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<h1>Semantic Web Activity: Advanced Development</h1>

  <p>"Now, miraculously, we have the Web. For the documents in our lives,
  everything is simple and smooth. But for data, we are still pre-Web."
  <cite>-- Tim Berners-Lee, <a href="/DesignIssues/Business">Business Model
  for the Semantic Web</a></cite></p>

  <p>"The bane of my existence is doing things that I know the computer could
  do for me." <cite>-- Dan Connolly, <a
  href="">The XML

<div class="navbar"><b>inside:</b> <a
href="#calsched">Scheduling/Tracking</a> · <a
href="#L3028">Collaboration/Annotation</a> · <a
href="#access">Rules/Logic/ACL</a> · <a href="#daml">DAML
project</a> · <a href="#other">Related Work</a>
<br />
<b>nearby:</b> <a href="/2001/sw/Europe/">SWAD-Europe</a>

<p>Just as the early development of the Web depended on code modules such as
<code>libwww</code>, W3C is devoting resources to the creation and
distribution of similar core components that will form the basis for the
Semantic Web. Our approach is Live Early Adoption and Demonstration (LEAD) --
using these tools in our own work.</p>

<p>If you're doing related work, please let us know!</p>

<p class="navbar"><strong><a name="discussion"
mailing lists <a
<a href="">www-annotation</a>, <a
href="">rdf-calendar</a>, <a
<a href="">public-esw</a>; <a
href="">RDF IG Scratchpad/weblog</a>;
wiki topics <a href="">AdvancedDevelopment</a>, <a href="">SemanticWebArchitecture</a>,
<a href="">CategoryFaq</a>

<h2><a name="calsched" id="calsched">Schedule Coordination and Dependency

<p>The information and communication intensive environment of the W3C
provides challenges for effective scheduling. Tools that facilitate and
automate the process of calendaring and schedule management are increasingly
helpful towards a more effective, collaborative environment.</p>
  <li><a href="/2002/01/tr-automation/TR-papertail">TR Publication process
    Paper Trail</a>, in progress Nov 2002</li>
  <li><a href="">Working Group Home Page Markup</a> in progress Feb 2003<br />
  contributes to
      <li><a href=""
       >Calendar View of Current and Future Deliverables</a>
  <li><a href="">W3C Roadmap Diagrams</a>
    which illustrate, broadly, dependencies between W3C activities based on
    RDF data representing these entities and their relationships. We expect
    to integrate a number of related projects with these diagrams; see 
      <li><a href="/2001/12/11-swad-diag1">W3C operational projects related
        to coordination and activity tracking</a>, Dec 2001</li>
  <li><a name="rss11" id="rss11" href="../../08/w3c-synd/">Site Summaries
    from XHTML to RSS using XSLT</a>, Aug 2000 <a
    11 Sep 2000</a></li>
  <li><a href="/2001/10/glance/doc/howto">W3C At A Glance</a> prototype May
  <li><a href="">RDF Calendar workspace</a>, <a href="">www-rdf-calendar list archive</a>, <a href="">RdfCalendar wiki topic</a>
      <li>Leigh Dodds' <a href=""></a> <a
        href="">report on
        the RDF Calendar task force</a></li>
      <li>ILRT's Calendaring Work: <a
        href="">notes</a>/ <a
        of Jan 2001</li>
      <li>Relevant selected rdf-interest posts: <a
        2000</a>, <a

