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                  <h1>W3C XML 10 Years</h1>
                     <p>There is essentially no computer in the world, desktop, handheld, or backroom, that doesn't process XML sometimes...</p>
                     <p class="author"><cite><a href="">Tim Bray</a></cite>; read more in the <a href="/2008/02/xml10-pressrelease">press release</a></p>
                  <p>On 10 February 1998, W3C published Extensible Markup
                     Language (XML) 1.0 as a W3C Recommendation. 
                     W3C would like to thank the dedicated
                     communities -- including people who have participated
                     in W3C's XML groups and mailing lists, the SGML community, and xml-dev
                     -- whose efforts have created a successful family of
                     technologies based on the solid XML 1.0 foundation. 
               <h2>XML Community Greetings</h2>
                  The greeting card is closed to new entries.
                  (of 419 total) displayed below.
               <p><a title="Oldest" class="prev" href="x1.xhtml"></a><span>&nbsp;&nbsp;</span><a title="Next Older" class="prev" href="x20.xhtml"></a></p>
               <div id="greetings">
                  <div class="greeting" xml:lang="en">
                     <h2>Congratulations and keep up the good work...</h2>
                        The computing community is proud of all you fine XML guys.  
                        and keep up the good work...
                     <address>Rahul Roy,
                        sent on 
                  <div class="greeting" xml:lang="fr">
                     <h2>Merry Xmas &amp; happy new year, 2009</h2>
                        HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009
                     <address>ferhat riad riadfr34&#64;,
                        sent on 
                  <div class="greeting" xml:lang="en">
                     <h2>Happy 10 XML</h2>
                     <p>Best wishes &amp; continue working for the community IT.</p>
                     <address>Rolando Alvarez ralvare&#64;,
                        sent on 
                  <div class="greeting" xml:lang="en">
                     <p>xml men</p>
                     <p>I thanks for xml but, yet,</p>
                     <p>I can't compeletly understand it</p>
                     <p>I hope to next ten years I can.</p>
                     <address>morteza moradi.c85&#64;,
                        sent on 
                  <div class="greeting" xml:lang="en">
                        I am cheering for you
                     <address>robseabgreen robgreen&#64;,
                        sent on 
                  <div class="greeting" xml:lang="el">
                        γειασας !!!!
                     <address>annoulakaki zizi1213&#64;,
                        sent on 
                  <div class="greeting" xml:lang="en">
                     <h2>Happy New Year</h2>
                     <p>It's New Year.........</p>
                     <p>I wish Upon the Stars</p>
                     <p>that your year is beautiful</p>
                     <p>with .....</p>
                     <p>A Spring Filled with JOY</p>
                     <p>A Summer Filled with Peace</p>
                     <p>A Autumn Filled with Love</p>
                     <p>A Winter Filled with Warmth
                     <address>rajul rajul&#64;,
                        sent on 
                  <div class="greeting" xml:lang="en">
                     <h2>Merry Christmas!</h2>
                        Sending our wishes for a wonderful Holiday Season and New Year full of
                     <p>promises and hope!</p>
                     <p>&gt; From LuAnn, Steve, Tess and Charles
                        sent on 
                  <div class="greeting" xml:lang="es">
                     <p>Enhorabuena xml =)feliz navidad y prz a�o nuevo.</p>
                     <p>Felicidades desde Espa�a, La Rioja.
                     <address>Antonio del Mazo cuentapri&#64;,
                        sent on 
                  <div class="greeting" xml:lang="en">
                     <h2>merry xmes</h2>
                        merry xmes
                     <address>paul olivia111421&#64;,
                        sent on 
                  <div class="greeting" xml:lang="en">
                        Happy XML and get your dream house on beautiful code...
                     <address>riki dhamparan rikidhamparan&#64;,
                        sent on 
                  <div class="greeting" xml:lang="es">
                     <address>Gustavo info&#64;,
                        sent on 
                  <div class="greeting" xml:lang="en">
                        With those tutorials even the biggest moron would be able to construct the
                     <p>most sofisticated webpage.</p>
                     <p>BIIIG help!</p>
                     <p>Happy 2009 and continue helping!
                     <address>STELLA poincare&#64;,
                        sent on 
                  <div class="greeting" xml:lang="en">
                     <h2>Happy Development through years</h2>
                        My best Wishes to the developers of XML for their laborious effort which
                        has brought XML to a world recognition status and an easy as well as
                        standard way of interaction in Computer.
                     <address>Vidit Kothari;,
                        sent on 
                  <div class="greeting" xml:lang="en">
                     <h2>[zh-hans] 恭贺XML10年</h2>
                     <address>Jankey Farry jankey_farry&#64;,
                        sent on 
                  <div class="greeting" xml:lang="en">
                     <h2>Thank You All!</h2>
                        A huge thanks to ev'ryone involved for giving us a shining example through
                        the years.
                     <address>Al Griffy alan&#64;,
                        sent on 
                  <div class="greeting" xml:lang="en">
                     <h2>me too!</h2>
                        SGML was also my first intro to the markup language world ... we've come a
                        long way ... in some ways... :)
                     <address>Al Griffy alan&#64;,
                        sent on 
                  <div class="greeting" xml:lang="en">
                     <p>Hi there!</p>
                     <p>Have you discovered this?</p>
                     <p><a href=""></a></p>
                     <p>Its XCase. It makes conceptual modeling of XML schemas possible!</p>
                     <p>Thanks for XML :)
                        sent on 
                  <div class="greeting" xml:lang="en">
                     <h2>My way</h2>
                     <p>Thanks a lot for XML!</p>
                     <p>I started with SGML in 1990 - it was my way into the IT. Originally I
                        studied philosophy of aesthetics but then I met Dr. Franz Hack and he
                        became a very real friend. He tought me SGML in a high sophisticated
                     <p>manner. I lost my way in arts but the new way is fascinating too.</p>
                     <p>Today I spent my time as project manager for projects in ...</p>
                     <p>... yes, XML and XSL.</p>
                     <p>Thank you again!
                     <address>Jörn-Carsten Kamp j-c-k&#64;,
                        sent on 
               <p><a title="Oldest" class="prev" href="x1.xhtml"></a><span>&nbsp;&nbsp;</span><a title="Next Older" class="prev" href="x20.xhtml"></a></p>
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    <p class="logo"><img src="/2008/xml10/xml-10" width="106" height="48" alt="XML 10"/></p>
    <h2 id="sponsors">XML10 Sponsors</h2>

