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<TITLE>An Evaluation of the World Wide Web as a Platform for Electronic Commerce</TITLE>
<LINK HREF=../Team/connolly.stl REL=STYLE>
<H1>An Evaluation of the World Wide Web as a Platform for Electronic Commerce 
</H1><ADDRESS><A HREF="">Daniel
W. Connolly</A><BR>

<A HREF="">W3C</A>/<A HREF="">MIT

LCS</A><BR>$Date: 2001/01/12 00:10:05 $
</ADDRESS><H3><A name="austin-ecommerce" href="">The

First International Conference on Electronic Commerce</A><BR> University
of Texas at Austin, Austin -- October 30-31 1995
</H2><P>The architecture and implementation of the World Wide Web are evaluated
with respect to Douglas Engelbart's requirements for an open hyperdocument
system. Engelbart's requirements are derived from experience in using
computer-supported collaborative work (CSCW) to support large scale electronic
<P>This document is available on the World Wide Web at:
<TT><A HREF=""></A></TT><br >
See also: <a href="../Architecture/NOTE-ioh-arch">work on a revision of this paper</a>, <a href="../People/Connolly/pubs">other writings</a>, <a href="../Talks/9510_UTECommerce/">presentation materials</a>, <a href="../People/Connolly/events/">other presentations</a>
</H2><P>The study of <DFN>electronic commerce</DFN> often focuses on security,
cryptography, and electronic currency and payments. But commerce is more
than just the exchange of money &emdash; it includes research, development,
marketing, advertising, negotiation, sales, and support, if not more.
<P>It follows that a successful platform for electronic commerce will enhance
all these activities. A strategy of integrating cryptographic security techniques
into existing disconnected systems is not as likely to succeed as an attempt
to automate collaborative work in general.
<P>The World Wide Web is targeted at collaborative work in this way. It borrows
many design principles from the research in computer supported collaborative
work (CSCW), which showed how effective hypermedia systems can be for knowledge
capture, knowledge exchange, and collaboration in general.
<P>In comparison to even the early hypertext research systems, the Web is
fairly simple and somewhat limited. And
yet it is extremely widely deployed and exploited. Is the Web technology
ultimately limited? Is it a passing phenomenon, or is it a viable long-term
platform for collaborative work &emdash; and in particular, for electronic
<P>The first uses of the Web for electronic commerce were probably motivated
by the same factors that motivated its use in other disciplines: the novelty
of the system, and the investment value of experimenting with information
technology. But the value of a network increases
as the square of the number of connected resources. Before long, the low
cost of entry, low administrative overhead, and the volume of accessible
data made using the Web cost-effective regardless of its novelty in such
disciplines as research and education.
<P>By now, the demographics of the userbase make the business case for
advertising and marketing on the Web quite simple. It is no longer clear
whether the userbase increases in response to reduced prices and increased
service (for example, major online service providers have added Internet
and Web access, lowered prices, and funded directory services) or the other
way around. But it <EM>is </EM>clear that the userbase is increasing and
the services are increasing &emdash; exponentially.
<P>The Web currently provides a sufficient platform for many business ventures.
And each day, the critical mass of users, services, experience, and
infrastructure for another venture is achieved. But will it become a platform
for widespread electronic commerce? Or are there fundamental requirements
that will never be met?
<P>This question looms large as many businesses invest heavily in this
technology, and even more consider the possibility of doing so. In this report,
we consider the requirements established not by the business community, but
by the researchers in the field of CSCW who first considered the application
of hypermedia systems to electronic commerce. In <CITE>Knowledge-Domain
Interoperability and an Open Hyperdocument System</CITE>, Douglas Engelbart
condensed the results of much of the research into twelve
requirements<A HREF="#ENG90">[ENG90]</A>.&nbsp;We
evaluate the Web with respect to each of the requirements: has it been met?
If not, can it? What are the obstacles, and what are the most promising
developments in each area?
<H2>Essential Elements
of an Open Hyperdocument System
</H2><P>Engelbart's research was directed at large scale knowledge work;
for example, in the aircraft industry, the interactions between a major
manufacturer and its contractors, subcontractors, and so on. Research and
experimentation led to the following requirements:
<OL><LI>Mixed Object Documents

