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<p><a href="/">W3C</a> * <a href="../">Semantic Web Activity</a> * <a
href="./">WebOnt WG</a> * <a href="/Member/Eventscal.html">Member

<h1>Jan 2002 Meeting of the Web Ontology Working Group</h1>

<h3><em>Hosted by Lucent Technologies in New Jersey, USA</em></h3>
  <li><a href="#who">Who</a>: participants</li>
  <li><a href="#where">Where</a>: Venue, Hotel Accommodations, etc.</li>
      <li>Before: <a href="#drafts">Preparation: Goals, Drafts,
      <li>During: <a href="#agenda">Agenda</a></li>
      <li>After: <a id="minutes"><a href="#Minutes">Minutes</a></a>, Actions,
        and Notes</li>
  <a href="/People/Connolly/">Dan Connolly</a>, team contact<br />
  Jim Hendler, chair<br />
  Created Jan 2002 from <a
  href="/Guide/meeting-page-template.html">template</a><br />
  $Revision: 1.41 $ of $Date: 2002/02/04 14:41:52 $
<hr />

<h2><a id="who">Participants</a></h2>

<p>See <a href="#Welcome">roll call</a> below.</p>

Jan attendee list</a></p>


<h2><a id="where">Venue: Bell Labs, Murray Hill, New Jersey</a></h2>

<p>Peter F. Patel-Schneider, is the local host; see <a
info</a>, <a

<p>thanks to OpenProjects for #webont and to ILRT for IRC/log facilities.</p>

<h3><a id="minutes1"></a></h3>

<h2><a id="drafts">Preparation: Drafts for Review</a></h2>

<strong>Drafts for discussion at this meeting are due 7 Jan 2002.</strong>.
This allows us to make the best use of our time: folks can come to the
meeting prepared, and nobody has reviewed the wrong version, etc.</div>
  <li><a name="four" id="four">The four use case documents:</a> 
    <ol type="1">
        cases on collection management</a></cite><br />
        (Submitted by Guus Shreiber)</li>
        Interoperability Use Case final draft</a></cite><br />
        (Submitted by Leo Obrst)</li>
      <li><em>Stefan Decker's document on web services use cases not
        available at the time of this writing</em></li>
        Requirements document</a></cite><br />
        (Submitted by Jeff Heflin)</li>
  <li>A <a name="documents" id="documents">set of documents</a> relating to
    how OWL and RDF may be "layered":<br />
    In <a
    email to Webont from Peter Patel-Schneider</a><br />
    pointers are provided to 4 documents - 
        Model Theory</cite></a><br />
        Pat Hayes for the RDF Core WG, 14 December 2001</li>
      <li><a id="daml-oil-model1" name="daml-oil-model1"
        href="/TR/daml+oil-model"><cite>A Model-Theoretic Semantics for
        DAML+OIL (March 2001)</cite></a><br />
        18 December 2001, Frank van Harmelen, Ian Horrocks, Peter F.
        Patel-Schneider (<a href="/Submission/2001/12/">DAML+OIL Web Ontology
        Language Submission</a>)</li>
        Web Ontology Language (OWL): RDF Compatible</a><br />
        4 Jan 2002. Peter F. Patel-Schneider 
          <li><a href="/TR/2001/WD-query-datamodel-20010607/">XQuery 1.0 and
            XPath 2.0 Data Mode</a><a
            href="/TR/2001/WD-query-datamodel-20010607/">l</a><br />
            W3C Working Draft 7 June 2001 (<a
            href="/TR/query-datamodel/">latest version</a>)</li>
        Web Ontology Language (OWL'): XML compatible; RDF compatible for base
        facts</a><br />
        3 January 2002. Peter F. Patel-Schneider</li>
    ahead for DAML+OIL Technical discussion</a></cite><br />
    (submitted by Ian Horrocks)</li>
  <li><cite><a href="http://www.daml.org/2002/01/experiences/">DAML+OIL
    Issues and Experiences</a></cite><br />
    by Mike Dean. experiences.n3,v 1.8 2002/01/08 22:17:04 mdean. cf <a
    of 8Jan</a><br />

<p><strong>In addition, it is recommended to review the <a
href="http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/WebOnt/charter">Working Group Charter</a> and
the various <a href="http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/WebOnt#Background">background
references</a> from the working group web page.</strong></p>

