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<h1><a name="title" id="title"></a>Language Tags and Locale Identifiers for the 
World Wide Web</h1>
<h2><a name="w3c-doctype" id="w3c-doctype"></a>W3C Working Draft 12 June 2006</h2><dl><dt>This version:</dt><dd><a href=""></a></dd><dt>Latest version:</dt><dd><a href=""></a></dd><dt>Previous version:</dt><dd><a href=""></a></dd><dt>Editor:</dt><dd>Felix Sasaki, W3C</dd></dl><p>This document is also available in these non-normative formats: <a href="ltli.xml">XML</a>.</p><p class="copyright"><a href="">Copyright</a> © 2006 <a href=""><acronym title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</acronym></a><sup>®</sup> (<a href=""><acronym title="Massachusetts Institute of Technology">MIT</acronym></a>, <a href=""><acronym title="European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics">ERCIM</acronym></a>, <a href="">Keio</a>), All Rights Reserved. W3C <a href="">liability</a>, <a href="">trademark</a> and <a href="">document use</a> rules apply.</p></div><hr /><div>
<h2><a name="abstract" id="abstract"></a>Abstract</h2><p>Based on <a title="Tags for the Identification of Languages" href="#rfc3066bis">[RFC 3066bis]</a> and <a title="Matching of Language Tags" href="#rfc3066bis-matching">[RFC 3066bis Matching]</a>, this document  
describes mechanisms for identifying or selecting the language of  
content or locale preferences used to process information using Web  
technologies. It  
describes how document formats, specifications, and implementations  
should handle language tags, as well as data  
structures that extend these tags to describe international preferences.</p></div><div>
<h2><a name="status" id="status"></a>Status of this Document</h2><p><em>This section describes the status of this document at the time

        of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document.

        A list of current W3C publications and the latest revision of

        this technical report can be found in the <a href="">W3C technical reports index</a> at</em>

</p><p>This is an updated Public Working Draft of "Language and Locale Identifiers for the World Wide Web (LTLI)".</p><p>This document  
describes mechanisms for identifying or selecting the language of  
content or locale preferences used to process information using Web  
technologies. It  
describes how document formats, specifications, and implementations  
should handle language tags, as well as data  
structures that extend these tags to describe international preferences.</p><p>This document was developed by the
<a href="">Internationalization Core Working Group</a>, part of the <a href="">W3C Internationalization Activity</a>. The Working Group expects to advance this Working Draft to Recommendation Status. A <a href="#revisionlog">complete list of changes</a> to this document is available.</p><p>Send your comments to <a href="[Comments on ltli WD]"></a>. Use "[Comments on ltli WD]" in the subject line of your email, followed by a brief subject. The <a href="">archives</a> for this list are publicly available.</p><p>Publication as a Working Draft does not imply endorsement by the W3C Membership. This is a draft document and may be updated, replaced or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to cite this document as other than work in progress.</p><p> This document was produced by a group operating under the <a href="">5 February 2004 W3C Patent Policy</a>. W3C maintains a <a href="">public list of any patent disclosures</a> made in connection with the deliverables of the group; that page also includes instructions for disclosing a patent. An individual who has actual knowledge of a patent which the individual believes contains <a href="">Essential Claim(s)</a> must disclose the information in accordance with <a href="">section 6 of the W3C Patent Policy</a>. </p></div><div class="toc">
<h2><a name="contents" id="contents"></a>Table of Contents</h2><div class="toc"><div class="toc1">1 <a href="#sec-introduction">Introduction</a><div class="toc2">1.1 <a href="#sec-scope">Scope of this Specification</a></div>
<div class="toc2">1.2 <a href="#out-of-scope">Out of Scope</a></div>
<div class="toc2">1.3 <a href="#sec-app-scenarios">Application Scenario: Web Services Internationalization</a></div>
<div class="toc2">1.4 <a href="#d3e229">Locale versus Natural Language</a></div>
<div class="toc1">2 <a href="#d3e261">Notation and Terminology</a><div class="toc2">2.1 <a href="#sec-matching-lang-values">Language Tags and Matching of Language Tags</a></div>
<div class="toc1">3 <a href="#sec-conformance">Conformance</a></div>
<div class="toc1">4 <a href="#sec-locale-vs-language">Language Tags and Locale Values</a></div>