<LI>Explicitly Structured Documents

<LI>View Control of Object's Form, Sequence, and Content

<LI>The Basic "Hyperdocument"

<LI>Hyperdocument "Back-Link" Capability

<LI>The Hyperdocument "Library System"

<LI>Hyperdocument Mail

<LI>Personal Signature Encryption

<LI>Access Control

<LI>Link Addresses That Are Readable and Interpretable by Humans

<LI>Every Object Addressable

<LI>Hard-Copy Print Options to Show Address of Objects and Address
Specification of Links

</DL><H2>Overview of Web Architecture
</H2><P>In order to evaluate the Web with respect to Engelbart's requirements,
some background on the architecture is essential.
<P>The Web is a hypermedia distributed information system. A distributed
information system allows users to access (read, search, navigate) documents
from a wide variety of computers connected via a network. A hypertext system
is one where the documents have links in and between each other, so that
readers are not constrained to a sequential reading order. Finally, a hypermedia
system is one that integrates images, sounds, video, and other media with
text in documents.
<P>The Web incorporates a wide variety of information sources on the Internet
into a coherent information system. The user experience on the Web is:
<OL><LI>An initial document is presented to the user, consisting of text,
graphics, sounds, animation, etc.
<LI>The user can choose one of the links in the document and request to visit
the document on the other end of the link. &nbsp;The link specifies the address
of another document. 
<LI>The system retrieves the document at that address and presents it to
the user, and the process repeats.
</OL><H3>Protocols and Addressing Schemes
</H3><P>A URI, or Uniform Resource Identifier, is a name or address for an
object in the Web<A HREF="#URI">[URI]</A>. For example:
</PRE><P>Each URI begins with <TT><VAR>scheme</VAR>:</TT>, where <VAR>scheme</VAR> refers to an addressing or naming scheme. For example, URIs beginning with <TT>http: </TT>refer to objects accessible via the HTTP protocol; <TT>ftp:</TT> refers to FTP objects, and so on. New schemes can be added over time.
<P>There are a number of information retrieval protocols on the Internet: FTP, gopher, WAIS, etc. In the Web user experience, they behave similarly: a server makes a collection of documents available. A client contacts a server and makes a request to access one or more of the documents by giving a command telling what sort of access (read, write, etc.) and some parameters that indicate which is the relevant document (s). Finally, the server fulfills the request by, for example, transmitting the relevant document to the client.
<P>HTTP is a protocol designed specifically for the Web<A HREF="#HTTP">[HTTP]</A>. It is an extensible protocol with support for the widely used features of existing protocols, such as file transfer and&nbsp;index searching, plus support for some novel features such as redirection and format negotiation.
<H3>Data Formats
</H3><P>There is no one data format for all Web documents -- each document
may have its own format. In fact, it may be available in many formats.
<P>Each data format has a name, or an Internet Media Type. Internet Media
Types, aka content types, are part of MIME<A HREF="#MIME">[MIME]</A>, a
collection of enhancements to Internet mail to accomodate rich media. Most
Internet Media Types are just standardized names for existing data formats;
for example,&nbsp;<TT>text/plain</TT> for&nbsp;normal
ASCII text; <TT>image/gif</TT> for images in GIF format, etc.
<P>The MIME standard also introduces some new data formats. The
<TT>multipart/mixed</TT> is a <DFN>compound</DFN> data format -- it allows
several pieces of media to be combined into one, for transmission via email,
in a file, etc.
<P>Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is a data format designed specifically
for the Web. It combines the features of a typical structured markup language
(paragraphs, titles, lists) with hypertext linking features.
<P>HTML is an application of SGML, the Standard Generalized Markup
Language<A HREF="#SGML">[SMGL]</A>. SGML is a technology for specifying
structured document
types. HTML is one such document type, but there are many others -- as many
as anyone cares to dream up. TEI, DocBook, and Pinnacles are just a few of
the types of SGML documents used in the
<H2>Evaluating the World Wide Web
</H2><P>This evaluation measures the World Wide Web against each of Engelbart's
requirements, discussing strengths, weaknesses, and promising developments.
<H3>1. Mixed Object Documents
</H3><BLOCKQUOTE>to provide for an arbitrary mix of text, diagrams, equations,
tables, raster-scan images (single frames, or even live video), spread
sheets, recorded sound, etc. -- all bundled within a common "envelope"
to be stored, transmitted, read (played) and printed as a coherent
entity called a "document."

