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<h1><span class="title summary">TPAC 2009:</span> <span class="baseline">W3C
Technical Plenary / Advisory Committee Meetings Week</span></h1>

Survey: http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35125/tpac2009-feedback/

<div id="navigation">
  <li><a href="http://www.w3.org">W3C Home</a></li>
  <li><a href="Schedule.html">Detailed meetings schedule</a></li>
  <li><a title="Member only agenda" href="/Member/Meeting/2009ac/November/">AC
    Meeting Agenda</a></li>
  <li><a href="PlenaryAgenda">Plenary Day Agenda</a></li>
  <li><a href="DevMeeting">Developer Gathering</a></li>
  <li><a href="MediaBreakfast">Media Breakfast</a></li>

<div id="main">

<div class="toc">
<p>On This Page →</p>
  <li><a href="#Participation1">Participation</a> • </li>
  <li><a href="#Registration">Registration</a> • </li>
  <li><a href="#Schedule">Schedule</a> • </li>
  <li><a href="#Venue">Venue</a> • </li>
  <li><a href="#Hotel">Hotel</a> • </li>
  <li><a href="#Transportation">Transportation</a> • </li>
  <li><a href="#useful">Useful Information</a> •  </li>
  <li><a href="#Group">Group Chair Replies</a></li>

<div id="sponsor">
<h4>TPAC 2009 Sponsor</h4>

<p><a href="http://www.isoc.org/"><img style="border: none" src="isoc.gif"
alt="ISOC" /></a></p>

<div class="location">
<p>Santa Clara Marriott, Santa Clara, California, (Silicon Valley) USA <br />
<abbr class="dtstart" title="2009-11-02">2 November</abbr> <abbr class="dtend"
title="2009-11-06">- 6 November 2009</abbr></p>

<p>TPAC 2009: the Combined Technical Plenary / Advisory Committee Meetings Week
brings together W3C Working and Interest Groups, the Advisory Board, the TAG
and the Advisory Committee for an exciting week of coordinated work. The
highlight of the week is the Plenary Day, Wednesday, 4 November, for all to


<p><span style="background-color:#e1f5ff">Use <strong>#tpac09</strong> to refer
to the event on social networking sites! <br />
(remember: do not </span><span style="background-color:#e1f5ff">microblog W3C
Member confidential matters).</span></p>

<h2><a id="Participation1" name="Participation1">Participation</a></h2>

<p>Participation in the Technical Plenary is open to participants in good
standing in a W3C Working or Interest Group, Advisory Committee
Representatives, the TAG, the Advisory Board, Offices staff or Team.</p>

<p>Participation in the All Group Meetings is subject to <strong>each group's
observer and confidentiality policies</strong>. Please contact the WG or IG
Chair for information about participation policy (see <a
href="/Member/Mail/">Member-only Chair contact information</a>).</p>

<p>Participation in the Advisory Committee Meeting is open to one Advisory
Committee representative from each Member Organization. The TAG, the Advisory
Board, Chairs, Offices staff and Team members are also encouraged to attend.
From section <a
href="/2003/06/Process-20030618/organization.html#ACMeetings"></a> of
the Process Document:</p>

  <p>Each Member organization SHOULD send one representative to each Advisory
  Committee meeting. In exceptional circumstances (e.g., during a period of
  transition between representatives from an organization), the meeting Chair
  MAY allow a Member organization to send two representatives to a meeting.</p>

<p>Further, we announced in February 2007 that if an Advisory Committee
Representative cannot attend the meeting an alternative may be sent instead.
Learn more <a href="/Consortium/meetings">About W3C Meetings</a>.</p>

<h2 id="Registration">Registration and Registration Fees</h2>

<p><a href="http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35125/TPAC09/">Registration</a> is
now <strong>CLOSED</strong>. Chairs, please see the Member-visible <a
href="http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35125/TPAC09/registrants">Registration List
by Groups</a></p>

<p><strong>Registration Fees:</strong> <br />
The early-bird registration fee of $50 has now ended. <strong>The on-site
walk-in registration fee is: $150/day.</strong> The fee applies to anyone who
is attending meetings, whether as a participant or as an observer, Monday
through Friday.</p>

