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<div class="groupMenu">Public: <a
Archive</a> &#183; <a href="/MarkUp/">HTML Home Page</a><br />
Member: <a href="/2003/09/html-pag.html">HTML PAG Home Page</a> &#183;
<a href="/MarkUp/Group/">HTML Working Group</a></div>

<h1>HTML Patent Advisory Group (PAG)<br />
Public Home Page</h1>

<p class="pageMenu"><a href="#news">News</a> &#183; <a
href="#mail">Mail</a> &#183; <a
href="/2003/09/w3c-html-pag-charter.html" rel="charter">Charter</a>
&#183; <!--<a href="#pastNews">Past
News</a> &#183;--> <a href="#about">About</a></p>

<p class="summary">Under W3C <a
href="/TR/patent-practice#sec-PAG">Current Patent Practice</a>, this
Patent Advisory Group (PAG) was launched due to the discovery of
specific patent claims likely to be essential to W3C work that are not
available on royalty free terms. As stated in its <a
href="/2003/09/w3c-html-pag-charter.html">charter</a>, the mission of
the HTML PAG is to study issues for HTML-related Working Drafts and
Recommendations raised by the court case of Eolas v. Microsoft and US
Patent 5,838,906 in which the court ordered that royalty fees be paid
to the patent holder.</p>

<div class="section">
<h2><a id="news" name="news">News</a></h2>

<ul class="news">
<li class="item"><span class="date">2004-03-22</span>: <a
href="/News/2004#item46">W3C News</a>: Final <a
href="/2004/03/HTML-PAG-Report">HTML PAG Report</a> published</li>

<li class="item"><span class="date">2004-03-22</span>: <a
Summary</a> of 30 January 2004 HTML PAG teleconference</li>

<li class="item"><span class="date">2004-01-30</span>: <a
Summary</a> of 23 January 2004 HTML PAG teleconference</li>

<li class="item"><span class="date">2004-01-15</span>: <a
Summary</a> of 9 January 2004 HTML PAG teleconference</li>

<li class="item"><span class="date">2004-01-08</span>: <a
Summary</a> of 19 December 2003 HTML PAG teleconference</li>

<li class="item"><span class="date">2003-12-19</span>: <a
Summary</a> of 5 December 2003 HTML PAG teleconference</li>

<li class="item"><span class="date">2003-11-15</span>: <a
Summary</a> of 7 November 2003 HTML PAG teleconference</li>

<li class="item"><span class="date">2003-11-10</span>: <a
Summary</a> of 31 October 2003 HTML PAG teleconference</li>

<li class="item"><span class="date">2003-10-31</span>: <a
Summary</a> of 17 October 2003 HTML PAG teleconference</li>

<li class="item"><span class="date">2003-10-31</span>: <a
Summary</a> of 10 October 2003 HTML PAG teleconference</li>

<li class="item"><span class="date">2003-10-29</span>: <a
href="/News/2003#item173">W3C News</a>: W3C Requests '906 Patent
Re-Examination (<a href="/2003/10/28-906-briefing">briefing</a>)</li>

<li class="item"><span class="date">2003-09-23</span>: <a
href="/News/2003#item156"><span class="title">W3C News</span></a>: HTML
PAG Formed (<a href="/2003/09/w3c-html-pag-charter.html">charter</a>,
<a href="/2003/09/public-faq.html">FAQ</a>)</li>

<li class="item"><span class="date">2003-08-28</span>: <a
href="/News/2003#item143">W3C News</a>: Ad Hoc Meeting on Recent Court
Decision, W3C Launches Public Discussion List</li>

<!--<li class="item"><a href="#pastNews">Past news</a></li>-->

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<h2><a id="mail" name="mail">Public Mailing List</a></h2>

<p>The public mailing list is <a
Browse the <a

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<p>Search the archive:</p>

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maxlength="100" value="" /> <input type="submit" value="Search"
name="search" /> &#183; <a
href="" class="search">Search

<li>To subscribe to this list, send a mail to <a
with the word <strong>subscribe</strong> in the subject line.</li>

<li>To unsubscribe from this list, send a mail to <a
with the word <strong>unsubscribe</strong> in the subject line.</li>

<li><a href="/Mail/">More about W3C mailing lists</a></li>

<div class="section">
<h2><a id="upcoming" name="upcoming">Upcoming</a></h2>

<p>Future dates will be added when they are available.</p>

<div class="section">
<h2><a id="deliverables" name="deliverables">Documents and

<ul class="deliverables">
<li class="deliverable"><span class="date">2003-xx-xx</span>: </li>
<div class="section">
<h2><a id="pastNews" name="pastNews">Past News</a></h2>


<li class="item"><span class="date">2003-xx-xx</span>: @@</li>

<li class="teleconference"><span class="date">2003-xx-xx</span>: @@</li>
<div class="section">
<h2><a id="about" name="about">About the HTML PAG</a></h2>

<p>The participants of the HTML PAG are: Anders Arvidsson (Nokia),
Jonny Axelsson (Opera), Benoit Bezaire (Corel), Seth Brown (AOL), Beth
Epperson (AOL), Mike Foley (Microsoft), Alexander Franco (AOL), Michael
Gelblum (Oracle), Heiko Hahn (Adobe), Michele Herman (Microsoft),
Philipp Hoschka (W3C), Eric Hyche (RealNetworks), Masayasu Ishikawa
(W3C), Alan Kotok (W3C, Chair), Susan Lesch (W3C, Scribe), Jeff Myers
(Sun Microsystems), Steven Pemberton (CWI/W3C), Subramanian Peruvemba
(Oracle), Barry Rein (Pennie &amp; Edmonds for W3C), Kenneth Stein
(Pennie &amp; Edmonds for W3C), Steven Stewart (RealNetworks), Norman
Walsh (Sun Microsystems), and Daniel Weitzner (W3C).</p>

<hr />
<address>Chair: Alan Kotok (<a
href=""></a>)<br />
<a id="revised" name="revised">Last revised: $Id: pag.html,v 1.29 2004/03/22 21:09:31 slesch Exp $</a></address>

<p class="copyright"><a
&#169; 2003-2004 <a href=""><acronym
title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</acronym></a><sup>&#174;</sup>
(<a href=""><acronym
title="Massachusetts Institute of Technology">MIT</acronym></a>, <a
title="European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics">ERCIM</acronym></a>,
<a href="">Keio</a>), All Rights Reserved. W3C <a
use</a> and <a
licensing</a> rules apply.</p>