</BLOCKQUOTE><P>The first Web documents contained only text, but support
for icons
and images was added to NCSA Mosaic in 1993. Since then, Web pages with mixed
text and graphics have been the rule, and sound and video are not uncommon.
As a recent development, tables are widely deployed. Support for equations
is still essentially in development, and diagrams are generally limited to
rasterized snapshots.
<P>Exchange of spreadsheets and other rich data sets associated with proprietary
software packages is supported to some extent, but its use is generally limited
to small communities of interest who agree to use the packages.
<P>This demonstrates that at least to some extent, the requirement for mixed
object documents is met. But it is not met completely: the tools for composing
mixed object documents are primitive, and many features of a comprehensive
compound document architecture are lacking.
<H4>Authoring Tools
</H4><P>The intent of the original design of the web was that documents would
be composed in direct-manipulation fashion from a rich set of media objects.
The initial prototype was done on the NeXTStep platform, which allows
drag-and-drop editing of rich text documents including raster images,
encapsulated postscript images, sounds, diagrams, etc. The NeXTStep platform
includes an architecture and a set of development tools for adding new object
types to the mix available on the desktop.
<P>Research system such as
<A HREF="">Hyper-G</A> provide many
of these features, and&nbsp;recently products such as
<A HREF="">NaviPress</A> and
<A HREF="">FrontPage</A> beginning to provide these
features to the web user base at large.
<H4>Compound Document Architecture
</H4><P>The two technologies used to create compound documents on the web
are URIs and MIME. Objects
can be linked together by using their addresses. For example, the HTML A,
IMG, FORM, and LINK elements specify URIs of linked objects. Links are typed
to indicate various relationships between objects such as parent/child,
precedes/succeeds, supports/refutes, etc. The MIME multipart facility allows
several pieces of content to be combined into one entity. Support for typed
links and multipart data is deployed only to a limited extent.
<P>The combination of URIs and MIME supports the entire existing web information
space. Still, compared with compound document architectures such as OpenDoc,
or HyTime, many facilities are lacking.
<P>Facilities for diagrams, equations, screen real-estate arbitration, event
management, versioning, transactions, link indirection, and aggregation have
been developed for various web applications, but there are no standard
facilities. Standards for such facilities
might result in a critical mass of shared of technology that would make feasible
classes of applications that were previously too costly.
<H3>2. Explicitly Structured Documents
</H3><BLOCKQUOTE>where the objects comprising a document are arranged in
explicit hierarchical structure, and compound-object substructures may
be explicitly addressed for access or manipulation of the structural

