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<p><a href="../../">W3C</a> <a href="../07/hs78/Overview.html">Toward

<h1>Toward Swell, the Semantic Web Logic Language</h1>
  status: originally sketched just before a 6 Jul meeting; integrating into <a
  href="../07/hs78/Overview.html">more swell stuff</a> before a 19-20 July
  meeting<br />
  <a href="http://www.w3.org/People/Connolly/">Dan Connolly</a><br />
  <small>$Revision: 1.15 $ of $Date: 2000/07/27 00:52:57 $ by $Author:
  connolly $</small> 
  <li>the basic RDF statement model: subject, predicate, and object
      <li>demo: show a few items of shoe instance data converted to RDF in the
        <a href="http://www.w3.org/2000/04shoe-swell/">Shoe-&gt;RDF stuff</a>
          <li><strong>issue</strong>: symbols (URIs) vs. literals (<a
            May gotcha report</a>)</li>
      <li>using XSLT to harvest facts:
          <li><a href="http://www.w3.org/2000/07/hs78/dc-extract/form">dublin
            core service</a>, <a
          <li>using <a
            HTML link relationships</a>, <a
            class names</a> as semantic hooks</li>
        <p>see also: initial <a
        Mar screen-scraping message</a></p>
      <li>RDF FAQs/ratholes: people vs. their names; what URI to use when the
        RDF syntax doesn't provide one</li>
    <p>see also: <a href="#Introduction">this section of a swell paper</a></p>
  <li>Schema/Ontology basics: Classes, properties
      <li>demo: <a href="http://www.w3.org/2000/07/hs78/algernon">algernon
          <li>TODO allow global references in the Classes idiom</li>
          <li>NOTE: a technique for splitting property names into namespace
            name, local name parts (Jun 27 2000 <a
      <li>TODO: transcribe the RDF, RDF schema schemas?</li>
      <li>issue: other utility stuff: cardinality, inverses, ...</li>
  <li>propositional calculus: introducing <a
    href="http://www.w3.org/2000/07/hs78/FOPC#implies">implies</a>, <a
      <li>advanced RDF: reification (aka quoting)</li>
  <li>predicate calculus: introducing <a
    href="http://www.w3.org/2000/07/hs78/FOPC#forall">forall</a> (and in doing
    so, variables)
      <li>show a shoe-rule (horn clause) converted: <a
        rules</a>, <a href="http://www.w3.org/2000/04shoe-swell/">Shoe-&gt;RDF
      <li>demo: <a href="http://www.w3.org/2000/07/hs78/lists">in, append,
        reverse list rules</a></li>
      <li>technique: function symbols (manual unwinding)</li>
      <li>technique: n-ary symbols.. potentially automatable. NOTE
      <li>reduction of Rule structure to FOPC primitives</li>
      <li>need some mechanism to avoid russel's paradox?</li>
  <li>Future work:
      <li>instrumented provers/inference engines (<a
        algernon, euler),</li>
      <li>1st order proof checker (<a
        or just skip that and go right to HOL</li>
      <li>thinking about the edinburgh logical framework: modelling forAll as
        elf:lambda and an operator on top</li>
      <li>unstriped RDF syntax? does XSLT eliminate the need?<br />
        syntax exploration: <a
        href="http://www.w3.org/2000/07/rdf.xsd">rdf.xsd</a> rdfs.xsd
        inference.xsd <a
        href="http://www.w3.org/2000/07/hs78/lists.xsd">lists.xsd</a><br />
        after chat w/ralph: limit propertyElts to string content and
        rdf:resource; no nested typedNodes; move skolemization to RDF
        producer's job rather than RDF parser's.</li>
      <li>primitive datatypes (<a
        Feb)</a>  (<a
        12 May</a>: still pending!)</li>
      <li>dan's use case: the calendar app: show me my schedule for today
        (assuming trusted data sources; dealing with untrusted sources
        requires dsig/higher order pf checking stuff)</li>
      <li>massimo's use case: <a
        href="http://www.w3.org/2000/07/scribe-stuff/">the next
      <li>lynn's use case: any new papers by any of my students? (<a
      <li>integrating digital signature</li>
        media type spec (<a
      <li>modelling HTTP: out of date info  ... and phone number changes:
        algernon ask:tell is like http GET:POST</li>

<h2>An Introduction to the Resource Description Framework (RDF)</h2>


<h2><a name="Introduction" id="Introduction">Introduction</a></h2>

<p><small><em>taken from <a
href="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Team/sw-team/2000Jul/0000.html">Some "What
is RDF" bits </a>Lynn Stein (Mon, Jul 03 2000)</em></small></p>