<p>Less mature bits include</p>
  <li><a href="">Palmagent</a>,
    integrating palmpilot data with RDF and HTTP
      <li><a href="../../08/palm56/datebook">Palm Pilot datebook notes</a> in
        progress Sep 2000</li>
  <li><a href="">Tools for supporting Semantic
    Web enabled meeting records</a> <a
    May 25, 2001</a></li>
  <li><a href="">An event-based model of
    Internet RFC Publication</a> by Dan Connolly, April 2001</li>
  <li><a href="">An early draft of an
    event-based model of the W3C process</a>, including <a
    href="">the state of the W3C Semantic Web
    Activity and its surroundings as of Feb 2001</a></li>
  <li><a href="/2001/08swws67/">RDF calendar experiment for SWWS</a>, in
    progress Jul 2001</li>
  <li><a>a travel itinerary</a>, from n3 to RDF via python, from RDF to XHTML
    via XSLT; <a href="../../10/atrip/Makefile">Makefile</a>; includes a sort
    of <a href="../../10/atrip/rdfnorm.xsl">RDF normalizer in XSLT</a>; more
    <a href="/2001/08swws67/">travel itinerary automation tools</a></li>
  <li><a href="/People/Connolly/events/">index of appearances</a> with an RDF
    model for conferences/events, presentations, etc.</li>

<h2>Metadata: Photos, Music, Documents, ...</h2>
  <li><a name="rdfpic11" id="rdfpic11"
    href="">Describing and retrieving photos
    using RDF and HTTP</a>, W3C Note, 28 September 2000; <a
    href="">demo site</a>, <a
    href="">photo metadata editor</a></li>
  <li><a href="../../06/dc-extract/form.html">Dublin Core Extraction
    Service</a>, <a
    of Jun 09, 2000</a></li>
  <li><a name="rss12" id="rss12" href="../../08/w3c-synd/">Site Summaries
    from XHTML to RSS using XSLT</a>, Aug 2000 <a
    11 Sep 2000</a></li>
  <li><a href="../../09/ml54/">Me Llamo -- an RDF Schema</a> (in progress Sep
  <li><a href="../../04/maillog2rdf/email">extracting RDF from RFC822
    formatted email</a>, <a
    Jul 14, 2000</a></li>

<h2><a name="L3028" id="L3028">Annotation, Collaboration and Automated
Knowledge Access</a></h2>

<p>The web provides the capability for anyone to say anything about anything.
Knowing who is making these assertions, is increasingly important in trusting
these descriptions. The <a href="">Annotea</a>
advanced development project provides the basis for asserting descriptive
information, comments, notes, reviews, explanations, or other types of
external remarks to any resource. Together with XML digital signatures, the
Annotea project will provide a test-bed for 'web-of-trust' semantic web

<p>Real-time teleconferences are an integral part of the W3C environment,
in addition to sharing documents in the Web and engaging in e-mail discussions.
W3C augments voice teleconferences with simultaneous keyboard-based (irc)
communication, for the purpose of facilitating the flow of the meeting,
sharing URIs for items under discussion, and keeping meeting records.
Meeting preparation, meeting facilitation, and meeting recording present
opportunities for capturing data for the Semantic Web that is useful to
workflow analysis.  The <a href="/2001/12/zakim-irc-bot.html">Zakim</a>
and <a href="/2002/03/RRSAgent">RRSAgent</a> teleconference irc agents
are SWAD tools that give the teleconference audio system a presence in
the meeting irc co-channel and record the progress of the meeting.
Zakim provides control over the audio system as well as meeting chair
tools for agenda management, speaker (floor) control, and time management.
Zakim and RRSAgent together capture meeting data and make it available
in RDF/XML for other analysis tools.</p>

<h5>See Also:</h5>
  <li><a href="">Annotea</a></li>
    via javascript</a></li>
  <li><a href="">Annotea on Mozilla</a></li>
  <li><a href="">MIT Project
    Oxygen: Collaboration</a> 
    <p>Oxygen collaboration technologies enable the formation of spontaneous
    collaborative regions that provide support for recording, archiving, and
    linking fragments of meeting records to issues, summaries, keywords, and
    href="">Annotation and
    Collaboration mail archives</a></li>
  <li><a href="/2002/03/RRSAgent">RRSAgent</a> meeting record-keeping agent</li>
  <li><a href="/2001/12/zakim-irc-bot.html">Zakim</a> meeting facilitation agent</li>