</BLOCKQUOTE><P>The Hypertext Markup Language used to represent most web
documents is a structured document format. Elements of HTML documents are
explicitly tagged, and structure can be inferred from the tags. Not all
substructures may be explicitly addressed -- only anchor elements and embedded
<P>Fragment identifiers in URIs allow compound-object substructures to be
explicitly addressed.
<P>Other hierarchical structures are possible, but not yet supported. One
facility that is notably lacking from Web implementations is transclusion
-- the ability to include one text object inside another by reference. For
example, to include an excerpt of one document inside another, or to build
a document out of section and subsection objects.
<P>Even if transclusion were supported, compound text documents would probably
be prohibitively expensive: the overhead for a transaction in the current
version of the HTTP protocol is very high; &nbsp;hence the protocol is
inefficient for retrieving a number of small objects in succession. This
inefficiency is being addressed in efforts to revise the protocol.
<P>Because HTML is essential to interoperability, it is restricted to document
structures that are universally applicable. In many situations, a custom
document type would support more expressive collaboration. Widespread support
for custom SGML document types would enable such collaboration.
<P>SGML is not the only structured document technology available. The multipart
media types support explicit hierarchical structure, and support for them
is being deployed.
<P>The Web architecture clearly supports the requirement for structured
documents. But the deployed software provides limited support. The Web is
predominately used in a "publish and browse" fashion; data transmitted across
the Web is largely throw-away data that looks good but has little structure.
In order to use the Web as a rich collaboration platform, much more support
for structured documents will be needed.
<H3>3. View Control of Object's Form, Sequence, and Content
</H3><BLOCKQUOTE>where a structured, mixed-object document may be displayed
in a
window according to a flexible choice of viewing options -- especially
by selective level clipping (outline for viewing), but also by
filtering on content, by truncation or some algorithmic view that
provides a more useful view of structure and/or object content
(including new sequences or groupings of objects that actually reside
in other documents). Editing on structure or object content from such
special views would be allowed whenever appropriate.
</BLOCKQUOTE><P>View control can be achieved on the Web by custom processing
by the information provider. A number of views can be provided, and the consumer
can express their choice via links or HTML forms. For example, gateways
to database query systems and fulltext search systems are commonplace. Another
technique is to provide multiple views of an SGML document
repository[<A HREF="">dynatext</A>,
<A HREF="">I4I</A>].
<P>Another approach to view control is client-side processing: after the
document is transmitted, the reader's software could filter, sort, or truncate
the data. About the only such control in wide deployment is the ability to
turn off embedded images. Outline views with folding have been proposed
<A HREF="#FOLD">[FOLD]</A>, but the cost of transmitting text that isn't
has presented a barrier.
<P>Stylesheets are a mechanism for presenting the same data in different
forms, using fonts, colors, and space to give visual structure. Support for
stylesheets is an important ongoing development.
<P>But in some systems<A HREF="#LINCKS">[LINCKS]</A>,
[<A HREF="">dynatext</A>], stylesheets are much more than
that: they control form, sequence, and content as Engelbart described. For
example, in LINCKS, the same
document can be presented and edited in abstract form, outline form, or full
form depending on which stylesheet (generic presentation descriptor, in their
jargon) is in effect.
<P>At the extreme end of the spectrum, stylesheets give way to arbitrary
programs that display data and interact with the reader. In a distributed
system, running arbitrary programs can have dangerous consequences. But advances
such as Safe-Tcl and Java make this technique of&nbsp;"active objects"
<P>It's clear that the Web architecture supports custom view control. It
remains to be seen whether some view control mechanisms are sufficiently
valuable to be standardized.
<H3>4. The Basic "Hyperdocument"
</H3><BLOCKQUOTE>where embedded objects called "links" can point to any arbitrary
object within the document, or within another document in a specified
domain of documents -- and the link can be actuated by a user or an
automatic process to "go see what is at the other end," or "bring the
other-end object to this location," or "execute the process identified
a the other end." (These executable processes may control peripheral
devices such as CD ROM, video-disk players, etc.)

