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<h1>RDF Examples and Miscellaneous Tests</h1>

<h2>Document Status</h2>
This document is a WorkInProgress and will be updated as new
RDF examples and tests are made available.

The purpose of this page is to provide access to RDF examples 
and miscellaneous ad hoc tests.  The examples include:

  <li> <a href="#ms">Examples from the RDF Model and Syntax Specification</a> </li>
  <li> <a href="#rdfs">Examples from the RDF Schema Candidate Recommendation (27 March, 2000)</a> </li>
  <li> <a href="#prism">Examples from the PRISM Specification</a></li>
  <li> <a href="#rss">Examples from the RSS Specification</a></li>
  <li> <a href="#sandbox">Online SiRPAC Tests</a></li>
  <li> <a href="#davem">RDF Filter Tests</a></li>
  <li> <a href="#gen">Automatically Generated RDF Files</a></li>
  <li> <a href="#misc">Miscellaneous Examples</a></li>

All of the RDF files are available in a 
 <a href="">ZIP</a>
and a
 <a href="All.tar.Z">Compressed Tar File</a>
.  Note, however, that the 
<a href="#gen">Automatically Generated RDF Files</a>
are not included in these archives.

<h2><a name="ms"/>Examples From the RDF Model and Syntax Specification</h2>
  <a href=""> 
    RDF Model and Syntax Specification (22 February, 1999)
contains many RDF examples.  
These examples are available in the following formats:
    <a href="">
      ZIP file
    <a href="">
      Compressed tar file
    <a href="">
      Directory listing

<h2><a name="rdfs"/>Examples from the RDF Schema Candidate Recommendation (27 March, 2000)</h2>
  <a href=""> 
    RDF Schema Candidate Recommendation (27 March, 2000)
contains a few RDF examples.  
These examples are available in the following formats:
    <a href="">
      ZIP file
    <a href="">
      Compressed tar file
    <a href="">
      Directory listing

<h2><a name="prism"/>Examples From the PRISM Specification</h2>
The PRISM (Publishing Requirements for Industry Standard Metadata)
  <a href="">
    Version 1.0 April 9, 2001 specification
contains many RDF examples.  
These examples are available in the following formats:
    <a href="">
      ZIP file
    <a href="">
      Compressed tar file
    <a href="">
      Directory listing

<h2><a name="rss"/>Examples From the RSS Specification</h2>
  <a href="">
    RDF Site Summary (RSS) 1.0
contains a few RDF examples.  
These examples are available in the following formats:
    <a href="">
      ZIP file
    <a href="">
      Compressed tar file
    <a href="">
      Directory listing

<h2><a name="sandbox"/>Online SiRPAC Tests</h2>
A number of test cases have been created for the
<a href="">
  W3C's Online RDF Service.
Some of these tests include "malformed" RDF - that is, the
RDF does not conform to the
<a href="">
  Formal Grammar for RDF.
<em>NOTE:</em>Some of these tests were created for the
online Java servlet and therefore may not be directly
applicable for testing an RDF parser.

These tests are available in the following formats:
    <a href="">
      ZIP file
    <a href="">
      Compressed tar file
    <a href="">
      Directory listing

<h2><a name="davem"/>RDF Filter Tests</h2>
Dave Megginson's RDF Filter contains several "malformed" RDF tests.  
The README in the RDF Filter distribution says:
  All of the tests in the bad/ directory are well-formed XML but
  malformed RDF, and should cause RDF processors to report errors; see
  the comments at the beginning of each test for details.

See RDF Filter at
<a href="">
 Dave Megginson Software
for more information.

<h2><a name="gen"/>Automatically Generated RDF Files</h2>
As if creating the world's first RDF parser wasn't enough,
Janne Saarela also created a Prolog script that generates
RDF test cases.
  <a href="">
    Autogenerated RDF test files
for more information.

<em>NOTE</em>: These tests are not being maintained.

These tests are available in the following formats:
    <a href="">
      ZIP file
    <a href="">
      Compressed tar file
    <a href="">
      Directory listing

<h2><a name="misc"/>Miscellaneous Examples</h2>
Miscellaneous RDF examples are available in the following formats:
    <a href="">
      ZIP file
    <a href="">
      Compressed tar file
    <a href="">
      Directory listing

  Last updated: $Date: 2001/05/31 20:20:38 $ by $Author: barstow $
