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<h1><span class="docClassName">Curriculum Vitae</span> for
<!-- include-pattern probably should work on element
and its children, but doesn't, yet -->
<span id="myname">
  <span class="fn">Dan Connolly</span></span>

<address class="vcard">
<object data="#myname" class="include"></object>
<em class="title">Research Scientist</em><br />
<b class="org">MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
(<a class="url" href="">CSAIL</a>)</b>
<object data="#office" class="include"></object>

<div><!-- for htmldoc --></div>

<address class="vcard">
<object data="#myname" class="include"></object>
<object data="#hp" class="include"></object>
<em class="title">Technical Staff</em><br />
<b class="org">World Wide Web Consortium (<a rel="aff" href="">W3C</a>)</b>
<object data="#office" class="include"></object>

<div id="office" class="adr">
<div class='street-address'>32 Vassar Street</div>
<span class='locality'>Cambridge</span>, <span class='region'>MA</span>
<span class="postal-code">02139</span>
<div class="country-name">USA</div>
<code id="hp" class='url'></code>

<h2>Selected Publications</h2>
<!-- hmm.. see also ../pubs.html ... bibtex? -->
<ul class="bibliography">
  <li id="aaai06paw" class="inproceedings">
    <span class="author">Lalana Kagal</span>, <span class="author">Tim
    Berners-Lee</span>, <span class="author">Dan Connolly</span>, and
    <span class="author">Daniel Weitzner</span>, <cite><a
    href="">Using Semantic
    Web Technologies for Open Policy Management on the Web</a></cite>,
    <span class="booktitle">21st National Conference on Artificial
    Intelligence</span> (<a
    <span class="year">2006</span></a>).

  <li class="inbook" id="paw2006">
    <span class="author">Daniel Weitzner</span>,
    <span class="author">Jim Hendler</span>,
    <span class="author">Tim Berners-Lee</span>,
    and <span class="author">Dan Connolly</span><!-- = me@@ -->.
    <cite><a href=""
	     >Creating a policy-aware web: Discretionary, rule-based
    access for the world wide web</a></cite>. In Elena Ferrari and Bhavani
    Thuraisingham, editors, <cite>Web and Information Security</cite>.
    <a href="">IRM Press</a>, 2006.

  <li class="misc" id="webarch">
    <span class="author">Tim Berners-Lee, Tim Bray, Dan Connolly, Paul
    Cotton, Roy Fielding, Mario Jeckle, Chris Lilley, Noah Mendelsohn,
    David Orchard, Norman Walsh, and Stuart Williams</span> <cite><a
    of the World Wide Web, Volume One</a></cite> W3C Recommendation
    Dec <span class="year">2004</span>

      <dt>Connolly, <a
      href=""><cite>The XML
      Revolution</cite></a> Nature's <a
      href="">Web Matters</a>, Oct 1998<br
  <li>Berners-Lee, T., and D. Connolly, 1998. <a
    href="/TR/1998/NOTE-webarch-extlang-19980210"><cite>Web Architecture:
    Extensible Languages</cite></a>, W3C Note</li>
  <li id="xmlwj97" class="book">
    <!-- @@ editor, really -->
    <span class="author">Connolly</span>, ed,
    <cite><a href="">XML: Principles,
    Tools, and Techniques</a></cite>, World Wide Web Journal
    (<span class="publisher">O'Reilly and
    Associates</span>, <span class="year">1997</span>)</li>
  <li id="ec96" class="incollection">
    <span class="author">Connolly</span>,
    <cite>An Evaluation of the World Wide Web as a
    Platform for Electronic Commerce</cite>, in Kalakota, Whinston,
    <cite class="booktitle">Readings in Electronic Commerce</cite>
    (<span class="publisher">Addison-Wesley</span>,
    <span class="year">1996</span>)
      <dt>Connolly, ed, <cite><a href="" name="96w3j1-2"
      id="_96w3j1-2">Key Specifications of the World Wide Web</a></cite>, <a
      href="">World Wide Web Journal</a>: Volume 1, Issue
      2, Spring 1996<br />
  <li>Berners-Lee, Connolly, eds., <a
    href=""><cite>Hypertext Markup
    Language 2.0</cite></a>, Internet Engineering Task Force RFC1866

<h2>Professional Experience</h2>
  <li>Appointed member, W3C <a href="../../../../2001/tag/">Technical Architecture
  Group</a>, 2001-2010</li>
  <li>Research Scientist, MIT CSAIL <a
  href="">Decentralized Information
  Group</a>, 2004-2010</li>
  <li>Co-chair, W3C HTML Working Group, 2007-2008</li>
  <li>Editor, W3C GRDDL Working Group, 2006-2008</li>
  <li>Member, W3C <a href="../../../../2001/sw/CG/">Semantic Web Coordination
  Group</a>, 2001-2008</li>
  <li>Chair, W3C RDF Data Access (SPARQL) Working Group, 2004-2005</li>
  <li>Staff Contact, W3C Web Ontology (OWL) Working Group, 2001-2004</li>
  <li>Staff Contact, W3C XML Schema Working Group, 1998-2000</li>
  <li>Activity Lead, W3C XML Activity, 1996-2000</li>
  <li>Domain Lead, W3C Architecture Domain, 1996-1998</li>
  <li>Editor, WebApps magazine, 1997</li>
  <li>Chair, W3C HTML Working Group, 1995-1997</li>
  <li>Software Engineer, <a id="hal1994-021" name="hal1994-021"
    href="">HaL Computer Systems</a>, February 1994 to
    February 1995</li>
  <li>Software Engineer, Atrium Technologies, February 1993 to January
  <li>Software Development Engineer, <a href="">Convex
    Computer Corporation</a>, June 1990 to February 1993</li>

<div class="vcalendar">

<div class="education vevent">
<em class="title">Bachelor of Science in Computer Science</em><br />
<b class="org"><a class="url" href="">The University of Texas at Austin</a></b>,
August 1990
  <li>National Merit Scholar</li>
  <li>Natural Sciences <a
  <li><a href="">Applied Research
    Laboratories</a> Scholarship</li>

<h2>Selected Appearances and Awards</h2>
    <a href="">The Twelfth International World Wide
    Web Conference</a>, Budapest HUNGARY, May 2003; gave <cite><a
    href="">Semantic Web Tutorial
    Using N3</a></cite> with Sandro Hawke and Tim Berners-Lee
  <li><a href="">Free Software Master Certification</a>, May 2002
    <q>XML: Enabling Next Generation Web Applications.</q> conference
    March 1998. Seattle, Washington. Keynote presentation <cite><a
    href="../../../Talks/9803xml-seattle/">Evolution of Web Data
    Top 25 Unsung Heroes Of The Net</cite></a> by <a
    href="">Inter@ctive Week</a> 1997
  <li><a href="">First International World Wide Web
    Conference</a>, Geneva, 1994. closing panel</li>