<p>Most knowledge representations share a common structure. Semantic
etc. use a a directed, labelled graph structure where nodes represent objects
and the arcs that connect them represent assertions <a
href="#arc-as-obj">*note</a>. In frame-based representations [<a
slot-relations connect role-fillers to a frame; frames themselves may also be
interconnected by relations such as inheritance. In logical formalisms[<a
binary relations are easily expressed using this property notation, though
arbitrary n-ary relations require an additional translation mechanism <a

<p>The Resource Description Framework [<a href="#RDF">RDF</a>] is an emerging
standard for the exchange of knowledge in the form of directed, labelled
graphs. At its core is this notion of a <strong>statement</strong>, with a
<strong>subject</strong> and an <strong>object</strong> related by a
<strong>property</strong>. For example</p>

  Dan is the author of the program.</blockquote>

<p>"Dan" is the source, or the subject, of the statement, "is the author of"
is the property, and "the program" is the object.</p>

<p>RDF builds on commodity web technologies: Uniform Resource Identifiers[<a
href="#URI">URI</a>] for identifier syntax, and Extensible Markup Language[<a
href="#XML">XML</a>] for structured syntax. Each of the subject, object, or
property in an RDF statement can be a URI. The core of the XML syntax for RDF
does little more than distinguish the parts of a statement. So, to persue the
example above, we might represent that statement as:</p>
  xmlns:dublinCore="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.0/"&gt;<br />

  &lt;rdf:Descript<tt>ion about="#theProgram"&gt;</tt>
<tt>     </tt>&lt;dublinCore:cr<tt>eator&gt;Dan Connolly&lt;/dublinCore:creator&gt;</tt>
<tt>  </tt>&lt;/rdf:D<tt>escription&gt;</tt><br />


<p>where <i>dublinCore</i> is the namespace for the Dublin Core metadata @@
(explain XML namespaces in a sentence or two).</p>

<p>@@@Dan stopped here.</p>

<p>If this description now exists in some document, it can be given a URI. @@@
establish example.</p>

<p>Then we can say</p>




<p>The subject and object can be any resource. But the predicate must be a
property @@@</p>

<p>Stuff on typing, restrictions (domain, range), class, subclass,

<p>Need containers, comments, labels, ...?</p>

<p>Also pictures throughout (that someone else gets to draw).</p>

  <li><a name="arc-as-obj" id="arc-as-obj">Note</a> that this does not
    preclude the inclusion of arcs as "objects" connected by other arcs.</li>
  <li><a name="n-ary" id="n-ary">Either</a> of two alternatives techniques can
    be used to express n-ary relations using binary properties: currying or

  <dt>[Rao &amp; Turoff]</dt>
    <dd>Rao, Usha &amp; <a href="http://eies.njit.edu/~turoff/">Turoff</a>,
      Murray. <cite>Hypertext Functionality: A Theoretical Framework</cite>,
      International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 1990.</dd>
  <dt>[<a name="Craw90" id="Craw90">Craw90</a>]</dt>
    <dd>Crawford, J. (1990), <a
      Logic: A Language for Knowledge Representation</cite></a>, Doctoral
      dissertation, Department of Computer Sciences, University of Texas at
      Austin, Austin, Texas. UT Artificial Intelligence TR AI90-141, October
      1990. (<a
      href="http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/qr/algernon.html">Algernon and
      Access-Limited Logic</a>)</dd>
  <dt>[<a name="RDF" id="RDF">RDF</a>]</dt>
    <dd>Lassila, Swick [eds], <a
      href="../../TR/1999/REC-rdf-syntax-19990222"><cite>Resource Description
      Framework (RDF) Model and Syntax Specification</cite></a> (World Wide
      Web Consortium Recommendation, 1999)</dd>
  <dt>[<a name="URI" id="URI">URI</a>]</dt>
    <dd>August 1998 <a
      href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt"><cite>Uniform Resource
      Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax</cite></a></dd>
    <dd>(RFC 2396) T. Berners-Lee, R. Fielding, L. Masinter</dd>
  <dt>[<a name="XML" id="XML">XML</a>]</dt>
    <dd>Feb 1998: W3C Recommendation: <a
      href="../../TR/1998/REC-xml-19980210"><cite>Extensible Markup Language
      (XML) 1.0</cite></a></dd>

<h2>Acknowledgements and @@Fodder</h2>
    "What is RDF" bits</a>Lynn Stein (Mon, Jul 03 2000)</li>
  <li><a href="../../DesignIssues/Toolbox.html">Semantic Web Toolbox</a> Tim
    BL, 1999 (in progress)</li>
    from 'modelling inference rules' discussion</a> Ralph R. Swick (Fri, Jun
    23 2000)</li>
  <li><a href="../01/sw/bibliography.html">bibliography from work on DARPA