<h2><strong><a id="agenda">Agenda</a></strong></h2>

<p><em>per <a
Dec msg from the chair</a>. Note the <a
logistics details</a>, which call for meeting at "Stair 9" entrance at

<h3><a id="mon14Jan" name="mon14Jan">Monday Jan 14</a></h3>

      <td>9:00 - 9:15</td>
      <td><a href="#Welcome">Welcome - Logistics overview, etc.</a>
      <td>9:15 - 10:00</td>
      <td><a href="#Charter">Charter Review</a> <b>Hendler/Connolly</b> 

        <p>Discussion of WOWG Goals, what is projected to be produced what is
        out of <a
        href="http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/WebOnt/charter">charter</a>, etc.</p>

        <p>Discussion of what to call the language (WOL, SWOL, OWL)</p>
      <td>10:00 - 10:30</td>
      <td>10:30 - 12:00</td>
      <td><a href="#L1130">DAML+OIL Technical Detail</a> <b>Ian
        Horrocks</b><br />

        <p>Detailed review of DAML+OIL language; presentation of advanced
        features not discussed in walkthru</p>
      <td>12:00 - 13:00</td>
      <td>13:00 - 15:00</td>
      <td><a href="#Case">Use Case Discussion I</a> <b>Schreiber, Obrst,
        Decker, Heflin/McGuinness</b><br />

        <p>Presentation/Discussion of <a href="#four">use cases</a></p>
      <td>15:00 - 15:30</td>
      <td>15:30 - 17:00</td>
      <td><a href="#SWOL">SWOL Discussion</a> <b>Peter Patel-Schneider</b><br

        <p>Presentation of <a href="#documents">suggested changes</a></p>
      <td>Dinner and/or Social gathering (TBD) Relaxed opportunity to

<h3><a id="tue15Jan" name="tue15Jan">Tuesday, Jan 15</a></h3>

      <td>9:00 - 10:00</td>
      <td><a href="#L3329">DAML+OIL Use Review</a> <b>TDB</b> 

        <p>Presentation/Discussion of how D+O has been used in the past, and
        potential impacts on our Web Ontology langauge</p>
      <td>10:00 - 10:30</td>
      <td>10:30 - 12:00</td>
      <td>Break-out Session I 

        <p>Use case focus - meet in groups to discuss the use case areas and
        on document</p>
      <td>12:00 - 13:00</td>
      <td>13:00 - 14:30</td>
      <td>Break-out Session II 

        <p><a href="#Compiling">Compiling requirements</a></p>

        <p>Hot topics (Swol, Daml use, etc.)</p>
          <li><a href="#Topics:1">Layering. RDF Compatibility</a></li>
      <td>14:30 - 15:00</td>
      <td>15:00 - 17:00</td>
      <td><a href="#L3477">Discussion/Planning</a> <b>Hendler</b> 

        <p>Discussion of next steps for group Determination of calendar for
        next f2fs</p>

        <p>Review of Action Items assigned during f2f</p>

<p><em>@@note to self: during charter review, note that the format of
publications is part of W3C process. @@also be sure to talk about related
groups: TAG, RDF Core, XML Query, ... @@also: introduce the group to Web
Architecture: URIs etc.</em></p>

<h2><strong><a name="Minutes" id="Minutes">Minutes</a></strong></h2>

<p><strong>in progress; to follow within 2 weeks of the meeting.</strong></p>

<p>based on IRC log: <a href="2002-01-14.html">Mon, 14 Jan</a>, <a
href="2002-01-15.html">Tue, 15Jan</a></p>

<h3 id="Welcome">Welcome - Logistics overview, etc. (<a

<p>The host welcomed the participants. The 27 participants representing @@
W3C member organizations introduced themselves:</p>

