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      Inconsistent data -- Semantic Web design Issues
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      Tim Berners-Lee<br />
      Date: 1998, last change: $Date: 2009/08/27 21:38:07 $<br />
      Status: personal view only. Editing status: first draft.
      <a href="./">Up to Design Issues</a>
      Semantic Web
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      Inconsistent data
      What, many people ask, will happen when this huge mass of
      classical logic meets its first inconsistncy? Surely, once
      you have one staement that A and another somewhere on the web
      that not A, then doesn't the whole system fall apart? Surely,
      then you can deduce anything you want?
      This fear of course is quite valid - or would be if all
      assertions in the whole world were regarded as bing on equal
      footing. Some imagine that an RDF parser will simply search
      all XML documents on the web for any facts, and add them to a
      massive set of belived assertions. This is not how realisic
      systems will actually work.
      On the web, a fact may be asserted in an expression. That
      expression may be part fo a formula. The formula may ivolve
      negation, and may invove quotation. The whole formula is
      found by parsing some document . There is no a priori reason
      to believe any document on the web. The reason to believe a
      document will be found in some information (metadata) about
      the document. That metadata may be an endosement of the
      document - another RDF statement, which in turn was found
      another document, and so on.
      <em>[@@need picture here]</em>
      A real system may work backwards or forwards (or both). I
      would call working forwards a system which is given a
      configuartion page to work from which in turn points to other
      pages which in turn are used as valid data. I would call
      working backwards a system which, when looking for an answer
      to a query, looks at a gloal index to find any document at
      all which mentions a given term. It then searches thes
      documents turned up for answers to the query. Only when it
      has found an answer does t check back to see whether the data
      can be deriveded directly or indirectly from sources it has
      been set up to trust.
      Digital sgnature (see trust) of course adds a notion of
      secuirty to the whole process. The first step is that a
      document is not endorsed without giving the checksum it had
      when believed. The second step is to secify more powerful
      rules of the form
        "whatever any document says so long it is signed with key
      In prcatice, particular authroities are trusted only for
      specific purposed. The semantic web must support this. You
      must be able to restrict the information believed along the
      lines of,
        "whatever any document says of the form xxxx is a meber of
        W3C so long as it is signed wiht key 32457934759432".
      for example
        "whatever any document says of the form "a is an employee
        of IBM" so long as it is signed by with key 3213123098129".
      Limiting inference
      There is a choice here, and I am not sure right now which
      appeals to me most. One is to say precicely,
        "whatever any document <em><strong>says</strong></em> of
        the form xxxx is a member of W3C so long as it is signed
        with key 32457934759432".
      The other is to say,
        "whatever is of form xxxx and <em><strong>can be
        inferred</strong></em> from information signed with key
      In the first case, we are making an arbitrary requirement for
      a statement to be phrased in a particular way. This seems
      unnecessarily bureaucratic, and more difficult to treat
      constently. Normally we like to be able to replace any set of
      forumlae with another set which can be deduced from it.
      However, in this case we have to preserve the actual form in
      case we need to match it against a pattern. This is very
      In the second case, we fall prey to the inconsistency trap.
      Once any pair of conflicting statements can be deduced from
      information signed with a given key, then anything can be
      deduced from information signed with the key: the key is
      completely broken. Of course, only that key is broken, so a
      trust system can remove any reason it has to trust that key.
      However, the attacked system may not realize what has
      happened before it has been convinced that the sun rises in
      the west.
      Is there a way to limit the domain of trust in a key while
      allowing inmformation to be processed in a consistent way
      throughout the system? Yes - maybe - there are many. Each KR
      system which uses a limited logic does do in order (partly)
      to solve this problem. We just qulaify "can be inferred" be
      the type of inference rules which may be used. This means the
      generic proof engine eitehr has to work though a reified
      version of the rules or it has to know the sets - incorporate
      each proof engine. Maybe we only need one.
        Tortoise: What's the time, Achilles?
        Achilles: Five past ten, my friend. [They chat for a
        Tortoise: What is the time, Achilles?
        Achilles: Six minutes past ten, Mr. Toroise.
        Tortoise: But Achilles, you just told me just a minute ago
        it was <strong>five</strong> minutes past ten. How can I
        ever believe you again?
      Time-varying information is one cause of apparent
      contradiction. People and documents change status. How does
      one base inference on information which may be out of date?
      One part of this is to put explicit or implcit expry dates on
      everything. Whenever a server sends resource to an HTTP
      client, it can give an expiry date. The client can track
      this, and ensure that all deductions from that document are
      cancelled when the date arrives, unless a more recent copy
      can be optained which says the same thing. In human language
      you might say "It is rainy" but on the semantic web that
      woudl be exported in a fully qualified way, more like "at Mon
      Jan 24 09:41:06 EST 2000 the measurement guage 5 at Dubin
      Airport read rain as having fallen in the last hour". (A
      fuzzy system would conclude "Dublin is wet" and a clasic
      logic system "at least once it rained at at least one place
      in Dublin"!)
      I understand [Lehrmann, SW meeting in DC] (sp?) that the KIF
      folks developed a complete vocabulary for time-variance.
      Another tchnique is to make any looseness which exists in the
      real system visible. Instead of saying
        Any employee of any member orgainzation of W3C may register
      you say formally to the registration engine
        Any person who was some time in the last 2 months an
        employy of an organization which was som etim ein the last
        2 montsh a W3C member may register.
      In other words, if an organization were to drop its
      membership, the system doesn't have to support propagating
      that information instantly.
      I think there will be time-aware reasoning systems, and
      time-unaware raesoning systems which are fed data with expiry
      dates and whose results are used within the intersection
      period of the validity periods of the incomming data. Indeed,
      time-aware systems may contain nested time-unaware systems,
      and probably vice-versa.
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