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<h2>Archives for Category: Internationalization</h2>
        <h3><a href="">Asia and W3C</a></h3>

    <p><p> A visit with staff at Keio University I continue to meet key stakeholders around the world as part of my introduction to W3C. The last two weeks have been focused on Asia. India I visited India last week partly...</p></p>

   &nbsp;<p class="readmore"><a href="">&raquo; Read on...</a></p>
    <p class="postinfo">Filed by <a href="">Jeff Jaffe</a> on May 14, 2010  8:39 PM in <a href="">CEO</a>, <a href="">HTML</a>, <a href="">Internationalization</a>, <a href="">Mobile</a>, <a href="">Social Networking</a>, <a href="">Technology</a>, <a href="">Video</a>, <a href="">W3C・QA News</a><br />
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        <h3><a href="">W3C Cheatsheet for developers</a></h3>

    <p><p>Yesterday, as part of the W3C Technical Plenary day, I got the opportunity to introduce a new tool that I had been working on over the past few weeks, the W3C Cheatsheet for Web developers. This cheatsheet aims at providing...</p></p>

   &nbsp;<p class="readmore"><a href="">&raquo; Read on...</a></p>
    <p class="postinfo">Filed by <a href="">Dominique Hazaël-Massieux</a> on November  5, 2009  9:47 PM in <a href="">Accessibility</a>, <a href="">CSS</a>, <a href="">HTML</a>, <a href="">Internationalization</a>, <a href="">Mobile</a>, <a href="">SVG</a>, <a href="">Tools</a>, <a href="">Tutorials</a><br />
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        <h3><a href="">WCAG 2.0 in your mother tongue</a></h3>

    <p><p>I come from Egypt, live in Austria, work in France, and when I start speaking, some people think I'm American. I speak fluent German and English, but no matter what I do, some expressions and thoughts will always be easier...</p></p>

   &nbsp;<p class="readmore"><a href="">&raquo; Read on...</a></p>
    <p class="postinfo">Filed by <a href="">Shadi Abou-Zahra</a> on June 26, 2009  5:04 PM in <a href="">Accessibility</a>, <a href="">Internationalization</a>, <a href="">Opinions &amp; Editorial</a>, <a href="">Publications</a><br />
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                   <p id="gentime">This page was last generated on $Date: 2011/12/16 03:01:52 $</p>
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