</BLOCKQUOTE><P>This requirement is clearly met. The hyperdocument as described
above is the epitome of the Web page.
<P>The only exception is that Engelbart refers to links as "special objects,"
whereas in the Web, links are not addressable "first-class" objects -- not
in implementations, and not in the architecture.
<H3>5. Hyperdocument "Back-Link" Capability
</H3><BLOCKQUOTE>when reading a hyperdocument online, a worker can utilize
information about links from other objects within this or other
hyperdocuments that point to this hyperdocument -- or to designated
objects or passages of interest in this hyperdocument.
</BLOCKQUOTE><P>The design of the Web trades link consistency guarantees
for global scalability. Links are one way , and the reverse link is not
guaranteed to exist.
<P>Aside from the intractability of maintaining global link consistency,
another barrier to a distributed back-link service is privacy. Some links
are sensitive, and their owners do not want them easily discovered.
<P>These barriers do not, however, prevent Web users from utilizing back-link
Some Web server tools (<A HREF="">FrontPage</A>)
maintain back-link information for the local site. And the HTTP protocol
includes a mechanism -- the <TT>Referer:</TT> field -- that allows information
providers to gather back-link information for their site.
<P>Finally, there
are search services that traverse the web building full-text search indexes.
Some (<A HREF="">Altavista</A>) take advantage
of the links they encounter to offer back-link services.
<H3>6. The Hyperdocument "Library System"
</H3><BLOCKQUOTE>where hyperdocuments can be submitted to a library-like
that catalogs them and guarantees access when referenced by its
catalog number, or "jumped to" with an appropriate link. Links within
newly submitted hyperdocuments can cite any passages within any of the
prior documents, and the back-link service lets the online reader of a
document detect and "go examine" any passage of a subsequent document
that has a link citing that passage.
</BLOCKQUOTE><P>There are no guarantees of access on the web today. A few
commercial web service providers
(<A HREF="">NaviService</A>) guarantee server
availability on a 24x7 basis, but this doesn't guarantee access to the entire
global user base -- any network interruption between the reader and the provider
can prevent access.
<P>In a distributed system, absolute guarantees are impossible. But reliability
can be made arbitrarily good by investing in redundancy. A number of strategies
for caching and replication (including
<A HREF="">Harvest</A>) are being explored,
standardized, and deployed.
<P>Catalog numbering systems have not matured either. This is known as "the
URN problem." A number of promising proposals have been made
<A HREF="#PATH">[PATH]</A>, <A HREF="#STANF">[STANF]</A>, but none is widely
<P>Digital Libraries is an active field of research. ARPA is funding research,
and the Online Computer Library Center
(<A HREF="">OCLC</A>) is conducting experiments.
<H3>7. Hyperdocument Mail
</H3><BLOCKQUOTE>where an integrated, general-purpose mail service enables
hyperdocument of any size to be mailed. Any embedded links are also
faithfully transmitted -- and any recipient can then follow those links
to their designated targets in other mail items, in common-access
files, or in "library" items.
</BLOCKQUOTE><P>Internet Mail is possibly the world's most widely deployed
information system. MIME, the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions, standardizes
facilities for attachments and compound documents, among other things.
<P>Though nearly every new mail system supports MIME, the installed base
of pre-MIME mail systems is still significant -- a majority by many estimates.
<P>User interfaces that integrate email (and USENET news) into the Web user
experience are anticipated, but not deployed.
<H3>8. Personal Signature Encryption
</H3><BLOCKQUOTE>where a user can affix his personal signature to a document,
or a
specified segment within the document, using the private signature
key. Users can verify that the signature is authentic and that no bit
of the signed document or document segment has been altered since it
was signed.
</BLOCKQUOTE><P>There are a number of digital signature standards, but none
has been globally adopted and deployed on the web.
<P>One barrier is patent licensing. A critical feature of web technology
that led to its rapid deployment was its royalty-free copyright status. Patents
on public-key cryptography prevent digital signature technology from being
deployed without license negotiations.
<P>Another barrier is export control legislation. Implementations of
cryptographic techniques such as encryption are considered munitions by many
governments, and there are strict controls on the export of such technologies.
<P>But the largest barrier is the social and educational one. Digital signature
techniques will have to be tested in production use, and users will have
to be educated about the related issues before commerce can depend on this
<H3>9. Access Control
</H3><BLOCKQUOTE>Hyperdocuments in personal, group, and library files can
access restrictions down to the object level.
</BLOCKQUOTE><P>The distributed nature of the Web allows information providers
to implement any access control policy they choose, down to the object level.
<P>Minimal support for username/password authentication is widely deployed.
This allows information providers to implement access control based on users
and groups of users. But this basic facility is not robust in the face of
concerted attack.
<P>A number of mechanisms for strong authentication and confidentiality,
as well as billing and payment are being standardized. A complete discussion
of these mechanisms is beyond the scope of this document.
<H3>10. Link Addresses That Are Readable and Interpretable by

</H3><BLOCKQUOTE>one of the "viewing options" for displaying/printing a link
object should provide a human-readable description of the "address
path" leading to the cited object; AND, that the human must be able to
read the path description, interpret it, and follow it (find the
destination "by hand" so to speak).
</BLOCKQUOTE><P>Document addresses in the web are designed so that they can
be transcribed -- written on envelopes, recited over the phone, etc. Each
URI scheme has an associated public specification of how to interpret and
follow its path description.
<P>By and large, URIs are sensible to those familiar with the conventions
-- <TT></TT> is the address of Ford Motor Company, for
<P>But portions of URIs are allowed to be opaque by design -- they may be
pointers into an index, checksums, dates, etc.
<H3>11. Every Object Addressable