<p><strong>Walk-in Registration Policy:</strong> After Registration closes on
23 October registration will be permitted on a walk-in only basis. Walk-ins
will only be accommodated on a <strong>space available basis</strong> and will
be charged <strong>$150 USD per person, per day.</strong> There will be a wait
for walk-in registration as we must confirm availability and PayPal payment
must be confirmed on site before entrance to the meeting can be granted. </p>

<p><strong>We must reserve the right to refuse walk-ins if we believe it will
have a negative impact on meeting space or meals.</strong> </p>


<p><strong>Please be mindful of the important dates below:</strong></p>

<p><strong>9 October 2009:</strong><br />
Chairs/Team Contacts: WBS AV Questionnaire is due.</p>

<p><strong>23 October 2009:</strong> <br />
Registration <strong>closes</strong><strong><br />
Refund </strong>requests<strong></strong> due by 17:00 eastern time.</p>

<p>Please make every effort to register for the meeting by the 23 October 2009
deadline. Space and food &amp; beverage arrangements will be confirmed prior to
the meeting. We strongly advise folks against making flight arrangements if
they have not <span style="color:#ff0000">pre-registered</span>. </p>

<p><strong>Registration Payment: PayPal</strong><br />
A <a href="http://www.w3.org/2009/06/tpac_reg">PayPal page</a> (available
through the <a href="http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35125/TPAC09/">WBS
Registration</a>) has been organized to collect registration fees. Please note
that <strong>you do not need a PayPal account</strong> to use the PayPal
payment system. PayPal will accept major credit cards.<br />
<br />
<strong><br />
Cancelation/Refund Policy:</strong><br />
1. Cancelations and requests for refunds must be received by <strong>17:00
eastern time,</strong> <strong>Friday, 23 October 2009.</strong> Refund
requests will not be honored beyond this point.<br />
2. Refunds are subject to a <strong>15 USD service charge</strong>.<br />
3. Contact <a href="mailto:w3t-tpregister@w3.org">w3t-tpregister</a> to cancel
your registration and request a refund.<br />
<strong><br />

<h2><a name="Registration" id="Registration">Registration</a></h2>


<h2><a id="Schedule" name="Schedule">Schedule</a></h2>

<p>Group Meetings will be held all day Monday and Tuesday, 2-3 November, and
all day Thursday and Friday, 5-6 November. The Technical Plenary Day will be
held Wednesday 4 November, and the AC Executive Session will start on the
evening of Tuesday 3 November and will continue on the morning of Thursday 5
November <em>(see below table)</em>.</p>


<table border="1">
      <td>8:45: TP Day for AC, Chairs, group participants, AB, TAG, Offices
	  staff, Team (<a href="PlenaryAgenda">TP Agenda</a>)
	  (<a href="../04-tpac-minutes">TP minutes</a>)
      <td><p>8:45: AC Executive Session (Agenda) for AC, Chairs, AB, TAG, Offices
	  staff, Team*</p>
      <td>Groups, Developer's Meeting</td>
      <td>17:30: AC Executive Session and Dinner (Agenda) for AC, Chairs, AB,
        TAG, Offices staff, Team*</td>
      <td>19:00: TP Reception for AC, Chairs, group participants, AB, TAG,
        Offices staff, Team</td>

<p>*Note: In order to avoid groups having to meet on Saturday, the Advisory
Committee meeting will take place in parallel with groups on Thursday morning.
<strong>AC meeting participants who are also in groups meeting on Thursday AM
should, if possible, coordinate with their Groups to be absent, and arrange
their group meeting schedule to minimize the difficulties due to their

<p>Detailed Schedule and Group Information by day is available on the
<strong><strong><a href="Schedule.html">Schedule page</a></strong></strong>.<br
<br />
<strong>Group Chair Replies - See Table <a href="#Group">Below</a><br />