    <p>W3C thanks the
    following XML10 Sponsor: the
    <a href="">FLWOR Foundation</a>.
    W3C Members are invited to join the <a
    href="/2008/02/xml10-sponsorship">XML10 Sponsorship
    program</a>. </p>

    <p>W3C thanks O'Reilly Media for their support of XML10.</p>

    <p class="logo"><a href=""><img
    style="border:none; padding: 0; margin: 0" src="oralogo_bk200.png" alt="O'Reilly"/></a></p>

    <h2 id="xml-resources">XML Resources</h2>
        <li><a href="" title=" XML From the
    Inside Out -- XML development, XML resources, XML
        <li><a href="" title="Planet XMLhack: Aggregated weblogs from XML hackers and commentators">Planet XMLhack</a></li>
        <li><a href="" title="IBM developerWorks : New to XML">New to XML</a></li>
        <li><a href="" title="developerWorks : XML tutorials, code, and forums">XML tutorials at IBM</a></li>
        <li><a href="" title="Cover Pages: Extensible Markup Language (XML)">Cover Pages on XML</a></li>
        <li><a href="" title="XMLfr: l'espace XML francophone">XMLfr</a></li>
        <li><a hreflang="ja" href=""></a></li>
        <li><a href="" title="Open Directory - Computers: Data Formats: Markup Languages: XML">dmoz on XML</a></li>
        <li><a href="" title="Pages tagged with &quot;xml&quot; on"> on XML</a></li>
	<li><a href="/TR/xml-i18n-bp/">Best Practices for XML Internationalization</a></li>
        <li><a href="" title="XML in 10 points">XML in 10 points</a></li>
        <li><a href="" title="Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Fourth Edition)">XML 1.0 Specification</a></li>        
    <h2 id="people">XML Peoples Republic</h2>
        <li><a href="" title="ongoing">Tim Bray</a></li>
        <li><a href="" title="Saxon diaries :: Main Page">Michael Kay</a></li>
        <li><a href="" title="Pushing String">Eve Maler</a></li>
        <li><a href="" title="In Search of XMLence">Liam Quin</a></li>       
        <li><a href="" title="Mokka mit Schlag">Elliotte Rusty Harold</a></li>
        <li><a href="" title="">Simon Saint-Laurent</a></li>
        <li><a href="" title="Messages in a bottle">Michael Sperberg-McQueen</a></li>
        <li><a href="" title="">Norman Walsh</a></li>
    <h2 id="xml10blog">Blog about XML10!</h2>

     <p>You can celebrate with us the ten years of XML. <a href="" title="XML 10 has been launched - W3C Q&amp;A Weblog">Like others have already</a>, on your blog post about XML, add the following code:</p>
     <p class="code">
alt=&quot;W3C XML 10th anniversary&quot; 
title=&quot;Ten Years of W3C XML&quot;/&gt;&lt;/a&gt;</p>

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    with permission of the Sponsors. </p>
        Created 22 January 2008 by  <a href="/People/Jacobs/">Ian Jacobs</a><br/>
        Designed by <a href="/People/karl/">Karl Dubost</a><br />
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