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<p><a href="../../../../">W3C</a></p>

<h1>Using RDF to model XML structures</h1>

<p>XML is a relatively simple technology, by itself. But the collection of
specifications built on XML at W3C and elsewhere is growing at an extreme
pace. W3C has launched a <a href="/QA/">Quality Assurance</a> activity in
recognition of the need for, for example, more uniform testing and
translation practices. Formal methods are being applied to clarify
specifications such as RDF (cf <a href="/TR/rdf-mt/">RDF Model Theory</a>)
and XML Schema (<a href="/TR/xmlschema-formal/">XML Schema: Formal
Description</a>). But these post-hoc clarification efforts are surely not

  <p>Semanticists should be obstetricians, not coroners of programming
    <p>-- John Reynolds</p>


<p>In the <a href="../../../01/sw/">Advanced Development component of the W3C
Semantic Web Activity</a>, we're testing the hypothesis that application of
XML and RDF to a wide variety of W3C's operations will lead to an increase in
quality and efficiency. In this paper, we explore the application of RDF to
modelling of XML structures.</p>

<p>The <a href="/TR/2001/REC-xml-infoset-20011024/"><cite>XML Information
Set</cite></a> complements the XML 1.0 specifiction with an abstract model of
the information in an XML document. The model of an XML document is a
collection of information items; named properties associate items with

<p>The item/property/value structure of the XML information set is the same
shape as the subject/predicate/object structure used in the Resource
Description Framework (<a href="/RDF/">RDF</a>). <a
href="/TR/xml-infoset-rdfs"><cite>An RDF Schema for the XML Information
Set</cite></a> is an April 2001 W3C Note that takes the terms from the XML
information set, considers them as RDF properties, and constructs an RDF
Schema as a result.</p>

<p>But the resulting RDF Schema does not capture many of the interesting
features of the structure of the infoset; for example, that elements have
many children but (at most) one parent.</p>

<p>Using additional RDF vocabulary from <a
href="http://www.daml.org/2001/03/daml+oil-index.html">DAML+OIL</a>, we can
capture the structure of the XML information set much more completely. A <a
href="infoset-daml.n3">transcription</a> from the text of the infoset spec
into RDF using DAML+OIL terms follows point by point; it was an afternoon's

<p>The resulting schema is usable with generic RDF tools; ising some <a
href="/2001/02pd/">tools for visualizing RDF as circles-and-arrows
diagrams</a>, we have produced a UML-like <a href="infoset-diagram.svg">SVG
diagram of the schema</a>.</p>


<p>@@more about how XML Schemas talk about documents; RDF documents talk
about all sorts of stuff, including XML documents. (mention DSD?)</p>

<p><a href="xmlContent-diagram.svg">simpler infoset diagram</a>. hmm... same
as xpath data model?</p>

<p>@@xml schema component model is also a DLG. <a
href="xmlSchemaComponents-diagram.svg">diagram</a>. vs <a
href="/TR/xmlschema-1/#component-diagram">diagram from spec</a></p>
  <li>rdf-logic <a
    for taking over the world</a>... Feb 01 2001</li>
  <li>circles-and-arrows tools</li>
  <li>XML pipeline position papers: <a
    href="/XML/2001/07/xmlpm-connolly.html">Toward a Simple XML Processing
    Model</a>, <a href="/2001/06/rdf-xproc/1">A story about RDF and
  <li>larch stuff</li>
    comments on webont</a></li>
  <li><a href="/TR/xml-infoset-rdfs">An RDF Schema for the XML Information
    Set</a>, W3C Note 6 April 2001, Richard Tobin</li>
  <li><a href="../xml2infoset.py">xml2infoset.py</a> -- code to get an RDF
    model of an XML document; slightly different vocabulary (<a
  <li>xmlContent: <a href="xmlContent-diagram.svg">diagram</a> in
  <li><a href="http://www.lysator.liu.se/~alla/dia/">dia</a> -- an open
    source diagramming tool that uses (compressed) XML for its storage format
    and has UML support</li>
  <li><a href="http://www-db.stanford.edu/~melnik/rdf/uml/">Representing UML
    in RDF</a>, circa Nov 2000 by Sergey Melnik</li>
  <li><a href="http://www.omg.org/mda/faq_mda.htm">MDA FAQ</a></li>
  <li><a href="/XML/Schema">XML Schema stuff</a>: <a
    href="/2001/05/serialized-infoset-schema.html">PSVI serialization</a></li>
  <li><a href="http://infomesh.net/2002/03-10xslir/README.html">XSLIR</a> --
    sean's work on schema validation, circa March 2002</li>
    on RelaxNG formal spec</li>
    martin UBOT UML/DAML tools</a></li>

<h2>Related work</h2>
  <li>Catalasys@@, UML stuff</li>
  <p><a href="../../../../People/Connolly/">Dan Connolly</a>, Dan
  Brickley@@Apr 2002<br />
  $Revision: 1.16 $ of $Date: 2002/07/15 22:21:38 $ by $Author: connolly $</p>