<p>In 2005, the staff initiated discussions with AC representatives and Chairs
on options for rearranging our annual calendar of big meetings in order to
increase the <strong>value</strong> of these meetings. The resulting <a
href="/2005/08/10-bigcal.html">plan</a> was to hold a joint TP/AC Week around
November of each year.</p>

<p>Benefits we hope to encourage by co-locating the meetings include: more AC
reps attending the AC meeting, more AC reps attending or observing group
meetings and participating in the Technical Plenary Day, all participants
benefiting from an expanded level of interaction and that members with
representatives who are Chairs or are in Groups, the AB or the TAG would be
able save time and travel costs by reducing the number of meetings each

<h2><a name="Venue" id="Venue">Venue</a> - Santa Clara Marriott</h2>

<p>TPAC 2009, W3C's Combined Technical Plenary and Advisory Committee Meeting,
will be held for the first time ever on the US west coast at the Santa Clara
Marriott Hotel. The Santa Clara Marriott, located in California's famous <a
href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silicon_Valley">Silicon Valley</a>, is
conveniently located just 4 miles from the <a href="http://www.sjc.org/">San
Jose International Airport</a> and 30 miles south of the <a
href="http://www.flysfo.com/web/page/index.jsp">San Francisco International
Airport</a>. <br />
  <dt><strong>Local organizers:</strong></dt>
    <dd>W3C MIT</dd>
  <dt><strong>Meeting location</strong>:</dt>
    <dd class="vcard"><span class="tel"><span class="value">Santa Clara
      Marriott<br />
      2700 Mission College Boulevard<br />
      Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA<br />
      Tel: +1 408 988 1500 (main line)<br />
      Fax: +1 408 352 4353 (front desk)<br />
      <br />

<h2><a id="Hotel" name="Hotel">Hotel - Santa Clara Marriott</a></h2>

Clara Marriott</a></strong> (<a
Sheet</a>)<br />
2700 Mission College Boulevard<br />
Santa Clara, CA 95054<br />
<strong><br />
Reservation Details:</strong><br />
Group Name: <strong>W3C Advisory Committee and Technical Plenary</strong><br />
Group Rate: <strong>174 USD</strong> <em>plus local and state taxes (currently
9.6% plus 1.00 USD TID tax)</em><br />
Special Offer: <strong>In room Wired-for-Business*</strong>: Included in rate
<em>(12.95 USD value)</em> <br />
<br />
<strong>Reservation Contacts:</strong><br />
Santa Clara Reservations: +1 800 578 9986<br />
Marriott Reservations: +1 800 228 9290 <em>(24 hrs.)<br />
Reservations</a>: Active as of 26 May 2009<em><br />
<br />
</em><strong>Cancelation Policy:</strong><em><br />
</em>Guest room cancelations must by made by <strong>18:00 day of
arrival</strong> in order to avoid a charge of one night's room and tax on your
credit card.</p>


<p>A block of guest rooms have been reserved at the Santa Clara Marriott hotel
for TPAC meeting attendees beginning <strong>Saturday, 31 October through
Saturday, 7 November 2009.</strong> W3C's discount group rate for TPAC2009 is
<strong>174 USD</strong> plus local and state taxes <em>(currently 9.6% plus
1.00 USD TID tax);</em>single, double, triple, or quad occupancy. Reservations
will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. <strong>*The in room
Wired-for-Business special offer includes high-speed internet access, unlimited
local phone calls, and unlimited long distance calls within the continental
United States.</strong><br />
<br />
<strong>Booking Tip:</strong> We advise folks to book early <em>(before the
Summer Holiday if possible)</em> in order to receive the discount guest room
rate for their entire hotel stay. Reservations can easily be changed. If a
particular night sells out in W3C's block, meeting attendees will be offered
the standard guest room rate for that night and the W3C rate for the remaining
nights that have not sold out. If folks book early enough, and it looks like
our block is going to fill up, we will have the opportunity to increase W3C's
block. If the majority of folks wait until the last minute (just before the 12
October deadline), W3C will not be able to increase it's block.<br />
<br />
The discount rate will expire <strong>12</strong> <strong>October 2009,
17:00</strong> pacific coast time. Reservations made after the 12 October
cutoff will be accepted on a space-available basis <strong>at the standard
guest room rate</strong>. <em>(The standard guest room rate at the Santa Clara
Marriott for November 2009 is currently 239 USD plus applicable taxes; this
rate is subject to change based on the hotel's availability.).</em></p>