<div class="toc1">5 <a href="#d3e403">Guidelines for the Interoperable Implementation of this Specification</a></div>
<h3><a name="appendices" id="appendices"></a>Appendices</h3><div class="toc1">A <a href="#d3e414">Normative References</a></div>
<div class="toc1">B <a href="#d3e456">References</a> (Non-Normative)</div>
<div class="toc1">C <a href="#revisionlog">Revision Log</a> (Non-Normative)</div>
</div><hr /><div class="body"><div class="div1">
<h2><a href="#contents"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents." /></a><a name="sec-introduction" id="sec-introduction"></a>1 Introduction</h2><p><em>This section is informative.</em></p><div class="div2">
<h3><a href="#contents"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents." /></a><a name="sec-scope" id="sec-scope"></a>1.1 Scope of this Specification</h3><p>This document  
describes mechanisms for identifying or selecting the language of  
content or locale preferences used to process information using Web  
technologies. It  
describes how document formats, specifications, and implementations  
should handle the language tags described by <a title="" href="#bcp47">[BCP 47]</a>, as well as data  
structures that extend these tags to describe international preferences  
<a href="">sec. 3.1</a> in <a title="Web Services Internationalization Usage Scenarios" href="#ws-i18n-scenarios">[WS-I18N Scenarios]</a>).</p><p>Identification of language and locale has a broad range of applications within the World Wide Web. Existing standards which make use of language identification includes the <code>xml:lang</code> attribute in  <a title="Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Third Edition)" href="#xml10">[XML 1.0]</a>, the <code>lang</code> and <code>hreflang</code> atttributes in <a title="HTML 4.01 Specification" href="#html401">[HTML 4.01]</a>, or the <code>language</code> property in  <a title="Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) Version 1.0" href="#xsl10">[XSL 1.0]</a>. Locale identification is used for example within the CLDR project, cf. <a title="Locale Data Markup Language (LDML)" href="#ldml">[LDML]</a>.</p><p>The current best practice when developing specifications for language
identification is to refer to <a title=" Tags for the Identification of Languages" href="#rfc3066">[RFC 3066]</a>, using a formulation like "<span class="quote">RFC 3066 or its successor</span>". Recently a successor for <a title=" Tags for the Identification of Languages" href="#rfc3066">[RFC 3066]</a> has been developed,
called <a title="Tags for the Identification of Languages" href="#rfc3066bis">[RFC 3066bis]</a>. This specification takes <a title="Tags for the Identification of Languages" href="#rfc3066bis">[RFC 3066bis]</a> as the basis
for language identification, and <a title="Matching of Language Tags" href="#rfc3066bis-matching">[RFC 3066bis Matching]</a> as the basis for
matching of language identifiers ("tags").</p><p>The current practice in many standards  is to identify language in terms of <a title=" Tags for the Identification of Languages" href="#rfc3066">[RFC 3066]</a>, using formulations like "<span class="quote">RFC 3066 or its successor</span>". Recently a successor for <a title=" Tags for the Identification of Languages" href="#rfc3066">[RFC 3066]</a> has been developed, called <a title="Tags for the Identification of Languages" href="#rfc3066bis">[RFC 3066bis]</a>. This specification takes <a title="Tags for the Identification of Languages" href="#rfc3066bis">[RFC 3066bis]</a> as the basis for language identification, and <a title="Matching of Language Tags" href="#rfc3066bis-matching">[RFC 3066bis Matching]</a> as the basis for matching of language tags.</p><p><a title="Tags for the Identification of Languages" href="#rfc3066bis">[RFC 3066bis]</a> refers to language identification <em>only</em>. Locales can be identified in several ways. One method is by inference from
language tags. For example, an implementation could map a language tag
from an existing protocol, such as HTTP's Accept-Language header, to its
locale model. Locales may also be identified directly by using the language
tag syntax in data items (elements, attributes, headers, etc.) that
explicitly serve the purpose of locale identification.</p><p>Currently, this specification refers to <a title="Tags for the Identification of Languages" href="#rfc3066bis">[RFC 3066bis]</a> and <a title="Matching of Language Tags" href="#rfc3066bis-matching">[RFC 3066bis Matching]</a> directly. Since <a title="Tags for the Identification of Languages" href="#rfc3066bis">[RFC 3066bis]</a> and <a title="Matching of Language Tags" href="#rfc3066bis-matching">[RFC 3066bis Matching]</a> are expected to become the new BCP 47 before this working draft becomes a recommendation, a later draft of this specification will refer to BCP 47 directly.</p></div><div class="div2">