<h2><a name="access" id="access">Access Control Rules, Logic, and

<p>Resources that are maintained on a Web server may be protected by
descriptive rules that express authority to access the document based upon
properties of the document in addition to properties of the requester.
Examples of this to date include W3C's RDF Access Control mechanisms for
supporting team, member and global accessibility. Further descriptive rules
are anticipated to support richer access control functions.</p>

<p>Proof that a meeting can occur at which the resources required to reach a
decision are able to be present will depend on the ability to identify all
the resources; including personnel, meeting facilities (room, teleconference
system), and prerequisite documents. Any participant can use this proof to
synchronize independent databases including personal planners. Proofs that a
meeting took place at which all prerequisites were met and a decision was
taken, become messages that state, for example, that a document progressed
from Working Draft to Last Call Working Draft.</p>
    href="">cwm</a> is a general-purpose data processor for the semantic web, somewhat like sed, awk, etc. for text files or an XSLT processor. See <a href="../../10/swap/doc/">Semantic Web Tutorial Using N3</a> which starts with the <a href="/2000/10/swap/Primer">N3 Primer</a>
  <li><a href="">Logic on the Web,
    Proof carrying authentication</a>, design note from 1998</li>
  <li><a href="">An overview of the W3C
    Access Control System</a>, Jun 2001</li>
  <li><a href="">An RDF model of popular
    protocols in N3</a> in progress June 2001</li>
  <li>toward P3P/APPEL rules in RDF/N3: <a
    Dec 2001 to p3p-dev</a></li>
  <li><a href="">Perl RDF library with
    to support Acccess Management</a>, Jun 2000</li>
  <li><a href="../../07/hs78/rdf-ms">Rules for RDF Standard Terms</a> (in
    progress Aug 2000)</li>
  <li><a href="../../07/hs78/KIF">KIF as an RDF Schema</a> (in progress Aug
  <li><a href="../../07/document-maintenance/">An RDF Model for GET/PUT and
    Document Management</a> (in in progress Aug 2000)</li>
  <li><a href="../../04shoe-swell/">Converting SHOE to RDF</a>, <a
    rules discussion</a>, 2000 Jul 15, first announced <a
    May 11</a></li>

<h2><a name="daml" id="daml">MIT/LCS DAML Project: Semantic Web

<h4><a href=""><img src="/Icons/WWW/lcs-logo"
align="right" alt="LCS" border="0" />

<p>MIT/LCS has funding for a proposal, <a href="DevelopmentProposal">Semantic
Web Development</a>, under the <a href="">DARPA Agent
Markup Language (DAML)</a> program.</p>

<p>Progress reports include:</p>
  <li><a href="">Semantic Web Development: Intent of Work</a>
    Nov, 2002</li>
  <li><a href="/2002/02/iow2">Semantic Web Development: Intent of Work</a>
    Feb, 2002</li>
  <li><a href="">2001 Project
    Summary Semantic Web Development MIT</a><br />
  <li><a href="">Semantic Web Development
    Intent of Work</a> 23 March, 2001</li>
  <li><a href="DevelopmentProposal">Semantic Web Development</a>,

<p>The work is bring done in close connection with the W3C and may lead to
W3C activities in the future.</p>
  <li><a href="">Annotated DAML
    Ontology Markup</a> draft Oct 2000</li>
  <li><a href="../../07/DAML-0-5">An Agent Markup Language</a> draft Aug
  <li><a href="../../../2001/01/ct24">Using XML Schema Datatypes in RDF and
    DAML+OIL</a> proposal Jan 2001</li>

<h5>Language group resources</h5>
  <li><a href="">home</a></li>

<h5>MIT/LCS Researchers</h5>
  <li><a href="/People/Berners-Lee">Tim Berners-Lee</a>, LCS/W3C</li>
  <li><a href="../../../People/Connolly/">Dan Connolly,</a> LCS/W3C</li>
  <li><a href="../../../People/Sandro/">Sandro Hawke,</a> LCS/W3C</li>
  <li>David P. Karger, LCS/TOC</li>
  <li>Lynn Andrea Stein, LCS &amp; AI</li>
  <li>Ralph R. Swick, LCS/W3C</li>
  <li><a href="../../../People/Eric/">Eric Prud'hommeaux,</a> LCS/W3C</li>
  <li><a href="">Daniel J.
    Weitzner</a>, LCS/W3C</li>