<p><strong>Please do your best to stay at the Meeting Hotel.</strong> We have
done our best to offer a very competitive guest room rate. In order to meet our
guest room quota, avoid steep charges for meeting rooms, and still keep our
hold on all the meeting space we require for a successful meeting, we kindly
ask that you book your room at the Santa Clara Marriott.</p>

<h2><a id="Transportation" name="Transportation">Transportation</a></h2>

<p><a href="http://www.sjc.org/">Mineta San Jose International Airport</a> is
the closest International airport to the meeting site. The Santa Clara Marriott
is located just 4 miles from the San Jose International Airport and 30 miles
south of the <a href="http://www.flysfo.com/web/page/index.jsp">San Francisco
International Airport</a>. The travel time between the airport and the hotel
(meeting site) will vary between 15-30 minutes depending on traffic conditions.
Taxi are plentiful and fares vary.<br />
<br />
The <a
Fact Sheet</a> provides driving directions from the San Jose, San Francisco,
and Oakland airports.<br />

<h3>Ground Transportation:<br />

<p>San Jose International Airport - Rental Car Information<br />
San Francisco International Airport - Rental Car Information<br />
<br />

<p>See the <a href="http://esw.w3.org/topic/MeetingTaxis#preview">taxi wiki</a>
(and add your own info, if you'd like) for options for sharing rides.</p>

<h2><a id="useful" name="useful">Useful Information</a></h2>

<p><strong>Internet Access</strong>: Wireless Internet access <span
style="font-weight: bold">only</span> will be available during the week. </p>

<p><strong>IRC</strong>: There will be an IRC channel used for both taking
meeting minutes and for submission of questions from AC Members who are unable
to attend the meeting in person. Details will be supplied in an email message
to the AC.</p>

<p><strong>Power</strong>: 110 V, 60Hz, US standard outlets. Power outlets will
be provided at all seats in the meeting room.</p>

<p><strong>Currency:</strong> US Dollar. (You may use <a
href="http://www.oanda.com/converter/classic">OANDA Currency Converter</a>.)</p>

<p><strong>Weather:</strong> You may refer to <a
for Santa Clara, CA weather..</p>

<p><strong>Getting Around</strong></p>
<ul style="margin-left:1em;">
  <li>Fodors.com - <a
    Jose and Silicon Valley, CA</a></li>
  <li>Google Maps - <a
    Clara, CA<br />
    <br />

<h2><a name="Group" id="Group">Please use #tpac09 as a tag for the meeting on
social networking sites. We remind people not to microblog W3C Member
confidential matters.</a></h2>

<p>The days assignments below were based on replies from <a
href="../../../2002/09/wbs/34786/TPAC2009/results">Group Chairs</a>. We did our
best to accommodate group preferences regarding preferred days and overlapping
meetings but not all requests were possible. </p>