<p><em>see also:</em><a href="#Membership"><em>wg membership</em></a></p>
  <li style="text-indent: 0pt">James <strong>Barnette</strong>, <em>Defense
    Information Systems Agency (DISA)</em></li>
  <li><strong>Brickley</strong> @@</li>
  <li>Jeremy <strong>Carroll</strong>, <em>Hewlett Packard Company</em>
    <code>jjc@hplb.hpl.hp.com</code>, <code>jeremy_carroll@hp.com</code> (<a
  <li>Dan <strong>Connolly</strong>, <em>W3C Team contact</em>
  <li>Jonathan <strong>Dale</strong>, <em>Fujitsu Limited</em>
    <code>jdale@fla.fujitsu.com</code> (<a
  <li>Jos <strong>De Roo</strong>, <em>Agfa-Gevaert N. V.</em>
    <code>jos.deroo.jd@belgium.agfa.com</code> (<a
  <li>Mike <strong>Dean</strong> <code>mdean@bbn.com</code> (<em>invited
    expert</em>; <a
  <li>Stefan <strong>Decker</strong>, <em>Stanford</em>
    <code>stefan@db.stanford.edu</code> (<a
  <li>Dieter <strong>Fensel</strong>, <em>Ibrow</em>,
    <code>dieter@cs.vu.nl</code> (<a
  <li>Tim <strong>Finin</strong>, <em>University of Maryland MIND
    Laboratory</em> <code>finin@cs.umbc.edu</code> (<a
  <li>Nicholas <strong>Gibbins</strong>, <em>University of Southampton</em>
    <code>nmg@ecs.soton.ac.uk</code> (<a
  <li>Jeff <strong>Heflin</strong> <code>heflin@cse.lehigh.edu</code>
    (<em>invited expert</em>; <a
  <li>James <strong>Hendler</strong>, <em>Maryland Information and Network
    Dynamics Lab at the University of Maryland</em>
    <code>hendler@cs.umd.edu</code> (chair; <a
  <li>Ziv <strong>Hellman</strong>, &lt;<code>ziv@unicorn.com</code>&gt;,
    <em>Unicorn Solutions Inc.</em> (<a
  <li>Ian <strong>Horrocks</strong>, <em>Network Inference</em>
    <code>horrocks@cs.man.ac.uk</code> (<a
  <li>Deborah <strong>McGuinness</strong>, <em>Stanford</em>
    <code>dlm@ksl.stanford.edu</code> (<a
  <li>Libby <strong>Miller</strong>, <em>University of Bristol</em>
    <code>libby.miller@bristol.ac.uk</code> (<a
  <li>Leo <strong>Obrst</strong>, <em>MITRE</em>
    <code>lobrst@mitre.org</code> (<a
  <li>Laurent <strong>Olivry</strong> <em>EDF (Electricite De France)</em>
  <li>Peter <strong>Patel-Schneider</strong>, <em>Lucent Technologies</em>
    <code>pfps@research.bell-labs.com</code> (<a
  <li>Marwan <strong>Sabbouh</strong>, <em>MITRE</em>
    <code>ms@mitre.org</code> (<a
  <li>Guus <strong>Schreiber</strong>, <em>Ibrow</em>
    <code>schreiber@swi.psy.uva.nl</code> (<a
  <li><strong>Shimizu</strong> Noboru, <em>Interoperability Technology
    Association for Information Processing, Japan (INTAP)</em></li>
  <li>Michael <strong>Smith</strong>, <em>Electronic Data System (EDS)</em>
    <code>michael.smith@eds.com</code> (<a
  <li>Lynn Andrea <strong>Stein</strong>, <code>lynn.stein@olin.edu</code>
    (<em>invited expert</em>; <a
    (1st day only)</li>
  <li>Frank <strong>van Harmelen</strong>, <em>Ibrow</em>
    <code>Frank.van.Harmelen@cs.vu.nl</code> (<a>intro</a>)</li>
  <li>Raphael <strong>Volz</strong>, &lt;<code>volz@fzi.de</code>&gt;,
    <em>Forschungszentrum Informatik (FZI)</em> (<a

<p>regrets: Trastour (08 Jan 2002 10:30:41 +0000)</p>

<h3><a name="Charter" id="Charter">Charter Review</a> (<a

<p>Hendler reviewed the <a
href="http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/WebOnt/charter">charter</a> as well as the <a
href="#L109">history of the formation of the group</a>, including the
director's decision, and the context: other related groups, etc.</p>

<p>Connolly breifly reviewed W3C process, noting that in the end, it's a tool
toward the goal of getting new technologies deployed.</p>

<p>The group confirmed its earlier (<a
Jan 2002</a>) decision to name its language OWL. Hendler noted some history
of the name, which we agreed to acknowledge.</p>

<h3><a name="L1130" id="L1130">DAML+OIL Technical Detail</a> (<a

<p><b>Ian Horrocks</b> presented <a
Techinical Detail</cite></a> (cf <a
of 14 Jan</a>) <em>@@PDF -- sufficiently accessible?</em> and briefly
demonstrated oiled, which does reasoning from DAML+OIL knowledge bases.<br />