<h2 id="other">Related Work</h2>

<p>See also <a href="/RDF">RDF</a> · <a
href="/DesignIssues/">Web Design Issues</a> · <a href="/Addressing/">Web
naming and addressing</a>,
<a name="news" id="news" href="/2001/sw/#new">news in the Semantic Web
<a name="Presentations" id="Presentations">Talks/Presentations</a>:
see <a href="../../2001/sw/#events">selected semantic web presentations</a>,
<a href="../../2001/sw/EO/talks">more semantic web presentations</a>,
<a href="../../Talks/">W3C team talks and presentations</a>.

<p><a id="introduction">Earlier work</a> includes <a name="Tools"
id="Tools">tools</a>, <a name="Integratio" id="Integratio">integration
with XML infrastructure</a>, <a name="Approach">plans</a>, talks,

  <li><a href="/2002/Talks/0508-swad/">Semantic Web Advanced Development</a>,
    May 2002, Hawaii</li>

  <li>30 Jul - 1 August: <a
    href="">International Semantic Web
    Working Symposium (SWWS)</a> -- Infrastructure and Applications for the
    Semantic Web 
      <li><a href="/2001/08swws67/">RDF calendar experiment for SWWS</a></li>

  <li><a href="/2001/04rs22/">RDF Syntax: An XML Schema/XSLT Approach</a>, in
    progress May 2001 
    <p>earlier (Aug 2000) work: <a href="../../07/DAML-0-5-syntax">RDF
    Syntax: An XML Schema Approach</a></p>
  <li><a href="../../10/swap/infoset/">A DAML+OIL model of the XML
    Information Set</a> (in progress May 2001)</li>
  <li><a href="">Circles and arrows diagrams
    using stylesheet rules</a></li>

  <li>9 Feb 2001: W3C launches <a href="/2001/sw/">Semantic Web Activity</a>,
    including advanced development.</li>

  <li><a href="../../../2001/01/ct24">Using XML Schema Datatypes in RDF and
    DAML+OIL</a> proposal Jan 2001</li>
  <li><a href="">Semantic
    Web</a>, Tim Berners-Lee's XML2000 keynote slides, Dec 6, 2000, see also:
  <li><a href="../../07/hs78/">HyperRDF: Using XHTML Authoring Tools with
    XSLT to produce RDF Schemas</a> (in progress Jul 2000)</li>
  <li><a href="../../06/xlrdf532/">Xlink to RDF mapping in XSLT</a>, <a
    Jun 27, 2000</a></li>
  <li><a href="../../../XML/2000/04rdf-parse/">RDF parser in XSLT</a>, <a
    of 2000 May 02</a></li>
    for screen-scraping RDF out of real-world data</a> Mar 2000, Dan
  <li><a href="">RDF
    Perllib</a>, a perl RDF library with for supporting RDF applications.
  <li><a href="/People/Connolly/events/">an index of appearances</a> by Dan
    Connolly, with an RDF model for conferences/events, presentations,
  <li><a href="swad-chart">swad-chart</a> (in <a
    href="swad-chart.svg">SVG</a>, <a href="swad-chart.png">PNG</a>, <a
    href="">ps</a>, <a href="swad-chart.rdf">RDF/xml</a>) 
    <p>technical details: <a href="Makefile">Makefile</a>, <a
  <li><cite><a href="/People/Berners-Lee/Weaving">Weaving the
  <li><a href="/DesignIssues/Semantic.html">A roadmap to the Semantic
    Web</a>, Sep 1998, Tim Berners-Lee</li>


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<address class="contact">
  <a href="">Eric Miller</a> &lt;;,
  (W3C) Semantic Web Activity Lead<br />
  <a href="">Ralph Swick</a> &lt;; (W3C)
  Semantic Web Development Lead<br />

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