<p>See the <a href="Schedule.html">detailed schedule page</a> </p>

<table border="1">
  <caption>Monday/Tuesday Group Meetings: 2-3 November 2009</caption>
      <td><strong>Est. Att.</strong></td>
      <td><strong>No Overlap</strong></td>
      <td><strong>Meet w/</strong></td>
      <td><strong>Member Confidential</strong></td>
      <td>HTML, AB</td>
      <td>I18N, SVG</td>
      <td>Yes w/ Agreement from Chair</td>
      <td>Device API and Policy WG</td>
      <td>XML Security</td>
      <td>Yes w/ Agreement from Chair</td>
      <td>Education &amp; Outreach</td>
      <td>Yes w/ Agreement from Chair</td>
      <td>Efficient XML Interchange</td>
      <td>AC Mtg.</td>
      <td>XML Sec.</td>
      <td>Members Only</td>
      <td>Yes, w/ Agreement from Chair</td>
      <td>GEO Location</td>
      <td>Yes w/ Agreement from Chair</td>
      <td>HTML, CSS, SemWeb, SVG, QT, Schema</td>
      <td>Yes w/ Agreement from Chair</td>
      <td>Multimodal Interaction (MMI)</td>
      <td>Members Only</td>
      <td><del>Patents &amp; Standards IG<br />
      <td><del>Members Only</del></td>
      <td><del>need space for several observers<br />
        Don't know if group is mtg. per Rigo.</del><br />
        Canceled 11 Sept. 2009.<br />
      <td>Protocols and Formats</td>
      <td>HTML, CSS, TAG, SVG</td>
      <td>Yes w/ Agreement from Chair</td>
      <td>need space to meet w/ TAG</td>
      <td>Semantic Web Healthcare Life Sciences IG (SWHCLS)</td>
      <td>need space for several observers</td>
      <td>RIF, OWL</td>
      <td>Yes w/ Agreement from Chair</td>
      <td>Social Web XG</td>
      <td><br />
      <td>TAG (Mon. only)</td>
      <td>Voice Browser - SCXML (Tues. only)</td>
      <td>Yes w/ Agreement from Chair</td>
      <td>Added September 2009</td>
      <td>Web Apps (APIs)</td>
      <td>AB, XML Sec.</td>
      <td>Yes, w/ Agreement from Chair.</td>
      <td>Web Apps (widgets)</td>
      <td>AB, XML Sec.</td>
      <td>Yes, w/ Agreement from Chair.</td>
      <td>XML Processing Model</td>
      <td>XML Core</td>
      <td>Yes w/ Agreement from Chair</td>
      <td>Yes w/ Agreement from Chair</td>
      <td>Group change.<br />
        (XSL-FO meeting instead of XSLT)</td>

<table border="1">
  <caption>Thursday/Friday Group Meetings: 5-6 November 2009</caption>
      <td><strong>Est. Att.</strong></td>
      <td><strong>No Overlap</strong></td>
      <td><strong>Meet w/</strong></td>
      <td><strong>Member Confidential</strong></td>
      <td>HTML5, WebApps</td>
      <td>Yes w/ Agreement from Chair</td>
      <td>need space for several observers</td>
      <td>Media Annotations</td>
      <td>Media Fragments</td>
      <td>Not sure</td>
      <td>Yes w/ Agreement from Chair</td>
      <td><del>Mobile Web Best Practices</del></td>
      <td><del>Web Api</del></td>
      <td><del>Yes w/ Agreement from Chair</del></td>
      <td>Canceled 15 Sept. 2009.</td>
      <td>TAG (Fri. only)</td>
      <td>User Agent</td>
      <td>Yes w/ Agreement from Chair</td>
      <td>(added August 2009)</td>
      <td>Voice Browser</td>
      <td>SVG, Video</td>
      <td>Yes w/ Agreement from Chair</td>
      <td><del>Protocols &amp; Formats</del></td>
      <td><del>UA, AuTools, Eval. &amp; Repair, HTML</del></td>
      <td><del>Yes w/ Agreement from Chair</del></td>
      <td>Web Services RA</td>
      <td>Web Services Policy</td>
      <td>Yes w/ Agreement from Chair</td>
      <td><del>Not sure</del></td>
      <td><del>Yes w/ Agreement from Chair</del></td>
      <td>XML Core</td>
      <td>XML Proc. Model</td>
      <td>XML Security</td>
      <td>XML Core, Web Apps</td>
      <td>Effic. XML Interchange</td>
      <td>Yes w/ Agreement from Chair</td>
      <td>XML Query</td>
      <td>XML Schema</td>
      <td>XSL, XML Schema (1 day only)</td>
      <td>Members Only</td>
      <td>Group change.<br />
        (XSL-FO subgroup meeting instead)</td>
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<div id="footer">
  Created 4 February 2009 by: <span class="vcard">Susan Westhaver,
  W3C/MIT</span><br />
  <small>Last update $Date: 2009/12/29 04:41:44 $ by $Author: liam $</small> 
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