<p>@@notes from Frank vH???</p>

<h3><a name="Case" id="Case">Use Case Discussion I</a> (<a
href="2002-01-14.html#T18-02-54">18:02Z</a>)<br />

<p>Hendler suggested that our goal is a W3C working draft with roughly the
following outline:</p>
  <li>compelling use cases (5ish)</li>
  <li>requirements arising from use cases</li>
  <li>appendix containing additional use cases not contributing to 2</li>

<p><em>later it was suggested, and generally agreed, that high-level design
goals should be included as well. @@when was that?</em></p>

<p>Connolly suggested that we use "requirement" in the sense of "if we don't
have this, we're not done"; things that we generally agree are desireable but
not essential should be called "goals".</p>

<p>Guus Schreiber presented <a
cases: collection management</cite></a>.</p>

<p><strong>ACTION Stein</strong>: explain "many systems, including frame and
oo systems in which metaclasses are used in this way" (<a

<p><strong>ACTION guus</strong>: to provide slides</p>

<p>We took a straw poll around several of the requirements:</p>
  <dt>POLL: classes as instances of other classes</dt>
    <dd>strong agree</dd>
  <dt>POLL: definitional constraints</dt>
    <dd>mostly unclear; none in favor.</dd>
  <dt>POLL: default knowledge</dt>
    <dd>mostly against, some in favour</dd>
  <dt>POLL: part/whole relations</dt>
    <dd>mostly opposed, few in favour</dd>
  <dt>POLL: property typing</dt>
    <dd>mostly in favour, couple against, few don't care</dd>
  <dt>Leo Obrst presented requirements related to <a
  Interoperability</a> (<a href="2002-01-14.html#T18-56-00">18:56Z</a>). We
  took straw polls around selected requirements:</dt>
  <dt>POLL: inter-ontology references 3.1.1</dt>
    <dd>mostly in favour</dd>
  <dt><em>POLL: ontology mapping rules, features 3.1.3</em></dt>
    <dd><em>jimh rules poll out of charter. see <a href="#clarified">later
      discussion of why</a></em></dd>
  <dt>POLL: ontology composition language 3.1.4</dt>
    <dd>mostly in favour</dd>
  <dt>POLL: inter-ontology sysnonyms/aliases 3.1.8</dt>
    <dd>mostly in favour, no against, few don't care/know</dd>
  <dt>POLL: ontology approximation 3.1.11</dt>
    <dd>mostly against, few don't care, couple in favour</dd>
  <dt>POLL: inter-ontology validation 3.1.12 (annotation/tagging wrt
    <dd>most in favour, some disagree, significant number of don't

<p>Stefan Decker presented <a
arising from Web Services use cases</a> (<a
  <dt>POLL: language must have a small footprint</dt>
    <dd>mostly against</dd>
  <dt>POLL: language defn is organised in layers</dt>
    <dd>mostly in favour, some against, few neutral</dd>
  <dt><em>POLL: precisely described semantics</em></dt>
    <dd><em>jimh overrules: required by charter</em></dd>
  <dt>POLL: datatypes in language</dt>
    <dd>mostly in favour</dd>
  <dt><em>POLL: ability to express relations between types (eg. inequalities
  on numbers)</em></dt>
    <dd><em>jimh postpones</em> 
      <p><strong>ACTION on Stefan's group</strong> to discuss further
  <dt>POLL: ability to give ontologies names and the ability to denote
  membership of a class in an ontology</dt>
    <dd>mostly in favour, few opposed, few don't know</dd>

<p><strong>ACTION pfps</strong>: determine status of IP on <a
href="2002-01-14.html#T19-59-13">this issue</a></p>

<p>Jeff Heflin presented <a
General Requirements</a>. (<a href="2002-01-14.html#T20-15-44">20:15Z</a>)</p>

<p><strong>ACTION jeffh</strong>: to bring implications of this use of
subClassOf to attn of RDF Core WG (<a href="2002-01-14.html#T20-31-24">in
  <dt>POLL: versioning should be requirement for language</dt>
    <dd>mostly in favour, few opposed, few don't care</dd>
  <dt>POLL: subclass/superclass, inverse, equivalence</dt>
    <dd>all in favour</dd>
  <dt>POLL: complex extensions</dt>
    <dd>mostly against, one in favour, few don't know</dd>