<h3><a href="#contents"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents." /></a><a name="out-of-scope" id="out-of-scope"></a>1.2 Out of Scope</h3><p>This specification will not deal with formats for locale data or actual locale data. One possible source of locale data and data formats is
 <a title="Locale Data Markup Language (LDML)" href="#ldml">[LDML]</a>.</p></div><div class="div2">
<h3><a href="#contents"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents." /></a><a name="sec-app-scenarios" id="sec-app-scenarios"></a>1.3 Application Scenario: Web Services Internationalization</h3><p>In order to enable multi-locale operation of Web services and to create the ability for locale negotiation, this specification describes a standardized method for identifying locales and locale and/or language tags on the Web, including non-normative guidelines for implementation. This is called out in Requirement <a href="">R005</a> of <a title="Requirements for the Internationalization of Web Services" href="#ws-i18n-req">[WS-I18N Req]</a>. The mechanism for language and locale identification which is defined in this specification will be used in a future version of the description of Web services Internationalization in <a title="Web Services Internationalization (WS-I18N)" href="#ws-i18n">[WS-I18N]</a>.</p><p>Further application scenarios of this specification encompass for example the standards mentioned in <a class="section-ref" href="#sec-scope">Section 1.1: Scope of this Specification</a>. The scenarios can be divided in four areas:</p><ul><li><p>Definition of values for language tags</p></li><li><p>Definition of values for locale identifiers</p></li><li><p>Definition of matching schemes for language tags</p></li><li><p>Definition of matching schemes for locale identifiers</p></li></ul><p>As for matching of language tags, many specifications already define operations using matching. An example is the language pseudo-class <code>:lang</code> defined in <a href="">sec. 5.11.4</a> of <a title="Cascading Style Sheets, level 2 revision 1" href="#css21">[CSS 2.1]</a>. It matches elements based on their language. This specification formulates requirements on such operations, based on <a title="Matching of Language Tags" href="#rfc3066bis-matching">[RFC 3066bis Matching]</a>.</p></div><div class="div2">
<h3><a href="#contents"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents." /></a><a name="d3e229" id="d3e229"></a>1.4 Locale versus Natural Language</h3><p>This document defines locale identifiers for use in Web technologies. Historically, natural language identifiers <a title="Tags for the Identification of Languages" href="#rfc3066bis">[RFC 3066bis]</a> have been used as locale identifiers by some programming languages or operating environments, which is natural since locale identifiers usually share certain core features related to
natural language and country/region. This specification defines locale
identifiers that specific locale implementations can map to their
proprietary features in order to create functional, interoperable
applications.</p><p>The minimal requirement is the ability to specify the natural language; thus there is industry convergence on the use of <a title="Tags for the Identification of Languages" href="#rfc3066bis">[RFC 3066bis]</a> as the core of a locale identifier. For example, <a title="Common Locale Data Registry (CLDR)" href="#cldr">[CLDR]</a> uses  <a title="Tags for the Identification of Languages" href="#rfc3066bis">[RFC 3066bis]</a> as the core of a locale identifier, and provides syntax for extensions for non-linguistic information, such as preferred currency or timezone.</p><p>A major difference between language tags and locale identifiers is the meaning of the region code. In both language tags and locales, the region code indicates variation in language (as with regional dialects) or presentation and format (such as number or date formats). In a locale, the region code is also sometimes used to indicate the physical location, market, legal, or other governing policies for the user. </p><p>The language tag may be available in several places. In HTTP, there is an Accept-Language header field which can be used. MIME has a Content-Language header which contains a language tag. In XML, there is an attribute which can be defined for elements called <code>xml:lang</code>. <code>xml:lang</code> marks all the contents and attribute values of the corresponding element as belonging to the language identified. What that means for processing those contents varies from application to application. 
