PEPmodel 3.42 KB
  <TITLE>PEP Java Demo</TITLE>
<BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff" TEXT="#000000">
<IMG ALT="PEPmodel" BORDER="0" WIDTH="48" HEIGHT="48" SRC="Icons/WWW/model.gif">
<A HREF=""><IMG SRC="Icons/arch.gif" ALT="Architecture Domain"
    BORDER="0" WIDTH="212" HEIGHT="48"></A>
<A HREF=""><IMG ALT="HTTP" BORDER="0" WIDTH="48" HEIGHT="48" SRC="Icons/WWW/PEP.gif"></A>
Welcome to the PEP demonstration code.

Please see the <A HREF=src/classes/doc/Overview.html>documentation</A> in <A
HREF=src/classes/doc/>src/classes/doc</A> or the source code in <A
HREF=src/classes/w3c/model>src/classes/model</A>. The source has been HTMLized
under doc/model whit a java app called JavaExpander which I hope to find time
to finish and give out.

The PEPmodel package was designed for:
<LI>proof of concept</LI> - prove that PEP is both useful and implementable
<LI>API testbed</LI> - implement different PEP extensions and learn
what PEP  <A HREF=src/classes/doc/ExtensionDesign.html>library
interface</A> is needed to support them
<LI>implementation suggestions</LI> - provide a starting point for PEP
implementation in browsers and servers

The <B>PEPmodel</B> package is distributed in <A>zipped</A> and <A HREF=PEPmodel.tar.gz>gzipped</A>
formats. The source tree may be browsed in java <A
HREF=src/classes/w3c/model>source file form</A> or <A
HREF=src/classes/doc/w3c/model>html form</A>.


Because the Makefiles change directory, "." is not a sufficient
CLASSPATH. Instead, you must specify a full path up to src/classes. You must
also specify where the makefiles directory is. For instance, if you have
copied PEPmodel into /usr/local/src/PEPmodel, you may go to
/usr/local/src/PEPmodel/src/classes and type:

CLASSPATH=/usr/local/src/PEPmodel/src/classes MAKEDIR=/usr/local/src/PEPmodel/makefiles make

This will also require to have the java compiler, javac, in your classpath.

<P>Of course, java renders all of this moot as the distribution binaries may be run on any
JVM. You need to set your CLASSPATH. If you installed this package in
<EM>/usr/local/src</EM>, your CLASSPATH will point to
/usr/local/src/PEPmodel/src/classes. With a Sun JVM, you may hae to
add to the CLASSPATH, eg
export CLASSPATH=/usr/local/src/PEPmodel/src/classes:/usr/java/lib/</B></PRE>
On windows, the CLASSPATH separator is a ';' rathern than a ':':
set CLASSPATH c:\PEPmodel\src\classes;\Java\lib\CLASSES.ZIP</B></PRE>

<P>Here's how you run the Server:</P>
<B>java -port 8888</B>
You will see something like: <PRE>
&lt;!- server root
"/afs/"></PRE> and it will
sit there until you give it a reuqest from the client:
<B>java http://localhost:8888/escaped/doc/Overview.html</B>
You should see a status line from server like this:
&lt;!- reading "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" -&gt;
For a more detailed view of the output, please see the <A HREF=src/classes/doc/SampleSession.html>SampleSession</A>.
<A HREF="">Eric Prud'hommeaux</A>