</H3><BLOCKQUOTE>in principal, every object that someone might validly want/need
to cite should have an unambiguous address (capable of being portrayed
in a manner as to be human readable and interpretable). (E.g. not
acceptable to be unable to link to an object within a "frame" or
</BLOCKQUOTE><P>Every object on the web is addressable. But not every
substructure within objects that someone might need to cite has a standard
addressing mechanism. For example, individual pages in a postscript document,
lines in a text file, pixels in an image.
<P>These structures are, in principle, addressable. Only a standard syntax
for URI fragment identifiers to address them is lacking.
<P>In HTML documents, elements can be named and addressed. But there is no
mechanism to address unnamed elements.
For parties that do not have
write access to a document, this presents a problem.
<P>One solution would be to allow elements to be addressed by their structural
position. There are a number of
standard technologies for addressing elements of SGML documents (and hence
HTML documents): TEI pointers, HyTime location ladders, and DSSSL queries.
Any of these could be incorporated into web software.
<P>Another possibility is to address strings within a document by
pattern matching. One annotation system<A HREF="#BRIO">[BRIO] </A>uses patricia
trees for stable pointers into documents.
<H3>12. Hard-Copy Print Options to Show Address of Objects and Address
Specification of Links
</H3><BLOCKQUOTE>so that, besides online workers being able to follow a
link-citation path (manually, or via an automatic link jump), people
working with associated hard copy can read and interpret the
link-citation, and follow the indicated path to the cited object in
the designated hard-copy document.

<P>Also, suppose that a hard-copy worker wants to have a link to a
given object established in the online file. By visual inspection of
the hard copy, he should be able to determine a valid address path to
that object and for instance hand-write an appropriate link
specification for later online entry, or dictate it over a phone to a
</BLOCKQUOTE><P>Most of the installed base of web client software allows
users to view link address. But ironically, that option is not available
for printing in many cases. It would be a straightforward enhancement, well
within the bounds of the existing architecture.
</H2><P>In the following table, each row represents one of Engelbart's
requirements. The columns are as follows:
<DL><DT>Architecture Support
<DD>Is the requirement explicitly addressed in the Web architecture? Does
the architecture passively allow the requirement to be met by applications?
Or does the architecture conflict with the requirement?
<DT>Standard Facilities
<DD>Are there standardized facilities that meet the requirement? Partially
meet the requirement?
<DT>Ubiquitous Facilities
<DD>Some facilities are standardized, but not required of all systems, or
not supported by all installations. What facilities are assumed to be supported
by all participants in the web?
<DT>Local/Proprietary Facilities
<DD>Has the requirement been met within the architecture by local applications
or with the use of proprietary facilities?
</DL><P>Each cell contains an evaluation of whether the requirement is met
(YES, NO, PASSive, or PARTial) followed by a list of relevant facilities.
Missing facilities are marked with *.
</TH><TH>Architecture Support
</TH><TH>Standard Facilities
</TH><TH>Ubiquitous Facilities
</TH><TH>Local/Proprietary Facilities
</TH></TR><TR><TD>1. Mixed Object Documents

</TD><TD>YES: format negotiation, typed links
</TD><TD>PART: URI, HTML, IMG, &nbsp;INSERT, MIME<BR>link types*
</TD><TD>YES: JPEG in HTML, Java/Safe-Tcl in HTML, OLE, OpenDoc,
</TD></TR><TR><TD>2. Explicitly Structured Documents

</TD><TD>YES: fragment identifiers
</TD><TD>YES: Panorama, OLE, LINCKS
</TD></TR><TR><TD>3. View Control of Object's Form, Sequence, and Content

</TD><TD>YES: DynaWeb, Java/Safe-Tcl, Style Sheets
</TD></TR><TR><TD>4. The Basic "Hyperdocument"

</TD></TR><TR><TD>5. Hyperdocument "Back-Link" Capability

</TD><TD>PART: Referer
</TD><TD>YES: local link map, back-link service
</TD></TR><TR><TD>6. The Hyperdocument "Library System"

</TD></TR><TR><TD>7. Hyperdocument Mail

</TD></TR><TR><TD>8. Personal Signature Encryption

</TD></TR><TR><TD>9. Access Control

</TD><TD>PART: Basic auth
</TD><TD>PART: Basic Auth
</TD><TD>YES: MD5, SSL,<BR>S-HTTP, PGP, smart cards, etc.
</TD></TR><TR><TD>10. Link Addresses That Are Readable and Interpretable
by Humans

