HyperText Design Issues: Navigational techniques
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    <a href="OldDocs.html"><img src=
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      Navigational Techniques and Tools
      <a name="anc5" href="../People.html#BernersLee" id=
    </address>There are a number of ways of accessing the data one
    is looking for. Navigational access (i.e., following links) is
    the essence of hypertext, but this can be enhanced with a
    number of facilities to make life more efficient and less
      Defined structure
    </h2>It is sometimes nice for a reader to be able to reference
    a document structure built specifically to enhance his
    understanding, by the document author. This is especially
    important when the structure is part of the information the
    author wishes to convery.
      See a <a name="anc2" href=
      "../../Conferences/ECHT90/Structured.html" id="anc2">separate
      discussion of this point</a> .
      <a name="anc6" id="anc6">Graphic Overview</a>
    </h2>A Graphic overview is useful and could be built
    automatically. Should it be made by the author, server, browser
    or an independent daemon?
      Can one provide an overview with less granularity than the
      basic web by grouping nodes in some way? The user could
      select from <a name="anc3" href="Topology.html#4" id=
      "anc3">link types</a> used to imply the tree
      structure.<a name="anc4" href="../People.html#groff" id=
      I think this depends on how long it will take. It might be
      interesting to experiment with daemons which will
      independently make and update maps of the web. This is not
      essential for a first pilot model.
      History mechanism
    </h2>This allows users to retrace their steps. Typical
    functions provided can be interpreted in a hypertext web as
        Go to initial node
        Go to the node visited before this one in chronological
        order. Modify the history to remove the current node.
        <a name="z12" id="z12">Next</a>
        When the current node is one of several nodes linked to the
        &ordf;back&ordm; node, go to the next of those nodes. Leave
        the &ordf;Back&ordm; node unchanged. Modify the history to
        remove the current node and replace it with the "next" (new
        current) node.
        When the current node is one of several nodes linked to the
        &ordf;back&ordm; node, go to the preceding one of those
    </dl>In many hypertext systems, a tree structure is forcibly
    imposed on the data, and these functions are interpreted only
    with respect to the links in the tree. However, the reader as
    he browses defines a tree, and it may be more relevant to him
    to use that tree as a basis for these functions. I would
    therefore suggest that an explicit tree structure not be
      (If a default tree is needed by the system for some reason,
      then we can always use the creation order: when a node is
      created it is always created with a link to an existing node.
      Such links, whatever their type, may be used to define a
      tree. If they are deleted, an alternative link must be chosen
      to become a tree link.)
      If authors want to write a tree structure into their
      documents, then the words "after", "before" and "above" could
      be used to mean a static structure.
      Intelligent navigation
    </h2>See A. Secret's <a name="z11" href=
    "Intelligent_Navigation.html" id="z11">discussion of
    intelligently navigation techniques</a> .
      <a name="anc8" id="anc8">Index</a>
    </h2>An Index helps new readers of a large database quickly
    find an obscure node. Keyword schemes I include in the general
    topic of indexes. <a name="anc9" id="anc9">The index must, like
    a graphic overview, be built either by the author, or
    automatically by one of the server, browser, or a daemon</a> .
    The index entries may be taken from the titles, a keyword list,
    or the node content or a combination of these. Note that
    keywords, if they are specifically created rather than random
    words, map onto hypertext &ordf;concept&ordm; nodes, or nodes
    of special type &ordf;keyword&ordm;. It is interesting to
    establish an identity relationship between keywords in two
    different databases -- this may lead a searcher from one
    database into another.
      Index schemes are important but indexes or keywords should
      look like normal hypertext nodes. The particular special
      operation one can do with a good keyword index system which
      one can't do with a normal hypertext system is to do a fast
      search on multiple keywords. This must to be provided as an
      extension to the hypertext navigation scheme. However, it is
      in fact analogous to a trace starting with more than one
      node, which is a valid hypertext tracing operation. The
      difference is that the tracing would normally be done by a
      browser, but the indexed search done by the server.
      When many nodes in a web represent different indexes, then a
      query search can chain between them (See " <a name="anc7"
      href="ManyIndexes.html" id="anc7">Web of indexes</a> ").
      <a name="z10" href=
      id="z10">Nat Torington's musings</a> .
      See also: <a name="anc1" href=
      "../../Conferences/ECHT90/HTandIR.html" id="anc1">HyperText
      and Information Retrieval</a>
      Node Names
    </h2>These allow faster access if one knows the name. They
    allow people to give references to hypertext nodes in other
    documents, over the telephone, etc. This is very useful.
    However, in Notecards, where the naming of nodes was enforced,
    it was found that thinking up names for nodes was a bore for
    users. KMS thought that being able to jump to a named node was
    important. The node name allows a command line interface to be
    used to add new nodes.
      I think that naming a node should be optional: perhaps by
      default the system could provide a number which can be used
      instead of a name.The system should certainly support the
      naming of nodes, and access by name.
      Menu of links
    </h2>Regular linkwise navigation may be done with
    &ordf;hotspots&ordm; (highlighted anchors) or may be done with
    a menu. It may be useful to have a menu of all the links from a
    given node as an alternative way of navigating. Enquire, for
    example, offers a menu of references as the only way of