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      Tim Berners-Lee
        Date: April 1998, updated 9/97
        Status: personal view. Editing status: Italic text is
        rough. Requires complete edit and possibly massaging, but
        content is basically there.
        Audience: Those people who asked what I meant by a
        consistent user interface and then said, "Don't just say
        it, write it down!". For software developers in the hope
        that some of this will come true. &nbsp;This has worked
        before. I'm a bit embarassed, as everyone has pet ideas
        about how the UI is frustrating, and listening to them can
        be tedious, I know! Perhaps this is why I haven't written
        this down before.
        Contributions: Examples from Dan Connolly of what needs to
        be easy.
      <a href="Overview.html">Up to Design Issues</a>
      Web Architecture: 6
      See also <a href="../Talks/9702ComNet/slide1.htm">ComNet 97
    <hr />
      Cleaning up the User Interface 2: Hypertext editing
      Tim BL 3 April 1998
      If you think surfing hypertext is cool, that's because you
      haven't tried writing it. If you have found your
      bookmarks/favorites have become a more and more important
      part of your life, that's because you have learned to put up
      with the simplest form of hypertext editing there is as a
      compromise. If you are using a really intuitive hypertext
      editor, then tell me about it.
      Hypertext editing
      The Web is universal and so should be able to encompass
      everything across the range from the very rough scribbled
      idea on the back of a virtual envelope to a beautifully
      polished work of art.
      Somewhere near the "draft" end of the scale is its use a
      hypertext communal or personal notebook which is very close
      to a major original use of the Web in 1990. In this mode I
      can browse over notes made by people in my group, and rapidly
      contribute new ideas.
      I'm editing this now on a pretty intuitive editor. AOLPress
      is may not be a top of the line pape layout tool but it can
      do some of the things which my original "WorldWideWeb"
      program could do. I wouldn't say that either of these
      programs was the ideal interface, but if you look also at
      things like KMS and Doug Engelbart's interface, you see that
      for all the fancy HTML we have nowadays, there is some
      immediacy we have lost.
      Here are some things I would like to be able to do very
      rapidly. Dan Connolly suggested a click count as a way of
      measuring the effort, with 10 clicks penalty when you have to
      think of a filename or anchor ID.
      Imagine there's no mode, imagine there's no location
      A first assumption, by the way, is that you have modeless
      interface in which browsing and editing are not separate
      functions. If to edit a page, you have to switch from
      browsing mode to editing mode, then you have lost already. If
      you have had to switch to edit mode, and think of a local
      filename in which to save the file, then you have lost
      doubly, If you have had to answer lots of difficult questions
      about where to save absolute or relative links, you have lost
      yet again and probably messed up the file already! You should
      not have to think about "where" things are.
      Make a link
      In WorldWideWeb, you had to
      <li>Select the target phrase
      <li>Hit "command/M" to mark where you were, (Which generated
      an anchor with a made up name, and remembered it);
      <li>Switch to the document to contain the link if different;
      <li>select the text to be linked;
      <li>Hit "Command/L" to make the link
      In AOLPress, I can do the same thing except the "Mark"
      function consists of three steps: Press the "anchor" button,
      hit return to accept the program's suggested anchor name, and
      then hit the "copy URL" button.
      In a drag-and drop world, every window should have an icon
      for the document it holds which can be dragged to make a
      link. (Later versions of NeXTStep had this with alt/click on
      the titlebar).
      Make a new linked node - Annotate
      In WorldWide Web, this was deliberately easy:
      <li>Select a phrase
      <li>Hit "Command/N". (A new node is created)
      <li>Think of a filename in response to the "SaveAs" dialog
      box :-(
      The new node would be created from a template which could set
      up to have your signature at the bottom, etc. The original
      phrase was automatically linked to the new node. The cursor
      was left ready for you to type in what you'd just thought of.
      In a world with PICS servers, then a neat operation is to
      annotate a page you don't have access to:
      <li>Create a new node somewhere where you have write access
      <li>Create a PICS label with a pointer to it
      <li>Store the PICS label on the label server as a label about
      the annotated node.
      The XML LINK work will allow, we hope, a link to be made into
      the middle of an existing unwritable document with some hope
      of reliability.
      Here are a few other operations which would be very useful
      when you really use hypertext as a thinking tool.
      <a name="Excerpt" id="Excerpt">Excerpt</a>
      Dan is always asking for this and doing it by hand. I have
      never seen an editor which will do it automatically (though
      Dan has found some <a href="../2000/08/eb58">javascript
      hacks</a> that work pretty well).
      <li>Copy to the clipboard a BLOCKQUOTE with inside it a copy
      of the selected text, linked back to the original document
      from which it came. Make the link to an existing anchor in
      the document if one is there, or else a new one if one can be
      made, or else the document as a whole failing that.
      Insert an image
      It's always nice to be able to grab a screen shot or a video
      frame and insert it into the minutes you are taking of a
      meeting -- but how many keystrokes does it take?
    <hr />
      <a href="UI.html">Back to User Interface 1</a>; <a href=
      "Overview.html">Up to Design Issues</a>
      TimBL, Apr 1998<br />
      $Id: Editor.html,v 1.12 2009/08/27 21:38:06 timbl Exp $