</p><p>For more detailed information on the behavior of <code>xml:lang</code>, see <a title="Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Third Edition)" href="#xml10">[XML 1.0]</a>.</p></div></div><div class="div1">
<h2><a href="#contents"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents." /></a><a name="d3e261" id="d3e261"></a>2 Notation and Terminology</h2><p><em>This section is normative.</em></p><div class="div2">
<h3><a href="#contents"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents." /></a><a name="sec-matching-lang-values" id="sec-matching-lang-values"></a>2.1 Language Tags and Matching of Language Tags</h3><p>This document uses the terms language tag and subtag which are defined in <a title="Tags for the Identification of Languages" href="#rfc3066bis">[RFC 3066bis]</a>.</p><p>In addition, this document uses the following terms, which are defined in <a title="Matching of Language Tags" href="#rfc3066bis-matching">[RFC 3066bis Matching]</a>:</p><ul><li><p>language range</p></li><li><p>basic language range (see sec. 2.1 of <a title="Matching of Language Tags" href="#rfc3066bis-matching">[RFC 3066bis Matching]</a>)</p></li><li><p>extended language range (see sec. 2.2 of <a title="Matching of Language Tags" href="#rfc3066bis-matching">[RFC 3066bis Matching]</a>)</p></li><li><p>language priority list (see sec. 2.3 of <a title="Matching of Language Tags" href="#rfc3066bis-matching">[RFC 3066bis Matching]</a>)</p></li></ul><div class="exampleOuter"><div class="exampleHeader"><a name="d3e297" id="d3e297"></a>Example 1: Basic versus extended language range and language priority list</div><p><code>de-de</code> is a basic language range. It matches e.g. the language tag <code>de-DE-1996</code>, but not the language tag <code>de-Deva</code>.</p><p><code>de-*-DE</code> is an extended language range. It matches  all of the
   following tags:</p><ul><li><p><code>de-DE</code></p></li><li><p><code>de-DE-x-goethe</code></p></li><li><p><code>de-Latn-DE-1996</code></p></li></ul><p><code>"en; fr; zh-Hant"</code> is a language priority list. It would be read as "<span class="quote">English before French before Chinese as
   written in the Traditional script</span>". Note that the syntax shown is only an example, since it depends on the protocol, application, or
   implementation that uses the list.</p></div></div></div><div class="div1">
<h2><a href="#contents"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents." /></a><a name="sec-conformance" id="sec-conformance"></a>3 Conformance</h2><p><em>This section is normative</em></p><p>This section explains the conditions that specifications have to fulfill to be able to claim conformance to this specification.</p><p>The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in <a title="" href="#RFC2119">[RFC 2119]</a>.</p></div><div class="div1">
<h2><a href="#contents"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents." /></a><a name="sec-locale-vs-language" id="sec-locale-vs-language"></a>4 Language Tags and Locale Values</h2><p><em>This section is normative</em></p><p>The following requirements are formulated for specifications who deal with language tags and locale values or matching schemes.</p><ol class="depth1"><li><a name="ltli-c1" id="ltli-c1" /><p>Specifications that make use of language tags or locale values <span class="rfc2119">MUST</span> meet the conformance criteria defined for "well-formed" processors, as defined in sec. 2.2.9 of <a title="Tags for the Identification of Languages" href="#rfc3066bis">[RFC 3066bis]</a>.</p></li><li><a name="ltli-c2" id="ltli-c2" /><p>Specifications that make use of language tags or locale values <span class="rfc2119">MAY</span> validate these values. If they do so, they <span class="rfc2119">MUST</span> meet the conformance criteria defined for "validating" processors, as defined in sec. 2.2.9 of <a title="Tags for the Identification of Languages" href="#rfc3066bis">[RFC 3066bis]</a>.