<h3><a name="SWOL" id="SWOL">SWOL Discussion</a> (<a

<p>Peter Patel-Schneider presented:<br />
  <li><a href="/2002/01/webont-ftf-owl.htm">A Proposal for the Web Ontology
    Language</a> </li>
  <li><a href="/2002/01/webont-ftf-representation.htm">Representation and a
    Proposal for WebOnt</a> </li>

<p>This led to techincal discussion of desirable properties of formal systems
etc. No actions/decisions.</p>
<hr />

<p>Adjourn 'till tuesday...</p>
<hr />

<h3><a name="L3329" id="L3329">DAML+OIL Use Review</a> (<a

<p>Mike Dean presented <cite><a
href="http://www.daml.org/2002/01/experiences/">DAML+OIL Issues and

<p>Mention of frame-based system sparked a discussion of user communities.
Hendler observed that there are at least two different user communities, and
we should be aware of the needs (including documentation, ...) of the various

<p>Hendler <a name="clarified" id="clarified">clarified our charter w.r.t.
rules</a>: it's recognized that rules are needed in the Semantic Web, but
ontologies are speparable, and there's more consensus on the technical design
at the ontology level</p>


<p>A break-out session followed, with groups forming around each of the
use-case areas.</p>

<h3><a name="Compiling" id="Compiling">Compiling Requirements</a> (<a

<p>Hendler compiled requirements from the 4 groups.</p>

<p><strong>ACTION JimH</strong>: send table of requirements. Done: <a
poll results</a>.</p>

<p>See also:</p>
    Cases: Collection management</a> (PDF)</li>
    General Goals and Requirements</a> (ppt)</li>

<p><strong>ACTION Hefflin, Jonathan D., Rafael V.</strong>: to draft a
requirements document by end of jan.</p>

<p><strong>ACTION danc Ian and mike Dean</strong>: will work on a document
which evaluates how well daml+oil meets the owl requirements as identified at
this f2f meeting</p>

<h3><a name="Topics:" id="Topics:">Hot Topics: Decidability, Computability,
Efficiency</a> (<a href="2002-01-15.html#T19-47-32">19:47Z</a>)</h3>

<p><em>@@I think Hendler summarized the discussion, but I don't see it in the
logs. Help, Jim?</em></p>

<p><strong>ACTION ian and frank</strong> are delegated the task to come up
with the descriptive adj for the reasoner.</p>

<h3><a name="Topics:1" id="Topics:1">Hot Topics: Layering, RDF
compatibility</a> (<a href="2002-01-15.html#T20-19-44">20:19Z</a>)</h3>

<p>We reviewed some terms:</p>

<p>Three or four possibilities emerged:</p>
  <li>a syntactic embedding of owl into rdf: 
    <p>OWL : RDF :: RDF : XML</p>
    <p>Syntax: Every OWL document is syntactically an RDF document.</p>
    <p>Semantics: some RDF-entailment conclusions contradict OWL-entailment
    conclusions. OWL is not sound nor complete w.r.t. RDF(S).</p>
  <li>owl has syntactic features that go beyond rdf 
    <p>OWL : RDF :: FOPL : propositional calculus</p>
    <p>Syntax: some OWL documents aren't RDF documents.</p>
    <p>Semantics: OWL is complete w.r.t. RDF but (of course) not sound.</p>
  <li>OWL shares syntax and semantics with RDF 
    <p>This leads to <a href="#L6476">paradoxes, as noted earlier</a>.</p>

<p>a fourth possibility is peter's owl', in which owl' is a semantic
restriction of a syntactic restriction of rdfs</p>

<p>DanC does a staw poll on the three suggestions: which is your favorite?
which can you not live with?</p>
  <li>~8 prefer; 1 opposed</li>
  <li>~2 prefer; ~2 opposed</li>
  <li>1 prefer; ~7 opposed</li>

<p>Frank vH observed that perhaps the most significant conclusion to be drawn
from these data is that many participants have not arrived at any position on
these issues.</p>

<p><strong>ACTION PeterPS, Dieter, Mike Smith</strong>: write up layering
issues (<a href="2002-01-15.html#T21-08-18">21:08Z</a>)</p>

<p>14:30 - 15:00 break</p>

<h3><a name="L3477" id="L3477">Discussion/Planning</a> (<a


<p>Discussion of next steps for group Determination of calendar for next

<p>(also: next meeting discussion of <a
href="2002-01-15.html#T14-09-13">14:09Z</a>, <a

<p><strong>ACTION JimH</strong>: send ftf schedule proposal</p>