</TD></TR><TR><TD>11. Every Object Addressable

</TD><TD>objects: YES substructures: PASS
</TD></TR><TR><TD>12. Hard-Copy Print Options to Show Address of Objects
Specification of Links

</H2><P>Support for Engelbart's requirements is far from ubuquitous. But
the architecture in no way prevents them from being realized, and the quantity
of resources integrated into the system provides ample motivation for research
and development.
<P>In each area where facilities to meet the requirement are not ubiquitous,
a demonstration of sufficient facilities has taken place.
<P>This gives confidence that the requirements will eventually be met and
become infrastructure.
<P>If in fact Engelbart's requirements are an effective way to measure the
viability of a platform for electronic commerce, the Web is very likely to
be a viable platform for some time to come.
</H2><DL><DT><A ID=BRIO>[BRIO]</A>
<DD><A HREF="">Beyond
Browsing: Shared Comments, SOAPs, Trails and On-line Communities</A> by <B>M.
R&ouml;scheisen, C. Mogensen and T. Winograd</B> appeared in
<A HREF="">
        WWW'95, Darmstadt</A>. See also
<A HREF="">ComMentor
Documentation</A>.[html document, 88k] added Feb. 21, 1995

<DT><A ID=ENG90>[ENG90]</A>
Knowledge-Domain Interoperability and an Open Hyperdocument
System</A></CITE>, Douglas C. Engelbart. Proceedings of the Conference on
Computer-Supported Collaborative Work, Los Angeles, CA Oct 7-10, pp. 143-156.
(AUGMENT, 132082).
<DD><CITE>Proposal -- Foldable Anchor Inclusion</CITE> ,Mark Torrance
( message to, Tue, 26 Jul 94 13:40:42
EDT. See:
<A HREF="">archives</A>.
<DD><CITE>HyperText Markup Language Specification -- 2.0</CITE>,
<A HREF="">IETF</A>&nbsp;<A HREF="">RFC
1866</A> T. Berners-Lee and D. Connolly, November 1995.
<DD><CITE><A HREF="">Hypertext
Transfer Protocol - HTTP/1.0</A></CITE>. T. Berners-Lee, R. T. Fielding,
and H. Frystyk Nielsen. Work in Progress, MIT, UC Irvine, CERN, March 1995.
<DD>LINCKS -- a platform for cooperative information systems, P. Lambrix,
M. Sj&ouml;lin, and L. Pagdham, unpublished manuscript, Department of Computer
and Information Science, LiTH, Sweden, 1993. See:
<A HREF="">LINCKS Home Page</A> 
<DD><CITE>MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) Part One: Mechanisms
Specifying and Describing the Format of Internet Message Bodies</CITE>. N.
&amp; N. Freed. September 1993. (Format: TXT=187424,
<A HREF="">PS</A>=393670
bytes) (Obsoletes
RFC1341) (Updated by RFC1590)
<DD><A HREF="">Welcome
to SGML on the Web</A>, Lucy Ventresca, NCSA and SoftQuad. Work in Progress.
<DD><A HREF="">The Path
URN Specification </A>, D. LaLiberte, M. Shapiro, Internet Draft 07/26/1995
<DD>S<A HREF="">table Network File
URLs as a Mechanism for Uniform Naming </A>
<DD>Terry Winograd. Early draft version 12/2/93
<DD><A HREF="">ISO 8879</A>. Information
Processing -- Text and Office Systems - Standard Generalized Markup Language
(SGML), 1986.
<DD><A href="">rfc1630.txt</A>
-- Universal Resource Identifiers in WWW: A Unifying Syntax for the Expression
of Names and Addresses of Objects on the Network as used in the World-Wide
Web. T. Berners-Lee. June 1994. (Format: TXT=57601 bytes)
</DL><H3>Additional Background
</H3><DL><DT>WWW Design Issues
<DD><A HREF="../Bibliography.html">Bibliography</A>
<A HREF="../Glossary.html">Glossary</A>
<DT><A HREF="">Hypertext
<DD>technical reports listed in the
<A HREF="">Unified Computer Science
TR Index</A>.