</p></li><li><a name="ltli-c3" id="ltli-c3" /><p>Specifications that define operations on language tags or locale values using matching <span class="rfc2119">Must</span> use either a basic language range or an extended language range.</p></li><li><a name="ltli-c4" id="ltli-c4" /><p>Specifications that define operations on language tags or locale values using matching <span class="rfc2119">MUST</span> specify whether the resulting language priority list contains a single result (<em>lookup</em> as defined in  <a title="Matching of Language Tags" href="#rfc3066bis-matching">[RFC 3066bis Matching]</a>), or a possible empty set of results (<em>filtering</em> as defined in <a title="Matching of Language Tags" href="#rfc3066bis-matching">[RFC 3066bis Matching]</a>).</p></li></ol><div class="note"><p><span class="note-head">Note: </span>Many specifications which have been created before <a title="Tags for the Identification of Languages" href="#rfc3066bis">[RFC 3066bis]</a> and <a title="Matching of Language Tags" href="#rfc3066bis-matching">[RFC 3066bis Matching]</a> are conformant to these criteria. The purpose of the criteria is to provide a stable source for requirements for language and locale identification.</p></div></div><div class="div1">
<h2><a href="#contents"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents." /></a><a name="d3e403" id="d3e403"></a>5 Guidelines for the Interoperable Implementation of this Specification</h2><p><em>This section is informative.</em></p><p><span class="editor-note">[Ed. note: This section will be written in a subsequent working draft.]</span></p></div></div><div class="back"><div class="div1">
<h2><a href="#contents"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents." /></a><a name="d3e414" id="d3e414"></a>A Normative References</h2><dl><dt class="label"><a name="bcp47" id="bcp47" />BCP 47</dt><dd><a href="">Tags for the Identification of Languages</a>. IETF Best Common Practice. BCP 47 is currently represented by <a title=" Tags for the Identification of Languages" href="#rfc3066">[RFC 3066]</a>.</dd><dt class="label"><a name="RFC2119" id="RFC2119" />RFC 2119</dt><dd>S. Bradner. <a href="">Key Words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels</a>. IETF March 1997. Available at  <a href=""></a>.
</dd><dt class="label"><a name="rfc3066bis" id="rfc3066bis" />RFC 3066bis</dt><dd>Addison Phillips, Mark Davis. <a href=""><cite>Tags for the Identification of Languages</cite></a>. IETF Internet-Draft, 14 October 2005. See <a href=""></a>.</dd><dt class="label"><a name="rfc3066bis-matching" id="rfc3066bis-matching" />RFC 3066bis Matching</dt><dd>Addison Phillips, Mark Davis <a href=""><cite>Matching of Language Tags</cite></a>. IETF Internet-Draft, June 2006. See <a href=""></a>.</dd><dt class="label"><a name="iri" id="iri" />RFC 3987</dt><dd>Martin Dürst, Michael Suignard. <a href=""><cite>Internationalized Resource Identifiers (IRIs)</cite></a>. IETF January 2005. Available at <a href=""></a>.</dd></dl></div><div class="div1">
<h2><a href="#contents"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents." /></a><a name="d3e456" id="d3e456"></a>B References (Non-Normative)</h2><dl><dt class="label"><a name="cldr" id="cldr" />CLDR</dt><dd><a href=""><cite>Common Locale Data Registry (CLDR)</cite></a>. Available at</dd><dt class="label"><a name="css21" id="css21" />CSS 2.1</dt><dd>Bert Bos, Tantek Çelik, Ian Hickson, Håkon Wium Lie. <a href=""><cite>Cascading Style Sheets, level 2 revision 1</cite></a>. W3C Working Draft 13 June 2005. Available at <a href=""></a>. The latest version of <a href="">CSS 2.1</a> is available at</dd><dt class="label"><a name="html401" id="html401" />HTML 4.01</dt><dd>Dave Ragget, Arnaud Le Hors, Ian Jacobs, eds. <a href=""><cite>HTML 4.01 Specification</cite></a>. W3C Recommendation 24 December 1999. Available at <a href=""></a>. The latest version of <a href="">HTML 4.01</a> is available at</dd><dt class="label"><a name="ldml" id="ldml" />LDML</dt><dd>Mark Davis.
  <a href=""><cite>Locale Data Markup Language (LDML)</cite></a>, Unicode Technical Standard #35.
Available at <a href=""></a>. The latest version of <a href="">LDML</a> is available at
  </dd><dt class="label"><a name="rfc3066" id="rfc3066" />RFC 3066</dt><dd>H. Alvestrand, editor. <a href=""><cite> Tags for the Identification of Languages</cite></a>, IETF January 2001. Available at <a href=""></a>.
  </dd><dt class="label"><a name="ws-i18n" id="ws-i18n" />WS-I18N</dt><dd>    Addison Phillips, Mary Trumble. <a href=""><cite>Web Services Internationalization (WS-I18N)</cite></a>. W3C Working Draft 14 September 2005. Available at <a href=""></a>. The latest version of <a href="">WS i18n</a> is available at</dd><dt class="label"><a name="ws-i18n-req" id="ws-i18n-req" />WS-I18N Req</dt><dd>Addison Phillips. <a href=""><cite>Requirements for the Internationalization of Web Services</cite></a>. W3C Working Group Note 16 November 2004. Available at <a href=""></a>. The latest version of <a href="">Ws i18n Req</a> is available at</dd><dt class="label"><a name="ws-i18n-scenarios" id="ws-i18n-scenarios" />WS-I18N Scenarios</dt><dd>Debasish Banerjee, Martin Dürst, Mike McKenna, Addison Phillips, Takao Suzuki, Tex Texin, Mary Trumble, Andrea Vine, Kentaro Noji. <a href=""><cite>Web Services Internationalization Usage Scenarios</cite></a>. W3C Working Group Note 30 July 2004. Available at <a href=""></a>. The latest version of <a href="">WS i18n Scenarios</a> is available at</dd><dt class="label"><a name="xml10" id="xml10" />XML 1.0</dt><dd>Tim Bray, Jean Paoli, C.M. Sperberg-McQueen, et al., eds. <a href=""><cite>Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Third Edition)</cite></a>, W3C Recommendation 04 February 2004. Available at <a href=""></a>. The latest version of <a href="">XML 1.0</a> is available at
  </dd><dt class="label"><a name="xsl10" id="xsl10" />XSL 1.0</dt><dd>Sharon Adler et al., eds. <a href=""><cite>Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) Version 1.0</cite></a>. W3C Recommendation 15 October 2001. Available at <a href=""></a>. The latest version of <a href="">XSL 1.0</a> is available at</dd></dl></div><div class="div1">
<h2><a href="#contents"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents." /></a><a name="revisionlog" id="revisionlog"></a>C Revision Log (Non-Normative)</h2><p>The following log records changes that have been made to this document since the <a href="">publication in April 2006</a>.</p><ul><li><p>The informative <a href="#sec-introduction">introductory section</a> has been rewritten thoroughly, including the description of the <a href="#sec-scope">scope of the document</a>, of <a href="#sec-app-scenarios">application scenarios</a> and of the separation <a href="#sec-locale-vs-language">locale versus natural language</a>.</p></li><li><p>Terms which rely on <a title="Tags for the Identification of Languages" href="#rfc3066bis">[RFC 3066bis]</a> and <a title="Matching of Language Tags" href="#rfc3066bis-matching">[RFC 3066bis Matching]</a> are not <em>defined</em> anymore, but only <em>reference</em>  these documents, see <a class="section-ref" href="#sec-matching-lang-values">Section 2.1: Language Tags and Matching of Language Tags</a>. In addition, examples for these terms have been created.</p></li><li><p>The requirements for language and locale values have been taken out of the <a href="#sec-conformance">conformance section</a> and are now placed in the separate <a class="section-ref" href="#sec-locale-vs-language">Section 4: Language Tags and Locale Values</a>.</p></li><li><p>A revision log has been created.</p></li></ul></div></div></body></html>